Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The strange universe

We view the classical law of chemistry and physics the way everything appears to us. Most of the predictions are perfect mathematical constants like light speed. Some of us are predicting the reality is something different. Anybody into challenging mathematics will find math's will be at a loss ( even calculus) to project the constant velocity of any acceleration. There is no such thing until acceleration is terminated to a constant velocity.

A classical example of the mysteries of the universe that comes to mind is the predicted strange effect of the gravitational pull of black holes has on matter space and time. Astrophysicists predict allsorts of wonders from faster than light travel short cut tunnels across the universe called wormholes, time travel and parallel universes that defy the physical laws as we know it to do them.

One of theses is the gravitational pull of what was once known as the theory of dark stars we know today as holes today. Albert Einstein created theory in his special theory of reality creating short cut tunnels in the fabric of space affectionately known as wormholes. Sliding a wormhole is supposed to take us many light yeas distance into the next galaxy in less than a couple of minutes. This faster than light capability was one of Einstein's pet hates.

Then there is the contumacious issue of the speed of gravity, if it has a velocity. Light speed is 186 thousand miles per second. Is the influence of the sun's gravitational field extending the distance holding to the mass of Pluto in an instant? Then there is believed to be a particle called a neutrino a relative of the orbiting particle of the atom called called electrons. According to particle accelerator research they don't interact with matter. The pass right though the earth mass as if it wasn't there.

The way source magazine papers, web sites and science book of the universe, talk about them we'd think not even the gravitational pull of a black holes could capture them. They must travel faster than light. If this is anything to go by we can be safe to say nothing can escape block holes except gravity and neutrinos.

Then there is the strange effect of the study of the particles of the atom called quantum physics.  Light for example randomly does things only a stream of particles can do one second and seems to do things only a waveform can only do the next. Quantum physics seems to tell us particle of atoms all have minds of their own.

They seem to disappeared and reappear in another place at random. The frequency is an incredible 6262 followed by thirty-nine zeros a to total of a 43 digit number per second. It pans out to 1 multiplied by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 called a Planck constant. The scientific notation 6.262 times 10 to the 43.

Mathematics tells us the reciprocal is a decimal fraction of the same number 1 divided by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 or 1 divided by 6.262 times 10 to the 43. The scientific notation the minus 43 of a meter, the smallest unit of the universe of a meter in length, a kilogram of mass, a second or frequency.

Physicists say we can't observe the place or position of any particle of the atom because of the of the effect of just looking at them effects them. Atomic particles disappear and reappear in a Planck length every Planck second a Planck frequency every second anywhere another place we are not looking known as tunneling though space, time and matter called quantum leaping.

Atoms the building blocks of matter created in the heart of stars we all effectively made of stars. Every particle of the atom in every star planet and matter of the universe is quantum leaping on a Planck scale including the atomic particle of the atom the make up our bodies.

Most of us have seen distant aircraft seemingly move very slowly almost suspended in mid air. What appears to be a slow moving or even stationary at distances is the illusion of motion.

We don't observe the transition of broad daylight change to the dead of night. All night the moon and stars are suspended in the sky. They just hang there stationary. Nor do we see the changing transition from first light of dawn into board daylight of the new day. The moon and milky way are actually traveling faster than built speeds.

In Einstein's 1905 special theory of reality there is no such thing as stationary. To illustrate this we walk a about 2.2mph (3.6kmp) velocity. In reality we are actually traveling well over bullet speeds spinning on an axis and orbiting the sun. The sun travels though space dragging the solar system with it for the ride traveling round rotating in our spinning milky way galaxy traveling throughout the universe. Nothing is stationary.

Drifting in space there is no sense of motion. An astronaut stepping out of a space station hatch doesn't feel any faster than stationary. Try stepping from a car traveling less than a mile an hour on the surface of earth. We feel a force pulling us the direction of the moving vehicle.

According to Isaac Newton gravity is defined as the mass of bodies attracted to each other. According to Einstein's 1915 general theory of reality agrees mass is consequence of bending space. Bent space is the consequence of gravity.

As Newtown would have probably put at the time, no matter where we are and any tilt on any sphere (or planet if you like) we will always experience the attractive force of the mass of the sphere as it is attracted us. The attractive forces of two masses is easily illustrated by a couple of balls orbiting each other in space. They tend to drift towards each sticking to together. In a asteroid clusters each asteroid is traveling at a velocity faster than each others escape velocities.

The compression of matter in every direction compresses it into a sphere. We know today the earth's tilt puts the Artic circle of the north pole between 11 and 12 O'clock and the Antarctican continent of the south pole between 5 and 6 O'clock angle. The mass of the two poles compress inward both ends a bulge at the equator.

People standing in the center of the Artic circle will experience looking upward to the milky way at that angle. The same is true standing in the middle of the opposite pole. The tilt has it's consequences astronomers observe the constellations of the milky way circle in an arch above them. The stars never go bellow the horizon. 

In the summer months the sun never dips bellow it and in the winter months never above it. People in the center of the bulged equator travel a distance then center of the two poles. People living at the center of the poles just circle on the spot.

The distance the equator travels create momentum forces from the earth's spin creating enough lateral pull on the fluid nature of the atmosphere we breath to create our weather systems though here. The atmosphere is not moving in a straight line but a liquid curved path round the circumference of the equator traveling though international time zones. What will be a time for one state will be another in another in different state at the same time. The physics of the momentum of the earth's spin controls our weather. Image the state of the weather if the earth's spin and orbit velocities would do to our whether if they slowed down or sped up .

According Einstein's general theory stars, planets and asteroids to specks of dust bend space. Newton's laws tell us Einstein's idea the mass of the earth pulls inward all directions round the entire circumferences comparable to the analogy of the mass of water pressure compressing the mass of deep sea submersibles.

I'm sure Newtown would agree we experience standing on the mass of the Artic circle we experience the pull of our body weight in a downward force as much as we experience the mass of Antarctica continent the opposite end of the earth pulling downward to the ground our body weight. 

In fact the entire circumference of the earth's surface pulls everything in a inward pulling force including the consequences space. Space is elastic and bendable. The earth's mass shrinks space round it's circumference like plastic shrink rap round an apple.

The force of the plastic shrink rapping effect creates a distorted dip of space round the entire circumference of earth. The strongest pull inward gravitational compression is the center of this earth's core a few million times grater than the surface. In other words the earth's core is the maximum gravitational pull of the earth bending space consequently compressing the crust consequently compressing the molten magma beneath our feet.

It took Einstein to realize we experience acceleration take off's as a weighed down feeling we familiarly know today we call G's. (Gravity-force). Newtown's first law of motion tells us a body will always remain at rest unless acted upon by a force. (Accelerated). His third law says were there is a force (acceleration) there is an equal and opposite reaction. Acceleration is a manifestation of Newtown's force and motion the mass of a body resisting it called the inertia of a moving body.

To put in layman's terms I'm sure Einstein would agree when we accelerate hard we experience as if a few kilograms (or pounds if you like) of force weighing us down. We are compressed by the G-force known as G's inward all directions

According to both Newton and Einstein the earth's core compresses us, the atmosphere we breath the containments and the oceans of the world compressing the entire circumference of the crust from every direction like the forces of a tight plastic shrink rapt round the circumference of the whole earth.

The law of thermal dynamics says when we compresses something heats up. Feeling the head compressing air in an already tight tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. The compression of the earth's core is pulling on the crust contributing to heating the magma beneath our feet responsible for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Einstein realized the stress in resisting acceleration bodies generate the same force as gravity. According to Newtown compresses all directions as the pulling inward force.

It is described in Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity what NSA use's today training astronauts in zero gravity. Using a thought experiment imaging a free falling evaluator Einstein predicted the principle we understand toady when a plane nose dives fast enough the extreme velocity free fall causes the the astronaut trainees to lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun called Zero G's. It is also known by the other name of negative G's.

It is prohibit expensive and rather scary sensation that young for a class of school children to experience negative g's for themselves. Imagine the ultimate laughter fun a lot would experience in their entire lives.

Negative G's is the result of maximum speed free fall speed of a body can't accelerate any faster because of the G's expressed as terminal velocity, terminal acceleration I call it. World war two dive bomber pilots when at maximum nose diving speeds often experienced the weightlessness of Negative G's. They felt like they were lifting off their seats.

Many rear dive bomber gunners struggled to hold onto ammunition belts trying to prevent them from drifting freely about the cockpit as well as themselves lifting off their seats at the same time Einstein predicted would happen. If air crew don't know any better they feel the plane was dropping faster than everything else. But the planes were dropping at the same rate regardless of everything's drifting about them. In effect the maximum free falling speeds made the dive bombing planes anti gravity devices.

Einstein predicted the opposite holds true. His elevator thought experiment predicted what happens to a plane accelerating upwards fast enough. Astronauts feel compressed to the floor. We are entertained by the same centrifugal forces at work in spinning motion of a rotating theme park drum. The velocity press people to the sides of the wall like a gravitational field. The rotating assessment park drum demonstrate how a rotating ringed space stations generate artificial gravity.

History books tell us Newton had discovered the his third law of force and motion at work with a bucket of water. He documented his experience explaining in scientific English Language of times when we rotate a bucket of water over our heads. The velocity pulls the water to the bottom of the bucket never spilling a drop even though the upside point in the circle motion.

A cheep light weight plastic bucket with a little water in it will do the tick. As we circle the bucket round our heads we feel the weight of the bucket increase by the increase of the weight of the water (mass) pulled to the bottom by the centrifugal force of the spin. The spinning force turns the bucket into an antigravity device. We won't spill a drop unless we spin slow enough which is quite slow. It is anther demonstration how spinning ringed space station create gravity for the inhabitants.

If acceleration is maxed out it becomes a constant velocity. Einstein realized how dramatic that can be. Imagine the stress we feel from a standing start accelerated to a distance of a 100 miles ( or 160km if you like ) to stop in a second on the surface of earth. Their doesn't appear to be any 0 to.... performance  specifications for the Flash and superman like we do with automobiles. We can say the flash accelerates 0 to a 160kmph (or a 100mph) in one second flat.

Note if the same acceleration in the zero resistance of out of space is applied we don't notice it at all. Imagine the flash accelerating 0 to a 100 in a second on the surface of earth compared to out of space. What makes the surface of the earth so different? The answer is the earth's core pulling power that increases inertia. In out of space we can accelerate 0 to a thousands of kmph without noticing a thing.

Feeling stationary on the surface of earth is the force of the earth core pulling down on us our body weight expressed as 1G. Newtowns is used as a measure of the pulling force. The compression power of the surface is 9.81 Newtowns core much greater than that. In the system international (SI) sense equivalent of experiencing a compression of 2.2Ib or the force or a kilogram per cubic meter of compression throughout the earth's circumference.

When we experience an acceleration of feeling twice our body weight we are experiencing personally 2G's of gravitational force. When we experience three times we are experiencing 3G's Over 4 times our body weight we start to feel the stress of making us feel unwell to a point we are going to black out.

Einstein realized the constant speed of any terminal velocity has profound effect on space and time. If we suspend a 1kg steel bar over the ledge of a tall sky scrapper we are feeling the force of the earth's core pulling on it. We are feeling the potential energy of the mass attracted to it.

Letting go the earth's core snatches it from zero to a distance of a meter in a second. It falls a couple of stories as the 1Kg mass reaches terminal velocity in that time. It free falls at it's maximum speed limit of 3.6kmph all the way down the side of the building impacting with the immovable mass of the earth's crust in the form of the street bellow.

During free fall the stress of the fall is the G's when accelerated stored in the free falling mass called kinetic energy. On impact with the street bellow the sudden stop keeps traveling though the mass. In the case of the mass of 1kg steel bar a impacting force of 1kg at 3.6kmph impact or 9.81 Newtons. However, no matter a gram or a tone of mass the force of the earth's core felt on the surface at sea level is always 9.81N. The gravitation squeeze several 10's of miles down continuously gets stronger the closer to the core we get. The temperature down there is as close to the center of the sun as it gets.

The atmosphere we breath is air resistance that contributes to the terminal velocity of any free falling body. But Without any resistance two bodies of different mass accelerate at the same rate and free fall at the same rate hitting the surface at the same rate. A milligram table tennis ping pong ball hasn't the mass to overcome the air resistance.

While the ping pong ball may sail away in a the slightest breeze a 1 tone mass will plough straight though the air resistance effortlessly either reaching terminal velocity before or hitting the ground or not. Reaching terminal velocity depends on distance from the acceleration point and ground.

When sky divers dive out airplane hatches the earth's core snatches them accelerating them to terminal velocity. It takes the time to drop to terminal velocity about a 150 meters. Sky divers maximum speed limit in free fall is no more than about 320kmph terminal velocity speed.

The compacting pulling inward power of the earth's core has a profound effect of time in out of space. From our point of view of light speed in the zero resistance of any vacuum travels a 186 thousand miles per second.

Note. Every mile equals 1.609km. So by multiplying by light speed gives us in km terms. There is 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour adds up to a grand total of 3 thousand 600 seconds. It is a simple matter of multiplying by every second of an hour to give miles per hour. Multiplied by 1.609 in a kmph term.

Text book describe in metric terms as 300 thousand kilometers per second. According to math's this isn't strictly true. A 186 thousand times per second times 1.609km is actually 299 thousand 274 kilometers per second. Adding up distance with this figure is more accurate than 300 thousand. According to the math's light travels a distance of 1 thousand and 77 million 386 thousand 400km by the time a one hour TV program. According to light taking only 8 minutes to reach our eyes the total distance from the sun is only a mere 143 million 651 thousand and 520 kilometers to be exact.

What would we observe of time on earth from light speeds point of view. Mathematics tells us the reciprocal of light speed is a 186 thousandth second per mile or 1.609km. Proof of this 1 mile multiplied by 186 thousand (or 1.609km if you like) equals light speed in a second.

If we do the math's right projects from a distance of a 100 miles to a stop pans out to the equivalent acceleration off of 3 thousand 600kmph in half second. The braking should be equally as intense from a velocity of 3 thousand 600kmph to a complete stop should be another half second. If Einstein's special theory of relativity is anything to go by from our point of view we may experience a wired observation of the environment's time.

Taking off we are accelerating. According to Einstein's theory as we traveling faster and faster the environments time. Because we are accelerating an environment clock second hand would indicate every environment second should appear to slow down getting slower and slower. Theoretically we should be an equivalent of an 80km distance from the original start point in half environment  second. However we are braking at this point that should be equivalent of another distance of 80km in half environment second to a complete stop.

According to the special theory of reality in the braking circumstance we are slowing down. As our braking decelerates our velocity we should observe the environment's time speed up. The environment's time should get faster and faster till we come to a complete stop where we find environment's time a second into the future we started a 160km away. In effect the combined acceleration of take off and braking deceleration to a stop a distance of a 160km in a single environment second.

The important point to remember is our braking deceleration effect we observe of the environment's time. In other words the slower we go the faster time goes. From our point of view the total take off and braking to a stop in a environment second could be observed as a total of a 160 seconds of our time altogether. Such is the effects of slowing down to a stop from a high velocity.

Most of us assume only light speed can alter time. Consider observing the latter. Mathematics projects a 1 thousand 800kmph take off. At that acceleration we would probably experience a 160 seconds of our time to slow down the environment's time to a stop at the peak of the acceleration. But we are applying the brakes at this point.

Theoretically at braking we should observe the environment's time appear to take a 160 seconds of our time in the environment's half second back up to normal again. If that's anything to go by we effectively we would observe the environment's time take a total of 240 seconds from take off to come to a stop then accelerate back to normal of our time in 1 environment second time.

This means relative points of view rules in play here. From the environment's point of view of us speeding up, from our point of view the environment's time is slowing down. The second law says from the environment's point of view of us slowing down, from our point of view the environment's time is speeding up.

At the peak of the acceleration just before we apply the brakes we will no longer be able to observe the environment's time moving any more. In other words not being able to observe the environment's time moving anymore is a illusion of the environment's time had stopped at this point.

Exceeding light speed has always been a pivotal property of time travel. It travels in the zero resistance of out of space a distance of 300 thousand (299 thousand 274 kilometers to be exact or equal to a 186 thousand miles if you like ) by the time the second hand of a clock moves every division. Despite encountering no resistance in any vacuum  it don't coast freely any faster than that.

Despite no resistance in any vacuum it is a coaster at it's maximum free momentum speed. It takes eight minutes from the sun to reach our eyes. As far as cosmological distance is concerned only a mere eight light minuets away. The light we see now is the sun as it was eight minutes ago. We will not observe light that just left  the sun this very second until eight minutes into the future. That light doesn't exist yet. The sunlight we see now is what the sun was eight minutes ago every second.

Now we can compare a distance of a 160km to a stop in a second to light speed. Operating on the principle we'd find ourselves a second into the future 300 thousand kilometers (299 thousand and 274 to be exact) away from were we started a 186 thousand seconds of our time. In other words we don't need light speed to observe the environment's time change from our perspective.

We walk on average meters per second though the environments time. Ordinary wrist watch second hands can act as a stop watch. We take a step forward every meter by the time the second hand moves every division. Doing the math's on this projects by the time an hour we would have walk 3 thousand 600 meters. In other words a distance of 3.6km

Each time we walk just one meter light in the zero resistance of space had traveled a distance of just under 300 kilometers. The reciprocal tells us light travels a 1.609 kilometers a 186 thousandth second. Proof of this when we multiply 186 thousand every 1.609km equals light speed in a second in km per second term. (or a 186 thousand miles if you like).

Some of us believe time slows down at light speed which means we need to accelerate beyond the environment second to reach light speed. To travel at light speed we have accelerate 186 thousand times faster than a second on earth.

Children old enough can understand by the time we say "One thousand and one" is the time of a second. They soon become pretty good at judging they walked a meter in that time. If we do the math's on this pans out to 3.6kmph walk is a light second ratio.

We'd think sub light speed (every second on earth) may be the slowest time can go. It doesn't seem to go any slower. If we look at a analogue clock face we can observe the second hand move every division every second a complete full circle in a whole minute. Mathematics tells us from the center to the edge is a radius dividing circles into 360 divisions called digress projecting 6 digress every second.

When the second hand makes a full circle the minute hand has only moved a division. When the minute hand makes a full circle the hour hand has only moved a division. When we do the math's the hour hand is 3 thousand 60 times as slow and the minute hand and the minute hand is 60 times as slow as the second hand. In other words every hour of time is 3 thousand 600 times as slow as a second and the minute hand 60 times as slow respectively.

The hour hand moves round the clock face twice every date change every twelve midnight to the next in a light second. Digital time peaces don't sully have a seconds column. Instead the numbers a separated by a non blinking colon (:). If they include the seconds column clearly represent twelve midnight as 23:59:59. When the digits change to zeroes changes the date into the next day.

The time we say one thousand and one tells us each second has a begging and an end. The seconds column is the start of the next 300 thousand km. When the digit changes to one is the end, the start of the next 300 thousand km. When it changes to 2  it is the end of the distance and the beginning of the next and so on.

Looking at analogue clocks the minute and hour hands appear to be frozen in time at any given moment the second hand is moving. They are to slow to observe moving. Like wise the reciprocal of light speed tells us viewing from light speeds point of view the universe should be traveling 3 thousand 600 times as slow a light second.

Correspondingly every second on earth we are viewing the universe at sub light speed. If we reference from a light speed point of view the slower we go the faster time speeds up.

If we were to view the second hand slowed down in time we'd normally observe the minute hand math's projects we would be 60 times faster than the environment second. From environment  observers point of view we would be a minute into the future every second.

From our point of view the environments second would be a minute  long. In other words for every minute we observe the  environment second is a minute of our time. In other words a second of the environments time has been stretched into the minute.

The reciprocal of a minute is a minute divided by 60 seconds. In other words we would be traveling in parallel with 60th environment second. This is the relative time of the electric alternating current of mains power lines in some countries

An electric current moves back and forth 60 times a second. One motion is a wavelength every second. We would observe the mains lighting throb from minimum to maximum  brightness once every second or 60 times in a minute as exactly as the mains frequency is in would be every environment second.

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