Thursday, February 9, 2017

Albert Einstein's time travel Special realitity point of view

We take it for granted Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity makes time travel possible. Science fiction novels TV and Hollywood time travelers just routinely set off and go. They visit the past and future like we walk into next rooms.

How does it happen? What makes our environment's time so special we can travel at will back and forth through it? Here I will attempt to break down time from the point of view every movement of clock second hand moves though our environment's time.

If we pay attention more to the time flow of our clocks and watches more closely we would realize every movement of the second hand  is a present moment of time.

Every second seems to come from a future second and passes into the past second every second. Ever division movement is the time light in the zero resistance of out of space coasts a maximum speed limit  of a 186 thousand miles, (or less than 300, thousand kilometers 299 thousand, 792 kilometers and 548 meters term if you like to be exact) every time the second hand of clocks move every division.

If we pay more attention to mathematics and our clocks we would realize light speed and our time pieces are perfect constants. We know there is 60 seconds in every minute and 60 minutes in every hour constant. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of 60 sixties adds up the seconds in an hour. We have a grand total of 3 thousand 600 in a one hour long TV program.

A comfortable walk is a meter per second. In other words the amount of time the second hand moves every division. By that time light had traveled 300 thousand kilometres. Adding up the seconds of an hour pans out we walk 3 thousand 600 meters at a 3.6kmph velocity. The distance light travels in an hour comes to all the seconds multiplied by light speed kilometer or mile terms. (Distance in an hour equals 60 squared times c).

From our point of view of light speed is that fast. Mathematics tells us the reciprocal tells us from light speeds point of view of every second on earth is stretched longer equivalent of 299 thousand 792 point 548 seconds (or 300 thousand if you don't like to be that exact). Paying more attention to the reciprocal of light speed we realize light speed's point of view of time on earth doesn't see it travel any slower than our point of view light speed is as fast to us.

The math’s tells us time on earth is not stopped at light speed. If we view the second hand of a clock from a light speeds point of view will be frozen in time illusion to slow to observe moving any more. The movement of clock arms are a prime example of the illusion of time.

If we pay closer attention the motion of time by our clocks we realize we observe the second hand move every division per second. By the time the second hand makes a full circle the seemly frozen in time minute hand had moved a division.

Things are even more dramatic with the hour hand. We don't observe the minute hand move a full circle. But know it has to to be moving. By that time the frozen hour hand had moved a division the frozen in time minute hand had moved a full circle. The minute and hour hands are too slow for us to see moving. It is an example of how we see time in the universe point of view and the universes point of view of time on earth

Paying closer attention to the the clock hands tell us every environment hour is 3 thousand 600 times as slow as every second. Every minute is 60. Remember, from our point of view of light speed, time on earth is moving according to the distance it travels every time second hands moves a division to us.

If we do the math's on this mathematics projects from light speeds point of view our environment second is the length of time of just under a long weekend a person takes to walk a meter.

If we view from light speeds point of view the person would look frozen in time while from the person's point of view would be moving though our environments a time brisk meter per second walk. It all depends on the point of view between our point of view of light speed and light speeds point of view of us on earth.

Our mathematical instinct agrees multiplied by 24 of the hours of a day pans out to 86 thousand 400 seconds every day. Mathematics tells us the reciprocal tells us every second hand division movement is 86 thousand 400th of a day

Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity agrees with time travel books, TV and Hollywood time travel heroes experience the visual star wars hyperspace (or star trek warp drive) in normal time frame of reference while traveling though time. Time on earth the Gregorian calendar we use today every day is a date change every12 midnight. Every date is a 24 hour period. Lines that dived each number is every 12 midnight.

We hardly pay any attention to digital time pieces and our computer clocks set in the military mode. If we did we would realize tell us there no such thing as a 24 read out. Digital time pieces display no seconds. The only indication is the blinking colon (:) at the end of the numbers. Paying closer attention to digital watch read out is 23:59: the colon blinking 59 times before the numbers rest 00:00: changing the date. There are no hours no minutes and no seconds for a second of time the colon blinks once.

The colon counts down the first minute to 00:00: to 59. When the numbers reset to 00:01: the blinking colon recounts 60 seconds of the second minute.

The numbers count down 00:59: ending the first hour switching to 01:00: The numbers repeat at 02:00: 03:00: and 04:00: and so on to a total of 23 hours 59 minutes and the colon 59 blinks. Resting to all 0's the next new date. This repeats indefinitely every day for months and years at a time.

Time is not the same everywhere in the world. The earth's tilt puts the middle of the Arctic circle of the North pole at 11 O'clock and the middle of Antarctica at a 5 o'clock angle. The earth's clockwise spin puts the south west Pacific the first new date of every day. The North east Atlantic is 12 midday the previous date behind. The east Atlantic is always a whole date change behind the south Pacific. International date lines tell us this. What would be a date and time one part of the map a different time another part of the world.

Every time the second hand of a clock moves a division light travels 300 thousand kilometres (299 thousand 792 km and 548 meters to be exact or a 186 thousand miles if you like). The simple constants calculate every second from 12 midnight date change (00:00 :) were ever 12 midnight on the International Date Line. This pans out to 60 squared (60 x 60) times 24 times light speed (c for constant) projecting the distance in every second in terms of km (or mile terms) across the universe in a whole day.

Operating on the principle we can calculate the 12 midnight Monday morning to12 midnight Sunday night 7 days of the week, for month and years at a time. Taking into account of the extra day at the end of every 3rd February leap year the distance light travels every decade.

This allows us to mathematically track every second for centuries, millennia (a thousand years or 10 centuries if you like) a million a billion even trillions of centuries pass on earth. If we multiplied by c the distance light travelled clear across the universe. The distance light travels in several trillions of centuries pass on earth tracks how big the universe can be.

The closest star to earth is our sun. We don't observe the sunlight that just left it now until a little less than 8 minutes into the future. By the time, you're half way through this sentence it is less than 300 thousand kilometres above the sun’s surface.

Real time on earth sunlight we see now had left the sun 8 minutes ago every second. We see it now as an image of the sun as it was then every 8 minutes ago every second. Every time the second hand of a clock moves a division is less than 300 thousand kilometres away from the surface of earth. We feel heat and light from all that distance every second on earth.

Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity projects motion is relative between opposing points of view what would happen if we travel though time slower than a second?

If we travel forward in time slowed down by a minute our mathematical instinct agrees 60 seconds in a minute every environment second means slowed down by 60 times. It will agree we would observe from our point of view environment clock hands speed up 60 times. The second hand would be observed spinning in a bluer. Every division seem sped equivalent to 60th second. Every full circle appears to be every second and the hour hand move the same speed as a minute normally would all proportionately. The slower we travel though our environment's time the faster it appears to be for us. In other words the slower we go the faster time goes.

From an environment observer's point of view we would be 60 times as slow as a every second. From their point of view observe every second of us stretched into minute. From our point of view of the environment's time we would observe sped up a minute into the future every second,

The electric lighting is an alternating current frequency. (Or an electromagnetic wavelength if you like). We would observe the wavelength of the electrical lamp lighting change from a yellow/white tinge to a blue colour cast because we are observing the frequency of the radiation radiating from the bulb increase from the normal 60Hz (the frequency of the AC mains) by 60 times.  Simple arithmetic tells us we will see the AC mains 60 times as fast panning out to a equivalent 3.6Khz (3,600Hz frequency.

Not only that, but natures electromagnetic radiation frequencies increased proportionately as well. Mathematics tells us we would be receiving 60 times shorter wavelength (or frequency) of the normal UV rays (ultra violet light) from the sun proportionately every second of our time we'd normally would in a normal minute of the environment time.

We can calculate the effects if we were to slow down by an hour. Our mathematical instinct agrees everything would be sped up 3 thousand 600 times as fast. From environment observers point of view every second of our time would be stretched into an hour of their time while from our point of view we would feel the increase of nature’s radiation proportionately while observing an hour into the future every second.

If we pay more attention to relative points of view we can imagine observing a day into the future every second worth of nature’s radiation from the sun (86 thousand 400 times the frequency) every second. This is what be the point of view of park statues would probably observe time of a park. What appears to be stopped in time is not necessarily frozen time. A century can be easily being less than a second of time let alone million year old fossil.

Most of us believe the stereo typing story of observing light as a Star wars hyperspace or Star trek warp drive effect in TV and the movies. Our mathematical instinct agrees doing our arithmetic homework traveling as slow as an environment second in a year we may experience the environment going so fast as if traveling in a tunnel of streaking light racing from a horizon point in the distance towards us in proportional to all the seconds in a year. The arithmetic tells us traveling well over 31 million times as slow the environment's second we would observe the environment's second proportionately 31 million times as fast. If we look behind we may look the same coming towards us from behind as well.

Mathematics projects taking into account of light speed's velocity we can calculate how fast we would be slow to observe the environment proportionately as fast. In a symmetrical sense can work out how slow we travel when we worked out how fast we observe the environment's second.

What happens if we travel the environment's time a minute as slow every second?

It is the same as the latter only the roll of the observers and us is reversed. While we observe the environment's time slow down observers will observe us travel proportionally into the future every their second. Traveling 60 times as fast as a second we'd observe the environment's time slowed down 60 times as slow proportionately.

A pattern is emerging traveling fast or slow independently of a fixed environment's time we observe the opposite effect sped up or slowed down depending on which we travel the a fixed environment's time. If the environment's time is fixed the slower we go the faster the environment's time appears to be. And the faster we go the slower the it's time appears to be.

Hollywood making a time travel movie using these facts would find it hard pressed to include swapping from both points of view from time to time in the plot. In motion in relation to a fixed point of view time traveling is all in the point of view.

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