Monday, October 30, 2017

Sliding a wormhole.

In the second year of world War 1 the German science magazine Annalen der Physik published Albert Einstein's squall of the 1905 special theory called the General theory. Space is rubbery and flexible. The mass of stars and planets bends space. It is bent into a curve round them. According to Newtonian gravity the mass of the Artic circle at the North pole pulls space inward on it just as the mass the Antarctic continent at the south pole. The earth is in the center of a religion of curved space surounding the entire circumference in a three dimensonal cacoon.
For centuries astronomers observed planet and stars orbiting in the night night sky. What was orbiting them? Isaac Newtown provided an answer a gravitational pull of a mass is near by from a planet or star.
Astronomers asked why they couldn't they see it? Newtown's answer if a star with enough mass to capture a 100% of light is in orbit round such a star in an endless loop light is not traveling directly in a straight line to their eyes. Such an answer provided astronomers with the insight into such a body would not be able to observe any reflecting light. It would be a black void hidden in the black void of space.
According to Newtown's laws of motion the only thing that could capture a 100% of light in an endless loop orbit the gravitational field must be stronger than light speed can escape called a dark star familiar to us as a black hole.
In 1935 Albert Einstein with a couple of collages Boris Podolskv and Nathan Rossen set out to publish a paper arguing quantum physics was an incomplete science. Einstein's general theory predicted the gravitational pull could shrink a deep well in space. The trio dreamed up an experiment to show just how. Wells could possibly be linked by a pair of dark stars.
The experiment predicted the modern interpretation of a short cut portal to the other side of the universe we typical call wormholes known as the Einstein, Podolskv, Rosen (EPR) bridge to the other side of the universe. Or the modern interpretation of linking parallel universes.
If the law of physics gas entering a narrow and restricted bottle neck accelerates faster is anything to go by, mater entering a wormhole entrance squeezed by the bottle neck of the narrow bridge will turbo charge though it exiting out the other black hole.
If we experiment with a pair of kitchen funnels connected to together dumping a cup of water one end (The force of the water is a gravity feed) we can see a jet come purring out at speed the other end. If this works on a cosmic scale the velocity the bottle neck will transport matter clear across the other side of the universe within a few minutes. The trouble is violates the speed of light law.
Breaking the light barrier was  a popular theme of time traveling into the past. A theory suggests, if we exceed light speed time should go backwards.
Einstein believed the consequence of the narrow bridge matter could never be able to exceed light speed anyway. Light speed in the zero resistance of space coasts at a 186 thousand miles per second. It travels the distance every time the second hand of a clock and our wrist watch moves every division.
If traveling though a narrow restriction of a wormhole is accelerated to the maximum speed would exit the other black hole clear across the other side of the universe in only a matter of Minutes. We know there is 60 seconds in a minute. Thus 60 times light speed equals the distance turbo charging though the bridge in that time.
Note. Every mile equals 1.609km. It's only a matter of the mph term multiplied by 1.609 giving kilometers per second term.
The maximum speed of light is a perfect mathematical constant for calculating distances light travels in a time. Even in the zero resistance of out of space light doesn't coast any faster. Calculations involving light speed and time round the clock there is no fractions remaining to complicate things.
This leaves it easy for our mathematical instinct to agree adding up all the seconds of a minute multiplied by a light second either kilometer or mile term projects the distance light is turbo charged up to the maximum speed of light though transverse wormholes in that time.
If we slide a transverse wormhole at the maximum speed of light every second in a minute amounts to 60 times 186 thousand giving us a total distance of 11 million 160 thousand miles every minute we slide the transverse portal. Multiplied by 1.609 pans out to 17 million 956 thousand and 440km in that time. Most of us believe we travel much faster than that. If so just by how much is unknown. Some of us may question if we travel an infinite distance in a second. Time is traveling a infinite distance every second that pass on earth
We can add up all the seconds in an hour times the 24 hours of a day of earth time we traveled the distance sliding the bridge. If so wormholes are the 
If matter is turbo charged to the maximum speed of light we can add up all the seconds for the 7 calendar days of a calendar week sliding the wormhole including every calendar month to every year.
Taking into account of the extra day at the end of every third February leap year we can project the distance light traveled at it's maximum speed sliding though the bridge in decades, centuries, millennia (thousand years) millions and billions of years even in trillions of centuries. But in outer space time earth time may mean nothing. Even so the refence just shows how far we travel at light speed compared to the time on earth.
In the apparent zero resistance of out of space every second on earth is always constant light second added to every second after every second we slide the bridge indefinitely.
Today it is every school boy knowledge light from the moon takes less than a couple of seconds to reach our eyes and just under 8 minutes from the sun. By the time you finish this sentence light had traveled 186 thousand miles twice over above the sun's surface. Or 186 thousand miles by the time the second hand of a clock or wrist watch moved every division.
From the sun's point of view is always real time just as real time on earth is to us. From our point of view we won't see light that just left the sun now until 8 minutes into our future. Real time for sun light is scheduled to reach earth 8 minutes into the future. For real time on earth the sunlight we see now is only an image of the sun 8 minute ago every second. Looking at the sun now is an image of what it was 8 minutes ago.
If we do the arithmetic on this we can project all the seconds in 8 minutes (8 times 60) multiplied by light speed in miles terms multiplying by1.609 gives us the distance in kilometers the distance from the sun from earth. It is a mistake to round off 299 thousand 274km to 300 thousand because as we add up distances will produce a massive error. Stay with every 299 thousand 274km to be precise. It is as equal as adding every 186 thousand miles to every second.
Distance distorts our real time of the sun by 8 minutes. By the time you finish this sentence. Light from the sun spreads out in outer of space all directions away from the sun as much as towards us.
The sunlight we see now is 186 thousand miles away from earth, every second added the father away it travels in every second. The second hand of every wrist watch and clock moving every division is a now time that comes from the future second passing into the past second every second direction. We observe sunlight from the sun coming towards us as much as we see distant star light coming towards us.
Every second second hand division movement of our wrist watches and clocks is a sub light speed scale. If we do the arthritic on this our mathematical instinct agrees our math's agrees light speed is 186 thousand times as fast as every second on earth. 186 thousand times as fast as every second applies to every 1.609km. Proof of this a 186 thousand times 1.609.
The law of mathematics tell us we can 1.609 times 186 thousand. We can dived 299 thousand 274km by 186 thousand giving us 1.609km or 299 thousand 274 divide 1.609 giving us a 186 thousand respectively. The same applies to in mph terms. Light speed at it's maximum speed is always a 186 thousand times faster than every second on earth.
Proof of this 1 dived a 186 thousand equals a 186th of a second times 186 thousand pans out to 186 thousand miles and 1.609km in one second. Every 186th thousandth environment second is every mile every 1.609km. From our point of view every second of our time is a 186th of the environment second.
Einstein's special theory of relativity on the dynamics of time at light speed If turbo charged to maximum light speed sliding a wormhole is anything to go by when we accelerate to light speed we accelerate faster than the second on earth. The faster we go the closer we get to the maximum speed of light the slower the universe should appear to travel.
When we finally reach light the maximum speed limit we would be traveling in parallel with it. From our point of view  we would be traveling no distance in relation to traveling the same speed.
Mathematically means light to us is zero motion just as we observe traveling in parallel relative to traveling the same velocity as another vehicle on a state highway.
But if we observe time on earth at light speed's point of view it turns out to be the reciprocal of 186 thousand. (A reciprocal is 1 divide any number in this case 1 divided by a 186 thousand a 186 thousandth second). In other words light travels a distance of a mile or every 1.609km every 186 thousandth of a second. Observing every second on earth we would observe it stretched every 186 thousand seconds of our time.
It's because we are traveling 186 thousand times faster reference than the reference of the environment second. The environment's time may look stopped to us but from environment observers point of view time is moving every second as normal.
To us we would appear a 186 thousand times as fast as their every second into the future.
Time is not stopped from either point of view because we are traveling every186 thousand seconds to the environment's every second. Or if you like traveling every second of our time is traveling in parallel with every 18th environment second.
From environment observers point of view of sees us as fast is relative to our point of view viewing environment observers as slow. Since light speed don't travel any faster than it does we are traveling a point where time on earth has maxed out to slow for us to observ the environment time move anymore. In other words the faster we observe the environment's time the slower we observe it proportionately.
In acceleration terms it would be like observing the environment's time take a 186 thousand seconds of our time for just 1 environment second to slow sown to stop. From the environment observers point of we zapped a 186 thousand times as fast in their second.  From our point of view we would be traveling constantly every 186 thousand second increments of our time of every second of the environment's time.
From environment observers point of view we would appear a constant 186 thousand times as fast as every their second.
A consequence of light speed is spelt out by Isaac Newtown's laws of force and motion particularly his third law that says where there is a force there is an opposite and equal force opposing the the force Accelerating the body. It is the nature of all accelerating bodies reinstating acceleration called inertia.
To put Newtown's laws in perspective we'd experience the force that comes with high speed we famously call G's. We experience it as a force compressing us inward from every direction. Roller Coaster accelerations is a classic example of this.
1G is the force of the earth's mass pulling us to the surface as our body weight. In Roller coaster accelerations the compression force of 2G is a feeling of twice our body weight. Three G's twice our body weight. At 4G's we experience so much compression we are that close to blacking out.
A good example is the forces of a 450kmph rocket sled take off. The mph term is times 0.621. This acceleration hurls the sled to a distance of a 125 meters (times 3,281 in feet) by the time the second hand of our wrist watch second hand moves a division. Machine gun Bullets travel no more than about that speed.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Planck Constant

If a Planck constant is anything to go by the universe is on a Planck scale. If we divide 1 by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 equals thirty-nine decimal zeros 6262 a total of a 43 decimal number of a meter, a kilogram of mass and a second of time. The scientific notation is 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43 respectively. Note the law of mathematics tells us we can pronounce the syntax 10 to the minus 43 times 6.262 holds true.

The reciprocal tells us the same 6262 number relocated on the left of the same number of zeros amounts to 1 multiplied by 10 forty-three times multiplied by the same 6.262 giving a 43 digit number, better known by the scientific notation, 6.262 times 10 to the 43. The 10 to the 43 times 6.262 syntax also holds true.

10 to the 43 is the number of Planck seconds in a second. By comparison our computer processing speed ii Gigahertz (From the standard metric system for a thousand million GHz) only a 1 with a mere nine zeros. =In scientific notation term 10 to the 9Hz equals 1GHz or the other syntax 10 to the 9Hz. If the processing speed was on a Planck would be 10 to the 34 times 6.626 GHz.

If you think the Planck Constant is a huge number consider the internet search engine is named after called Goggle. It is 1 multiplied by 10 a 100 digit number over twice the number of zeros of a Planck constant. Compared to a Planck Constant is an insignificant number.

We can see when adding zeros we can never reach infinite. Every additional zero is 10 times as large. 0 plus a 0, plus another 0, add another and another and another and so on indefinitely. In theory the number of zeros added will surpass a few trillion zero number we can still add zeros. The continuous addition of is nowhere near infinite. Where would that leave the Planck Constant at only 39 zeros?

Turning our attention to gravity Albert Einstein's General theory of relativity tells us Isaac Newton's inward pull force of the mass of matter such as our sun and earth distort space round them. Stars, planets, comets, asteroids even specs of dust stretches space into curve space surrounding their circumferences.

The mass of the  Artic circle of the earth's North pole for example pulls space inward as much as the Antarctic an containment of the south pole. The result is a curved religion of space round the entire circumference of the sun, earth including all the planets of our solar system.

The standard model of black holes the very center called the singularity was a state infinitely dense with zero volume mass. But if the smallest amount of mass of a Planck constant is anything to go by we can easily appreciate the center to the edge (radius) of a singularity is a Planck length. 0 The entire singularity weighs 6.262 times 10 to the 43 kilograms of gravitational compression is significant amount of gravity. If we convert to tones amounts to 6.262 times 10 to the 40.

If we look at the standard model of the atom consists of orbiting particles called electrons orbiting central particles called protons and neutrons thought as pure energy instead of the traditional point particle idea. According to physics atoms are in a const flux of vibration a single back and forth moment (one wavelength) in a Planck second called Hertz. (Hz). In the case the atomic particle frequency many on a Planck constant scale in every second.

Scientists believe the particle of the atom burrow though space and time they call tunneling. To you and me disappear instantly reappearing another place. The disappearing and reappearing act is what a Danish particle physicist of the 1920's Neil’s Bore proposed electrons jumping from one orbit to another within the atom expressed as quantum leaping.

If the Planck constant is anything to go by, the math's tells us one quantum leap amounts to a quantum leap of a Planck second in a Planck length amounts to 6.262 times 10 to the 43 times by the time the second hand of a clock moves every division. There is well over several dozen trillions of google electrons doing the same leaping throughout just one piece of space let alone the whole universe considering nowhere near infinite.

If a Planck Constant frequency is anything to go by If we were to observe time on earth from the point of view observers would observe us 6.262 times 10 to the 43 times as fast as every environment second. From the environment's point of view time runs as normal. From our point of view looks stopped. From our point of view would every environment second would appear 6.262 times 10 to the 43 times as slow.

In other words from our point of view of the environment appears stopped. It is only the illusion of us going so fast the environment's time had long become to slow to observe moving anymore. If the Planck Constant is anything to go by we observe every environment second moving though time every 6.262 times 10 to the 43 seconds as opposed to every one environment second. We are not seeing the envelopments time stopped. The environment's time is never stopped than we are going as fast.

Theoretical physics believe atomic particle behavior two particles occupy the same space at the same time. It is what they call spin action. This may be just an illusion due to the speed of the spin if on a Planck frequency. At that kind of frequency in every second it may look like atomic particles are occupying the same space at the same time.

The particles this part of the universe is simultaneously quantum leaping with the entire universe. Atoms this part of the universe is entangled with the particles of the atom clear across the other side expressed as an action at a distance. It would seem what atomic particles do in this local part of the has an instantaneous effect on the particles clear across the other side.

Light particles called photons have a peculiar characteristic of doing things only particles do then only a waveform can only do at a moment’s notice. Light (including atomic particles) are known for their duel properties of being a stream of particles and a waveform characteristic. The extraordinary thing they change their characteristic just by looking at them.

Particle physicists contend the act of observing an atomic particle vanishes it. It is believed reappears in another place we are not looking. This quantum leaping is completely Radom. It is not something predictable.

There is only 2 states one position here then anther position over there if a Planck Constant is anything to go by a every Planck length in a Planck second of time. Every time we look at a particle it moves to another position in that time. The Planck time scale is so fast we can never trace any particle moving from position to position.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Spinning Black holes

The second year of world war 1 a German science magazine Annalen der Physik published the sequel of Albert Einstein's 1905 dynamics of moving bodies the special theory of relativity called the General theory. The General theory proposes space is flexible and rubbery bent by the mass of bodies. There are those who believe Einstein's general theory of relatively proves black holes pull space into a deep well.

The mass of stars, planets, including asteroids comets to specks of dust shrink space inward all directions round the entire circumference a bit like water pressure compressing deep sea submersibles squeezed from all directions. Similarly mass is capsulated in a stretched religion surrounding it. Right in the center of this surrounding tight squeeze is the mass itself.

The center of the gravitational pull of a black hole may be as finite as the Planck Constant. A Pluck constant is 1 divided by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 giving us thirty-nine decimal zeros and 6262 fraction of a meter. If we multiply 1 by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 is 6.262 times 10 to the 43, the same 6262 thirty-nine zero number. If the Planck constant is anything to go by right in the center of the tight squeeze is a singularity of mass on a Planck scale. The Planck constant is the smallest amount of mass, length space and time

It has been suggested a spinning black hole at the speed of light theoretically should be fast enough centrifugal force to overcome the gravitational pull pushing outwards into a stable ring space ships can safely travel though to another universes or at lest the other side of this one. It's assuming the laws of centrifugal force in circular motion explains how we can travel though black holes.

If we examine the physics of spin we discover it isn't as simple as that. The center of all spinning circles spin on the spot. The center of the artic circle and Antarctica oo earth spin on the spot.

The edge of any circling circle  has distance to travel while the spinning on the spot in the center has not. If we open out a circle to a straight line we and measure the straight line with a ruler we find the distance the edge travels the circle.

Lets say light traveling in a straight line is a distance of a 186 thousand miles (Note. Every mile equals 1.609km. If we multiply by light speed we get kilometers per second term). If any straight line is rolled into a circle becomes the same distance full rotation in time.

If we rap a piece of string round the equator of a globe opened out to a straight line will measure the distance of the circumference. With a bit of mathematical figuring we can scale the circumference of a globe relative in scale of the real earth.

More information on spheres are revealed by all straight lines raped round the equator of any sphere. Opened out to a straight is the same circumference of a any circle the same circumference of any sphere.

Likewise if we measure every straight line measures the circumference of every circle and sphere Information is also revealed by (pie) pi that calculates the circumference and diameter across them. Half the diameter reveals the center to the edge of any circle and sphere. If the Planck constant is anything to go by the center of the of black hole radius is a Planck length (6.262 times 10 to the menus 43 of a meter). Using this information pi will calculate the diameter and circumference csn be calculated.

Again if the Planck constant is anything to go by then the gravitational pull would be 6.262 times 10 to the 43 kilograms of tight squeeze force for the diameter across it. In tones term would be 6.262 times 10 to the 39. The relative size of black now singularities to the proportional of gravitational pull is one of the enduring mysteries of the universe.

The earth being a sphere the center of the artic circle and Antarctica spin on the spot the velocity that of the earth's spin. At the same time the mass of the two poles compress inward equally bulging the equator where it has distance to travel round the circumference every 24 hour velocity.

The momentum forces of any spinning sphere is concentrated in the equators not in the center. It is the outer edge where the maximum force is. A pin in the center of a spinning disc will only spin vertically experiencing no distance to travel thus no significant force. Spinning disc force is concentrated in the distance the edge spins. The same principle applies to the distance of the equators of spinning spheres.

We can all understand the physical forces using a merry go round analogy. The outside swings travel more distance round in the circling swings than the inside ones. The outer swings feel the brunt of the force. Not the inner ones.

The faster the merry go round goes the more power in the outer edge force. Despite spinning faster the inner swings having less distance to travel experience less force. A person standing right in the center of the spin on the spot travels zero distance. This person will experience virtually no force at all.

Some of us speculate because of the strange effects of black hole gravity may not apply to black holes. What would work the opposite effect? Is there more force on the singularity then the event horizon? An easy answer for these people the effects of light speed changes the law of physics opposite to the laws we know should work.

If we recap the laws of a merry go round instead imagine all the force at the edge of the black void of the event horizon of a black hole centrifugal force concentrated right in the center of the spinning hole. It's certainly an ideal place where centrifugal force is needed the most to open an aperture in it.
The distance the event horizon traveles round experiences little or no force. The singularity takes it all.

If the same laws apply is anything to go by is very little centrifugal force may be right in the center of black holes. It is a decision we all need to consider if the laws of physics apply or don't. Using a merry go round example there is very little force generated in the center of black holes. When we take the gravitational squeeze into consideration certainly not enough to over come the immense inward inward pull power where it is needed to successfully open an aperture in it.

Others speculate the laws of circular motion physics applies working on the event horizon creating a safely ring round the singularity we can safely by pass sliding though the event horizon. Thus the spinning event horizon at light speed is no longer a point of now return.

When does the laws of physics as we know it start to fail. 90% light speed. A 100% or when we exceeded it. Exceeding light speed is the popular scenario for traveling back though earth's time line.

Either way does a black hole spins 90%, on or exceeds light speed the law of circular motion applies or changes to the opposite? Sliding a black hole directly though the singularity or by-passing it though the event horizon instead the laws of physics may change back to we know it in accordance with the laws of the other universe existing the output or it doesn't.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

antimater matter

Everything in matter  we know including our bodies is made up of cells that are made up of molecules that are made up of atoms. Atomic particle are so tiny even with a powerful microscope to see them are like trying observe a bunch of marbles with a telescope dozens of kilometres away.

The default model of the atom is made up of tiny orbiting particles called electrons orbiting a central core that is made up of  bigger particles called protons and neutrons. Electrons orbit the two central particles (Nucleus) 95% light speed.

Atomic particles have the properties of electrical charge. Electrons have a negative charge while the central proton has a positive charge. The neutron has no charge at all.

We have all discovered at one time or another playing round with two magnets they not only cling together but also discover repel each other. If a bar magnet is suspended freely in a sling it will aligning itself one end North and one end South. The invisible magnetic fields surrounding each end are attracted to the earth's magnetic poles moving the mass of the magnet like a compass.

One end is attracted pulled to the North pole while the other is repelled pushed away from the South pole aligning across the North and South pole direction. One end is North seeking and the other South seeking where we have N and S seeking magnetic poles in every magnetic filed.

In the same way the negative charge (-) electrons are repelled by the negative charge electrons attracted to the positively (+) charged protons. The like repel and unlike attract law. The forces work together electrons repelling electrons attracted to protons like nails flying to a magnet. This is the property of matter.

Anti matter is a mirror image of matter but electrons are positive, and protons are negative while the neutron remains neutral. The repelling forces is the key to understand how mixing matter and antimatter is so dangerous to each other.

When we mix antimatter with matter it is a case of the same electrical charges occupying the same spaces at the same time. By the unlike attract law the negatively charged protons repel the negatively charged electrons. So too the positively charged protons repel the positively charged electrons.

The consequences of the forces of the repulsions scatter the particles on a light speed scale turning into a colossal amount of light speed scale energy.

In 1964 NBC TV station studios planed a brand new science fiction TV series called Star Trek. Scientific advisers suggested the use of the ships engines make use of the power of mixing antimatter with matter to propel the Enterprise to light speed in an instant called warp drive.

The theoretical concept solved an accelerating engineering problem. Isaac Newtown's 3rd law of force and motion states where there is a force (acceleration acting on  a body) there is an equal and opposite force pulling back on the acceleration we commonly express as G's resisting acceleration expressed as the inertia of the accelerating body.

In terms of the System International (SI) units equivalent of feeling weighed back by several kilograms (or pounds if you like) force. In scientific notation any force reference is given in Newtown's.

If the Enterprise was accelerated to light speed in a second  in the zero resistance of out of space the mass would generate so much pull back force would only be capable of a maximum speed less than a percent of light speed. It wouldn't go any faster. At maximum speed the acceleration is terminated to a constant velocity. Terminal velocity has energy of moment called Kinetic energy.

The theory was if an injection of antimatter was introduced to matter the powerful repelling forces generate an equivalent pull forward force on the mass of the Enterprise. Effectively a reversal of the pull back force. It was theorized way back in 1964 the mass of the enterprise would be aided by the interaction of matter and antimatter in the generation of the forward puling force instead of the hindrance of the pull back force. In the pull forward force the Enterprise would be no more heavy with kinetic energy than stationary allowing it to accelerate to 100% of light speed with out being any heavier with kinetic energy. (Or as G's as we know it if you like)

In theoretical terms if Star trek warp drive and Star wars hyperspace drive travel is anything to go by projects space travel for man kind using antimatter matter mix engines is assured as opposed to using wormhole travel.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The strange universe

We view the classical law of chemistry and physics the way everything appears to us. Most of the predictions are perfect mathematical constants like light speed. Some of us are predicting the reality is something different. Anybody into challenging mathematics will find math's will be at a loss ( even calculus) to project the constant velocity of any acceleration. There is no such thing until acceleration is terminated to a constant velocity.

A classical example of the mysteries of the universe that comes to mind is the predicted strange effect of the gravitational pull of black holes has on matter space and time. Astrophysicists predict allsorts of wonders from faster than light travel short cut tunnels across the universe called wormholes, time travel and parallel universes that defy the physical laws as we know it to do them.

One of theses is the gravitational pull of what was once known as the theory of dark stars we know today as holes today. Albert Einstein created theory in his special theory of reality creating short cut tunnels in the fabric of space affectionately known as wormholes. Sliding a wormhole is supposed to take us many light yeas distance into the next galaxy in less than a couple of minutes. This faster than light capability was one of Einstein's pet hates.

Then there is the contumacious issue of the speed of gravity, if it has a velocity. Light speed is 186 thousand miles per second. Is the influence of the sun's gravitational field extending the distance holding to the mass of Pluto in an instant? Then there is believed to be a particle called a neutrino a relative of the orbiting particle of the atom called called electrons. According to particle accelerator research they don't interact with matter. The pass right though the earth mass as if it wasn't there.

The way source magazine papers, web sites and science book of the universe, talk about them we'd think not even the gravitational pull of a black holes could capture them. They must travel faster than light. If this is anything to go by we can be safe to say nothing can escape block holes except gravity and neutrinos.

Then there is the strange effect of the study of the particles of the atom called quantum physics.  Light for example randomly does things only a stream of particles can do one second and seems to do things only a waveform can only do the next. Quantum physics seems to tell us particle of atoms all have minds of their own.

They seem to disappeared and reappear in another place at random. The frequency is an incredible 6262 followed by thirty-nine zeros a to total of a 43 digit number per second. It pans out to 1 multiplied by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 called a Planck constant. The scientific notation 6.262 times 10 to the 43.

Mathematics tells us the reciprocal is a decimal fraction of the same number 1 divided by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 or 1 divided by 6.262 times 10 to the 43. The scientific notation the minus 43 of a meter, the smallest unit of the universe of a meter in length, a kilogram of mass, a second or frequency.

Physicists say we can't observe the place or position of any particle of the atom because of the of the effect of just looking at them effects them. Atomic particles disappear and reappear in a Planck length every Planck second a Planck frequency every second anywhere another place we are not looking known as tunneling though space, time and matter called quantum leaping.

Atoms the building blocks of matter created in the heart of stars we all effectively made of stars. Every particle of the atom in every star planet and matter of the universe is quantum leaping on a Planck scale including the atomic particle of the atom the make up our bodies.

Most of us have seen distant aircraft seemingly move very slowly almost suspended in mid air. What appears to be a slow moving or even stationary at distances is the illusion of motion.

We don't observe the transition of broad daylight change to the dead of night. All night the moon and stars are suspended in the sky. They just hang there stationary. Nor do we see the changing transition from first light of dawn into board daylight of the new day. The moon and milky way are actually traveling faster than built speeds.

In Einstein's 1905 special theory of reality there is no such thing as stationary. To illustrate this we walk a about 2.2mph (3.6kmp) velocity. In reality we are actually traveling well over bullet speeds spinning on an axis and orbiting the sun. The sun travels though space dragging the solar system with it for the ride traveling round rotating in our spinning milky way galaxy traveling throughout the universe. Nothing is stationary.

Drifting in space there is no sense of motion. An astronaut stepping out of a space station hatch doesn't feel any faster than stationary. Try stepping from a car traveling less than a mile an hour on the surface of earth. We feel a force pulling us the direction of the moving vehicle.

According to Isaac Newton gravity is defined as the mass of bodies attracted to each other. According to Einstein's 1915 general theory of reality agrees mass is consequence of bending space. Bent space is the consequence of gravity.

As Newtown would have probably put at the time, no matter where we are and any tilt on any sphere (or planet if you like) we will always experience the attractive force of the mass of the sphere as it is attracted us. The attractive forces of two masses is easily illustrated by a couple of balls orbiting each other in space. They tend to drift towards each sticking to together. In a asteroid clusters each asteroid is traveling at a velocity faster than each others escape velocities.

The compression of matter in every direction compresses it into a sphere. We know today the earth's tilt puts the Artic circle of the north pole between 11 and 12 O'clock and the Antarctican continent of the south pole between 5 and 6 O'clock angle. The mass of the two poles compress inward both ends a bulge at the equator.

People standing in the center of the Artic circle will experience looking upward to the milky way at that angle. The same is true standing in the middle of the opposite pole. The tilt has it's consequences astronomers observe the constellations of the milky way circle in an arch above them. The stars never go bellow the horizon. 

In the summer months the sun never dips bellow it and in the winter months never above it. People in the center of the bulged equator travel a distance then center of the two poles. People living at the center of the poles just circle on the spot.

The distance the equator travels create momentum forces from the earth's spin creating enough lateral pull on the fluid nature of the atmosphere we breath to create our weather systems though here. The atmosphere is not moving in a straight line but a liquid curved path round the circumference of the equator traveling though international time zones. What will be a time for one state will be another in another in different state at the same time. The physics of the momentum of the earth's spin controls our weather. Image the state of the weather if the earth's spin and orbit velocities would do to our whether if they slowed down or sped up .

According Einstein's general theory stars, planets and asteroids to specks of dust bend space. Newton's laws tell us Einstein's idea the mass of the earth pulls inward all directions round the entire circumferences comparable to the analogy of the mass of water pressure compressing the mass of deep sea submersibles.

I'm sure Newtown would agree we experience standing on the mass of the Artic circle we experience the pull of our body weight in a downward force as much as we experience the mass of Antarctica continent the opposite end of the earth pulling downward to the ground our body weight. 

In fact the entire circumference of the earth's surface pulls everything in a inward pulling force including the consequences space. Space is elastic and bendable. The earth's mass shrinks space round it's circumference like plastic shrink rap round an apple.

The force of the plastic shrink rapping effect creates a distorted dip of space round the entire circumference of earth. The strongest pull inward gravitational compression is the center of this earth's core a few million times grater than the surface. In other words the earth's core is the maximum gravitational pull of the earth bending space consequently compressing the crust consequently compressing the molten magma beneath our feet.

It took Einstein to realize we experience acceleration take off's as a weighed down feeling we familiarly know today we call G's. (Gravity-force). Newtown's first law of motion tells us a body will always remain at rest unless acted upon by a force. (Accelerated). His third law says were there is a force (acceleration) there is an equal and opposite reaction. Acceleration is a manifestation of Newtown's force and motion the mass of a body resisting it called the inertia of a moving body.

To put in layman's terms I'm sure Einstein would agree when we accelerate hard we experience as if a few kilograms (or pounds if you like) of force weighing us down. We are compressed by the G-force known as G's inward all directions

According to both Newton and Einstein the earth's core compresses us, the atmosphere we breath the containments and the oceans of the world compressing the entire circumference of the crust from every direction like the forces of a tight plastic shrink rapt round the circumference of the whole earth.

The law of thermal dynamics says when we compresses something heats up. Feeling the head compressing air in an already tight tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. The compression of the earth's core is pulling on the crust contributing to heating the magma beneath our feet responsible for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Einstein realized the stress in resisting acceleration bodies generate the same force as gravity. According to Newtown compresses all directions as the pulling inward force.

It is described in Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity what NSA use's today training astronauts in zero gravity. Using a thought experiment imaging a free falling evaluator Einstein predicted the principle we understand toady when a plane nose dives fast enough the extreme velocity free fall causes the the astronaut trainees to lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about in weightless fun called Zero G's. It is also known by the other name of negative G's.

It is prohibit expensive and rather scary sensation that young for a class of school children to experience negative g's for themselves. Imagine the ultimate laughter fun a lot would experience in their entire lives.

Negative G's is the result of maximum speed free fall speed of a body can't accelerate any faster because of the G's expressed as terminal velocity, terminal acceleration I call it. World war two dive bomber pilots when at maximum nose diving speeds often experienced the weightlessness of Negative G's. They felt like they were lifting off their seats.

Many rear dive bomber gunners struggled to hold onto ammunition belts trying to prevent them from drifting freely about the cockpit as well as themselves lifting off their seats at the same time Einstein predicted would happen. If air crew don't know any better they feel the plane was dropping faster than everything else. But the planes were dropping at the same rate regardless of everything's drifting about them. In effect the maximum free falling speeds made the dive bombing planes anti gravity devices.

Einstein predicted the opposite holds true. His elevator thought experiment predicted what happens to a plane accelerating upwards fast enough. Astronauts feel compressed to the floor. We are entertained by the same centrifugal forces at work in spinning motion of a rotating theme park drum. The velocity press people to the sides of the wall like a gravitational field. The rotating assessment park drum demonstrate how a rotating ringed space stations generate artificial gravity.

History books tell us Newton had discovered the his third law of force and motion at work with a bucket of water. He documented his experience explaining in scientific English Language of times when we rotate a bucket of water over our heads. The velocity pulls the water to the bottom of the bucket never spilling a drop even though the upside point in the circle motion.

A cheep light weight plastic bucket with a little water in it will do the tick. As we circle the bucket round our heads we feel the weight of the bucket increase by the increase of the weight of the water (mass) pulled to the bottom by the centrifugal force of the spin. The spinning force turns the bucket into an antigravity device. We won't spill a drop unless we spin slow enough which is quite slow. It is anther demonstration how spinning ringed space station create gravity for the inhabitants.

If acceleration is maxed out it becomes a constant velocity. Einstein realized how dramatic that can be. Imagine the stress we feel from a standing start accelerated to a distance of a 100 miles ( or 160km if you like ) to stop in a second on the surface of earth. Their doesn't appear to be any 0 to.... performance  specifications for the Flash and superman like we do with automobiles. We can say the flash accelerates 0 to a 160kmph (or a 100mph) in one second flat.

Note if the same acceleration in the zero resistance of out of space is applied we don't notice it at all. Imagine the flash accelerating 0 to a 100 in a second on the surface of earth compared to out of space. What makes the surface of the earth so different? The answer is the earth's core pulling power that increases inertia. In out of space we can accelerate 0 to a thousands of kmph without noticing a thing.

Feeling stationary on the surface of earth is the force of the earth core pulling down on us our body weight expressed as 1G. Newtowns is used as a measure of the pulling force. The compression power of the surface is 9.81 Newtowns core much greater than that. In the system international (SI) sense equivalent of experiencing a compression of 2.2Ib or the force or a kilogram per cubic meter of compression throughout the earth's circumference.

When we experience an acceleration of feeling twice our body weight we are experiencing personally 2G's of gravitational force. When we experience three times we are experiencing 3G's Over 4 times our body weight we start to feel the stress of making us feel unwell to a point we are going to black out.

Einstein realized the constant speed of any terminal velocity has profound effect on space and time. If we suspend a 1kg steel bar over the ledge of a tall sky scrapper we are feeling the force of the earth's core pulling on it. We are feeling the potential energy of the mass attracted to it.

Letting go the earth's core snatches it from zero to a distance of a meter in a second. It falls a couple of stories as the 1Kg mass reaches terminal velocity in that time. It free falls at it's maximum speed limit of 3.6kmph all the way down the side of the building impacting with the immovable mass of the earth's crust in the form of the street bellow.

During free fall the stress of the fall is the G's when accelerated stored in the free falling mass called kinetic energy. On impact with the street bellow the sudden stop keeps traveling though the mass. In the case of the mass of 1kg steel bar a impacting force of 1kg at 3.6kmph impact or 9.81 Newtons. However, no matter a gram or a tone of mass the force of the earth's core felt on the surface at sea level is always 9.81N. The gravitation squeeze several 10's of miles down continuously gets stronger the closer to the core we get. The temperature down there is as close to the center of the sun as it gets.

The atmosphere we breath is air resistance that contributes to the terminal velocity of any free falling body. But Without any resistance two bodies of different mass accelerate at the same rate and free fall at the same rate hitting the surface at the same rate. A milligram table tennis ping pong ball hasn't the mass to overcome the air resistance.

While the ping pong ball may sail away in a the slightest breeze a 1 tone mass will plough straight though the air resistance effortlessly either reaching terminal velocity before or hitting the ground or not. Reaching terminal velocity depends on distance from the acceleration point and ground.

When sky divers dive out airplane hatches the earth's core snatches them accelerating them to terminal velocity. It takes the time to drop to terminal velocity about a 150 meters. Sky divers maximum speed limit in free fall is no more than about 320kmph terminal velocity speed.

The compacting pulling inward power of the earth's core has a profound effect of time in out of space. From our point of view of light speed in the zero resistance of any vacuum travels a 186 thousand miles per second.

Note. Every mile equals 1.609km. So by multiplying by light speed gives us in km terms. There is 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour adds up to a grand total of 3 thousand 600 seconds. It is a simple matter of multiplying by every second of an hour to give miles per hour. Multiplied by 1.609 in a kmph term.

Text book describe in metric terms as 300 thousand kilometers per second. According to math's this isn't strictly true. A 186 thousand times per second times 1.609km is actually 299 thousand 274 kilometers per second. Adding up distance with this figure is more accurate than 300 thousand. According to the math's light travels a distance of 1 thousand and 77 million 386 thousand 400km by the time a one hour TV program. According to light taking only 8 minutes to reach our eyes the total distance from the sun is only a mere 143 million 651 thousand and 520 kilometers to be exact.

What would we observe of time on earth from light speeds point of view. Mathematics tells us the reciprocal of light speed is a 186 thousandth second per mile or 1.609km. Proof of this 1 mile multiplied by 186 thousand (or 1.609km if you like) equals light speed in a second.

If we do the math's right projects from a distance of a 100 miles to a stop pans out to the equivalent acceleration off of 3 thousand 600kmph in half second. The braking should be equally as intense from a velocity of 3 thousand 600kmph to a complete stop should be another half second. If Einstein's special theory of relativity is anything to go by from our point of view we may experience a wired observation of the environment's time.

Taking off we are accelerating. According to Einstein's theory as we traveling faster and faster the environments time. Because we are accelerating an environment clock second hand would indicate every environment second should appear to slow down getting slower and slower. Theoretically we should be an equivalent of an 80km distance from the original start point in half environment  second. However we are braking at this point that should be equivalent of another distance of 80km in half environment second to a complete stop.

According to the special theory of reality in the braking circumstance we are slowing down. As our braking decelerates our velocity we should observe the environment's time speed up. The environment's time should get faster and faster till we come to a complete stop where we find environment's time a second into the future we started a 160km away. In effect the combined acceleration of take off and braking deceleration to a stop a distance of a 160km in a single environment second.

The important point to remember is our braking deceleration effect we observe of the environment's time. In other words the slower we go the faster time goes. From our point of view the total take off and braking to a stop in a environment second could be observed as a total of a 160 seconds of our time altogether. Such is the effects of slowing down to a stop from a high velocity.

Most of us assume only light speed can alter time. Consider observing the latter. Mathematics projects a 1 thousand 800kmph take off. At that acceleration we would probably experience a 160 seconds of our time to slow down the environment's time to a stop at the peak of the acceleration. But we are applying the brakes at this point.

Theoretically at braking we should observe the environment's time appear to take a 160 seconds of our time in the environment's half second back up to normal again. If that's anything to go by we effectively we would observe the environment's time take a total of 240 seconds from take off to come to a stop then accelerate back to normal of our time in 1 environment second time.

This means relative points of view rules in play here. From the environment's point of view of us speeding up, from our point of view the environment's time is slowing down. The second law says from the environment's point of view of us slowing down, from our point of view the environment's time is speeding up.

At the peak of the acceleration just before we apply the brakes we will no longer be able to observe the environment's time moving any more. In other words not being able to observe the environment's time moving anymore is a illusion of the environment's time had stopped at this point.

Exceeding light speed has always been a pivotal property of time travel. It travels in the zero resistance of out of space a distance of 300 thousand (299 thousand 274 kilometers to be exact or equal to a 186 thousand miles if you like ) by the time the second hand of a clock moves every division. Despite encountering no resistance in any vacuum  it don't coast freely any faster than that.

Despite no resistance in any vacuum it is a coaster at it's maximum free momentum speed. It takes eight minutes from the sun to reach our eyes. As far as cosmological distance is concerned only a mere eight light minuets away. The light we see now is the sun as it was eight minutes ago. We will not observe light that just left  the sun this very second until eight minutes into the future. That light doesn't exist yet. The sunlight we see now is what the sun was eight minutes ago every second.

Now we can compare a distance of a 160km to a stop in a second to light speed. Operating on the principle we'd find ourselves a second into the future 300 thousand kilometers (299 thousand and 274 to be exact) away from were we started a 186 thousand seconds of our time. In other words we don't need light speed to observe the environment's time change from our perspective.

We walk on average meters per second though the environments time. Ordinary wrist watch second hands can act as a stop watch. We take a step forward every meter by the time the second hand moves every division. Doing the math's on this projects by the time an hour we would have walk 3 thousand 600 meters. In other words a distance of 3.6km

Each time we walk just one meter light in the zero resistance of space had traveled a distance of just under 300 kilometers. The reciprocal tells us light travels a 1.609 kilometers a 186 thousandth second. Proof of this when we multiply 186 thousand every 1.609km equals light speed in a second in km per second term. (or a 186 thousand miles if you like).

Some of us believe time slows down at light speed which means we need to accelerate beyond the environment second to reach light speed. To travel at light speed we have accelerate 186 thousand times faster than a second on earth.

Children old enough can understand by the time we say "One thousand and one" is the time of a second. They soon become pretty good at judging they walked a meter in that time. If we do the math's on this pans out to 3.6kmph walk is a light second ratio.

We'd think sub light speed (every second on earth) may be the slowest time can go. It doesn't seem to go any slower. If we look at a analogue clock face we can observe the second hand move every division every second a complete full circle in a whole minute. Mathematics tells us from the center to the edge is a radius dividing circles into 360 divisions called digress projecting 6 digress every second.

When the second hand makes a full circle the minute hand has only moved a division. When the minute hand makes a full circle the hour hand has only moved a division. When we do the math's the hour hand is 3 thousand 60 times as slow and the minute hand and the minute hand is 60 times as slow as the second hand. In other words every hour of time is 3 thousand 600 times as slow as a second and the minute hand 60 times as slow respectively.

The hour hand moves round the clock face twice every date change every twelve midnight to the next in a light second. Digital time peaces don't sully have a seconds column. Instead the numbers a separated by a non blinking colon (:). If they include the seconds column clearly represent twelve midnight as 23:59:59. When the digits change to zeroes changes the date into the next day.

The time we say one thousand and one tells us each second has a begging and an end. The seconds column is the start of the next 300 thousand km. When the digit changes to one is the end, the start of the next 300 thousand km. When it changes to 2  it is the end of the distance and the beginning of the next and so on.

Looking at analogue clocks the minute and hour hands appear to be frozen in time at any given moment the second hand is moving. They are to slow to observe moving. Like wise the reciprocal of light speed tells us viewing from light speeds point of view the universe should be traveling 3 thousand 600 times as slow a light second.

Correspondingly every second on earth we are viewing the universe at sub light speed. If we reference from a light speed point of view the slower we go the faster time speeds up.

If we were to view the second hand slowed down in time we'd normally observe the minute hand math's projects we would be 60 times faster than the environment second. From environment  observers point of view we would be a minute into the future every second.

From our point of view the environments second would be a minute  long. In other words for every minute we observe the  environment second is a minute of our time. In other words a second of the environments time has been stretched into the minute.

The reciprocal of a minute is a minute divided by 60 seconds. In other words we would be traveling in parallel with 60th environment second. This is the relative time of the electric alternating current of mains power lines in some countries

An electric current moves back and forth 60 times a second. One motion is a wavelength every second. We would observe the mains lighting throb from minimum to maximum  brightness once every second or 60 times in a minute as exactly as the mains frequency is in would be every environment second.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Continious broken spoke problems

Continuous breaking spoke problems is what happens with general tweaking wheels without any real bicycle wheel engineering knowledge.

You can use any wheel as a model to help understand wheel mechanic principles. New bikes are ideal, but any untouched wheel will be as good a model. Inspecting the spoke arrangement of new bike is a ideal way to learn what your replacement spoke should be. You will see by default spokes are entangled in a zigzag under and over paten pressing on each in turn the circumference of the wheel.

The entangled criss crossing suspend the whole bike from the central hub flange. looking closely at the flange detail you will observe alternating in and out spoke heads. One head inward and the one next to it outward the next one inward and the next one outward round the entire circumference both flange sides.

Observing the details of a good wheel (or a brand new bike or wheel) you will observe how every spoke head sits perfectly square in every flange hole is an ideal model how the head of your replacement spoke should site properly.

If the spoke head doesn't sit flush in the concave of the hub flange hole properly our peddling motion twist/bend flexes the spoke head in the hole eventually snapping off at the head.

If you have a spare spoke looking at one with the head intact (a brand new spoke is ideal) you will observe a wood screw like head concave to the head. If you have a spare hub flange observing the hub flange details of each hole you will observe a reciprocal concave hole in the hub flange in every spoke hole.

Replacing a spoke ignoring the pattern details of the wheel the potential  of creating gap when supposed to cross allowing the twisting forces transferred to the head at the hub flange leading to less than a kilometer fatigue, finally breaking off at the head. Following a new ( any or a good wheel ), pattern as a guide, specially rebuilding wheels, will go a long way in solving constant breaking spoke problems once and for all.

In replacing a broken spoke make sure the replacement sits exactly in line with the rest of the wheel and exactly as a new bike wheel will show.

Studying spoke arrangements of brand new bikes shows a perfect mathematically symmetrical. The entangled crossing over and under each other paten helps with an aniti-twisting on every spoke round the entire circumference. New bikes show as the spoke heads are seated properly as the wheel rotates each spoke crossing each other holds fast each other in a precise symmetry. The flow of spokes round the whole wheel support every and each spoke in turn.

Each spoke can't flex because of each overlapping neighboring spoke holding each other fast. The twisting forces in our peddling is not absorbed by each neighboring spoke in each turn of the wheel. The zigzagging crisscross is what makes bike wheels so sturdy.

Radial spoke patterns are only suitable for front wheel pursuit racing bikes, not strong for off road sport, let alone rear wheel rider support.

Salvaged donor parts will save money of course. Changing donor components, modifying and adding accessories to enhance personal customization, comfort, performance and appearance requires some bicycle engineering knowledge specially when it comes to rebuilding wheels.

Tire size is wheel size. It is written on the side of the tire wall. ( The x is the width across them ). Tape measures have imperial inches one side and metric on the flop side. The two different measuring systems on the same tape makes it easy to measure check both systems.

Measuring the tire will measurer the whole wheel in imperial inches and the flipside metric millimeters. Mountain and commuter city bikes are commonalty 26 imperil inches or the metric 700mm, expressed as 700C. Comparing a metric tire against an imperial inch tire will be little smaller.

It is an important piece of information because the length of 700c spokes are shorter than the imperil inch wheel equivalent. Counting the number of spokes round the circumference of any wheel will guide you how many spokes are common.

You will find road pursuit racing wheels less than 30 spokes scientifically interlaced crossed balance and weight ratio. Common commuter and mountain bikes are 32 to 36. Cargo carrying capacity can be as many as 40.

Tracing the spokes you will observe ( front and back wheels the same ) the gear cluster ( or the chain side ) and opposite sides. In other words the left and right sides of the wheel.

Note the pattern is a perfectly balance in a mathematically symmetry. The lesson leant here. overlapping entanglement pressing each spoke, is the key to preventing broken spokes.

Observing the hub flange, trace an inward head of a spoke to the rim. You can use the gear cluster or opposite side perspective if you like. It doesn't matter because everything is perfectly symmetrical.

Count five spokes along. Tracing the fifth spoke to the hub flange you will observe it is an outward head. All spokes are a perfect repeating symmetry paten round the entire circumference of the rim both sides of the wheel.

Observing the hub flange, again this time tracing an inward head to the rim.

Count 11 spokes along. Tracing the 11th spoke to the hub flange you will observe it is the next inward head. All spokes are this perfect repeating symmetry paten round the entire circumference of the rim both sides of the wheel. The same with every outward heard.

A closer look at the spokes crossing each other the first cross is across the the head of the neighboring spoke on hub flange.

Observe crossing the next spoke presses on the next spoke. Every spoke is a symmetrical repeat. each spoke crosses over the next one. Standard mountain and commuter bikes are 3 cross, and strong cargo carrying capability wheels can be up to 4.

It is important to observe how flush every spoke head in every hub flange hole appear to be. It should be the goal of replacing spokes.

In the secondary detail  the entangled over and under each spoke like symmetry holds each other from twisting off the head at hub flanges. The spokes keep each other rigid. If these details are ignored when replacing a spoke ,is what causes this frequent breaking.

Once you have studied a wheel you will have an idea of replacing broken spokes following the wheel paten specially rebuilding any wheel from scratch.

We all have phones. Using the camera we can take a photo and enhancing image in a image editor program highlight the points with key words and arrows for our personal reference.

An important piece of information is the heads of the spokes. Examining a spare spoke head you will observe j shape with the head concaved. Comparing the spoke holes in the hub flange you will see a mirror image inverted concave.

If they don't fit properly the j shape will site out encouraging flexing. The concave of the spoke head has to sit in the inverted concave in the hub flange properly. Examining any wheel you may be able to see evidence of this. If not sitting property evidence the hub flange is to thin, a give away badly worm from tweaking attempts, the wrong hub design for the spokes, or the wrong spokes for the hub respectively.

A trick is to add a washer between the concave of the spoke head and hub flange to help take up the slack.

If you haven't removed the spoke let it find the hole in the flange by lining it up to locate the spoke hole in the hub flange. Carefully note the the characteristics described.

If you have already removed the spoke, search both sides of the flange locating the missing spoke hole. You will either find it behind the gear cluster, or the opposite side.

One broken spoke is pretty well straight forward. But there are problems if there is more than one you are replacing. If you are not watching what you are doing you can have all sorts of problems with a spoke either to shot or to long that ends up distorting the rim.

Make sure you recognize if to long or two short means differences between imperil, metric and the wrong spoke hole apart in the rim symmetry.

Make sure you recognize warps in the rim will be caused by any incorrect distance apart one or couple of spokes in the rim. This can cause either far to short or poking out of the rim hole far to far.

It causes uneven pull with stubborn wheel wobble no matter how much time you spend straightening it out. And the wheel won't hold. At first riding may seem as smooth as ice but in less than a kilometer will start to feel a bad wobble getting worse all the time. Then an alarming clunk of a breaking spoke again.

Make sure if a neighboring in head on the head flange installed just as the other wheel you pattern observed relative to the neighboring spoke heads, the spokes correctly distanced in the rim, the alternating in out head paten, the spoke crosses, the in and out entangled firm against each spoke. If in doubt you can always refer to the wheel's spoke paten.

Broken the gear cluster side, obviously the cluster has to be removed. Old bikes up to the 1908's commuter bikes tend to be the old screw on that require the appropriate old fashioned gear cluster removing tool. Internal gear hubs are held on by the sprocket itself in turn held on by a clip. Modern multi gear cluster wheels use bundle sprocket cassette types.

The smallest sprockets acts as the fastener ( or nut if you like ) for the main body. A proper bicycle cassette spline tool fits in the smallest sprocket. Remember when peddling, the thread direction tightens the sprocket a right hand thread. An easy way to remember undoing is in the direction of the reverse freewheeling of the cranks a left hand thread. When undoing think reverse freewheeling direction. And of course reassembly the thread is the direction of peddling.

The main body slides off the hub spline.

After you have removed the broken spoke note which side of the wheel, the gear cluster or opposite side is being replaced.

If an older generation external gear classic bike, the out dated multi cluster has two lugs that fit in the slots in the gear cluster where the axial goes though. There is no need to remove the axel as you can fit the tool directly over it the axle protrudes neatly out the tool hole. The undoing is the direction of peddling.

During the life of the wheel, your peddling torque was constantly tightened on the hub, so don't be suppressed if it is on so tight will never seem to be able to come off any other way without the tool.

Bicycle reaper shops have the tool resources and a vice. If you have, good. Do what they do. The tool is anchored in the jaws of the vice. When the wheel is removed the wheel itself is placed in the matching lugs of the tool clamped in the vice. There is lots of room for powerful grappling torque pulling the wheel round like a huge steering wheel. Remember in the direction of the revere freewheeling to unlock. That helps gets tight ones undone. The only alternative is oil treatment round the thread where you can get at.

You can get a way with a jerry-rig tube spanner that fits neatly the sprocket's spline. An advantage you can use a ring spanner as a leverage for tight ones.

Removing the wheel is simple. If the rear wheel the rear wheel gear derailleur will stay on the bike when you remove the wheel

Threading the new spoke make sure it is in or out according to the rest of the head paten, crosses the spoke head on the flange neatly like the rest of the flange. Cross the next spoke making sure it is pressed hard on it and the next spoke in the same uniform pattern the rest of the wheel round the circumference of the hub flange.

With the bike upside down resting on the seat and handle bars set the gear levers so the chain is engaged with the smallest front Chain wheel and smallest rear sprocket. 

Undo the wheel nuts enough the wheel is only loose in the drop outs. Or if one of those quick release wheels undo the lever so that the wheel is only lose. These parts can stay on the axel when you lift out the wheel so they don't get lost.

If your bike has rim brakes the brake pads will inevitably catch on the inflated wall of the tire preventing the wheel from coming out. Problem solved anyway, when you have to take off the tire to get at the spoke nipples in the rim. Deflate the tire vacuum flat. Vacuum flat tire walls clears the break pads.

Depending on whether your left or right handed use your handed side instinct to position yourself lifting the wheel up and forwards  with one hand and with the other hand clear the chain from the gear cluster. You can lift out the wheel. The gear changer remains in place. The same procedure with your hand side position in reverse when replacing the wheel.

The next step is removing the tire.

If the spoke needs to be replaced on the gear cluster side, after removing the gear cluster replace the bare rim back into the drop out and finger tight the wheel nuts.

Copy the neighboring spokes head paten insetting the spoke thought the flange making sure it the same paten the entire circumference of the flange. Make sure the cross according the head pattern in the hub flange is uniform with the rest of the spokes too. Fit the thread of the spoke though spoke rim hole threading the spoke nipple on to the thread of the new spoke.

Don't wrench the new nipple with the spoke tool. Only finger tight. It is important to remember you will be pulling a bow this part of the rim. Uniform cross the entire circumference of the wheel avoids creating bumps in the rim but pulls to one side.

Rotate the wheel freely observing a side any side wobble between the brake pads. Don't wrench tight the new spoke any more than have too. You will great a one side wobble that needs undoing Reset back to were it was.

Don't wrench the new spoke several turns or you will start the process of creating get rid side to side whole. Just to a point they are firm.

Provided you have a well uniformed spoke cross round the whole wheel you should have a rim that runs straight and true though the brake rubbers.

All that needs to be done now is to remove the wheel and reassemble the tire. Don't inflate because the brake pads catching on the expanded tire wall will prevent you from fitting the wheel. The tire can be pumped up in the bike. Or alternatively release the brake cable to expand the brake arms clearing the fully inflated tire. The disadvantage of this you have to rest the brake setting.

Sunday, October 15, 2017


About CD Burner.

CD Burner it is a third party software that is never native to your computer. A support problem is the International Standardization organization (ISO) that created a Portable Document File (PDF) reader version for video. PDF files including ISO are electronic snap shots of documents sent over the internet instead of the usual web page format.

In the case of ISO instead of the usual video file line up. Fortunately PDF is so common they are native even in budget tablet, mini note book, laptop operating systems that support PDF files natively.

PDF's are file extension of .pdf and in the case of ISO's video versions .ISO. ISO video files might contain the PDF like snap shots of other files in them to help cover all bases such a UDF (ISO/IEC 13346) file alternatives a computer can utilize. With low coast computers there is always the potential of none of these are installed nor any video play media player.

Low coast computer support for video play depends on the version of the operating system installed. Often as not, with budget computer models video play part of the media is not installed in the system. You will need a more expensive computer where you won't need any third party software installed anyway.

However if low cost computer has a DVD drive installed there is a work round available in the form of downloading a video software player app from the internet. One such app that comes to mind is the free VLC media player that support ISO files the CD burner creates. Installing the free app is the source of ISO support.

If you haven't an installed drive an extra work round can be achieved using an external USB DVD writer player to your system and depends on the model of computer operating system version that support optical drives. When an external drive is connected to the USB drive should display in your PC folder the drive icon. You can work the external drive as normally done installed

Operating system video player apps are rarely installed in low coast equipment. There is no way to play any video at all, let a lone any ISO files the CD Burner creates. Expensive equipment has everything you need pre-installed native to the computer.

Refereeing to your operating system searching your computer system for a file typing reader, PDF or ISO. If matches are displayed you know your computer supports ISO files you can learn more about if you have a CD burner installed the source of the ISO support.

If you have a CD burner file created in your system attempting to open for playing back by default will display a burn card ready to burn to a DVD. Odds are there is no playback media playing installed in your operating system. If it opens in another program the odds are you have set the open with menu to open in that program.

To change it back to opening with CD Burner click the ISO icon and select open with. When the a menu slides out click CD Burner.

An issue with CD Burner by default unlike PDF files ISO's are uncompressed. Using your operating system properties on the file icon you can inspect the size on the disc indicating how big they can be. ISO files are 100's of times bigger than PDF.

Another way is to let CD Burner tell you. When ever CD Burner detects a CD or a DVD with no room or no disc in the drive displays a disc required card. On the left tells you you need an empty disc with the required space bellow.

Alternatively there is an advanced tab provided that allows you to compresses for saving for saving space. Odds are budget computers will display a error message. Low coast equipment doesn't support compressing files.

Note. There is always potential issue problem with older DVD players that were made before ISO file technology every existed. The don't know this. All they know they can't open the file.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Time may not stop even at light speed

There are those that believe time stops at light speed. This may not necessarily be true. The second hand of a clock can act as a stop watch on light speed. From our point of view light coasts in the zero resistance out of space a 186 thousand miles by the time the second hand of a clock moves every division. That's space time. Light doesn't travel any faster than that.

Despite the zero resistance light is at it's maximum coasting speed limit. In other words every second on earth is a space time of 186 thousand miles a light second the time light travels in every second.

If we could view time on earth from light speeds point of view environment observers point of view will still see light speed a 186 thousand time as fast as every environment second. On the other hand it works out vieing time on earth from light speeds point of view equalivalent of every environment second stretched a 186 thousand seconds. In other words every environment's second doesn't travel any slower than the we see light speed as fast. It is an illusion of the environment's time on earth stopped  because we view our environments time every 186 thousand seconds unit dispite light speed seeing our second 186 thousand seconds.

We can convert to kilometer terms simply because every mile equals 1.609km. It is a simple matter of light speed in kilometers equals light speed in miles multiplied by 1.609 respectively. It pans out to 299 thousand 274km per second. It is a mistake to round off to 300 thousand because adding up every environment second results in a huge amount of error over time.

If we were to travel 60 times as slow as every environment second ratio we would observe every environment second 60 times as fast. We would observing every environment second a minute into the future every second of our time, while the environment observers would see us traveling though time to slow to observe moving any more.

We would be traveling on a different time plane. I propose the environments time is fixed by the earth's mass gravitational pull slowing space time time down to a light second velocity on the surface of earth. Traveling 60 times slower would seem like every fixed environment second flow would seem to travel ahead of us 60 times as fast.

If we add up all the seconds of an hour pans out to a total of 36 thousand 600 seconds. If we were observing the environment an hour into the future every second of our time from the environment's point of view we would be traveling an equal 3 thousand 600 times as slow as every environment second. Environment observers would see equally as slow as 60 times every environment second.

They will see us frozen in time as still as a stature traveling though the every hour of the environment's time.

Our clocks and watches with a date changes to a new date every 12 midnight we expresses as 24 hours. Adding up the seconds pans out to a total of 86 thousand 400 seconds every date change. If we observe a clock date change every second environment observers would see us 24 hours as slow as their every second. Us on the other hand will observe the fixed environment traveling though time 86 thousand 400 times as fast.

From our point of view we observe every environment second 24 hours into the future every our second. We can add up all the seconds of a calendar week which pans out to all the seconds in 24 hours times 7. Environment observers viewing us a week as slow as every environment second we would view the environment a week into the future our every second. Operating on the principle even if we travel every environment month as slow we would observe every environment month into the future for every our second.

We can thought experiment observing every environment year every second. We would be every year as slow.0 From environment observers point of view second point of view frozen in time for every year.

Applying this observing every environment decade every second we need to take into account of the extra day at the end of every third February leap year added to the total seconds. We would appear to be frozen in time for moving thought the same decades every our second.

Operating on the principle we can apply this to every century, millennia, billions and millions of years we observe the environments time into the future every second of our time. That's not taking into account of the shift in time scale due to the earth's spin and orbit round the sun in time. It gives us some idea of what a park statue would see of the environment's time around it including black holes. Time is not stopped inside them either.

While we observe a black hole constantly fixed in time in a galaxy for many generations on earth a black hole point of view will be see the same generations pass every second. There is potential for Trillions of centuries passing on earth every second to a black hole while every trillion years no change .

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Mathmatics shows time time shoudn't stop at light speed.

Every time the second hand of a clock moves a division is a now time a light second the distance light travels 186 thousand miles. Converting to km every mile equals 1.609. light speed in the zero resistance of out of space is a 186 thousand times as fast as every second. If we view time on earth from a light speeds point of view every second would be equalivalent to a 186 thousand seconds longer creating an illusion of time on earth had stopped.

We all view time on the surface of earth the second hand of clocks and watches move a division every second. In 60 seconds the minute hand had traveled though time only a division. It always looking frozen in time when it does. Doing the math's on this is every minute is 60 times as slow as every second.

The hour hand is even more dramatic. We don't observe the minute hand move a full circle let a lone when the hour hand moves just one division. The math's says every hour is 3 thousand 600 times as slow as every second. These two hands are an example of the illusion of how a minute is 60 times as slow as a second and an hour is 3 thousand 600 times as slow. The illusion of the two hands look stopped at any given moment of time.

Observing light speed though time moonlight is nothing more than sunlight reflected off the surface to our eyes in less than a couple of seconds.

We can work out the time light travels in a minute by taking light speed for each second multiplied by 60 travels a distance in miles. Multiplying it by 1.609 converts it to the kilometer term.

Sunlight takes eight minutes from the sun to reach our eyes. What we see now is only an image of light as the sun as it was eight minutes ago every second. Sunlight that just left the sun a second ago is 186 thousand miles above the surface. We won't see this sunlight until eight minutes into the future every second.

We can work out how far light travels in an hour. It is only a matter 60, times 60 times light speed in miles converted to kilometers if you wish.

Every 12 midnight is a date change every 24 hours. Adding up the seconds is only a matter of 60 times 60 times 24 amounts to clocks and watches change the date every 86 thousand 400 seconds. We can calculate the distance traveled multiplied by light speed in miles and convert to kilometers if we wish in that time.

Digital time pieces tell us there is no such thing as a 24 read out. Instead 23 hours, and 59 minutes. Sometimes the semicolon column (:) between the numbers blink off and on every second. Sometimes they don't.

When the numbers set to 00:00 is twelve midnight where date instantly changes to a new date. The digital numbers tells us there is no hours and no minutes for a whole minute. If the digital piece included the seconds the switch over to a new date would look something like this. 23:59:59 a second before 00:00:00.(No hours, no minutes and no seconds for a second).

The first minute would countdown 00:00:01 to 00:00:59 then 00:01:00 one minute past 12 midnight. The system repeats to 00:002:00 two minutes past 12 midnight. Not including the seconds set in the military time mode one in the morning is 01:00. Two in the morning 02:00 three 03:00 and so on until 12:00 midday.

One in the afternoon is 13:00. Two is 14:00 and three is 15:00 and so on until 23:59 again another second to 12 midnight date change a total of 86 thousand 400 seconds light had traveled a distance of 186 thousand miles converted it km every second.

Looking at a calendar every 12 midnight would be between every date. If we could mark in 86 thousand 400 divisions would represent every second of each date.

The Gregorian calendar the western culture use tell us there is 7 days in a week. Traditionally the sequence is from 12 midnight the first school day for Monday morning. Including the week end a ends a second before 12 midnight  Monday morning on Sunday night. 12 Midnight Monday morning repeats for the present week. The distance light travels in that time is only a matter 60, times 24 times 7 times times light speed for miles and of course converted to kilometers by multiplying by 1.609.

The Georgian calendar has different days in every month a minimum of 29 to a maximum of 31. If we take a whole year light travels a distance 60 times 60, times 24, times 356 date changes times light speed in miles and converted into kilometers light had traveled across the universe in that time.

If we are to calculate the distance light travels in a decade we need to take into account of adding the extra an extra 3 thousand 600 seconds at the end of every third February leap years in each decade. Operating on the principle taking into account of every leap year we can calculate the distance light travels distances across the universe every century, every milliner (thousand years) millions of year billions even trillions of centuries into the future.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Our minds and qutumn physics

In the world of hypnotherapy it's widely believed the human mind is made up of two  parts. Most of us are familiar a subconscious and conscious mind. Stage entrainment is an example of what the subconscious mind can do. 

Hypnotherapy believes the key to our failures and success is in our subconscious mind.  A lot of us believe in the mind's control over our destiny There are those are terrified of the potential of hypnosis can be used as criminal and terrorist brain washing technique. while others are very skeptical our mind influences us at all

A lot of us believe and successes in life comes just from our experiences. Perhaps those who believe in the power of mind, and mind healing physical to psychological are aware of the power of our subconscious mind.

The power of our mind comes from an unlikely source called quantum physics. A Steffen Hawking DVD the meaning of the universe an episode on the meaning of life. As Hawking says we are connected to the outside world by physics. Our brain is a biological chemistry processes in communication with our a  body senses non stop twenty four seven asleep or awake
I learnt a lot from library books and these types of universe DVDs documenters.

According to particle physicists we are governed the tiny particles of the atom. Our entire bodies including our brain is made of orbiting particles of the atom called electrons orbiting central particles called Neutrons and protons that are constantly quantum leaping in space and time.

Expressed as tunneling though space and time it is believed electrons disappear and reappear back and forth into each others orbits at a constant frequency. If a constant called Planck constant is anything to go by the frequency is on a Planck scale.

A Planck scale is in the order of 6262 on the left of thirty-nine zeros, a total of 43 number our body and mind's electrons appear and disappear into each others orbits every second of our lives. In other words a Planck frequency. It pans out if multiply 1 by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 is expressed as 6.262 times 10 to the 43 per second frequency called a Planck frequency.

The law of mathematics tells us if we divide one by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.262 equals the same 6262 on the right of the same 39 zeros a Planck length of a meter. In other words 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43. It is also known as a Planck second or Plank time. What this means 6.262 times 10 to the 43 Plank times in a second.

Then there is the so called string theory sometimes referred to membrane (M) theory tells us tiny amounts of space and time in the shape of vibrating strings the building blocks of our electrons and neutrons, the building blocks of our atoms.

In turn our atoms are the building blocks of the minerals of the earth crust we are made of in turn the building blocks of our molecules, in turn the building blocks of our cells the building blocks of our organs believed to come from the heart of stars created from the big bang that has suppose to have created the universe. Theoretically we come from the of the big bang you might say.

The Planck Constant in the minus scale (Planck time, and length) is believed to be the smallest unit of the universe. It doesn't get any smaller than that. In the positive value (The Planck frequency) doesn't go any faster than that.

If the Planck length is anything to go by represents the gravitational field right in the center of black holes called a singularity. It's gravity is compressed inward in all directions into a sphere on Planck volume. If the Planck constant in the positive is anything to go by the inward pull pressure would be an astonishing inward crush of 6.262 times 10 to the 43 tones.

The inward pull of the earth's mass for example is about the equalivalent a kilogram per cubic meter compressing the entire circumference of the earth's surface about the equalivalent of about 18 trillion tones only a mere 1.8 times 10 to the 13 gravitational pulling power compressing the atmosphere we breath, the oceans of the world including us and the earth's crust. If the Planck.

As it turns the diameter across the singularity can not be any smaller than a Planck length. Half the total diameter (from the center of the tiny sphere to the edge the radius).

Anybody familiar with pi (Pronounced pi the mathematical relationship between the circumference of any cylinder (including spheres) can calculate the total circumference and diameter from the just the radius alone in this case a single Planck length.

The significance of a black hole and our body and minds in 1995 the Fox Network TV channel aired a science fiction TV series called the sliders about a university student called Quinn Mallory experimenting with antigravity in his basement in the hope of revolutionizing heavy lifting experiment with antigravity finding a levitation technique.

Instead his experiment managed to create the holly grail of cosmology, an electric turbine in his basement opening a stable gateway though space and time. To you and me a wormhole. It turned out to be a portal gateway to parallel dimension earth's. The origins is believed to be Albert Einstein
Rosen  proposal in the General theory of relativity the gravitational pull of a black hole singularity pulling in a Planck scale sink hole in space.

It was introduced in 1935 by Albert Einstein, and a couple of colleges Boris Pulaski and Nathan Rosen teaming up to settle the validity of a crowing quantum physics once and for all. They were not happy with the contention particles of the atom, two places, spin clockwise and anticlockwise at the same time and influencing each other several million light years across the universe in an instant at time.

The trio focused on Einstein's general theory of relativity on the theory a dark star absorbing a 100% of light may sink a deep sink hole in the fabric of space. They come up with a theory if a pair was back to back the sink wells could meet forming a funnel though the fabric of space. It has become known as the Einstein, Pulaski, Rosen bridge ever since the focus of the TV show the sliders.

If you believe the Goggle number (a 100 digit number, 1 with 99 zeros or infinity) of the universe is limited to a Planck scale including black holes. The origins of the many worlds theory owes it's theory to the seemingly Google squared (a 100 naughts multiplied by a 100 becoming a 10 thousand digit number called a googlplex, even a googleplex squared) scenario representing the closest numbers to the number of atoms in the universe.

Looking at vitamin and mineral bottle labels are the ingredients we are made of given in the standard metric system prefix system milli- and micrograms ten to the minus three and six respectively. All the atoms of everything on earth would be on the order of well over the number of zeros of Googleplex.
Our bodies are essentially made up of made up of these elements made of atoms made of electrons, with a whole zoo of particles from Leptons to neutrinos orbiting a cluster of inner particles called protons and neutrons believed to be made of a variety of quarks including the recently discovered Higgs Boson thought to be responsible for the strong nuclear force responsible for holding the nucleus of each atom of our bodies together limited to ten to the minus 15 in size. (A 15 digit number.

Everything is believed to be created in the heart of stars created by the big bang that has supposed have created our universe. In other words we are effectively all this as big bang dust.

Deep in every molecule of our body is cloud of the same particles of the big bang star dust building blocks of electrons orbiting a cluster of neutrons and protons. (The nucleus of the atom). Quantum physics tells us the spaces between every particle shouldn't be any smaller than a minus Planck scale. Given the Planck constant it is easy to see atoms are huge at 10 to the minus 15 scale. The atoms of our body compressed ito this tiny size is mostly spread out empty space.

Ten to the minus fifteen tells us the gap between each atom that make up our bodies. Quantum physics tells us our body's electrons blink out and pop back into existence in another orbit theoretical on Planck frequency scale the distance a distance of a Planck length. On a quantum physics scale every atom of our body and mind is constantly quantum leaping in space and time every plank second of our lives.

Our brain is alive organ dominated by our thoughts keeping it alive with a constant stream of electrical impulses. In effect the electrical activity of our brain's cells on on a Planck constant scale are constantly quantum leaping.

Quantum physics tells us our bodies electrons are in touch with the electrons of the whole universe. What every electron in our body does here on earth electrons clear across the other side of the universe is supposed to instantly mimic. Our body's electrons are quantum leaping as every electron are across the entire universe respectively.

There is only two states to electrons. Either in the diapered or appeared state we can assign a digital 0 for the disappeared state and a 1 on a appeared state. We can apply digital arithmetic on the binary numbers just as we apply binary math's in digital electronic building projects.

If the Planck scale is anything to go by and a computer processing speed the processing speed of every electron in our bodies would be on a Planck scale. What this would mean using Gigahertz computer processing speed frequency would be 6.262 ten to the 34 GHz or a total of 6.262 ten to the 43Hz

The all out action of the electrons throughout the universe describes all the population of the world are entangled with the whole universe at large a branch of quantum physics called entanglement. String theory has opened up a can of worms debate that projects many other dimensions in the universe.

Theoretically the a 100 nuaghts of goggle multiplied by 100 (A Googolplex) number projects there the combination of dimensions some way-way different to our own to extraordinary similar to our earth where the geological history and life is radically different to very close to our own combinations. The TV the sliders focuses on worlds close in history to our modified with different outcomes to our world.

In theory binary arithmetic in googolplex calculation combinations of our quantum of our body and brain leaping electrons resulting in a googolplex doubles of ourselves in the many googolplex dimensions. Us and our doubles are living separate to parallel lives together. The earth time line history and of our doubles could be radically different to remarkably similar.

Of all the close calls from death in our lives some of our doubles didn't make it. As far as entanglement is concerned out of all the doubles who didn't make it and those who survived to tell the tail we are all a part the dead and alive theory at the same theory.