Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Star wars hyperspace drive/Star Treck Warp drive

Warp drive first introduced  in the original science fiction TV series Star Trek and later in star wars as hyperspace drive. In the Star Trek theme opening credits the Enterprise and Voyager, the fronts stretched forward like a rubber band the back snapping forward into the ship disappearing into the horizon. We were introduced to hyperspace by star wars Han Solo's space ship the Millennium Falcon cockpit view of accelerating to light speed in a second.

Light in the zero resistance of out of space coasts at a maximum momentum speed limit of 186 thousand miles per second. Note every mile equals 1.609km. It is only a matter of 186 thousand times 1.609 giving us the kilometer per second term. If we do the math's on this adding up all the seconds of an hour pans out to 3 thousand 600 seconds the time of an hour long TV program. If we multiply by a 186 thousand gives mph times 1.609 giving us the kmph term.

When the NBC Television series introduced wrap drive over 50 years ago the idea solved the problem of lunching the Enterprise to light speed. The ship was accelerate 0 to a distance 186 thousand miles (or 299 thousand 274km if you like) in one second flat. At that point the acceleration is canceled to a constant 186 thousand miles and 299 thousand 274 kilometers per second indefinitely until the warp drive was canceled dropping out of warp.

Just how did the Enterprise and the Millennium Falcon manage light speed in a second? The key is the scientific principle of what happens when mixing a bit of antimatter with matter. According to science the mix is supposed to inanimate each other in a almighty explosion. Just how does this happen? And why didn't the antimatter and matter mix inanimate each other?

We have all at some time or another played round with magnets discovering not only to they cling to each other they repeal each other with equal forces. If we suspend a bar magnet in a sling will align itself across the North and south poles with the earth magnetic poles like a compass needle. One end is pushed away by one pole while the other end is pulled to the other.

We have North (N) seeking and the other end South seeking poles. We can selleotope each end with a ticket marking one end N and the other end S identifying the two poles of the magnet. We have a magnetic law that says like repel and unlike attract. What has this got to do with matter and antimatter mix.?

If we rub a plastic bag with dry hands in a dry day we can feel the plastic sticking to the palm of our hands like a magnet. It won't work with damp and sweaty hands in damp days. Dry hands in a dry day is essential to generate a static electrical charge between the plastic material and your hand. If it doesn't appear to work odds are conditions are not perfect.

This is because matter is made up of atoms made up of orbiting electrical charges called electrons orbiting electrically opposite charged particles (expressed as the nucleus) called protons sandwiched between neutral particles called neutrons. The electrically charged electrons are negative (-) and the electrically charged protons positive.(+). The ends of every battery is alive with these opposite electrical - and + terminals called voltage. It doesn't flow only alive with voltage.

The negative terminals are made up of a excess electrons and the opposite terminal an equal amount missing making each terminal domineering positive and negative

A current flow is only when a load is in parallel (across) the two terminals. These opposite charges obey the same like charges repel and unlike charges attract as the N and S poles of every magnet. The access electrons in the - terminal are repelled by the negative voltage attracted by the nearest positive voltage direction flying to them like nails to a magnet.

Anti matter is a mirror image of matter only the protons are negatively charges and the electrons are positively charged. It's not hard to imagine what happens when a negatively charge proton occupying the same space as a negatively charged electron. So to a positive charged proton and a positively charged electron. This is what happens when matter and antimatter is introduced to each other. The repelling forces repel the like charges on a light speed scale.

The Millennium Falcon in star wars and the Enterprises engines made use of the effect to drive the sips into warp of hyper drive.

When matter takes off at high speed it generates a pull back force on the mass of the accelerating body we express as G's. (G-force). It is the characteristic of all accelerating bodies called the inertia of the bodies resisting acceleration.

1 G is the force of the earth mass pulling us to the surface felt as the force of gravity on our body at rest. Accelerating in motion a force of 2 G's is the feeling as if twice our body weight compressing us from all directions. A force of 3G's is a feeling of 3 times our body weight compressing us. A force of 4G's is a force so great we start to feel the stress of the compression we feel very heavy our hearts struggling under the weight, struggle to breath and feeling giddy on the verge of passing out. Beyond that is what happens to us.

Operating on the principle the engines of the Enterprise and Millennium Falcon introduce a controlled amount of antimatter that make up the matter of the two ships. The repelling effect of the like charges creates an unique situation of pulling the mass of the ships forward instead of pulling them back at take off warping space ahead of the ships. In effect alimented the inertia of the two ships. low pressure in front pulled the ships forward and high pressure at the back pushed them forward. If the maximum speed of light is anything to go by warp 10 is dead on light speed.

The physics of a traveling gas funneled into a narrow restriction accelerates though the restriction applies to the the warp drive engines aiding to the warping of space ahead of the ships. A similar effect in the narrow neck of the sink well of a black hole forming a wormhole. Gravity pulls matter into the event horizon. When it encounters the narrow bottle neck of the body it is accelerated by the compression in the black hole's sink well. The smaller the neck the faster matter will accelerate though it.

The heat we feel of a bicycle pump pumping air into an already hard tire is not from friction you know. The hose connection is a tiny opening. The compression and narrow restriction accelerating the air produces the heat. Medium priced pumps avoids this with direct nozzle connection. Similarly matter is accelerated though the narrow restriction inside the wormhole bottle neck liken to the hose connection of a bicycle pump.

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