Monday, November 6, 2017

The meaning of E equals M C squared

What is e equals m c squared. The E term is for energy. The unit is Kelvin. It is considered energy of temperature Celsius and Fahrenheit scales SI (System Internal) units. Kevin is equal to the Celsius scale. If we use a reference, the time it takes heat to melt  cubic meter of ice into vaporized steam.

The term mass describes the density of matter. The next time you are at a convince store weigh a kg product in your hand. You are feeling the mass of the earth and 1kg pulling on each other. 

Though the universe the gravitational pull of masses pulling on each other is in Newtown's you feel pulling on the mass you hold in your hand. For the earth gravity 9.8 Newtown's of force holding above the floor.  The experiment shows what 9.8 Newton's feels like. 9.8N of gravitational pull of the earth's mass  is the same whether a gram or several billion thousand tones of sea.

Let me ask you a question something else about mass. Which weighs heavier a 1kg packet of butter at your average supermarket, the mass of a 1kg piece of steel or the mass of a 1kg plastic bag stuffed full of feathers? The mass of the feathers the pack of butter and steel bar all weigh the same.

The moon's mass is a sixths the size of earth. If we weigh a kg on a scale celebrated for the mass of the earth would only read 166 grams. The gravitational pull of the moons mass is a sixth of earth.   Our mathematical instinct agrees it is a simple arthritic sum telling us 166 grams is 1kg divided by 6.
Any 2 dollar caculator reads 1 divid a thousand pans out to decimal 0.166 endless 6's of a kg.

The c is the constant maximum speed of light in the zero resistance of out of space. In a mile term 186 miles per second. If we multiply 186 thousand by 1.609 gives us the km per second term 299 thousand 274km in a second. Proof of this every mile equals 1.609km. Both equal light speed a 186 thousand times faster than a second on earth.

Squared like doubling any number in this case multipling byitself. In a miles scale a 186 thousand squared becomes a figure of 34 billon 596 million. Despite km terms since there is 1.609km every mile a 186 thousand means the same thing.

In other words light travels a distance of a 186 thousand miles and 299 thousand 274km by the time the second hand of a clock moves every division. In both terms light speed is equal to a 186 thousand times faster than the second hand can move.

If we take a milligram of mass (calculator read outs, 1 dived a 1kg, that is by a thousand equals 0.001Kg)  multiplied by light speed squared using the miles term projects the energy potential inside every atom of matter.

This energy is realized by bombarding the center of a properly processed mg of Uranium by atomic particles on a light speed scale. The energy of the moving particles (kinetic energy) smash the core to smithereens erupting into the energy of a nuclear blast. The formulea can been seen in a different perspective as E = c squared m.

Military measure the yelled in kilotons (Killo pounced Key-low we tend to pronounce as killer for a
tone multiplied by a thousand) and Megatons (for multiplying by a million) forces of the heat and energy blast

energy of the blast.

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