Thursday, October 10, 2019

Our subconscious mind and selling

We all all have heard of our subconscious mind. Some believe the source of our gut instinct, habits and the source of success and failures.

The art of selling is basically the art of making strangers pleasantly relaxed in our company called establishing a rapport. Door to door salesmen know all to well moody and rude attitude slamming doors in their faces behavior.

Entrepreneur, marking and sales gurus including self made millionaire people have an intelligent instinct for businesses wheeling and dealing. They intuitively almost always form partnership deals with long time friends and others who share their passion. They have an instinctive habit of razing money by negotiating businesses deals and enterprising. It comes natural to them.

Despite our subconscious mind  doesn't think in the conventional way the instinct behavior of our is often pretty smart. Inspiring writers with an active subconscious instinct learn the secrete of sending scripts to publishers into their kind of work.

Inventors have learnt to direct their attentions to firms and companies who are on the same wavelength. Students have learnt to concentrate on friends and family with the same passion. Albert Einstein's for example first wife was on the same scientific wavelength as he was. Self made millionaires have learnt the habitual passion for business wheeling and dealing with on the colleges on same wavelength.

Self made millionaires have learnt to be loyal to their entrepreneur and marketing guru collages. Entrepreneurs have a passionate reputation of impatient shakers and movers making things happen in the now moment of time.

Success is driven by plans. Plans give the impression of professionalism. They come straight from our sub consciousness instinct. Writing down a report of what we are selling and presenting helps us develop a plan. A prepared scrip for ourselves is often a help. Without a plan we are just going though the ropes by the seat of our paints as we go and it shows.

They say successful people are risk takers. Many are often caught out with if only I knew they weren't prepared for. Risk taking into the unknown is often regrettable. We often think of the regret of no doing our homework. Our subconscious mind is smart to appreciate Murphy's law what can go wrong will most probably go wrong just when we don't need it.

There is more risks that didn't pay off hidden behind stories that paid off. Risk stories that paid off is only failure cover ups. Risks is a case of sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.

Our instincts are often foresighted to know how devastating it is when plans don't go according to plan. Self made millionaires have strong instincts for plan B and C options as precautionary standby.
The best way to avoid heartache is to plan for what can go wrong in plan b and C.

Planning plan B's and C's is a one step ahead of failure of the plan. We can fall fall back on plan B or if that fails plan we can resort to C. Recoding artists are often grateful for studious with who have a spare studios available in an emergency.

The secrete to success is planning for Murphy's law we can pick up the pieces and start again with the plan. The trick is doing homework working out the details of our plans. The habit of planning back up plans keeps us ahead of the game. They do their homework to minimize the risk

Roll playing in our minds playing the part of a client is one way to form plans. It isn't enough to think like a perspective client. We need to be the client. We are often inspired by ourselves as perspective client's to stopped by a charity promotion person in a mall or street for corner example.

Roll playing keep us reminded perspective as a client's point of view when stopped by a stranger. Studying roll playing how we feel being stopped we are studying the psychology of strangers reaction to each other.

We can follow cues what it's about a sales person that makes us pleasantly relaxed in their company. People's people are naturally extroverted having no problem with being relaxed with shy strangers. Introvert characteristics is often an illusion of an impression of a stiff upper lip professionalism as cold moody ness.

Shyness can appear to be uncomfortable in our company illusion as they are naturally uncomfortable with any stranger. Recognizing them as illusions we discover the secretes of establishing rapport at relaxing even the shy.

We don't need to much instruction from body language gurus, Youtube clips and books to intuitively know whether someone is uncomfortable in our company. We often don't follow our instinct screaming out the perspective client is uncomfortable in some way. We can all tell when we get the shy treatment.

In body language talk all types of closed limbs whether seated or standing. Often accompanied with a blank expression. Bland expression speak volumes. Our subconscious mind picks up we are in trouble dealing with anyone with crossed arms and blank expressions. We can all tell a fake smile a mile away.

Our subconscious mind can see though the optical illusion of all teeth with no delight in the eyes. We don't have to be body language experts to recognize it. Think of the contrast all teeth with a sparkle of delight in the eyes for comparison.

Police detectives can tell liars by the closed body language signals, blank eyes and the lack protesting they are telling the truth as much as you and me. Anybody can all tell when a person is protesting they are telling the truth. Their body language has a maximum amount of openness hand gestures and head movement and eye gestures.

We can all tell frustration when we see it, rolling eyes, nose pinching and hand exasperation gestures. These are often ignored but not to our subconscious mind. Any one who listens can see a mile away. We don't need to be instructed by body langue gurus to observe hand gestures when we see it. We may consciously ignore as it doesn't mean anything but not to our sub conscious minds.

People relaxed in our company tend to have a maximum communication response open limb signals, hand gesturing in conversation, nodding and delight in their eyes. Quite often mirroring our own body language with out realizing it. Operating on the principle others can see in ourselves.

It is a skill of professional entertainment street illusionists selecting volunteer strangers to anticipate in their mind game illusion tricks on the crowed. Audiences subconsciously pick up constant hand gestures as a professional without realizing it.

Studying YouTube clips on the subject paying attention to the illusionists hand gesturing. It can be very appealing. Ask yourself the opinion of what you felt about the illusionist interacting with the strangers like that. Think how you would feel if your where selected to participate in that way.

The worst thing thing from a sales person is the habit of hard selling. The easiest way to understand what the tactics feels like to perspective clients think of roll playing TV commercial scripts have on you.

One of the important points to bear in mind is other peoples money. Most decline sale and fund razing charities when a sales person looks and sound like they talking cost. Theses clients are usually budget conscious obliged when they don't want too spend any more than they have to. It is only a matter of getting the impression reinsurance they are not obliged at anything.

There is a unwritten human law in presentation we are not allowed to dress up how we like at very important business meetings, church, funerals, including defendants in a court of law. Without any formal law against it sports ware and gang patches and exposed tattoos is definitely a no-no. We are intimidated with annoyance anybody turning up dressed in sports shoes and track trousers or gang dress in a court room.

It's not who we are it's what we ware and how we ware our cloth's that's more important in important business wheeling and dealing. Lawyers wheel and deal with the judge on behalf of the defendant all the time. Judges suspend hearings until defendants smarten up with more respect often with a scorn massage to beliefs and lawyers.

To our successes mind smart looking is a signal of personal wealth and respect. It doesn't mean a collar and tie uniform. Clothes that fit right is the key. Anything but sports ware that fits nice, looks clean and tidy looking  that look very smart is all that is needed. It's not who your are it is dress smart that sells.

Imagine a woman with wearing expensive looking garments with maximum to all breast clever age covered right up to her neck dress covering below the knees or in formal fitting slacks. The first thing we subconsciously do is to put ourselves on notice. We immediately read oozing a very important company exegative boss. The dress oozes power. Think in contrast in tight shorts or mini skirt with a maximum amount of breast clever age.

Imagine a man wearing expensive looking business uniform with well polished business shoes. We subconsciously put ourselves on notice as very important company excusive boss. The business suit  oozes wealth and power. Think in contrast dressed in sports ware.

Exposed men's angles specially with no socks is not smart to others who notice. The worst is sports track shoes with no socks. If trouser cuffs are a bit high it is escapable with high socks hiding bar angles beyond the cuff line. But for best results covering the edge of shoes. Shoes is important too.

We all have our thoughts when we spot neglected polished looking dress shoes. Imagine being
stopped by a promotion team dressed smartly. By contrast imagine in sports ware. The most attention dress conduct the detail of sports track shoes. There are important details to we all observe straight away straight ties, shirt buttons done up the shirt is not cockeyed.

We are all particularly observant at noticing visible stains, trouser zippers not done up, neglected hair, crocked belts, socks not hiding bear angles properly and neglected polished shoes. These are the little slip ups that are often the first thing  can others notice about us.

People have varying digress of smell. Unfortunately most of it in unconscious they will immediately notice but can't think why there is something stale about us. Professionals know how true personal hygiene is very important. Old clothes my not smell to us but others can detect a radiation of stale clothes that will ruin any effort you put into rapport.

Smell is often unconscious in many ways which what makes meeting strangers very tricky. If you are unlucky enough to come across someone strangely flirting with us it is likely unconsciously attracted to our scent. There will be some unwelcome but subtle in trying to control courtship signals taking place during important business meeting.

\Woman have their courtship thing just as much as men. The same applies if we  get an unconscious whiff of another when we are right in the middle of an important meeting. It often interferes with our ability remain professional. We are unaware we can't help be attracted to that can lead to things we will regret latter. The same goes with an unconscious whiff we are not exactly attracted to.

We don't need body langue instruction noticing a stranger we have to deal with is moody in our company for no reason. Our subconscious can see their uncomfortable whiff of our stale sent.
Our own instinct straight from our subconsciou

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