Friday, October 27, 2017

Planck Constant

If a Planck constant is anything to go by the universe is on a Planck scale. If we divide 1 by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 equals thirty-nine decimal zeros 6262 a total of a 43 decimal number of a meter, a kilogram of mass and a second of time. The scientific notation is 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43 respectively. Note the law of mathematics tells us we can pronounce the syntax 10 to the minus 43 times 6.262 holds true.

The reciprocal tells us the same 6262 number relocated on the left of the same number of zeros amounts to 1 multiplied by 10 forty-three times multiplied by the same 6.262 giving a 43 digit number, better known by the scientific notation, 6.262 times 10 to the 43. The 10 to the 43 times 6.262 syntax also holds true.

10 to the 43 is the number of Planck seconds in a second. By comparison our computer processing speed ii Gigahertz (From the standard metric system for a thousand million GHz) only a 1 with a mere nine zeros. =In scientific notation term 10 to the 9Hz equals 1GHz or the other syntax 10 to the 9Hz. If the processing speed was on a Planck would be 10 to the 34 times 6.626 GHz.

If you think the Planck Constant is a huge number consider the internet search engine is named after called Goggle. It is 1 multiplied by 10 a 100 digit number over twice the number of zeros of a Planck constant. Compared to a Planck Constant is an insignificant number.

We can see when adding zeros we can never reach infinite. Every additional zero is 10 times as large. 0 plus a 0, plus another 0, add another and another and another and so on indefinitely. In theory the number of zeros added will surpass a few trillion zero number we can still add zeros. The continuous addition of is nowhere near infinite. Where would that leave the Planck Constant at only 39 zeros?

Turning our attention to gravity Albert Einstein's General theory of relativity tells us Isaac Newton's inward pull force of the mass of matter such as our sun and earth distort space round them. Stars, planets, comets, asteroids even specs of dust stretches space into curve space surrounding their circumferences.

The mass of the  Artic circle of the earth's North pole for example pulls space inward as much as the Antarctic an containment of the south pole. The result is a curved religion of space round the entire circumference of the sun, earth including all the planets of our solar system.

The standard model of black holes the very center called the singularity was a state infinitely dense with zero volume mass. But if the smallest amount of mass of a Planck constant is anything to go by we can easily appreciate the center to the edge (radius) of a singularity is a Planck length. 0 The entire singularity weighs 6.262 times 10 to the 43 kilograms of gravitational compression is significant amount of gravity. If we convert to tones amounts to 6.262 times 10 to the 40.

If we look at the standard model of the atom consists of orbiting particles called electrons orbiting central particles called protons and neutrons thought as pure energy instead of the traditional point particle idea. According to physics atoms are in a const flux of vibration a single back and forth moment (one wavelength) in a Planck second called Hertz. (Hz). In the case the atomic particle frequency many on a Planck constant scale in every second.

Scientists believe the particle of the atom burrow though space and time they call tunneling. To you and me disappear instantly reappearing another place. The disappearing and reappearing act is what a Danish particle physicist of the 1920's Neil’s Bore proposed electrons jumping from one orbit to another within the atom expressed as quantum leaping.

If the Planck constant is anything to go by, the math's tells us one quantum leap amounts to a quantum leap of a Planck second in a Planck length amounts to 6.262 times 10 to the 43 times by the time the second hand of a clock moves every division. There is well over several dozen trillions of google electrons doing the same leaping throughout just one piece of space let alone the whole universe considering nowhere near infinite.

If a Planck Constant frequency is anything to go by If we were to observe time on earth from the point of view observers would observe us 6.262 times 10 to the 43 times as fast as every environment second. From the environment's point of view time runs as normal. From our point of view looks stopped. From our point of view would every environment second would appear 6.262 times 10 to the 43 times as slow.

In other words from our point of view of the environment appears stopped. It is only the illusion of us going so fast the environment's time had long become to slow to observe moving anymore. If the Planck Constant is anything to go by we observe every environment second moving though time every 6.262 times 10 to the 43 seconds as opposed to every one environment second. We are not seeing the envelopments time stopped. The environment's time is never stopped than we are going as fast.

Theoretical physics believe atomic particle behavior two particles occupy the same space at the same time. It is what they call spin action. This may be just an illusion due to the speed of the spin if on a Planck frequency. At that kind of frequency in every second it may look like atomic particles are occupying the same space at the same time.

The particles this part of the universe is simultaneously quantum leaping with the entire universe. Atoms this part of the universe is entangled with the particles of the atom clear across the other side expressed as an action at a distance. It would seem what atomic particles do in this local part of the has an instantaneous effect on the particles clear across the other side.

Light particles called photons have a peculiar characteristic of doing things only particles do then only a waveform can only do at a moment’s notice. Light (including atomic particles) are known for their duel properties of being a stream of particles and a waveform characteristic. The extraordinary thing they change their characteristic just by looking at them.

Particle physicists contend the act of observing an atomic particle vanishes it. It is believed reappears in another place we are not looking. This quantum leaping is completely Radom. It is not something predictable.

There is only 2 states one position here then anther position over there if a Planck Constant is anything to go by a every Planck length in a Planck second of time. Every time we look at a particle it moves to another position in that time. The Planck time scale is so fast we can never trace any particle moving from position to position.

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