Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The psychology of feeling bullied

The definition of bullying is often seen as intimating jerks humiliating us. We often see this in gangs and muggers humiliating those that tend to be a bit timid. Humiliation can also be passive not only from a bully but in yourself. Despite any complement we can all tell we have just been put in our place including seen in the movies.

Recognizing we'd felt put down by what appears a complement is the key to recognizing passive aggressiveness. Observing others in the habit of doing it to others is the key to recognizing a passive aggressive person. 

When fully alert our brain is very clever at picking up all sorts of hidden meanings behind complements. Politicians often feel compiled to lash out at reporter passive aggressive questioning.
Passive aggressive is a covert hostility often hiding behind spreading gossip targeted at their victims. Alert politicians lashing out at news media are now describing it as fake news.

Those who listen to gossip are often used as set up baits to ruin reputations and behind starting gang confrontations. An alert school principle and detective can suspect a passive aggressive trouble maker hidden in the background somewhere to investigate.

We see in movie school bullies humiliating other students often new students targeted trying out initiation testing to see what they've got. Other situations include victims seen as some sort of threat
quite often jealously behind unprovoked humiliation.

Potential victims are often those spotted by jerks that look like the have never learnt to look out themselves. In the movies often stereotyped as typical nerds. Our brain is good at picking up timid ness in others. It can see it miles away. Even the contrast those that look like they can look out for themselves too. Aggressive jerks pass over with caution unless they see us a threat of some kind overriding their better judgment for caution can be the most serious attention of unprovoked humiliation.

Being a victim of humanization is often from our subconscious mind sending a subconscious message from a gut feeling we are way-way out of our depth dealing with the problem once and for all. The problem with subconscious it is not specific. It's just a feeling. 

Most of us are nervous of a confrontation becoming physical. Most of the time it is a gut feeling it isn't the place, time and no support. Often our gut feeling is telling us we can't fight, terrified of getting hurt, and further humiliated by no support.

Avoiding confrontation pre conditions our subconscious mind to get into the habit of the feelings. Being uncomfortable shows miles away to every body to see. Our brain is very clever at observing constant on edge and timid behavior. We can be bluffed. Feeling humiliation specially in front of by standers watching on bullies can get away with messing with your head. It attracts teasing jerks like nails to a magnet.

In the movies it is clear we can learn a life lesson the wrong thing to say we don't want to fight. The humiliation only intensifies with probing and testing until the victim finally snaps. Also eyes wide. It not only looks spooky but tells everybody we are not in control of our fear.

As we see in the movies victims are seen as having balls often expressed showing victims not scared seen in long narrow eyed blank stars breathing though their nose. This non verbal bluff is seen as brave hearts by by-standers. Their silent anticipating waiting is a kind of a loud and clear non-verbal support. Potential gasps can come from  by standers when if stand with hands on our hips challenge. 
This cannot be acted. It can easily be overdone making us look like a nerd pretending to be tough making matters worse. Bullies including by standers have to observe genuine cool, calm and collected alertness in our eyes or see us as a fake.
Under constant humiliation we experience constant hurt lowering our alertness that plays a major roll in the continuing humiliation. We consciously experience the logic roll we must somehow be annoying to others. 
Our consciences is part of our brain that constantly looks for answers. We are consciously distressed we don't understand why everybody gives us unwarranted humiliation all the time can be supportive for a while. Always looking for answers we begin to feel we don't know what to believe anymore. But our conscious mind ability to keep looking for answers doesn't disperse never giving up analyzing for answers. 
Our subconscious mind is a part of our brain that has the habit of believing it without question. It is at it's strongest at suggestions when we are not fully alert though nursing hurt prides. We have conscious instruction to be uncomfortable round our bullying nemeses. We are instructed with gut feeling thoughts to be careful and at all costs to avoid them.
In avoiding humiliation we end up getting into the habit constantly suspicious of that person that person and so on. Our conscious mind is constantly analyzing why me? What am I doing wrong? I don't hurt anybody. I keep to myself analysis. 
Our subconscious mind hasn't the ability to doubt, and look for answers. It thinks in terms of we don't hurt anybody because we keep to ourselves because we don't hurt anybody because we keep to ourselves because we don't bully anybody to make it true bulling happens to us to make it true logic. 
With a lowed alertness we never consciously realize our short sighted subconscious mind instruction because it is unconscious to our alert conscious mind reasoning for answers. Our conscious mind is always looking for answers ability is not thinking like our subconscious mind.
It becomes a conscious habit of believing it must be true we annoy others coming straight from our deep subconscious mind who knows it isn't our fault we get bullied. It's logic dictates to show it isn't our our fault why we have get bullied to make it true we get bullied. 
The contrast our conscious mind doesn't except conclusions like that we are plumaged by our conscious thoughts of why me? I don't do anything wrong? Our conscious mind doesn't understand our subconscious is incapable of asking questions.
We often get conscious feelings of being disgusted with ourselves for standing by while letting bullies get away with humiliating us made worse thinking how could we let it happen right under everybody else's noses. The thought often turns into self loathing. In our lowered alertness we often get conscious thoughts about cowardice crossing our minds. 
The thought of wishing we could put our nemeses in their place for a change but feeling we can't galls us even more. Our conscious thoughts shows in our withdrawn and moody behavior others can see miles away. We often see this on TV shows. Everybody notices from friends and family. They are often hurt buy our shunning them. We often get persistent asking what's wrong interrogation attention hating ourselves for not looking out for ourselves.
Under our current self loathing we feel as an unwonted interrogation and patronization we don't want right now. All we feel is to be left alone. lashing out we feel embarrassed to talk it. Others don't understand how we feel specially not able to understand our lash out behavior either.
The one place that allows us to let bullies get away with messing with our heads is the fear of putting the bully in their place once and for the number of reasons described . We can all take comfort by a world war 2 American president present Theodore Roosevelt in a famous speech address to the public when he said we can use as a life lesson when said we have nothing to fear but fear itself.  Fear comes from our gut feelings straight from our subconscious mind we are out of our depth.
Consequently we get conscious messages it's our fault. If it becomes a habit we end up training our subconscious mind to believe it. During upset we are not fully alert. We become in danger of our subconscious mind taking over it's our fault because we are bullied because it's our fault because we get bullied logic. It becomes a conscious obsession. 
Think of the habit we consciously don't believe it's not our fault everybody humiliates us. Any habit keeps us on our toes and this positive affirmation is no exception. The habit of not believing it's not our fault we tend to be cool, calm and collected with ourselves. We become more alert. Fully alert our brain is cool, calm and collected free from the ravages of our own negative integration thoughts. In fact the habit our subconscious thinking is often brilliant at being supporting ourselves.
Our conscious mind's obsession with looking for answers we find ourselves question the logic it's not our fault. The questioning ability is maximum when fully alert keeping itself looking for answers motivating us to consider the possibility that it could be true it's not our fault after all.
Our conscious mind is free to recognize any bullying threat as an illusion of what it really means. It tends to be incredibly smart at recognizing transparency of what's really going on. Any out of the blue humiliation our brain can recognize testing initiation or jealous attacks when our brain sees it.
To work it must become a conscious habit of recognizing it's not our fault we have a bullying nemeses. The conscious habit of realizing it's not our fault appeals to our conscious mind supportive reasoning. We start experiencing emporia though the revelation. The trick is conscious self talk it's not our fault until it sinks in we believe it's true. In doing so we train our subconscious mind to believe it is not our fault.
There is 2 supportive magic words that helps us control our panic and bring us to a state of full alertness is don't panic followed by keep cool, calm and collected. Once again for this to work it must be a self talk habit telling ourselves we don't panic. 
Convincing ourselves we keep cool calm and collected until it becomes a subconscious habit logic we don't panic because we keep cool, calm and collected because we don't panic.
We don't panic because we keep cool, calm and collected logic. In the thinking our subconscious mind we don't panic because we keep, cool, calm and collected to make it true we don't panic, because we keep cool, calm and collected why we don't panic to make it true we keep, cool, calm and collected whitch is why we don't panic because we.....blar,blar,blar and son on
We retrain our subconscious mind to believe it's important to be not our fault to make it true it's not our fault. In the thinking of our subconscious mind because it's not our fault, it is true it's not our fault because it's not our fault to make it true it's not our fault. Soon it becomes an unconscious mind set habit we believe it is not our fault.
The thought is a calm relief from the grip of fear. Not being afraid of humiliation we can keep our heads. Keeping our heads shows. By standers can see us very sharp and alert miles away. A clear head is incredibly intelligently and cool looking. We look very brave and smart instructed by our subconscious mind telling us it is important it isn't our fault to make it true it isn't our fault. Under the influence of our subconscious mind our brain fully alert can properly observe, think and remember details with ease.

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