Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Resisting acceleration

Over 500 years ago Archimedes study of motion the closest anybody got to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. At the height of the great plague of Europe in the 17th century Isaac Newtown was busy searching for a mathematical system for calculating the circular motion of the planets. In doing so he stumbled onto the law of mathematics as a solution  what we call today calculus and the laws of force and motion.

Just over a hundred years ago Albert Einstein reveled the significance on a light speed scale. From our point of view light travels a distance of a 186 thousand miles by the time the second hand of a clock moves every division. From light speeds point of view every second on earth is equalivalent one unit of 186 thousand seconds.

In kilometer terms every mile equals 1.609km. Our mathematical instinct aggress simply multiplying a 186 thousand by 1.609 pans out to 299 thousand 792km per second. It is a mistake to round off to 300 thousand because adding up in every second is a wildly inaccurate error.

One of Newton's laws is significant with acceleration in the fact it states where there is a force there is an equal and opposite force reaction. This law tells us a head on motor vehicle smash doesn't shear each others speed as a added total.

Newtown's third law where there is a force there is a equal and opposite force the head on force at work push back on each other resulting in the some speed of each vehicle hitting each other. Head on at 50km is not a total 100 but a 50km smash.

When we walk we put an alternating foot forward planting them firming using friction to lock into place pulling one leg at a time backward to pull ourselves forward. Cycling is the same. Our alternating strokes transfer  each effort on the chain driving it backwards driving the rear wheel backwards driving us forward.

So too the engine of motor cycles to cars.  Power to the driving wheels is the road contact always the power dive rotating backward pulling the vehicle forwards.

Boy racers (or petrol heads as they are some times known) are defined as individuals into motor drag racing each others cars in public streets. They have a appropriate terminology for the straight line acceleration what most of us are familiar we hear tem talk pulling a few G's.

It is the direct experience of feeling a like a couple of kilograms (pounds Ib term if you like) of force shoving them back into their seats at acceleration competition take offs. The screeching of tires and clouds of burning rubber smoke and the roar of hot up engines is common place another term we hear 0 to several kmph (or in mph term if you like) in several seconds.

0 to kmph in several seconds is the time it takes the power of the car to reach maximum speed in that time. Once maximum speed is reached in that time the vehicle can't go any faster no matter the peddle to the metal. Ordinary family SUV station wagons are only capable of a 100km top speed by the time the second hand of a clock moved 10 seconds. Formula one racing cars 0 to 350kmph three quarters of the time.(7 and a half seconds).

The term pulling a few G's is a reflection of Newtown's second and third law of motion property of matter resisting being moved. Once moved resists acceleration expressed as the inertia of the body. During the time a boy racer accelerating to maximum speed they are aware of a pull of the stright line weighing them back into their seats. The are experincing as they say pulling a few G's.

We all experience the same effect riding high accelerating straight line runs in Rolla Coaster just like boy racers feel in high speed drag racing. We all experience as if we feel under the weight of a few Kg's pinning us back into our seats.

When we hit those tight corners without slowing down Newtown's law tells us we feel a slight anxiety as if we are going to sail straight off the tract in a straight line. We feel the force trying to throughout the maneuver we all hear about in Roller Coaster terminology pulling a few G's.

It is the same effect of a car hitting a tight bend without slowing down. Every time the diver tries to correct the maneuver with steering the vehicles inertia keeps correcting the driver to go into a into a stright linre in each corection. The inertia of the fish tailing car eventually to much to handle crashing the car on the corner. This is the effect of G-forces hitting a tight corner to fast for.

In many ways straight line acceleration (even tight turns) the same property as the force of gravity. Straight line acceleration and tight turns at speed are compression forces. They compress inward every direction just as a car crusher compacts a vehicle into a dozen times smaller block of crushed metal. Gravity pulling in every direction pulls everything into a sphere. Everything gets squeezed inward front back and both sides at the same time.

Motor vehicle workshop manuals have dedicated pages of conversion factors of all the units used in all areas of science and mathematics. We should be interested in these conversion factor pages under force and pressure as the gravitational mass of the earth's pulling power on us pinning us to the surface converting pounds and kilograms-forces including Newton's.

Isaac Newtown points out the earth's mass and the mass of bodies pull on each other. The mass of a table tennis ping-pong ball weighing a tiny few milligrams pulls on the trillions tones of the earth's mass just as the mass of the earth pulls on ball.

The scientific unit of the inward pulling power of the earth's mass is 9.81 Newton's. Motor vehicle workshop manual conversion factors says Newton's times 0.1 equals Kilograms. In this case 9.81N times 0.1 mathematically equals 981 grams. If we round off to a thousand grams equals a Kilogram refence. 9.81 Newtown's equates to 1G we experience as our normal body weight at rest.
In other words 9.81

9.81 pans out to 1G equals to the equalivalent of feeling the force of a kilogram per cubic meter of compression throughout the surface of the earth.

Since gravity and acceleration pulls matter inward all directions is a inward crushing pressure motor vehicle workshop manual conversion factors convert SI units (Familiar Pounds per square inch PSI expanding tire pressure) into Pascal's and Newtown's.

The inward crush pressure of a vacuum is the earth's mass pulling the atmosphere we breath squeezing round a empty body such as a vacumed can in Mercury units equivalent in PSI and equalivalent metric kilograms per cubic centimeter of crusing inward force. The fluid movement of the earth atmosphere has low (L) pressure system's that suck in the atmosphere balancing out the high (H) pressure systems. The rush of air pressure filling in the low pressure system's plays a major roll in Hurricanes and tornadoes. The cirular momentum foces of the earth's spin also a contributing factor.

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity expresses acceleration predicts the faster we accelerate towards light speed the more compressed the G's become. If an acceleration is fast enough we feel compressed double our normal body weight we experience 2G's twice the force of the earth's mass compression or gravity if you like.

An acceleration feeling three times our body weight is 3 times the compression. An acceleration four times the compression is 4G's and so on. In a way Einstein was predicting negative G's. Negative G's is when a body reaches maximum speed when suddenly becomes weightless expressed as terminal velocity or as I call it terminal acceleration.

A classic example of NSA training astronauts. Einstein's elevator though experiment described the physics of a fast dropping airplane. If they drop fast fast enough reaching maximum free fall velocity astronaut trainees lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun just as Einstein predicted in his thought experiment in a fast dropping elevator example.

Einstein expressed his elevator though experiment as a physical effect of a free falling body. The weightless of  negative G's is a point bodies can't fall any faster equaling and cancellation gravity. In effect he was describing the mechanism of anti gravity the maximum free fall velocity of nose diving aircraft.

Civilians in passenger aircraft experience negative G's when their is a dramatic drop of their plane due to turbulence. They feel as if they are weightless as if floating off their seats for a second. Some bad cases bumping their heads on luggage compartments and hitting the ceiling falling back to the floor.

An example of this world war two dive bomber pilots often experienced their planes reaching maximum free fall velocity they couldn't scream down any faster. They often experienced the sensation of floating off their seats as if the plane was dropping faster than they where only the plane wasn't.

Experiencing negative G's is uncontrollable. Rear gunners often experienced struggling to contain loose ammunition belts floating about the cockpit at terminal velocity (Or terminal acceleration as I put it) dive.

Now imagine the G's naught to a 100mph in a second.

In kilometer terms every mile equals 1.609km. Our mathematical instant agrees it is only a mater of multiplying 100mph by 1.609km pans out to 160.9kmph.

We all know there is 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of 60 times 60 (Mathematics tells us any number multiplied by itself is a square) pans out to 3 thousand 600 seconds long TV program.

If we divide 160 by 3.6 pans out to a standing start take off to a 100 meters in a second and a 100 meters constant velocity every second for a 160km. Proof of this 100 meters times 3.6 equals a total distance of a 160km an hour.

In other words 160kmph take off equals a distance of a 100 meters in the first second and 100 meters every second for the total distance of a 360km.

Using the SI units tells us a 100 meters in the first second is a is equalivalent to a 100 G's in that second. In other words 0 to a 160kmph in a second equals a compression a 100 times the force of the earth's gravity.

Things are even more dramatic if it was a distance of a 160kmph in a second, equal to a 160km every second constant velocity equals a 3 thousand 600kmph take off 3 thousand 600 G's the force of the earth's gravity.

Light travels in the zero resistance of out of space a 186 thousand times faster than every second on earth. Despite the zero resistance it is at it's maximum coasting speed. It just doesn't coast any faster than that. If light accelerated from 0 to a 186 thousand miles in a second the G's produce would be felt as 0 to a distance of a 186 thousand miles by the time the second hand of a clock moved a division. Multiplied by 1.609 equals 299 thousand 974kmph rounded off to 300 thousand as light speed in kilometer terms.

From our point of view of light speed is a 186 thousand times faster than every second on earth. If we could observe every second on earth from light speeds point of view we would observe every second slowed down a 186 thousand times. Another way to look at this every second would be observed as 186 thousand seconds. Time is so slow we no longer observe moving any more.

Observing time on earth from light speed's point of view is only an illusion of the environment's time stopped. It doesn't go any slower than we see light speed travel as fast. Every second is the equalivalent of viewing 186 thousand seconds longer.

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