Sunday, October 22, 2017

Spinning Black holes

The second year of world war 1 a German science magazine Annalen der Physik published the sequel of Albert Einstein's 1905 dynamics of moving bodies the special theory of relativity called the General theory. The General theory proposes space is flexible and rubbery bent by the mass of bodies. There are those who believe Einstein's general theory of relatively proves black holes pull space into a deep well.

The mass of stars, planets, including asteroids comets to specks of dust shrink space inward all directions round the entire circumference a bit like water pressure compressing deep sea submersibles squeezed from all directions. Similarly mass is capsulated in a stretched religion surrounding it. Right in the center of this surrounding tight squeeze is the mass itself.

The center of the gravitational pull of a black hole may be as finite as the Planck Constant. A Pluck constant is 1 divided by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 giving us thirty-nine decimal zeros and 6262 fraction of a meter. If we multiply 1 by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 is 6.262 times 10 to the 43, the same 6262 thirty-nine zero number. If the Planck constant is anything to go by right in the center of the tight squeeze is a singularity of mass on a Planck scale. The Planck constant is the smallest amount of mass, length space and time

It has been suggested a spinning black hole at the speed of light theoretically should be fast enough centrifugal force to overcome the gravitational pull pushing outwards into a stable ring space ships can safely travel though to another universes or at lest the other side of this one. It's assuming the laws of centrifugal force in circular motion explains how we can travel though black holes.

If we examine the physics of spin we discover it isn't as simple as that. The center of all spinning circles spin on the spot. The center of the artic circle and Antarctica oo earth spin on the spot.

The edge of any circling circle  has distance to travel while the spinning on the spot in the center has not. If we open out a circle to a straight line we and measure the straight line with a ruler we find the distance the edge travels the circle.

Lets say light traveling in a straight line is a distance of a 186 thousand miles (Note. Every mile equals 1.609km. If we multiply by light speed we get kilometers per second term). If any straight line is rolled into a circle becomes the same distance full rotation in time.

If we rap a piece of string round the equator of a globe opened out to a straight line will measure the distance of the circumference. With a bit of mathematical figuring we can scale the circumference of a globe relative in scale of the real earth.

More information on spheres are revealed by all straight lines raped round the equator of any sphere. Opened out to a straight is the same circumference of a any circle the same circumference of any sphere.

Likewise if we measure every straight line measures the circumference of every circle and sphere Information is also revealed by (pie) pi that calculates the circumference and diameter across them. Half the diameter reveals the center to the edge of any circle and sphere. If the Planck constant is anything to go by the center of the of black hole radius is a Planck length (6.262 times 10 to the menus 43 of a meter). Using this information pi will calculate the diameter and circumference csn be calculated.

Again if the Planck constant is anything to go by then the gravitational pull would be 6.262 times 10 to the 43 kilograms of tight squeeze force for the diameter across it. In tones term would be 6.262 times 10 to the 39. The relative size of black now singularities to the proportional of gravitational pull is one of the enduring mysteries of the universe.

The earth being a sphere the center of the artic circle and Antarctica spin on the spot the velocity that of the earth's spin. At the same time the mass of the two poles compress inward equally bulging the equator where it has distance to travel round the circumference every 24 hour velocity.

The momentum forces of any spinning sphere is concentrated in the equators not in the center. It is the outer edge where the maximum force is. A pin in the center of a spinning disc will only spin vertically experiencing no distance to travel thus no significant force. Spinning disc force is concentrated in the distance the edge spins. The same principle applies to the distance of the equators of spinning spheres.

We can all understand the physical forces using a merry go round analogy. The outside swings travel more distance round in the circling swings than the inside ones. The outer swings feel the brunt of the force. Not the inner ones.

The faster the merry go round goes the more power in the outer edge force. Despite spinning faster the inner swings having less distance to travel experience less force. A person standing right in the center of the spin on the spot travels zero distance. This person will experience virtually no force at all.

Some of us speculate because of the strange effects of black hole gravity may not apply to black holes. What would work the opposite effect? Is there more force on the singularity then the event horizon? An easy answer for these people the effects of light speed changes the law of physics opposite to the laws we know should work.

If we recap the laws of a merry go round instead imagine all the force at the edge of the black void of the event horizon of a black hole centrifugal force concentrated right in the center of the spinning hole. It's certainly an ideal place where centrifugal force is needed the most to open an aperture in it.
The distance the event horizon traveles round experiences little or no force. The singularity takes it all.

If the same laws apply is anything to go by is very little centrifugal force may be right in the center of black holes. It is a decision we all need to consider if the laws of physics apply or don't. Using a merry go round example there is very little force generated in the center of black holes. When we take the gravitational squeeze into consideration certainly not enough to over come the immense inward inward pull power where it is needed to successfully open an aperture in it.

Others speculate the laws of circular motion physics applies working on the event horizon creating a safely ring round the singularity we can safely by pass sliding though the event horizon. Thus the spinning event horizon at light speed is no longer a point of now return.

When does the laws of physics as we know it start to fail. 90% light speed. A 100% or when we exceeded it. Exceeding light speed is the popular scenario for traveling back though earth's time line.

Either way does a black hole spins 90%, on or exceeds light speed the law of circular motion applies or changes to the opposite? Sliding a black hole directly though the singularity or by-passing it though the event horizon instead the laws of physics may change back to we know it in accordance with the laws of the other universe existing the output or it doesn't.

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