Monday, October 30, 2017

Sliding a wormhole.

In the second year of world War 1 the German science magazine Annalen der Physik published Albert Einstein's squall of the 1905 special theory called the General theory. Space is rubbery and flexible. The mass of stars and planets bends space. It is bent into a curve round them. According to Newtonian gravity the mass of the Artic circle at the North pole pulls space inward on it just as the mass the Antarctic continent at the south pole. The earth is in the center of a religion of curved space surounding the entire circumference in a three dimensonal cacoon.
For centuries astronomers observed planet and stars orbiting in the night night sky. What was orbiting them? Isaac Newtown provided an answer a gravitational pull of a mass is near by from a planet or star.
Astronomers asked why they couldn't they see it? Newtown's answer if a star with enough mass to capture a 100% of light is in orbit round such a star in an endless loop light is not traveling directly in a straight line to their eyes. Such an answer provided astronomers with the insight into such a body would not be able to observe any reflecting light. It would be a black void hidden in the black void of space.
According to Newtown's laws of motion the only thing that could capture a 100% of light in an endless loop orbit the gravitational field must be stronger than light speed can escape called a dark star familiar to us as a black hole.
In 1935 Albert Einstein with a couple of collages Boris Podolskv and Nathan Rossen set out to publish a paper arguing quantum physics was an incomplete science. Einstein's general theory predicted the gravitational pull could shrink a deep well in space. The trio dreamed up an experiment to show just how. Wells could possibly be linked by a pair of dark stars.
The experiment predicted the modern interpretation of a short cut portal to the other side of the universe we typical call wormholes known as the Einstein, Podolskv, Rosen (EPR) bridge to the other side of the universe. Or the modern interpretation of linking parallel universes.
If the law of physics gas entering a narrow and restricted bottle neck accelerates faster is anything to go by, mater entering a wormhole entrance squeezed by the bottle neck of the narrow bridge will turbo charge though it exiting out the other black hole.
If we experiment with a pair of kitchen funnels connected to together dumping a cup of water one end (The force of the water is a gravity feed) we can see a jet come purring out at speed the other end. If this works on a cosmic scale the velocity the bottle neck will transport matter clear across the other side of the universe within a few minutes. The trouble is violates the speed of light law.
Breaking the light barrier was  a popular theme of time traveling into the past. A theory suggests, if we exceed light speed time should go backwards.
Einstein believed the consequence of the narrow bridge matter could never be able to exceed light speed anyway. Light speed in the zero resistance of space coasts at a 186 thousand miles per second. It travels the distance every time the second hand of a clock and our wrist watch moves every division.
If traveling though a narrow restriction of a wormhole is accelerated to the maximum speed would exit the other black hole clear across the other side of the universe in only a matter of Minutes. We know there is 60 seconds in a minute. Thus 60 times light speed equals the distance turbo charging though the bridge in that time.
Note. Every mile equals 1.609km. It's only a matter of the mph term multiplied by 1.609 giving kilometers per second term.
The maximum speed of light is a perfect mathematical constant for calculating distances light travels in a time. Even in the zero resistance of out of space light doesn't coast any faster. Calculations involving light speed and time round the clock there is no fractions remaining to complicate things.
This leaves it easy for our mathematical instinct to agree adding up all the seconds of a minute multiplied by a light second either kilometer or mile term projects the distance light is turbo charged up to the maximum speed of light though transverse wormholes in that time.
If we slide a transverse wormhole at the maximum speed of light every second in a minute amounts to 60 times 186 thousand giving us a total distance of 11 million 160 thousand miles every minute we slide the transverse portal. Multiplied by 1.609 pans out to 17 million 956 thousand and 440km in that time. Most of us believe we travel much faster than that. If so just by how much is unknown. Some of us may question if we travel an infinite distance in a second. Time is traveling a infinite distance every second that pass on earth
We can add up all the seconds in an hour times the 24 hours of a day of earth time we traveled the distance sliding the bridge. If so wormholes are the 
If matter is turbo charged to the maximum speed of light we can add up all the seconds for the 7 calendar days of a calendar week sliding the wormhole including every calendar month to every year.
Taking into account of the extra day at the end of every third February leap year we can project the distance light traveled at it's maximum speed sliding though the bridge in decades, centuries, millennia (thousand years) millions and billions of years even in trillions of centuries. But in outer space time earth time may mean nothing. Even so the refence just shows how far we travel at light speed compared to the time on earth.
In the apparent zero resistance of out of space every second on earth is always constant light second added to every second after every second we slide the bridge indefinitely.
Today it is every school boy knowledge light from the moon takes less than a couple of seconds to reach our eyes and just under 8 minutes from the sun. By the time you finish this sentence light had traveled 186 thousand miles twice over above the sun's surface. Or 186 thousand miles by the time the second hand of a clock or wrist watch moved every division.
From the sun's point of view is always real time just as real time on earth is to us. From our point of view we won't see light that just left the sun now until 8 minutes into our future. Real time for sun light is scheduled to reach earth 8 minutes into the future. For real time on earth the sunlight we see now is only an image of the sun 8 minute ago every second. Looking at the sun now is an image of what it was 8 minutes ago.
If we do the arithmetic on this we can project all the seconds in 8 minutes (8 times 60) multiplied by light speed in miles terms multiplying by1.609 gives us the distance in kilometers the distance from the sun from earth. It is a mistake to round off 299 thousand 274km to 300 thousand because as we add up distances will produce a massive error. Stay with every 299 thousand 274km to be precise. It is as equal as adding every 186 thousand miles to every second.
Distance distorts our real time of the sun by 8 minutes. By the time you finish this sentence. Light from the sun spreads out in outer of space all directions away from the sun as much as towards us.
The sunlight we see now is 186 thousand miles away from earth, every second added the father away it travels in every second. The second hand of every wrist watch and clock moving every division is a now time that comes from the future second passing into the past second every second direction. We observe sunlight from the sun coming towards us as much as we see distant star light coming towards us.
Every second second hand division movement of our wrist watches and clocks is a sub light speed scale. If we do the arthritic on this our mathematical instinct agrees our math's agrees light speed is 186 thousand times as fast as every second on earth. 186 thousand times as fast as every second applies to every 1.609km. Proof of this a 186 thousand times 1.609.
The law of mathematics tell us we can 1.609 times 186 thousand. We can dived 299 thousand 274km by 186 thousand giving us 1.609km or 299 thousand 274 divide 1.609 giving us a 186 thousand respectively. The same applies to in mph terms. Light speed at it's maximum speed is always a 186 thousand times faster than every second on earth.
Proof of this 1 dived a 186 thousand equals a 186th of a second times 186 thousand pans out to 186 thousand miles and 1.609km in one second. Every 186th thousandth environment second is every mile every 1.609km. From our point of view every second of our time is a 186th of the environment second.
Einstein's special theory of relativity on the dynamics of time at light speed If turbo charged to maximum light speed sliding a wormhole is anything to go by when we accelerate to light speed we accelerate faster than the second on earth. The faster we go the closer we get to the maximum speed of light the slower the universe should appear to travel.
When we finally reach light the maximum speed limit we would be traveling in parallel with it. From our point of view  we would be traveling no distance in relation to traveling the same speed.
Mathematically means light to us is zero motion just as we observe traveling in parallel relative to traveling the same velocity as another vehicle on a state highway.
But if we observe time on earth at light speed's point of view it turns out to be the reciprocal of 186 thousand. (A reciprocal is 1 divide any number in this case 1 divided by a 186 thousand a 186 thousandth second). In other words light travels a distance of a mile or every 1.609km every 186 thousandth of a second. Observing every second on earth we would observe it stretched every 186 thousand seconds of our time.
It's because we are traveling 186 thousand times faster reference than the reference of the environment second. The environment's time may look stopped to us but from environment observers point of view time is moving every second as normal.
To us we would appear a 186 thousand times as fast as their every second into the future.
Time is not stopped from either point of view because we are traveling every186 thousand seconds to the environment's every second. Or if you like traveling every second of our time is traveling in parallel with every 18th environment second.
From environment observers point of view of sees us as fast is relative to our point of view viewing environment observers as slow. Since light speed don't travel any faster than it does we are traveling a point where time on earth has maxed out to slow for us to observ the environment time move anymore. In other words the faster we observe the environment's time the slower we observe it proportionately.
In acceleration terms it would be like observing the environment's time take a 186 thousand seconds of our time for just 1 environment second to slow sown to stop. From the environment observers point of we zapped a 186 thousand times as fast in their second.  From our point of view we would be traveling constantly every 186 thousand second increments of our time of every second of the environment's time.
From environment observers point of view we would appear a constant 186 thousand times as fast as every their second.
A consequence of light speed is spelt out by Isaac Newtown's laws of force and motion particularly his third law that says where there is a force there is an opposite and equal force opposing the the force Accelerating the body. It is the nature of all accelerating bodies reinstating acceleration called inertia.
To put Newtown's laws in perspective we'd experience the force that comes with high speed we famously call G's. We experience it as a force compressing us inward from every direction. Roller Coaster accelerations is a classic example of this.
1G is the force of the earth's mass pulling us to the surface as our body weight. In Roller coaster accelerations the compression force of 2G is a feeling of twice our body weight. Three G's twice our body weight. At 4G's we experience so much compression we are that close to blacking out.
A good example is the forces of a 450kmph rocket sled take off. The mph term is times 0.621. This acceleration hurls the sled to a distance of a 125 meters (times 3,281 in feet) by the time the second hand of our wrist watch second hand moves a division. Machine gun Bullets travel no more than about that speed.

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