Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The psychology of feeling bullied

The definition of bullying is often seen as intimating jerks humiliating us. We often see this in gangs and muggers humiliating those that tend to be a bit timid. Humiliation can also be passive not only from a bully but in yourself. Despite any complement we can all tell we have just been put in our place including seen in the movies.

Recognizing we'd felt put down by what appears a complement is the key to recognizing passive aggressiveness. Observing others in the habit of doing it to others is the key to recognizing a passive aggressive person. 

When fully alert our brain is very clever at picking up all sorts of hidden meanings behind complements. Politicians often feel compiled to lash out at reporter passive aggressive questioning.
Passive aggressive is a covert hostility often hiding behind spreading gossip targeted at their victims. Alert politicians lashing out at news media are now describing it as fake news.

Those who listen to gossip are often used as set up baits to ruin reputations and behind starting gang confrontations. An alert school principle and detective can suspect a passive aggressive trouble maker hidden in the background somewhere to investigate.

We see in movie school bullies humiliating other students often new students targeted trying out initiation testing to see what they've got. Other situations include victims seen as some sort of threat
quite often jealously behind unprovoked humiliation.

Potential victims are often those spotted by jerks that look like the have never learnt to look out themselves. In the movies often stereotyped as typical nerds. Our brain is good at picking up timid ness in others. It can see it miles away. Even the contrast those that look like they can look out for themselves too. Aggressive jerks pass over with caution unless they see us a threat of some kind overriding their better judgment for caution can be the most serious attention of unprovoked humiliation.

Being a victim of humanization is often from our subconscious mind sending a subconscious message from a gut feeling we are way-way out of our depth dealing with the problem once and for all. The problem with subconscious it is not specific. It's just a feeling. 

Most of us are nervous of a confrontation becoming physical. Most of the time it is a gut feeling it isn't the place, time and no support. Often our gut feeling is telling us we can't fight, terrified of getting hurt, and further humiliated by no support.

Avoiding confrontation pre conditions our subconscious mind to get into the habit of the feelings. Being uncomfortable shows miles away to every body to see. Our brain is very clever at observing constant on edge and timid behavior. We can be bluffed. Feeling humiliation specially in front of by standers watching on bullies can get away with messing with your head. It attracts teasing jerks like nails to a magnet.

In the movies it is clear we can learn a life lesson the wrong thing to say we don't want to fight. The humiliation only intensifies with probing and testing until the victim finally snaps. Also eyes wide. It not only looks spooky but tells everybody we are not in control of our fear.

As we see in the movies victims are seen as having balls often expressed showing victims not scared seen in long narrow eyed blank stars breathing though their nose. This non verbal bluff is seen as brave hearts by by-standers. Their silent anticipating waiting is a kind of a loud and clear non-verbal support. Potential gasps can come from  by standers when if stand with hands on our hips challenge. 
This cannot be acted. It can easily be overdone making us look like a nerd pretending to be tough making matters worse. Bullies including by standers have to observe genuine cool, calm and collected alertness in our eyes or see us as a fake.
Under constant humiliation we experience constant hurt lowering our alertness that plays a major roll in the continuing humiliation. We consciously experience the logic roll we must somehow be annoying to others. 
Our consciences is part of our brain that constantly looks for answers. We are consciously distressed we don't understand why everybody gives us unwarranted humiliation all the time can be supportive for a while. Always looking for answers we begin to feel we don't know what to believe anymore. But our conscious mind ability to keep looking for answers doesn't disperse never giving up analyzing for answers. 
Our subconscious mind is a part of our brain that has the habit of believing it without question. It is at it's strongest at suggestions when we are not fully alert though nursing hurt prides. We have conscious instruction to be uncomfortable round our bullying nemeses. We are instructed with gut feeling thoughts to be careful and at all costs to avoid them.
In avoiding humiliation we end up getting into the habit constantly suspicious of that person that person and so on. Our conscious mind is constantly analyzing why me? What am I doing wrong? I don't hurt anybody. I keep to myself analysis. 
Our subconscious mind hasn't the ability to doubt, and look for answers. It thinks in terms of we don't hurt anybody because we keep to ourselves because we don't hurt anybody because we keep to ourselves because we don't bully anybody to make it true bulling happens to us to make it true logic. 
With a lowed alertness we never consciously realize our short sighted subconscious mind instruction because it is unconscious to our alert conscious mind reasoning for answers. Our conscious mind is always looking for answers ability is not thinking like our subconscious mind.
It becomes a conscious habit of believing it must be true we annoy others coming straight from our deep subconscious mind who knows it isn't our fault we get bullied. It's logic dictates to show it isn't our our fault why we have get bullied to make it true we get bullied. 
The contrast our conscious mind doesn't except conclusions like that we are plumaged by our conscious thoughts of why me? I don't do anything wrong? Our conscious mind doesn't understand our subconscious is incapable of asking questions.
We often get conscious feelings of being disgusted with ourselves for standing by while letting bullies get away with humiliating us made worse thinking how could we let it happen right under everybody else's noses. The thought often turns into self loathing. In our lowered alertness we often get conscious thoughts about cowardice crossing our minds. 
The thought of wishing we could put our nemeses in their place for a change but feeling we can't galls us even more. Our conscious thoughts shows in our withdrawn and moody behavior others can see miles away. We often see this on TV shows. Everybody notices from friends and family. They are often hurt buy our shunning them. We often get persistent asking what's wrong interrogation attention hating ourselves for not looking out for ourselves.
Under our current self loathing we feel as an unwonted interrogation and patronization we don't want right now. All we feel is to be left alone. lashing out we feel embarrassed to talk it. Others don't understand how we feel specially not able to understand our lash out behavior either.
The one place that allows us to let bullies get away with messing with our heads is the fear of putting the bully in their place once and for the number of reasons described . We can all take comfort by a world war 2 American president present Theodore Roosevelt in a famous speech address to the public when he said we can use as a life lesson when said we have nothing to fear but fear itself.  Fear comes from our gut feelings straight from our subconscious mind we are out of our depth.
Consequently we get conscious messages it's our fault. If it becomes a habit we end up training our subconscious mind to believe it. During upset we are not fully alert. We become in danger of our subconscious mind taking over it's our fault because we are bullied because it's our fault because we get bullied logic. It becomes a conscious obsession. 
Think of the habit we consciously don't believe it's not our fault everybody humiliates us. Any habit keeps us on our toes and this positive affirmation is no exception. The habit of not believing it's not our fault we tend to be cool, calm and collected with ourselves. We become more alert. Fully alert our brain is cool, calm and collected free from the ravages of our own negative integration thoughts. In fact the habit our subconscious thinking is often brilliant at being supporting ourselves.
Our conscious mind's obsession with looking for answers we find ourselves question the logic it's not our fault. The questioning ability is maximum when fully alert keeping itself looking for answers motivating us to consider the possibility that it could be true it's not our fault after all.
Our conscious mind is free to recognize any bullying threat as an illusion of what it really means. It tends to be incredibly smart at recognizing transparency of what's really going on. Any out of the blue humiliation our brain can recognize testing initiation or jealous attacks when our brain sees it.
To work it must become a conscious habit of recognizing it's not our fault we have a bullying nemeses. The conscious habit of realizing it's not our fault appeals to our conscious mind supportive reasoning. We start experiencing emporia though the revelation. The trick is conscious self talk it's not our fault until it sinks in we believe it's true. In doing so we train our subconscious mind to believe it is not our fault.
There is 2 supportive magic words that helps us control our panic and bring us to a state of full alertness is don't panic followed by keep cool, calm and collected. Once again for this to work it must be a self talk habit telling ourselves we don't panic. 
Convincing ourselves we keep cool calm and collected until it becomes a subconscious habit logic we don't panic because we keep cool, calm and collected because we don't panic.
We don't panic because we keep cool, calm and collected logic. In the thinking our subconscious mind we don't panic because we keep, cool, calm and collected to make it true we don't panic, because we keep cool, calm and collected why we don't panic to make it true we keep, cool, calm and collected whitch is why we don't panic because we.....blar,blar,blar and son on
We retrain our subconscious mind to believe it's important to be not our fault to make it true it's not our fault. In the thinking of our subconscious mind because it's not our fault, it is true it's not our fault because it's not our fault to make it true it's not our fault. Soon it becomes an unconscious mind set habit we believe it is not our fault.
The thought is a calm relief from the grip of fear. Not being afraid of humiliation we can keep our heads. Keeping our heads shows. By standers can see us very sharp and alert miles away. A clear head is incredibly intelligently and cool looking. We look very brave and smart instructed by our subconscious mind telling us it is important it isn't our fault to make it true it isn't our fault. Under the influence of our subconscious mind our brain fully alert can properly observe, think and remember details with ease.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Stopping bullying. How to stop bullying. What is bullying.

To bystanders putting a stop to bullying can be a dilemma. Interrupting an episode of bullying we don't have to be Einstein's to instinctively know most bullies tend to be grudge holders. It is often what makes us heistate. We often see in the movies high school students that seem timid targets of teasing. An interruption is often seen as an invasion of a bully's privacy that doesn't concern them specially galling interrupted by a stranger.

We often see examples in the movies of a student who can't bear to be a bystander any longer interrupting a teasing scene. The bully feeling challenged by the bystander now becomes a target of the bullies annoyance directed at the bystander. The bully is is distracted by the bystander ending up getting caught up in reckoning bluff with the megalomaniac grudge holding ego. The bystander is often forced into a counter bluff drama. 

Next thing we know the well intended Samaritan ends up forced into brawling with the perpetrator taking the place of the bully's original victim. If we defeat grudge holder ego it isn't over. Bystanders are often marked for plans of revenge either with bold threats usually followed up by covert scheming.

If you have feel strange hint of being humiliated by friendly comradely you are a victim of a passive aggression attack. Despite any compliment we can all tell we have just been put in our place. It is a covered over hostility attack meant to undermine our confidence and it often works. 

Our brain easily recognizes negative assumptions behind it when it hears it. Most bullies scared into  into this type of friendly teasing. Dispute the friendly comradely our brain still recognized we have just been undermined. Challenging such teasing scares covert hostility into indigent mind set denials. Inexperience is often taken in by lies and withheld vital information they don't know about.
By listing to our brain we'd felt put down by what appears a complement is the key to recognizing passive aggressiveness.

As a bystander we observe others in the habit of doing it is the key to recognizing a passive aggressive person to avoid. Once we can recognize for what a complement really is we develop a strong instinct experience at recognizing that sort of behavior.

Fully alert our brain is very clever at picking up all sorts of hidden meanings behind complements. Politicians often feel compelled to lash out at aggressive questioning. Passive aggressive is often hiding behind spreading gossip targeted at their victims. Alert politicians lashing out at news media are now describing aggressive gossip as fake news.

Those who listen to gossip are often victims of set up baits to help ruin reputations and behind starting gang confrontations. Anybody who listens to gossip are unwitting accomplishers and allies destroying reputations. 

Alert school principles and police detectives suspect passive aggressive trouble making gasp hiding in the background somewhere. Armed with the insight they dig deeper uncovering many withheld information they should known about. Keeping important information to ourselves is more effective ally to injustice than direct lying.

We see in movie school bullies humiliating other students often new students targeted trying out initiation testing to see what they've got. Other situations include victims seen as some sort of threat quite often jealously behind unprovoked humiliation.

Potential victims are often spotted looking like the have never learnt to look out themselves. In the movies often stereotyped as typical nerds. Our brain is good at picking up timidness in others. It can see it miles away. By contrast of those that look like as if they can look out for themselves too.

Aggressive jerks pass over with caution unless they see as threat of some kind overriding their better judgment for caution can be the most serious attention of unprovoked humiliation.
Being a victim of humiliation is often from our subconscious mind sending a subconscious message from a gut feeling we are way-way out of our depth at what to do deal with the problem once and for all. The problem with subconscious it is not specific. It's just a feeling. 

Most of us are nervous of a confrontation becoming physical. Most of the time it is a gut feeling it isn't the place, time and no support. Often our gut feeling is telling us we can't fight, terrified of getting hurt, or further humiliated when we have no support.

Avoiding confrontation pre conditions our subconscious mind to get into the habit of the feelings. Being uncomfortable shows miles away to everybody to see. Our brain is very clever at observing constant on edge and timid behavior. We can be bluffed. Feeling humiliated specially in front of by standers watching on bullies can get away with messing with your head. It attracts teasing jerks like nails to a magnet.

In the movies it is clear we can learn a life lesson the wrong thing to say we don't want to fight. The humiliation only intensifies with probing and testing until the victim finally snaps. Unwitting eyes wide is a problem. It not only looks spooky guaranteed to start trouble but tells everybody we are not in control of our fear.

We have seen in the movies where victims of humiliation are seen as having balls often looking not scared. It is expressed in confronting their tormentors with blank stars breathing though their nose with no emotion. This non verbal bluff is seen as brave hearts by bystanders. Their silent anticipating waiting is a kind of a loud and clear non-verbal support. Potential gasps can come from  by standers if stand with hands on our hips blank stare challenge. 

A word of warning. This cannot be acted. It can easily be overdone making us look like a nerd pretending to be tough making matters worse. Bullies including bystanders have to observe genuine cool, calm and collected alertness in our eyes or they will see us as a fake requires something else.
Under constant humiliation we experience constant hurt lowering our alertness that plays a major roll in the continuing humiliation. We consciously experience the logic roll we must somehow be annoying to others. 

Our consciences is part of our brain that constantly looks for answers. We are consciously distressed we don't understand why everybody gives us unwarranted humiliation all the time which can be a self insuring can support for a while. Always looking for answers we begin to feel we don't know what to believe anymore. But our conscious mind ability to keep looking for answers doesn't disperse never giving up. It is always crisping at analyzing answers in the background. 

Our subconscious mind is a part of our brain that has the habit of believing everything without question. It is at it's strongest at suggestions when we are not fully alert though nursing hurt prides. We have conscious instruction to be uncomfortable round our bullying nemeses. We are instructed with gut feeling thoughts to be careful and at all costs to avoid them.

In avoiding humiliation we end up getting into the habit constantly suspicious of that person that person and so on. Our conscious mind is constantly analyzing why me? What am I doing wrong? I don't hurt anybody. I keep to myself const reassurance analysis. 

Our subconscious mind hasn't the ability to doubt, and look for answers. It thinks in terms of we don't hurt anybody because we keep to ourselves because we don't hurt anybody because we keep to ourselves because we don't bully anybody to make it true bulling happens to us to make it true logic. 

With a lowed alertness we never consciously realize our short sighted subconscious mind instruction because it is unconscious to our alert conscious mind reasoning for answers. Our conscious mind is always looking for answers ability is not thinking like our subconscious mind.

It becomes a conscious habit of believing it must be true we annoy others coming straight from our deep subconscious mind who that rarely knows it isn't our fault we get bullied. It's logic dictates because it isn't our our fault is why we have get bullied to make it true we get bullied. 

The contrast our conscious mind doesn't except conclusions that way. We are plumaged by our conscious thoughts of why me? I don't do anything wrong? Our conscious mind doesn't understand our subconscious is incapable of asking questions.

We often get conscious feelings of being disgusted with ourselves for standing by while letting bullies get away with humiliating us made worse thinking how could we let it happen right under everybody else's noses. The thought often turns into self loathing. In our lowered alertness we often get conscious thoughts about cowardice crossing our minds. 

The thought of wishing we could put our nemeses in their place for a change but feeling we can't galls us even more. Our conscious thoughts shows in our withdrawn and moody behavior others can see miles away. We often see this on TV shows. Everybody notices from friends and family. They are often hurt buy our shunning them. We often get persistent asking what's wrong interrogation attention hating ourselves for not looking out for ourselves.

Under our current self loathing we feel as an unwonted interrogation and patronization we don't want right now. All we feel is to be left alone. lashing out we feel embarrassed to talk it. Others don't understand how we feel specially not able to understand our lash out behavior either.

The one place that allows us to let bullies get away with messing with our heads is the fear of putting the bully in their place once and for the number of reasons already described. We can all take comfort by a world war 2 American president present Theodore Roosevelt in a famous speech address to the public when he said we can use as a life lesson when said we have nothing to fear but fear itself.  Fear comes from our gut feelings straight from our subconscious mind we are out of our depth.

Consequently we get conscious messages it's our fault. If it becomes a habit we end up training our subconscious mind to believe it. During upset we are not fully alert. We become in danger of our subconscious mind taking over it's our fault because we are bullied because it's our fault because we get bullied logic. It becomes a conscious obsession. 

Think of the habit we consciously don't believe it's not our fault everybody humiliates us. Any habit keeps us on our toes and this positive affirmation is no exception. The habit of not believing it's not our fault we tend to be cool, calm and collected with ourselves. We become more alert. Fully alert our brain is cool, calm and collected free from the ravages of our own negative integration thoughts. In fact the habit our subconscious thinking can brilliant at supporting ourselves.

Our conscious mind's obsession with looking for answers we find ourselves question the logic it's not our fault. The questioning ability is maximum when fully alert keeping itself looking for answers motivating us to consider the possibility that it could be true it's not our fault after all.

Our conscious mind is free to recognize any bullying threat as an illusion of what it really means. It tends to be incredibly smart at recognizing transparency of what's really going on. Fully alert any out of the blue humiliation our brain can recognize testing initiation or jealous attacks when our brain sees it.

To work it must become a conscious habit of recognizing it's not our fault we have a bullying nemeses. The conscious habit of realizing it's not our fault appeals to our conscious mind supportive reasoning. 

The thought of it's not our we start experiencing revelation. The trick is conscious self talk it's not our fault until it sinks in we believe it's true. In doing so we train our subconscious mind to believe it is not our fault.

There is 2 supportive magic words that helps us control our panic and bring us to a state of full alertness is reciting don't panic don't panic followed by keep cool, calm and collected. Once again for this to work it must be a self talk habit telling ourselves we don't panic. 

Convincing ourselves we keep cool calm and collected until it becomes a subconscious habit logic we don't panic because we keep cool, calm and collected because we don't panic.

We don't panic because we keep cool, calm and collected endless circle logic. In the endless circling thinking our subconscious mind we don't panic because we keep, cool, calm and collected to make it true we don't panic, because we keep cool, calm and collected why we don't panic to make it true we keep, cool, calm and collected which is why we don't panic because we.....blar,blar,blar and son on

We retrain our subconscious mind set to believe it's important to be not our fault to make it true it's not our fault. In the thinking of our subconscious mind because it's not our fault, it is true it's not our fault because it's not our fault to make it true it's not our fault. Soon it becomes an unconscious mind set habit we believe it is not our fault.

The thought is a calm relief from the grip of fear. Not being afraid of our nemeses we can keep our heads. Keeping our heads shows. By standers can see us very sharp and alert miles away. It's done only by instinct. It is only seen as fake if acted. 

Our mind clear is incredibly intelligently and cool looking to bystanders look very brave and smart instructed by our subconscious mind telling us it is important it isn't our fault to make it true it isn't our fault. This can't be acted. It has to be real. Under the influence of our subconscious mind our brain fully alert can properly observe, think and remember details with ease.

To bystanders putting a stop to bullying can be a dilemma. Interrupting an episode we don't have to be Einstein's to instinctively know most bullies tend to be grudge holders. We often see in the movies high school students that seem timid targets for teasing. An interruption is often seen as an invasion of privacy that doesn't concern them specially galling interrupted by a stranger.

We often see examples of a student who can't bear to be a bystander any longer interrupting a teasing scene. The bully feeling challenged by the bystander now becomes a target of the bullies annoyance themselves. The original victim is forgotten the bystander ending up in getting caught up in reckoning bluff with the megalomaniac grudge holding ego. The bystander is often forced into a counter bluff drama. 

Next thing we know the good Samaritan ends up forced into brawling the perpetrator taking the place of the bully's original victim. If we defeat a grudge holder ego it isn't over. Seen as a rude interference by stander are marked for plans of revenge either by bold threats usually followed up by covert scheming.

After all this there is 4 rules of conduct in dealing with bullies.

1.Don't panic.
2.Don't be a perpetrator.
3.Don't be a victim.
4.Don't be a bystander.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Anhedonia (an, a, dow, nee, a) is a mental condition everything is numbly boring from physical and social point of view because of a lack of ability of the brain to experience pleasure. To most people social situations the characteristics of strange loners. To most of us sound like introversion but extroverts can sufferer from anhedonia too.

Most people confuse anhedonia with depression. Depression is an intense painful feeling of sadness which anhedonia  is not. Some suffers don’t experience any mental disorders at all.

Unlike depression anhedonia is a feeling of painless numb feeling. Because of the numb characteristic don't feel any distress at an apparent empty life style. The condition tolerates being an all day couch potato without a care in the world. They can appear bright and alert. It is a mental condition that doesn't even feel depression which is what sets anhedonia apart from depression.

There are two main types social and physical. The socializing side socializing seems boring. Suffers quickly find they wish they where not at parties because of the lack of pleasure they can't seem dredge up the energy to feel to get involved. They are constantly wishing being alone to themselves than struggle with joining in.

Symptoms are noticed as the quiet one. At social gatherings everybody else usually to interested in enjoying the party. Sufferers can be observed as to not enjoy the party properly ending up being a person of no interest in time. Sometimes lack of feeling prefer it that way because it is such a struggle to cope with. The condition doesn't appreciate any encouragement.

The metal condition is responsible for not caring much how they treat their job employers who soon notice.

This includes having no feeling about being a jerk. A movie called falling down is a classic example of a anhedonia breakdown. A office worker had become bored with his job seemly feed up with it. Typical of anhedonia he was cool calm and collected he didn't care about walking off the job on his bosses without a word intending to stroll his way back home.

On his way he encountered all sorts of scared people reacting to his strange calmness putting them in their places before just walking calmly away. He was simply was tired of not being able to feel anything anymore. He didn't even care behaving like a jerk.

Because of the persistent boring numbness feeling relationships become some what boring because they just don't feel anything about it anymore. They can become relatively sexless. Beautiful and sexy can be seen as all right, but not exactly startling if that's what people mean. Attractive people can be seem very bland to anhedonia sufferers.

It tends to be of no interest often withdrawing from relationships. It can lead to a relationship fix though affairs to must people falling out of love with a partner. The a numb experience is to boring to continue any more. The characteristic doesn't mean suffers feel unhappy. It is just the brain's inability to experience pleasure. It is a condition that just don't feel anything.

To many the condition may seem seem moody. It can be seen in verbal and nonverbal expressions making it difficult for a sufferer enjoy social situations properly. Others often notice a tendency of fake emotions, such as pretending there into the party, wedding or any social gathering making them look like fakes.

The characteristic lack of libido and uninterested in physical intimacy. Being sexless is often subtle but obvious to partners noticing a persistent minimum amount of attention and action. Seemingly quiet treatment lack of interest is one of the subtle clues.

The physical side of anhedonia is an inability to feel tactile pleasures such as foods tending to be bland, touching means nothing, and sex isn't exciting often expressing it is not as cracked up as people make it out to be. Constantly not in the mood is a sign.

Anhedonia has overlapping symptom of depression which what makes it tricky to diagnose properly. The difference depression suffers feel the painful suffering of sadness. Prescription medication, antidepressants and antipsychotic medication suppressing the depression potentially morphs into anhedonia characteristics.

The cause is often in the habits of life styles that slows down brain plasticity. The ability of self repairing. It was once thought when brain cells are damaged or die off it is permanent. But recent studies has shown it was the illusion of the brain just being inefficient and slow at it. But it is indeed comparable self healing.

Self treatments often shows up in addictions. This can include criminal behavior anything that gives them a good buzz relief. It is often noticed how cold they appear to victims. The relief they experience shows in the seemingly no remorse the need for the brain to hold onto  the stimuli. Anhedonia characteristics is a condition that stimuli is often temporary. Once they get used to it they loose interest again. How quickly depends on the individual. It effects their concentration.

Although anhedonia may seem to explain psychopath's are those that seem devoid of empathy or at lest can't experience it properly. They not necessary experience anhedonia although the characteristics can be a driven part of it chasing fixes. Anhedonia is a condition in order to get another fix they constantly refreshing the same fix. Lucky for some partners in if the fix is sex to society the stigma of crime activities.

It is not recommended to diagnose yourself or others. The key is to recognize the difference between depression anhedonia specially medication treatment for depression masquerading as anhedonia symptoms. Consult medical professionals with your observed concerns.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Time going backwards

Some authors specially a DVD the fabric of the cosmos hosted by Brian Greene who constantly questions time often imagined a wine glass crashing to the floor then reversed to illustrate the possibilities of time going backwards. It is imagined the law of physics doesn't say it can't reassemble back together the way it was in the past. The question is why we don't see this sort of thing happen?
The argument of the possibilities is often seized upon to justify why no reason why not.

One episode of the sliders TV show the sliders landed in as prisoners right in the middle of a murder enquiry. They wondered why the wired proceeding was running back towards before the murder. They soon discovered clocks confirming time in this world was running counter clockwise. Is possible parallel earth's where time runs opposite directions?

The DVD fabric of the cosmos illustrated the sliders would have viewed reassembling if time going backward using a crashed to the floor reassembling wine glass.

To do that the glass would have had to have existed in time as a whole first. If an alternate reality ran backwards the sliders would have observed coal smoke plumbs retreat backwards unburning back into solid coal. Vehicles sucking exhaust back into the exhaust pipes converted back into liquid gasoline. Cycle riders ride backwards perfectly. Electric fans running backward, thus electricity. Cold Coffey becomes hot steaming cups. Everybody walks backward perfectly and everything else at the same time.

Lets watch a fast reversing video where every funs backwards. We watch abandon properties grew newer and newer in time reassemble backwards into a new home people moving everything out as they go backwards. Builders disassemble the home to vacant lot as they going backwards. They reassemble backwards another building backwards in it's place.

Biologically people grew younger and younger eventually returning to the womb. They un developed backwards into an a fetus returning to a sperm swimming backwards back into the male Pens. The creation of the sperm is destroyed in the tentacles. Theoretical people should no not exist any more because they didn't exist at the time.

Meanwhile morphing car styling changes backwards. The internet and mobile phone communication technology go backwards back to the days of the the old brick phones of the 80's to morphing into the first home computer technology the first email transaction then disappear from history. Going backwards records of events are erased.

Family members grow younger and younger returning to the womb. If time keeps going entire generations. History disappears back to the stone age back to our ancestors.

One of the most important details overlooked in any reserving video is the reveal of thermal dynamic heat transfer. Heat falls back into vehicle engines. The hot air constantly cools cooling them. Stone cold Coffey heats up poured backwards into jug spouts.

Steam condenses back into hot water cooling to cold water when the water in the jug was stone cold. The electricity of the jug is going backwards when the switch is switched off switch off the electric power.

View a fast forward video the humidity in the atmosphere constantly reverses directing. Hot air collapses backwards into cold air. Cold air expands backwards into hot air.

Not to mention of the effects of the earth's gravity going backwards. The meteorite that has supposed to have killed off the dinosaurs the racing trauma of the impact reversing back into the central impact point. The explosion collapses in on itself. The asteroid lifts back out of the ground. The flaming tail drags the asteroid back into out of space. The tail disappears as the asteroid moves away from the earth backwards into deep space.

As time runs backwards earthquakes and volcanic eruptions run backwards. Mountain ranges collapse back to the ground as the continents move backwards to a single continent. The dinosaurs eventually disappear into other life forms disappearing all together

As time continues going backwards we arrive at a time of the formation of the earth's moon. It dissembles into molten blobs circling backwards round the the earth falling backwards into it. A section of the earth implodes inwards. A planet morphs out of the crust moving away back into into space. There is no more moon.

The further back in time we go a meteorite bombardment of the earth in reverse. The earth specks in the earth's crust implodes spiting out molten missiles in every direction. As we continue going backward gradually morphs into a cloud of cosmic dust. The further back in time we go we witnesses the birth of the sun going backwards. The sun eventually implodes back into a expanding nebulae cloud. In time the nebulae explodes backwards into a collapsing backwards supernovae into a giant red stare.

As we move back in time the star changes from a red crowing smaller and smaller into a yellow than it's former self. We observe the whole range of stars in the universe reveres back into implosions collapsing backwards one by into new stars.

As we continue going backwards the universe light gradually disappears as each star collapses into nebulas. Finally their is no more light. After a time we can't see the remains of matter collapsing inwards into nothing. We had traveled backwards into a time of no matter, no light, no energy, and nothing for time to exist.

Scientists have devoted a set of laws about heat transfer and efficiency the so called  thermal dynamics that describes the moving around of heat. Time going backwards the coldness of space gets hotter and hotter as we travel back in reverse order towards the big bang.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The same speed as light

In 1960 science fiction movie of H.G. Wells classic 1895 novel about the adventure of a time machine that accelerated it's inventor into the future. In 2002 remake the time traveler by the name of George viewed the environment's time forward direction to the future like a fast forward video.
The wonder of light speed is example of the distance light travels in the zero resistance of space in the time of a second. Every environment second is the distance of a 186 thousand miles by the time the second hand of a clock moves a division. (Including any digital second). In kilometer terms every mile equals 1.609km

Our mathematical instinct aggress for every mile there is 1.609km. In other words 186000 multiplied by 1.609 converts to kilometers. A quick proof of this in any calculator. The arithmetic confirms light is always a consistent 186 thousand times as fast as every second whether given in km or miles it doesn't matter

light coasts at that maximum speed limit. Despite zero resistances light doesn't coast any faster. In out of space it's at it's maximum speed every tick of your phone clock in a now moment time at sea level. It doesn't coast any faster.

However scientific experiments has shown there is no lower speed limit including stopped altogether. In 1927 Albert Einstein and a Italian science collogue Satyendra Bose proposed a theory if light is stopped altogether where atomic energy is just short of stopping at minus 273 degrees Celsius. A temperature bellow that kind of frozen state all energy of the atom should cease to exist.

The theory says every atom has the same energy becoming a supper atom called the BoseEinstein condensate.
It wasn't until the 1990s it was possible come close enough to the BoseEinstein condensate proving it. In 2002 a pair of physicists Lene Hau and colleagues at the Rowwland institute of scientific research used the technology to stop light altogether. Details of which are on the internet. A brightside clip on Youtube explores what would happen if we stopped time.

When we accelerate to light speed we accelerate to the same speed as light. Some time travel buff's believe surpassing it the key to time travel. If time travel buffs belief is correct we would observe the same speed time comes to a stop.

What time is it traveling the same speed? Brightside reminds us if we travel the same speed as light stops light to zero so too all the atoms including the light particles. (he photons). The BoseEinstein condensate reminds us our body molecules would become. Another clip explores what would happen if a meteorite hits the earth at light speed. It clearly illustrates how nothing with mass can travel at light speed.

To travel light speed we have to accelerate to get there first. Traveling the same speed  means we stopped accelerating. In other words traveling the same speed as light we had slowed down to the same speed. We may well ask what time is it traveling the same speed as light? The only number that can describe it is 0.

Einstein's special theory reminds us if we accelerate to light speed looking at our wrist watch will tick away as normal. We would observe the environment's time slow down to a stop in the same proportion we'd accelerated and remain ticking as normal.

It is a common belief because of light speed we cannot go any faster. There are those that observe the possibility we could. Some believe we travel back in time. One thing for sure if exceeding light speed a potential we could accelerate in an infinite forward going acceleration for ever without slowing down. ]

Time on earth would go faster and faster for ever way-way beyond the BoseEinstein condensate. We'd obverse centuries pass on earth faster and faster in less than a second without slowing down for ever.

Our intuition understands from our point of view traveling the same speed as light must look stationary just as light speed would see us stationary. It reminds me of traveling the same speed as another vehicle on a state highway.

Lets say we we take several seconds of time to catch up. Accelerating the distance between us and the other vehicle gets shorter and shorter every second. The other vehicle looks like it is dropping back to wards us in proportion the same time an example of traveling a 4th dimension though time.

Once we reach the same speed we had decelerated. The other vehicle stops accelerating when in parallel with us. We are at the same speed independent of each other. Either one can accelerate faster the other looking dropped back. We can independently change speed ant any time.

While traveling the same speed are stationary relative their each other. Weather it can apply to the same speed as light is debatable. Assuming we are in a vehicle catching up with another crunching numbers the distance we traveled and the time once in parallel it can only have collapsed to the 0 distance and time. In other words we are traveling no distance and no time relative to traveling the same speed as each other.

Lets say we step off the gas in our vehicle. Despite the other vehicle remaining at constant speed looks like it had sped up speeding away ahead of us.

If we sped up the other vehicle will look slowing down dropping away behind us. The distance and the time of the other vehicle gets longer and longer and stops accelerating when we do.

According to Einstein when we accelerate to the same speed as light the distance and time is compressed shorter and shorter up to the maximum speed. In effect the faster we go the shorter the distance. The youtube brightside clip confirms If time travel buff's are right about time stopping at light speed the theory predicts we would exist at the BoseEinstein condensate.

The only number calculators can predict to represent us traveling the same speed as light is 0. It is all in the time travel buff's idea the faster we go the slower time goes. Once we reach the same speed as light we stop accelerating.

Visiting the past in a time machine we'd expect to manipulate the environment's time to go backwards. According to time travel buffs accelerating beyond light speed should do the trick. According to the same speed we had slowed down. According to the brightside clip everything else in nature slows down and stops.

According to slowing down the slower we go the faster the backwards running time should apply. Since light speed doesn't go any faster light we should have slowed down. Slowing down means the slower we go the faster time goes.

Since light doesn't go any faster will stop at it's maximum speed. We should observe the environment's time slow down in the forward direction to a stop at 0 speed.

In other words when we accelerate light speed decelerates and when we decelerate it accelerates. We should view light speed drop out of maximum speed to a stop in forward direction to reverse direction.  We observe the environment's time accelerating backwards to it's it's maximum speed.

Since we can't go any faster we observe the environment's time slow down to a stop to reverse direction. According to the relativity effects we observe the environment's time in the forward direction to stop acceleration at it's maximum speed. (You can observe the effect youtube Doctor who music or hyperspace keywords.

If light travels at it's maximum speed every environment second is anything to go by we may observe the slow down to a stop to reverse direction to a stop to reverse direction sequence in a environment second. The question is can we exist at the same speed as light predicts we may only exist when view light at it's maximum speed. Any change in our velocity the relativity effects of motion cancels out any time traveling benefits.

Time travel buffs believe gravity slows time according to the reputation of black holes is another example. It is said their gravity slows light down to an agonizing crawl finally stopping altogether. The brightside clip and the BoseEienstien condensate reflects what we would expect inside a black hole.

Like light speed gravity collapses the maximum speed of light to 0 approaching the black void. If that's anything to go by the earth's gravity including the atmosphere we breath right down to sea level slows sunlight down. Light is traveling slower at sea level than in out of space.

Deep in the core where the earth's gravity is at it's strongest even slower. In other words time is faster at sea level. The top floor of tall sky scrappers are faster than street level including the highest mountains. At jet plane altitudes time is the fasted. The closest to the core we go the slower gravitational time. The time discrepancies is only a mere few milliseconds difference. (Mill lee from the standard metric system prefix system for 1 dived a thousand)

A detail of Einstein's special theory reminds us if Goerges had looked at their breast pocket watches the whatches would have confirmed the special theory time for an observer is the same. At times George reached phenomenal speeds of centuries into the future every second every second of his time. To time travel buffs to that they would have to have traveled faster than light speed.

They would have to have accelerated in the environment's time reaching the same speed as light. We are reminded by Einstein's special theory as we approach light speed environment observers would view us shrink in the direction of travel. The effect of observing the environment from our point of view dramatized in the cockpit view of star wars star ships going hyper drive.

According to time travel buffs George should have viewed the environment as streaks of light from an endlessness vanishing point always ahead of him. According to the movies was a fast forward video effect of the environment's time.

If he'd looked behind the vanishing point streaks would have been both in front and behind him.  Anther good example is the opening of every episode of the British TV series Doctor who. We view a Rolla coaster front seat view of the endless ahead of us vanishing point we never seem to catch up with.

An important detail often overlooked by science fiction movies and fans alike any mass from an atom to a giant star are not supposed to be able to travel to light speed let a lone beyond it. There are those including some scientists who believe our mass could possibly one day travel beyond it is plausible.

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity we are compressed up to maximum speed. If light travels a 186 thousand miles times 1.609 in km's per second is anything to go by in the time of an environment second. This means at light speed the distance light travels is collapsed to zero. We are traveling at the same speed. At the same time we we are no longer accelerating. We had slowed down.

If we could observe the environment's time at light speed's point of view we would have accelerate so fast the environment's time is observed as to slowing down proportionately the time we accelerated. Once we slowed down to the same speed as light we should observe not moving any more. The environment's time appears to be stopped confirming time travel buffs believe time stops at light speed.

The environments time doesn't slow down. It remains the same. The environment's time that appears stopped is only the illusion of traveling so fast we can't observe it moving anymore. It doesn't go any slower than that.

Most of us believe if we observed George he would have vanished from view somewhere in the future. It's not surprising as we see the spokes of a bicycle wheel disappear into a fussy bluer traveling several mph. Note we often experience a wired sight of wheels going backwards.

As an environment observer point of view as far as we are concerned Gorge would have accelerated somewhere in the future at the same speed light as light. The two time machine movies showed us from Georges point of view of the environment's traveling like a fast forward video.

If he was accelerating the faster he went, the slower the environment's time should have gone till was so slow appeared not moving anymore. Time would have seemed to have stopped confirming time travel buff beliefs.

It is easy for the audience to assume since the environment was going fast he was traveling fast. Caught up in the story most time travel buffs would have forgotten the faster we go the slower times goes.

If that is anything to go by then George accelerating to the same speed as light would have observe the environment's time slow down proportionately in the time he was accelerating. To time travel buff's the idea the faster we go the slower we go at light speed the environment's time would appear no longer moving. In fact if we do the math's on this  the environment's time would be traveling a 186 thousand times as slow as Georges second.

Einstein's special theory reminds us George's time wouldn't have changed. If he checked his pocket watch it would have confirmed it ticking away as normal as the environment was frozen in time.

Could the environment's time exist a body traveling independently the same speed as light? If we do the math's on this predicts George traveling the same speed as light would have been a 186 thousand times as fast as every environment second. He would have observed every environment second a 186 thousand times as slow proportionately. It pans out Gorge would have viewed his pocket watch confirm the environment's time traveling a distance of a 186 thousand miles in a 186 thousand seconds of his time. It pans out the environment's time travels 1 mile or 1.609km every second of his time.

Those into challenging mathematics can work out hour long in days a 186 thousand seconds would be, about just over two and a 1/2 days every environment second.

Georges packet watch what would have confirmed traveling the same speed as light the environment's time travels a 186 thousand miles in a 186 thousand seconds of Georges reality. According the math's time doesn't stop at light speed.

Proof of this 1 second divided by 186 thousand light travels 1 mile or 1.609km in a 186 thousandth second of Georges time. Proof of this the environment's point of view Gorge would have speed up light speed 1 mile or 1.609km times a 186000 equals in the environment second. The discrepancy is all in the view point relatively to each others reality.

If George looked at his watch every second of his time aggress. It is only the illusion of going to slow to observe moving any more. From light speeds point of view the environment's time doesn't go any slower than that we observe it as fast. It is always the maximum speed from our point of view as we are as our environment is as slow to light speed point of view.

If we travel at light speed means we travel the same speed as the speed of light. If the faster we go the slower time goes is anything to go by the same speed as light speed predicts we had slowed down to the constant velocity of light. This predicts the slower we go the faster time goes should apply.

George should have observed the environment's time speed up. A key factor comes to mind with time travel fans believing time goes backwards when exceeding light speed. If the slower we go the faster time goes is anything to go by George  would have seen the environment's time slow to a stop. This means traveling the same speed in relation to himself traveling we view light speed traveling 0 velocity relative to us to us respectively.

According to at the same speed as light we would have decelerated. If the environment's time goes backward light speed would start to speed up. Since it doesn't go any faster that it's light speed accelerates backwards to it's maximum speed in a environment second. The speeding up means we had speed up in time.

The maximum speed of light stops it from accelerating beyond light speed so has decelerated backwards to the same constant speed going backwards. To go forward again the environment's time has to slow down to a stop and reaccelerate the opposite direction. The maximum speed of prevents it from accelerating beyond itself so decelerates to a stop again. We are back to square one repeating the cycle stuck in a endless looping.

George would seen the environment's time accelerating faster and faster as it goes backwards. In the case of the time machine movies he was observing the environment's time speeding up. However to observe it speed up if the slower we go the faster time goes is anything to go by George had to have slowed down to stop going backwards at normal time.

The slower we go the faster time goes reveals a detail about the nature of park statues traveling though the environment's time. We always observe them frozen in time every second an example of the 4th dimension.

In time travel movies a person travels to the future disappear from the present. Park statues are traveling though to the future every second too. They never disappear. They are always their every second tick of your phone clock every future second of every minute, hour, day, week  month every year after year. From our point of view statues are always in present time every second of our time.

From the statues point of view the environment's time is a couple of centuries every second way way beyond light speed if not at the same speed. In the time machine movies George observed the environment's time travels centuries in just seconds of his time. To do this George would have been frozen in time all those centuries. The slower he went the faster the environment's time went for his reality.

This effect is observed in real time watching grass grow. It grows as slow as our finger nails the same time the earth's plate tectonics move an example of a 4th dimension. looking at our phone, wrist watch and clocks is another.

The hour and minute hands are always stationery frozen in time at any given moment of time. So too the minute and hour columns of our phone clocks. The minute and hour hand appear stationary but are moving though the environment's time every second. We never observe them moving a full circle once in 12 hours for a.m. and another for p.m. an example of a 4th dimension.

Every minute is 60 times as slow as every second. Every hour is 3 thousand 600 times. A 24 our period is 86 thousand 400 times as slow as every second. Every second is 86 thousand 600th of a calendar date. Proof of this mathematics tells us every second is a reciprocal 1 divided by any number. For example 1 divide 86 thousand 400 is 86 thousand 400th of 24 hours. Proof of this 86 thousand 400th times 86 thousand 400 equals 1 date.

In effect the relativity effects of compressing distance up to the maximum speed tells us the maximum speed of light prevents us from accelerating to the same speed. No some speed means the we never travel any faster than our environment second at light speed. If we could will be artificially done by a time machine.

It is believed the gravitational pull of black holes slows time to a stop. From our point of view exist in the universe for centuries. If an astronaut observes the earth looking out of a black hole to the universe centuries of the universe would flash by in seconds and everything would be all over. The gravitational compression would convert the astronaut into information. Time is not stopped inside a black hole only far to slow to observe moving. The astronaut would exist as information indefinably at lest as long as the universe would exist.

Einstein's theory of special relativity reminds us of the stress of high acceleration take off an often an overlooked detail in in the energy and forces to time travel and creating wormholes. At a high speed take off we experience a weighed back sensation we express a G-force commonly known as G's.

If we do the math's on this in the zero resistance of space light travels 669 million 600 thousand mph times 1.609 converts to km's of G-force velocity.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Our subconscious mind and selling

We all all have heard of our subconscious mind. Some believe the source of our gut instinct, habits and the source of success and failures.

The art of selling is basically the art of making strangers pleasantly relaxed in our company called establishing a rapport. Door to door salesmen know all to well moody and rude attitude slamming doors in their faces behavior.

Entrepreneur, marking and sales gurus including self made millionaire people have an intelligent instinct for businesses wheeling and dealing. They intuitively almost always form partnership deals with long time friends and others who share their passion. They have an instinctive habit of razing money by negotiating businesses deals and enterprising. It comes natural to them.

Despite our subconscious mind  doesn't think in the conventional way the instinct behavior of our is often pretty smart. Inspiring writers with an active subconscious instinct learn the secrete of sending scripts to publishers into their kind of work.

Inventors have learnt to direct their attentions to firms and companies who are on the same wavelength. Students have learnt to concentrate on friends and family with the same passion. Albert Einstein's for example first wife was on the same scientific wavelength as he was. Self made millionaires have learnt the habitual passion for business wheeling and dealing with on the colleges on same wavelength.

Self made millionaires have learnt to be loyal to their entrepreneur and marketing guru collages. Entrepreneurs have a passionate reputation of impatient shakers and movers making things happen in the now moment of time.

Success is driven by plans. Plans give the impression of professionalism. They come straight from our sub consciousness instinct. Writing down a report of what we are selling and presenting helps us develop a plan. A prepared scrip for ourselves is often a help. Without a plan we are just going though the ropes by the seat of our paints as we go and it shows.

They say successful people are risk takers. Many are often caught out with if only I knew they weren't prepared for. Risk taking into the unknown is often regrettable. We often think of the regret of no doing our homework. Our subconscious mind is smart to appreciate Murphy's law what can go wrong will most probably go wrong just when we don't need it.

There is more risks that didn't pay off hidden behind stories that paid off. Risk stories that paid off is only failure cover ups. Risks is a case of sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.

Our instincts are often foresighted to know how devastating it is when plans don't go according to plan. Self made millionaires have strong instincts for plan B and C options as precautionary standby.
The best way to avoid heartache is to plan for what can go wrong in plan b and C.

Planning plan B's and C's is a one step ahead of failure of the plan. We can fall fall back on plan B or if that fails plan we can resort to C. Recoding artists are often grateful for studious with who have a spare studios available in an emergency.

The secrete to success is planning for Murphy's law we can pick up the pieces and start again with the plan. The trick is doing homework working out the details of our plans. The habit of planning back up plans keeps us ahead of the game. They do their homework to minimize the risk

Roll playing in our minds playing the part of a client is one way to form plans. It isn't enough to think like a perspective client. We need to be the client. We are often inspired by ourselves as perspective client's to stopped by a charity promotion person in a mall or street for corner example.

Roll playing keep us reminded perspective as a client's point of view when stopped by a stranger. Studying roll playing how we feel being stopped we are studying the psychology of strangers reaction to each other.

We can follow cues what it's about a sales person that makes us pleasantly relaxed in their company. People's people are naturally extroverted having no problem with being relaxed with shy strangers. Introvert characteristics is often an illusion of an impression of a stiff upper lip professionalism as cold moody ness.

Shyness can appear to be uncomfortable in our company illusion as they are naturally uncomfortable with any stranger. Recognizing them as illusions we discover the secretes of establishing rapport at relaxing even the shy.

We don't need to much instruction from body language gurus, Youtube clips and books to intuitively know whether someone is uncomfortable in our company. We often don't follow our instinct screaming out the perspective client is uncomfortable in some way. We can all tell when we get the shy treatment.

In body language talk all types of closed limbs whether seated or standing. Often accompanied with a blank expression. Bland expression speak volumes. Our subconscious mind picks up we are in trouble dealing with anyone with crossed arms and blank expressions. We can all tell a fake smile a mile away.

Our subconscious mind can see though the optical illusion of all teeth with no delight in the eyes. We don't have to be body language experts to recognize it. Think of the contrast all teeth with a sparkle of delight in the eyes for comparison.

Police detectives can tell liars by the closed body language signals, blank eyes and the lack protesting they are telling the truth as much as you and me. Anybody can all tell when a person is protesting they are telling the truth. Their body language has a maximum amount of openness hand gestures and head movement and eye gestures.

We can all tell frustration when we see it, rolling eyes, nose pinching and hand exasperation gestures. These are often ignored but not to our subconscious mind. Any one who listens can see a mile away. We don't need to be instructed by body langue gurus to observe hand gestures when we see it. We may consciously ignore as it doesn't mean anything but not to our sub conscious minds.

People relaxed in our company tend to have a maximum communication response open limb signals, hand gesturing in conversation, nodding and delight in their eyes. Quite often mirroring our own body language with out realizing it. Operating on the principle others can see in ourselves.

It is a skill of professional entertainment street illusionists selecting volunteer strangers to anticipate in their mind game illusion tricks on the crowed. Audiences subconsciously pick up constant hand gestures as a professional without realizing it.

Studying YouTube clips on the subject paying attention to the illusionists hand gesturing. It can be very appealing. Ask yourself the opinion of what you felt about the illusionist interacting with the strangers like that. Think how you would feel if your where selected to participate in that way.

The worst thing thing from a sales person is the habit of hard selling. The easiest way to understand what the tactics feels like to perspective clients think of roll playing TV commercial scripts have on you.

One of the important points to bear in mind is other peoples money. Most decline sale and fund razing charities when a sales person looks and sound like they talking cost. Theses clients are usually budget conscious obliged when they don't want too spend any more than they have to. It is only a matter of getting the impression reinsurance they are not obliged at anything.

There is a unwritten human law in presentation we are not allowed to dress up how we like at very important business meetings, church, funerals, including defendants in a court of law. Without any formal law against it sports ware and gang patches and exposed tattoos is definitely a no-no. We are intimidated with annoyance anybody turning up dressed in sports shoes and track trousers or gang dress in a court room.

It's not who we are it's what we ware and how we ware our cloth's that's more important in important business wheeling and dealing. Lawyers wheel and deal with the judge on behalf of the defendant all the time. Judges suspend hearings until defendants smarten up with more respect often with a scorn massage to beliefs and lawyers.

To our successes mind smart looking is a signal of personal wealth and respect. It doesn't mean a collar and tie uniform. Clothes that fit right is the key. Anything but sports ware that fits nice, looks clean and tidy looking  that look very smart is all that is needed. It's not who your are it is dress smart that sells.

Imagine a woman with wearing expensive looking garments with maximum to all breast clever age covered right up to her neck dress covering below the knees or in formal fitting slacks. The first thing we subconsciously do is to put ourselves on notice. We immediately read oozing a very important company exegative boss. The dress oozes power. Think in contrast in tight shorts or mini skirt with a maximum amount of breast clever age.

Imagine a man wearing expensive looking business uniform with well polished business shoes. We subconsciously put ourselves on notice as very important company excusive boss. The business suit  oozes wealth and power. Think in contrast dressed in sports ware.

Exposed men's angles specially with no socks is not smart to others who notice. The worst is sports track shoes with no socks. If trouser cuffs are a bit high it is escapable with high socks hiding bar angles beyond the cuff line. But for best results covering the edge of shoes. Shoes is important too.

We all have our thoughts when we spot neglected polished looking dress shoes. Imagine being
stopped by a promotion team dressed smartly. By contrast imagine in sports ware. The most attention dress conduct the detail of sports track shoes. There are important details to we all observe straight away straight ties, shirt buttons done up the shirt is not cockeyed.

We are all particularly observant at noticing visible stains, trouser zippers not done up, neglected hair, crocked belts, socks not hiding bear angles properly and neglected polished shoes. These are the little slip ups that are often the first thing  can others notice about us.

People have varying digress of smell. Unfortunately most of it in unconscious they will immediately notice but can't think why there is something stale about us. Professionals know how true personal hygiene is very important. Old clothes my not smell to us but others can detect a radiation of stale clothes that will ruin any effort you put into rapport.

Smell is often unconscious in many ways which what makes meeting strangers very tricky. If you are unlucky enough to come across someone strangely flirting with us it is likely unconsciously attracted to our scent. There will be some unwelcome but subtle in trying to control courtship signals taking place during important business meeting.

\Woman have their courtship thing just as much as men. The same applies if we  get an unconscious whiff of another when we are right in the middle of an important meeting. It often interferes with our ability remain professional. We are unaware we can't help be attracted to that can lead to things we will regret latter. The same goes with an unconscious whiff we are not exactly attracted to.

We don't need body langue instruction noticing a stranger we have to deal with is moody in our company for no reason. Our subconscious can see their uncomfortable whiff of our stale sent.
Our own instinct straight from our subconsciou

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Most of us are fascinated with the idea of Albert Einstein' s theory of reality allows time travel.

Most of us are fascinated with the idea of Albert Einstein' s theory of reality allows time travel. Doing the math's right shows on the contrary.

Every text book reminds us the wonders of light speed travels a 186 thousand miles per second. That's the distance by the time second hand of clocks and wrist watches move a division defining every second as every now moment of time. Every division is a 186 thousand miles in that time.

If you wish in kilometers every mile equals 1.609km's. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of a 1.609 multiplied by a 168 thousand converts to km's. The definition defines light speed is every second. Proof of this when we multiply 1 mile by a 186 thousand gives us the distance light travels every second in miles. if we multiplied 1.609 by 186 thousand the same distance in km's.

It don't matter given in miles of km's light is a distance of a 186 thousand times as fast as every second. In the zero resistance of out of space light is at it's maximum speed limit. It doesn't go and faster than that making it an ideal math's constant.

Einstein's special theory tells us if we accelerate to light speed we the distance is compressed up to the maximum distance like a piano accordion. The theory reminds us if we look at our wrist which it ticks away as normal. At the same time we observe the environments time slow down proportionately we accelerated.

This means the faster we go the slower we observe the environment's time go.
Some time travel buff's believe time stops at light speed. Traveling at light speed we are traveling at the same speed projects the same thing. Traveling the same speed means we observe traveling in parallel with it. In other words we would have observed the environment's time slow down in proportion we accelerated until we reached the same speed as light viewing it as stopped.
From light speeds point of view we are traveling in parallel with it. In other words both at the same speed. The special theory reminds us if we do the math's on this reminds us we would observe the environment time had slowed down we were accelerating proportionately until the environment second had become 0 compressed to zero volume.

If the faster we go the slower we go is anything to go by, then the same speed as light means deceleration means the slower we go the faster time goes applies. We would observe light stretch out to the maximum distance light travels the environment second. In other words the relativity effect of

the slower we go the faster time goes we view light speed at it's maximum speed in every environment second.
Some time travel buff's believe at or exceeding light speed time goes backward. We would observe the relativity effect of the same speed as light slowed down to a stop and re accelerate going backwards.

The environment's time is speeding up going backwards as we observe the relativity effect of the distance of light speed expanding back to it's maximum distance it travels in every environment second.

According to the relativity effect once light has expanded to it's maximum distance the environment's time decelerates to a stop in the backwards direction. Once stooped we observe the the relativity effect speed the environment's time. We should observe the distance of light speed contract again repeating the cycle.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How to Replace Brake Pads on a Bike - Disc Brakes

Modem bikes are commonly disc brake designs either mechanical or hydraulic. The traditional simple rim brake designs have been around for decades long before disc now relatively allocated to cheep model line ups today.

Hydrologic are controlled by fluid in a master cylinder on the handle bars. When you apply the handle bar levers they push pistons in master cylinder. Fluid is compressed all the way down the cable lines pushing positions in the caliper pushing spring loaded pads onto the disc. When you release the handle bar lever the spring loaded pads part the disc. Hydraulic drum brake designs operate the same basic principle operating the drum shoes inside the drum.

Mechanical disc brakes like rim brakes are controlled by an inner wire cable inside the outer cable from the handle bars down to the caliper lever just like rim brake designs. The caliper lever compresses spring loaded pads clamping the disc.

An important detail with mechanical brakes there are two designs one of which is your bike. One arrangement one pad is fixed. It doesn't move. When you apply the handle bar brake levers they pull external caliber levers pulling the moving spring loaded pad to the disc. A flexing disc is pressed on to the stationary pad so both pads clamp it.

When you release the lever the spring tension pulls the pad away. The disc flexes away from the stationary pad. Bikes fitted with this arrangement braking power in bike reviews tend to be wanting. The other arrangement both brakes move compressing the disc.

An important detail in trouble shooting is the effect of weather exposure. There are bikes with drum brake designs that tend make theses brakes relatively weather proof. Never the less corrosion stiffness in exposed cables specially brake pad springs may have occurred. Corroded spring system can't move the pads away from the disk properly. One or both pads are inefficiently clearing of the disc.

Corroded inner cable and pad spring stiffness is often the cause of poor brake performance.
A good old fashioned going round freeing up the corrosion with a bit of light oil can do the trick.

Don't just pure anywhere. Look where you put it. Concentrate running down between the brake caliber lever (not between the brake pad gap) concentrating oiling the inner wire cables and spring system. Avoid the pads. It dries them out to hard and dry causing brake squealing problems. Worst case bad juddering. Anti-corrosion spray is tricky as it severely dries up pads. Not recommended. Pads don't need that. They should be left moist.

Replacing pads reassembly skill is by far the most important for getting anything running smoothly again. Make sure you know you can reassemble your brakes to a satisfactory running order. The best bet is is to study You tube tutorials. Type in your search engine keywords youtube park tool how to Replace Brake Pads on Bike Disc Brakes. This clip goes though step by step of every possible brake style you will recognize on your bike.

Poor braking performance is likely due corrosion cable and pad spring stiffness not moving the pads efficiently. A major sign needing replacement is neglect to a point obvious metal to metal scrapping coming from the wheel every time you apply the brakes.

Do it yourself (DIY) alternative to a workshop bike stand there is always the alternative bike upside resting on the seat and handle bars. A detail everything is upside down what would be the right way up in youtube clip videos is is upside down to your perspective. 

Choosing a computer

Retailer appliance stores offer a range of budget tablet, mini note books and laptops to choose from along side expensive laptops. Traditional hard drives are electromagnetic mechanical devices that have a reputation of being slow and temperamental. They are fast becoming obsolete in favor of more stable and faster sold state hard drive technology.

Solid state technology is essentially huge memory flash drive big enough to be a hard drive. While traditional hard drives are still available the technology are now down graded to fire sale model line ups available. If you observe a cheep one that looks expensive bond to be a traditional hard drive model.

Random Access Memory (RAM) is an important consideration as it is our real time processing memory. A single bit of memory is one byte. The standard metric system prefix k- killo- for a thousand, M- mega- for a million, G- Giga- for a billion and T- Terra- for a trillion bytes. About 4Gb of RAM with is adequate for real time word processing programs and school homework processing. Any more is just wasted.

When programs run short of the real time memory (rtm) computers borrow from hard drives. High memory demand programs such as HD, (High definition) video gaming and video editing and creation programs need a lot of rtm(RAM if you like) to spare, up to several gigabytes.

By comparison to solid state technology program with traditional hard drives are distracted by constantly borrowing memory from them has become known as slow and temperamental handling such programs . Choosing a computer is based on  memory rtm RAM  demands. If you are working with high memory demand programs the highest RAM available is the best bet.

Sold state hard drive technology is now favored by consumers and manufactures alike. Having no electromechanical parts rtm response is fast and stable. Eventually traditional had drives will be a thing of the past. The most expensive laptops and tablets are those with a maximum RAM and solid state hard drive memory.

Another important detail is the processing speed. 1 Hertz is the unite of 1 byte per second. Gighertz is considered the standard adequate minimum. High processing frequency and rtm of RAM avialble  can handle high memory drain programs without becoming temperamentally slow. Inadequate  rtm programs are distracted borrowing from the hard drive slowing them down.

Specifying your productivity information to sales personal can guide you to the computing power you only need.  4Gb, of RAM, a 100Gb of hard drive and a processing frequency of a GHz for minor memory drain programs such as basic word processing  and school homework projects is all the power you need.

By contrasts 16Gb or more of RAM, a few Terabyte solid state hare drive and up to 10Ghz of processing frequency that demand high rtm memory demand programs like home theater movie making projects, are available in these power solid state hard drive laptops.

A word of note. The portability of modern computers allows lots of flexibility transport carrying in shoulder bags including riding motorcycles and bicycles. Computers are faster and stable in dry whether conditions.

Most bags are not weather proof. Units are often not protected from damp moisture. In wet whether there is a constant dampness in the air that help keep performance down. Using the absorbent characteristics of paper towels in transport packing specially when using the computer to keep condensation to a minimum can help performance in wet whether transport. Exposed to the elements
in motor cycle and cycling transport use a whether proof transport system

The modern trend is mobile smart phone swipe and tap technology. Retailer stores include same lap top models that don't. What looks like only the click pad with no right and left pad buttons is actually a part of the latest trends avoiding the problem of grit settling down between the left and right clicking pads gaps getting into the electronics. The left and right clicking is available in the single pad. Separate left and right clicking pads are a thing of the past.