Saturday, August 31, 2019

Most of us are fascinated with the idea of Albert Einstein' s theory of reality allows time travel.

Most of us are fascinated with the idea of Albert Einstein' s theory of reality allows time travel. Doing the math's right shows on the contrary.

Every text book reminds us the wonders of light speed travels a 186 thousand miles per second. That's the distance by the time second hand of clocks and wrist watches move a division defining every second as every now moment of time. Every division is a 186 thousand miles in that time.

If you wish in kilometers every mile equals 1.609km's. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of a 1.609 multiplied by a 168 thousand converts to km's. The definition defines light speed is every second. Proof of this when we multiply 1 mile by a 186 thousand gives us the distance light travels every second in miles. if we multiplied 1.609 by 186 thousand the same distance in km's.

It don't matter given in miles of km's light is a distance of a 186 thousand times as fast as every second. In the zero resistance of out of space light is at it's maximum speed limit. It doesn't go and faster than that making it an ideal math's constant.

Einstein's special theory tells us if we accelerate to light speed we the distance is compressed up to the maximum distance like a piano accordion. The theory reminds us if we look at our wrist which it ticks away as normal. At the same time we observe the environments time slow down proportionately we accelerated.

This means the faster we go the slower we observe the environment's time go.
Some time travel buff's believe time stops at light speed. Traveling at light speed we are traveling at the same speed projects the same thing. Traveling the same speed means we observe traveling in parallel with it. In other words we would have observed the environment's time slow down in proportion we accelerated until we reached the same speed as light viewing it as stopped.
From light speeds point of view we are traveling in parallel with it. In other words both at the same speed. The special theory reminds us if we do the math's on this reminds us we would observe the environment time had slowed down we were accelerating proportionately until the environment second had become 0 compressed to zero volume.

If the faster we go the slower we go is anything to go by, then the same speed as light means deceleration means the slower we go the faster time goes applies. We would observe light stretch out to the maximum distance light travels the environment second. In other words the relativity effect of

the slower we go the faster time goes we view light speed at it's maximum speed in every environment second.
Some time travel buff's believe at or exceeding light speed time goes backward. We would observe the relativity effect of the same speed as light slowed down to a stop and re accelerate going backwards.

The environment's time is speeding up going backwards as we observe the relativity effect of the distance of light speed expanding back to it's maximum distance it travels in every environment second.

According to the relativity effect once light has expanded to it's maximum distance the environment's time decelerates to a stop in the backwards direction. Once stooped we observe the the relativity effect speed the environment's time. We should observe the distance of light speed contract again repeating the cycle.

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