Thursday, October 5, 2017

Our minds and qutumn physics

In the world of hypnotherapy it's widely believed the human mind is made up of two  parts. Most of us are familiar a subconscious and conscious mind. Stage entrainment is an example of what the subconscious mind can do. 

Hypnotherapy believes the key to our failures and success is in our subconscious mind.  A lot of us believe in the mind's control over our destiny There are those are terrified of the potential of hypnosis can be used as criminal and terrorist brain washing technique. while others are very skeptical our mind influences us at all

A lot of us believe and successes in life comes just from our experiences. Perhaps those who believe in the power of mind, and mind healing physical to psychological are aware of the power of our subconscious mind.

The power of our mind comes from an unlikely source called quantum physics. A Steffen Hawking DVD the meaning of the universe an episode on the meaning of life. As Hawking says we are connected to the outside world by physics. Our brain is a biological chemistry processes in communication with our a  body senses non stop twenty four seven asleep or awake
I learnt a lot from library books and these types of universe DVDs documenters.

According to particle physicists we are governed the tiny particles of the atom. Our entire bodies including our brain is made of orbiting particles of the atom called electrons orbiting central particles called Neutrons and protons that are constantly quantum leaping in space and time.

Expressed as tunneling though space and time it is believed electrons disappear and reappear back and forth into each others orbits at a constant frequency. If a constant called Planck constant is anything to go by the frequency is on a Planck scale.

A Planck scale is in the order of 6262 on the left of thirty-nine zeros, a total of 43 number our body and mind's electrons appear and disappear into each others orbits every second of our lives. In other words a Planck frequency. It pans out if multiply 1 by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 is expressed as 6.262 times 10 to the 43 per second frequency called a Planck frequency.

The law of mathematics tells us if we divide one by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 equals the same 6262 on the right of the same 39 zeros a Planck length of a meter. In other words 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43. It is also known as a Planck second or Plank time. What this means 6.262 times 10 to the 43 Plank times in a second.

Then there is the so called string theory sometimes referred to membrane (M) theory tells us tiny amounts of space and time in the shape of vibrating strings the building blocks of our electrons and neutrons, the building blocks of our atoms.

In turn our atoms are the building blocks of the minerals of the earth crust we are made of in turn the building blocks of our molecules, in turn the building blocks of our cells the building blocks of our organs believed to come from the heart of stars created from the big bang that has suppose to have created the universe. Theoretically we come from the of the big bang you might say.

The Planck Constant in the minus scale (Planck time, and length) is believed to be the smallest unit of the universe. It doesn't get any smaller than that. In the positive value (The Planck frequency) doesn't go any faster than that.

If the Planck length is anything to go by represents the gravitational field right in the center of black holes called a singularity. It's gravity is compressed inward in all directions into a sphere on Planck volume. If the Planck constant in the positive is anything to go by the inward pull pressure would be an astonishing inward crush of 6.262 times 10 to the 43 tones.

The inward pull of the earth's mass for example is about the equalivalent a kilogram per cubic meter compressing the entire circumference of the earth's surface about the equalivalent of about 18 trillion tones only a mere 1.8 times 10 to the 13 gravitational pulling power compressing the atmosphere we breath, the oceans of the world including us and the earth's crust. If the Planck.

As it turns the diameter across the singularity can not be any smaller than a Planck length. Half the total diameter (from the center of the tiny sphere to the edge the radius).

Anybody familiar with pi (Pronounced pi the mathematical relationship between the circumference of any cylinder (including spheres) can calculate the total circumference and diameter from the just the radius alone in this case a single Planck length.

The significance of a black hole and our body and minds in 1995 the Fox Network TV channel aired a science fiction TV series called the sliders about a university student called Quinn Mallory experimenting with antigravity in his basement in the hope of revolutionizing heavy lifting experiment with antigravity finding a levitation technique.

Instead his experiment managed to create the holly grail of cosmology, an electric turbine in his basement opening a stable gateway though space and time. To you and me a wormhole. It turned out to be a portal gateway to parallel dimension earth's. The origins is believed to be Albert Einstein
Rosen  proposal in the General theory of relativity the gravitational pull of a black hole singularity pulling in a Planck scale sink hole in space.

It was introduced in 1935 by Albert Einstein, and a couple of colleges Boris Pulaski and Nathan Rosen teaming up to settle the validity of a crowing quantum physics once and for all. They were not happy with the contention particles of the atom, two places, spin clockwise and anticlockwise at the same time and influencing each other several million light years across the universe in an instant at time.

The trio focused on Einstein's general theory of relativity on the theory a dark star absorbing a 100% of light may sink a deep sink hole in the fabric of space. They come up with a theory if a pair was back to back the sink wells could meet forming a funnel though the fabric of space. It has become known as the Einstein, Pulaski, Rosen bridge ever since the focus of the TV show the sliders.

If you believe the Goggle number (a 100 digit number, 1 with 99 zeros or infinity) of the universe is limited to a Planck scale including black holes. The origins of the many worlds theory owes it's theory to the seemingly Google squared (a 100 naughts multiplied by a 100 becoming a 10 thousand digit number called a googlplex, even a googleplex squared) scenario representing the closest numbers to the number of atoms in the universe.

Looking at vitamin and mineral bottle labels are the ingredients we are made of given in the standard metric system prefix system milli- and micrograms ten to the minus three and six respectively. All the atoms of everything on earth would be on the order of well over the number of zeros of Googleplex.
Our bodies are essentially made up of made up of these elements made of atoms made of electrons, with a whole zoo of particles from Leptons to neutrinos orbiting a cluster of inner particles called protons and neutrons believed to be made of a variety of quarks including the recently discovered Higgs Boson thought to be responsible for the strong nuclear force responsible for holding the nucleus of each atom of our bodies together limited to ten to the minus 15 in size. (A 15 digit number.

Everything is believed to be created in the heart of stars created by the big bang that has supposed have created our universe. In other words we are effectively all this as big bang dust.

Deep in every molecule of our body is cloud of the same particles of the big bang star dust building blocks of electrons orbiting a cluster of neutrons and protons. (The nucleus of the atom). Quantum physics tells us the spaces between every particle shouldn't be any smaller than a minus Planck scale. Given the Planck constant it is easy to see atoms are huge at 10 to the minus 15 scale. The atoms of our body compressed ito this tiny size is mostly spread out empty space.

Ten to the minus fifteen tells us the gap between each atom that make up our bodies. Quantum physics tells us our body's electrons blink out and pop back into existence in another orbit theoretical on Planck frequency scale the distance a distance of a Planck length. On a quantum physics scale every atom of our body and mind is constantly quantum leaping in space and time every plank second of our lives.

Our brain is alive organ dominated by our thoughts keeping it alive with a constant stream of electrical impulses. In effect the electrical activity of our brain's cells on on a Planck constant scale are constantly quantum leaping.

Quantum physics tells us our bodies electrons are in touch with the electrons of the whole universe. What every electron in our body does here on earth electrons clear across the other side of the universe is supposed to instantly mimic. Our body's electrons are quantum leaping as every electron are across the entire universe respectively.

There is only two states to electrons. Either in the diapered or appeared state we can assign a digital 0 for the disappeared state and a 1 on a appeared state. We can apply digital arithmetic on the binary numbers just as we apply binary math's in digital electronic building projects.

If the Planck scale is anything to go by and a computer processing speed the processing speed of every electron in our bodies would be on a Planck scale. What this would mean using Gigahertz computer processing speed frequency would be 6.262 ten to the 34 GHz or a total of 6.262 ten to the 43Hz

The all out action of the electrons throughout the universe describes all the population of the world are entangled with the whole universe at large a branch of quantum physics called entanglement. String theory has opened up a can of worms debate that projects many other dimensions in the universe.

Theoretically the a 100 nuaghts of goggle multiplied by 100 (A Googolplex) number projects there the combination of dimensions some way-way different to our own to extraordinary similar to our earth where the geological history and life is radically different to very close to our own combinations. The TV the sliders focuses on worlds close in history to our modified with different outcomes to our world.

In theory binary arithmetic in googolplex calculation combinations of our quantum of our body and brain leaping electrons resulting in a googolplex doubles of ourselves in the many googolplex dimensions. Us and our doubles are living separate to parallel lives together. The earth time line history and of our doubles could be radically different to remarkably similar.

Of all the close calls from death in our lives some of our doubles didn't make it. As far as entanglement is concerned out of all the doubles who didn't make it and those who survived to tell the tail we are all a part the dead and alive theory at the same theory.

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