Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Anhedonia (an, a, dow, nee, a) is a mental condition everything is numbly boring from physical and social point of view because of a lack of ability of the brain to experience pleasure. To most people social situations the characteristics of strange loners. To most of us sound like introversion but extroverts can sufferer from anhedonia too.

Most people confuse anhedonia with depression. Depression is an intense painful feeling of sadness which anhedonia  is not. Some suffers don’t experience any mental disorders at all.

Unlike depression anhedonia is a feeling of painless numb feeling. Because of the numb characteristic don't feel any distress at an apparent empty life style. The condition tolerates being an all day couch potato without a care in the world. They can appear bright and alert. It is a mental condition that doesn't even feel depression which is what sets anhedonia apart from depression.

There are two main types social and physical. The socializing side socializing seems boring. Suffers quickly find they wish they where not at parties because of the lack of pleasure they can't seem dredge up the energy to feel to get involved. They are constantly wishing being alone to themselves than struggle with joining in.

Symptoms are noticed as the quiet one. At social gatherings everybody else usually to interested in enjoying the party. Sufferers can be observed as to not enjoy the party properly ending up being a person of no interest in time. Sometimes lack of feeling prefer it that way because it is such a struggle to cope with. The condition doesn't appreciate any encouragement.

The metal condition is responsible for not caring much how they treat their job employers who soon notice.

This includes having no feeling about being a jerk. A movie called falling down is a classic example of a anhedonia breakdown. A office worker had become bored with his job seemly feed up with it. Typical of anhedonia he was cool calm and collected he didn't care about walking off the job on his bosses without a word intending to stroll his way back home.

On his way he encountered all sorts of scared people reacting to his strange calmness putting them in their places before just walking calmly away. He was simply was tired of not being able to feel anything anymore. He didn't even care behaving like a jerk.

Because of the persistent boring numbness feeling relationships become some what boring because they just don't feel anything about it anymore. They can become relatively sexless. Beautiful and sexy can be seen as all right, but not exactly startling if that's what people mean. Attractive people can be seem very bland to anhedonia sufferers.

It tends to be of no interest often withdrawing from relationships. It can lead to a relationship fix though affairs to must people falling out of love with a partner. The a numb experience is to boring to continue any more. The characteristic doesn't mean suffers feel unhappy. It is just the brain's inability to experience pleasure. It is a condition that just don't feel anything.

To many the condition may seem seem moody. It can be seen in verbal and nonverbal expressions making it difficult for a sufferer enjoy social situations properly. Others often notice a tendency of fake emotions, such as pretending there into the party, wedding or any social gathering making them look like fakes.

The characteristic lack of libido and uninterested in physical intimacy. Being sexless is often subtle but obvious to partners noticing a persistent minimum amount of attention and action. Seemingly quiet treatment lack of interest is one of the subtle clues.

The physical side of anhedonia is an inability to feel tactile pleasures such as foods tending to be bland, touching means nothing, and sex isn't exciting often expressing it is not as cracked up as people make it out to be. Constantly not in the mood is a sign.

Anhedonia has overlapping symptom of depression which what makes it tricky to diagnose properly. The difference depression suffers feel the painful suffering of sadness. Prescription medication, antidepressants and antipsychotic medication suppressing the depression potentially morphs into anhedonia characteristics.

The cause is often in the habits of life styles that slows down brain plasticity. The ability of self repairing. It was once thought when brain cells are damaged or die off it is permanent. But recent studies has shown it was the illusion of the brain just being inefficient and slow at it. But it is indeed comparable self healing.

Self treatments often shows up in addictions. This can include criminal behavior anything that gives them a good buzz relief. It is often noticed how cold they appear to victims. The relief they experience shows in the seemingly no remorse the need for the brain to hold onto  the stimuli. Anhedonia characteristics is a condition that stimuli is often temporary. Once they get used to it they loose interest again. How quickly depends on the individual. It effects their concentration.

Although anhedonia may seem to explain psychopath's are those that seem devoid of empathy or at lest can't experience it properly. They not necessary experience anhedonia although the characteristics can be a driven part of it chasing fixes. Anhedonia is a condition in order to get another fix they constantly refreshing the same fix. Lucky for some partners in if the fix is sex to society the stigma of crime activities.

It is not recommended to diagnose yourself or others. The key is to recognize the difference between depression anhedonia specially medication treatment for depression masquerading as anhedonia symptoms. Consult medical professionals with your observed concerns.

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