Friday, October 11, 2019

The same speed as light

In 1960 science fiction movie of H.G. Wells classic 1895 novel about the adventure of a time machine that accelerated it's inventor into the future. In 2002 remake the time traveler by the name of George viewed the environment's time forward direction to the future like a fast forward video.
The wonder of light speed is example of the distance light travels in the zero resistance of space in the time of a second. Every environment second is the distance of a 186 thousand miles by the time the second hand of a clock moves a division. (Including any digital second). In kilometer terms every mile equals 1.609km

Our mathematical instinct aggress for every mile there is 1.609km. In other words 186000 multiplied by 1.609 converts to kilometers. A quick proof of this in any calculator. The arithmetic confirms light is always a consistent 186 thousand times as fast as every second whether given in km or miles it doesn't matter

light coasts at that maximum speed limit. Despite zero resistances light doesn't coast any faster. In out of space it's at it's maximum speed every tick of your phone clock in a now moment time at sea level. It doesn't coast any faster.

However scientific experiments has shown there is no lower speed limit including stopped altogether. In 1927 Albert Einstein and a Italian science collogue Satyendra Bose proposed a theory if light is stopped altogether where atomic energy is just short of stopping at minus 273 degrees Celsius. A temperature bellow that kind of frozen state all energy of the atom should cease to exist.

The theory says every atom has the same energy becoming a supper atom called the BoseEinstein condensate.
It wasn't until the 1990s it was possible come close enough to the BoseEinstein condensate proving it. In 2002 a pair of physicists Lene Hau and colleagues at the Rowwland institute of scientific research used the technology to stop light altogether. Details of which are on the internet. A brightside clip on Youtube explores what would happen if we stopped time.

When we accelerate to light speed we accelerate to the same speed as light. Some time travel buff's believe surpassing it the key to time travel. If time travel buffs belief is correct we would observe the same speed time comes to a stop.

What time is it traveling the same speed? Brightside reminds us if we travel the same speed as light stops light to zero so too all the atoms including the light particles. (he photons). The BoseEinstein condensate reminds us our body molecules would become. Another clip explores what would happen if a meteorite hits the earth at light speed. It clearly illustrates how nothing with mass can travel at light speed.

To travel light speed we have to accelerate to get there first. Traveling the same speed  means we stopped accelerating. In other words traveling the same speed as light we had slowed down to the same speed. We may well ask what time is it traveling the same speed as light? The only number that can describe it is 0.

Einstein's special theory reminds us if we accelerate to light speed looking at our wrist watch will tick away as normal. We would observe the environment's time slow down to a stop in the same proportion we'd accelerated and remain ticking as normal.

It is a common belief because of light speed we cannot go any faster. There are those that observe the possibility we could. Some believe we travel back in time. One thing for sure if exceeding light speed a potential we could accelerate in an infinite forward going acceleration for ever without slowing down. ]

Time on earth would go faster and faster for ever way-way beyond the BoseEinstein condensate. We'd obverse centuries pass on earth faster and faster in less than a second without slowing down for ever.

Our intuition understands from our point of view traveling the same speed as light must look stationary just as light speed would see us stationary. It reminds me of traveling the same speed as another vehicle on a state highway.

Lets say we we take several seconds of time to catch up. Accelerating the distance between us and the other vehicle gets shorter and shorter every second. The other vehicle looks like it is dropping back to wards us in proportion the same time an example of traveling a 4th dimension though time.

Once we reach the same speed we had decelerated. The other vehicle stops accelerating when in parallel with us. We are at the same speed independent of each other. Either one can accelerate faster the other looking dropped back. We can independently change speed ant any time.

While traveling the same speed are stationary relative their each other. Weather it can apply to the same speed as light is debatable. Assuming we are in a vehicle catching up with another crunching numbers the distance we traveled and the time once in parallel it can only have collapsed to the 0 distance and time. In other words we are traveling no distance and no time relative to traveling the same speed as each other.

Lets say we step off the gas in our vehicle. Despite the other vehicle remaining at constant speed looks like it had sped up speeding away ahead of us.

If we sped up the other vehicle will look slowing down dropping away behind us. The distance and the time of the other vehicle gets longer and longer and stops accelerating when we do.

According to Einstein when we accelerate to the same speed as light the distance and time is compressed shorter and shorter up to the maximum speed. In effect the faster we go the shorter the distance. The youtube brightside clip confirms If time travel buff's are right about time stopping at light speed the theory predicts we would exist at the BoseEinstein condensate.

The only number calculators can predict to represent us traveling the same speed as light is 0. It is all in the time travel buff's idea the faster we go the slower time goes. Once we reach the same speed as light we stop accelerating.

Visiting the past in a time machine we'd expect to manipulate the environment's time to go backwards. According to time travel buffs accelerating beyond light speed should do the trick. According to the same speed we had slowed down. According to the brightside clip everything else in nature slows down and stops.

According to slowing down the slower we go the faster the backwards running time should apply. Since light speed doesn't go any faster light we should have slowed down. Slowing down means the slower we go the faster time goes.

Since light doesn't go any faster will stop at it's maximum speed. We should observe the environment's time slow down in the forward direction to a stop at 0 speed.

In other words when we accelerate light speed decelerates and when we decelerate it accelerates. We should view light speed drop out of maximum speed to a stop in forward direction to reverse direction.  We observe the environment's time accelerating backwards to it's it's maximum speed.

Since we can't go any faster we observe the environment's time slow down to a stop to reverse direction. According to the relativity effects we observe the environment's time in the forward direction to stop acceleration at it's maximum speed. (You can observe the effect youtube Doctor who music or hyperspace keywords.

If light travels at it's maximum speed every environment second is anything to go by we may observe the slow down to a stop to reverse direction to a stop to reverse direction sequence in a environment second. The question is can we exist at the same speed as light predicts we may only exist when view light at it's maximum speed. Any change in our velocity the relativity effects of motion cancels out any time traveling benefits.

Time travel buffs believe gravity slows time according to the reputation of black holes is another example. It is said their gravity slows light down to an agonizing crawl finally stopping altogether. The brightside clip and the BoseEienstien condensate reflects what we would expect inside a black hole.

Like light speed gravity collapses the maximum speed of light to 0 approaching the black void. If that's anything to go by the earth's gravity including the atmosphere we breath right down to sea level slows sunlight down. Light is traveling slower at sea level than in out of space.

Deep in the core where the earth's gravity is at it's strongest even slower. In other words time is faster at sea level. The top floor of tall sky scrappers are faster than street level including the highest mountains. At jet plane altitudes time is the fasted. The closest to the core we go the slower gravitational time. The time discrepancies is only a mere few milliseconds difference. (Mill lee from the standard metric system prefix system for 1 dived a thousand)

A detail of Einstein's special theory reminds us if Goerges had looked at their breast pocket watches the whatches would have confirmed the special theory time for an observer is the same. At times George reached phenomenal speeds of centuries into the future every second every second of his time. To time travel buffs to that they would have to have traveled faster than light speed.

They would have to have accelerated in the environment's time reaching the same speed as light. We are reminded by Einstein's special theory as we approach light speed environment observers would view us shrink in the direction of travel. The effect of observing the environment from our point of view dramatized in the cockpit view of star wars star ships going hyper drive.

According to time travel buffs George should have viewed the environment as streaks of light from an endlessness vanishing point always ahead of him. According to the movies was a fast forward video effect of the environment's time.

If he'd looked behind the vanishing point streaks would have been both in front and behind him.  Anther good example is the opening of every episode of the British TV series Doctor who. We view a Rolla coaster front seat view of the endless ahead of us vanishing point we never seem to catch up with.

An important detail often overlooked by science fiction movies and fans alike any mass from an atom to a giant star are not supposed to be able to travel to light speed let a lone beyond it. There are those including some scientists who believe our mass could possibly one day travel beyond it is plausible.

According to Einstein's special theory of relativity we are compressed up to maximum speed. If light travels a 186 thousand miles times 1.609 in km's per second is anything to go by in the time of an environment second. This means at light speed the distance light travels is collapsed to zero. We are traveling at the same speed. At the same time we we are no longer accelerating. We had slowed down.

If we could observe the environment's time at light speed's point of view we would have accelerate so fast the environment's time is observed as to slowing down proportionately the time we accelerated. Once we slowed down to the same speed as light we should observe not moving any more. The environment's time appears to be stopped confirming time travel buffs believe time stops at light speed.

The environments time doesn't slow down. It remains the same. The environment's time that appears stopped is only the illusion of traveling so fast we can't observe it moving anymore. It doesn't go any slower than that.

Most of us believe if we observed George he would have vanished from view somewhere in the future. It's not surprising as we see the spokes of a bicycle wheel disappear into a fussy bluer traveling several mph. Note we often experience a wired sight of wheels going backwards.

As an environment observer point of view as far as we are concerned Gorge would have accelerated somewhere in the future at the same speed light as light. The two time machine movies showed us from Georges point of view of the environment's traveling like a fast forward video.

If he was accelerating the faster he went, the slower the environment's time should have gone till was so slow appeared not moving anymore. Time would have seemed to have stopped confirming time travel buff beliefs.

It is easy for the audience to assume since the environment was going fast he was traveling fast. Caught up in the story most time travel buffs would have forgotten the faster we go the slower times goes.

If that is anything to go by then George accelerating to the same speed as light would have observe the environment's time slow down proportionately in the time he was accelerating. To time travel buff's the idea the faster we go the slower we go at light speed the environment's time would appear no longer moving. In fact if we do the math's on this  the environment's time would be traveling a 186 thousand times as slow as Georges second.

Einstein's special theory reminds us George's time wouldn't have changed. If he checked his pocket watch it would have confirmed it ticking away as normal as the environment was frozen in time.

Could the environment's time exist a body traveling independently the same speed as light? If we do the math's on this predicts George traveling the same speed as light would have been a 186 thousand times as fast as every environment second. He would have observed every environment second a 186 thousand times as slow proportionately. It pans out Gorge would have viewed his pocket watch confirm the environment's time traveling a distance of a 186 thousand miles in a 186 thousand seconds of his time. It pans out the environment's time travels 1 mile or 1.609km every second of his time.

Those into challenging mathematics can work out hour long in days a 186 thousand seconds would be, about just over two and a 1/2 days every environment second.

Georges packet watch what would have confirmed traveling the same speed as light the environment's time travels a 186 thousand miles in a 186 thousand seconds of Georges reality. According the math's time doesn't stop at light speed.

Proof of this 1 second divided by 186 thousand light travels 1 mile or 1.609km in a 186 thousandth second of Georges time. Proof of this the environment's point of view Gorge would have speed up light speed 1 mile or 1.609km times a 186000 equals in the environment second. The discrepancy is all in the view point relatively to each others reality.

If George looked at his watch every second of his time aggress. It is only the illusion of going to slow to observe moving any more. From light speeds point of view the environment's time doesn't go any slower than that we observe it as fast. It is always the maximum speed from our point of view as we are as our environment is as slow to light speed point of view.

If we travel at light speed means we travel the same speed as the speed of light. If the faster we go the slower time goes is anything to go by the same speed as light speed predicts we had slowed down to the constant velocity of light. This predicts the slower we go the faster time goes should apply.

George should have observed the environment's time speed up. A key factor comes to mind with time travel fans believing time goes backwards when exceeding light speed. If the slower we go the faster time goes is anything to go by George  would have seen the environment's time slow to a stop. This means traveling the same speed in relation to himself traveling we view light speed traveling 0 velocity relative to us to us respectively.

According to at the same speed as light we would have decelerated. If the environment's time goes backward light speed would start to speed up. Since it doesn't go any faster that it's light speed accelerates backwards to it's maximum speed in a environment second. The speeding up means we had speed up in time.

The maximum speed of light stops it from accelerating beyond light speed so has decelerated backwards to the same constant speed going backwards. To go forward again the environment's time has to slow down to a stop and reaccelerate the opposite direction. The maximum speed of prevents it from accelerating beyond itself so decelerates to a stop again. We are back to square one repeating the cycle stuck in a endless looping.

George would seen the environment's time accelerating faster and faster as it goes backwards. In the case of the time machine movies he was observing the environment's time speeding up. However to observe it speed up if the slower we go the faster time goes is anything to go by George had to have slowed down to stop going backwards at normal time.

The slower we go the faster time goes reveals a detail about the nature of park statues traveling though the environment's time. We always observe them frozen in time every second an example of the 4th dimension.

In time travel movies a person travels to the future disappear from the present. Park statues are traveling though to the future every second too. They never disappear. They are always their every second tick of your phone clock every future second of every minute, hour, day, week  month every year after year. From our point of view statues are always in present time every second of our time.

From the statues point of view the environment's time is a couple of centuries every second way way beyond light speed if not at the same speed. In the time machine movies George observed the environment's time travels centuries in just seconds of his time. To do this George would have been frozen in time all those centuries. The slower he went the faster the environment's time went for his reality.

This effect is observed in real time watching grass grow. It grows as slow as our finger nails the same time the earth's plate tectonics move an example of a 4th dimension. looking at our phone, wrist watch and clocks is another.

The hour and minute hands are always stationery frozen in time at any given moment of time. So too the minute and hour columns of our phone clocks. The minute and hour hand appear stationary but are moving though the environment's time every second. We never observe them moving a full circle once in 12 hours for a.m. and another for p.m. an example of a 4th dimension.

Every minute is 60 times as slow as every second. Every hour is 3 thousand 600 times. A 24 our period is 86 thousand 400 times as slow as every second. Every second is 86 thousand 600th of a calendar date. Proof of this mathematics tells us every second is a reciprocal 1 divided by any number. For example 1 divide 86 thousand 400 is 86 thousand 400th of 24 hours. Proof of this 86 thousand 400th times 86 thousand 400 equals 1 date.

In effect the relativity effects of compressing distance up to the maximum speed tells us the maximum speed of light prevents us from accelerating to the same speed. No some speed means the we never travel any faster than our environment second at light speed. If we could will be artificially done by a time machine.

It is believed the gravitational pull of black holes slows time to a stop. From our point of view exist in the universe for centuries. If an astronaut observes the earth looking out of a black hole to the universe centuries of the universe would flash by in seconds and everything would be all over. The gravitational compression would convert the astronaut into information. Time is not stopped inside a black hole only far to slow to observe moving. The astronaut would exist as information indefinably at lest as long as the universe would exist.

Einstein's theory of special relativity reminds us of the stress of high acceleration take off an often an overlooked detail in in the energy and forces to time travel and creating wormholes. At a high speed take off we experience a weighed back sensation we express a G-force commonly known as G's.

If we do the math's on this in the zero resistance of space light travels 669 million 600 thousand mph times 1.609 converts to km's of G-force velocity.

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