Sunday, November 5, 2017

Science fiction is full of time travel stories. The first attempt was H.G. Wells. In 1898 he wrote  novel about an intrepid traveler setting out in a machine into the future. There was a 1960 movie of the same name and the 2002 remake that brought things up to date. Then there was the time travel villain chase though time called Time After Time and many other time travel stories.

What would Wells's story been like if he know all about the 20th century history. Imagine a late 21st century time traveler inspired by late 19th H.G. Wells. This late 21st century traveler goes back though time to the mid 19th before Well's wrote his novel to write an adventure of a time traveler traveling to the late 21st century. That's over 200 years of future history told in just 1 novel. A the navel as told be the author told be the traveler would be something like this. 

Our traveler would soon learn observing the environments time speed up every time he thought was increasing speed thought it. Every time he slowed down the environment's time speed up even returning normal speed at a certain time in the future.

He soon realized the curious anomaly was due to his machine was somehow manipulating his time independently of a fixed environment time which made him wonder if time travel was only independent time travel. He wondered if the environment's time was a fixed level explaining why every time he slowed down the environment's time speed up.

The machine had slowed independently many times slower than every environment second. Every time the traveler increased what he thought was speeding up in time was actually slowing down slower and slower though an independently fixed environment time.

Such a effect our traveler become so slow the environment years flash by in minuets. If he went any slower many environment centuries would have flash by in seconds.

What our traveler thought time would slow down our traveler observed the environment's time speed up many times faster proportionately he was slowing down. He was traveling on a different time scale than the environment time. He was able to slow down his time so much he was able to control the rate of speed grinding down back up to normal environment time speed in the present time.

After getting over his discoveries he set out to explore what the future would be like. He couldn't quite get used to slowing down to increase the environment's speed back to normal time speed. Curiously he slowed down to normal speed to explore his surroundings.

Exploring curious first drop off a news billboard headline attracted his attention learning of the future things currently happening at present time. News of the Rolla familiarly and other political events soon followed. Stop off would become a regular habit to seek out news papers. A convince of local library collections was ideal avoiding cash he didn't have to spare.

No doubt the novel adventures would be visiting local liberty news paper collections was a regularly as a common source of catching up on the future things to come he missed while traveling traveling forward though the environment's few years.

If such a novel was published could have have been seen as great as wondrous Nasturtiums like prophases of the future.

Assuming stopping of a few points in curiosity the traveler becomes an eye witnesses of the future mid and late 19th century politics that history describes as the origins leading up to the early 20th century first world war though library news paper collections.

We can Imagine the fiction traveler learning though a news paper head lines a common source of learning of the future as he went learning of a first lighter than air powered aircraft flight in America.

As the novel progresses though the environment's time our traveler would have have seen for himself the changes in environment technology and every local liberty visits learning from news papers every time his curiosity compelled him to stop off.

An interesting chapter the traveler might tell readers how intrigued he was discovering a publication of a science magazine headline in a local library called the dynamics of moving bodies by Albert Einstein we call today the special theory of relativity adventure. Moving on a few years library news paper collections would have been a common source of learning of the sinking of a unsinkable  great liner that was sunk by and iceberg called the Titanic.

What if the novel is plagued with constant machine break downs forcing our traveler to stop several times. Overheating and mechanical ware an tear problems would be a common plague.

Making use of advanced knowledge of what's to come our author creates entangled adventures his character tweaking with his machine problems while an eye witnesses to the outbreak of the first world war. Exploring the streets news paper headline displays would be common he could catch up on. Our fictional character could tract world war one vents according to news paper reports including the armistice

After the war our fictional traveler learns Albert Einstein had overthrown Isaac Newtonian gravity in his Special Theory of relativity. As he travels on though the environment's time each drop off he would discover  news paper reports track the rise of a world war a 1 corporal from the Great War rise during the 1920's.

Traveling between the war years predicting future events to mid 19th century prediction a great economic depression such as a tragic event of Hinesburg air ship disaster in 1937. All said and done  would be a Nasturtiums prophecy of things to come in the future 1920 and 1930 events including the leadership rise of this world war 1 corporal. News paper headlines would be the only common source of information.

Coincidently in one episode of the original Star Trek TV series Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock where forced to engage back in time to the 1930 depression times to undo damage done to history.

By this time our author would be describing our fiction character describing the wonders of technology Britons first teleportation of moving pictures in 1936 we know today as Television.
As our intrepid fictional charter travels in to 1940's into 12940's describes Britain at war with Germany for the second time at of a air war of the Battle of britain'

During this time in future 1980 science fiction movie Called the Final countdown about a 1980 aircraft carrier that traveled through time to the day before the attack on Pearl Harbor. The end of the adventure nearly cost the course of history as we know it. If we use our imagining was saved just in time by radio inference ripple though time by our intrepid traveler tweaking with his machine to get it to run smoothly again after a break down repair. The author would probably had made things interesting with a adventure just in time averting a disaster in that time.

Then in the Latter Enterprise TV series Captain Jonathan Archer was forced to engage in time travel entanglement with aliens bent on the destruction of earth during the second world war on earth.
Coincidently a secrete Naval experiment according to the 1984 Philadelphia Experiment movie set in 1943. Two sailors were stationed on a ship testing a new radar device that was supposed to render their ship invisible to radar ended up trudging the Nevada desert in 1984.

If we use our imagination our intrepid time traveler's radiating space time entangled the time slips when our traveler was tweaking with his machine to run smoothly again after a rough trip. Our fictional time traveler goes on to predict the news paper accounts of the coming Jewish Holocaust in the closing year of of the second world war.

Then there was a legend of the Vulcan first officer of the TV series Enterprise ancestor of a Volcan ships crew stranded on earth in the midd 1950 American small town. Latter in 1967 Mr Sock and captain Kirk had to engage in another time travel antic at NSA headquarters to help correct history again at the time of the grand son of the famous inverter Zephrin Crocken inventor the wrap drive after accidentally being beamed on board the Enterprise.

By this time our fictional character would be regularly viewing New papers plus TV news footage coving the events of the 50's into the 60's

Adventures continued in the 70's and 80's our traveler would an eye witnesses to events of to come for mid 19th readers of a 100 years time and into the beginning of the early 21 century history. The historic novel would reveal things to come for the mid to late late 21 century events to come. 

By the early 90's our fictional character would be an eye witnesses of the birth of the internet. He would whiteness a growing trend of personal computers. By the late 90 had morphed into hand held we know as our mobile phones today. Our fictional character is eye witnesses to the early 21 century events moving beyond 2020.

Star trek deep space nine the crew of their attack ship the Defiant is thrown back in time to 2024 on Earth. Our science fiction character would be viewing on television a time when America was attempting to solve the problem of homelessness had erected Sanctuary Districts where unemployed and mentally ill persons were locked in makeshift ghettos.

The captain of the Defiant Captain Sisco was involved in accidentally being reasonable for the death of a hero of the growing food riots, much the same condition of the bread riots that caused the Russian revolution during world war 1. He was forced to play the part of playing along as he when taking the place of the hero himself as he went to save history. In the end things worked out just as the future history books say it did.

What next for the mid 21st century. Star Trek again. This time a movie length future called First Contact. It involves an attempt by what was called the Borg collective traveling back in time to assimilate humanity at the time of the Great Zephin Cockron was about to lunch his new warp speed rocket in the year 2067 and the first contact with an alien race calling themselves Vulcans. The crew of the Enterprise was directly involved in the lunching of the warp drive rocket responsible for attracting the attention of the Volcans prompting them to make contact.

What ever the case maybe unlike star wars Star Trek has persistently predicted the future of the mid and late 21st century history and beyond. The whole of the late 19th century, 20th and 21 century It was a insight any midd 19th century reader.

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