Sunday, January 29, 2017

The compatibility of Microsoft front page 2000 and Photodraw 2000 with windows 10.

Recently I published a post on the compatibility of Microsoft front page 2000 and Photodraw 2000 with Windows 10. It seems I was wrong. I wrote it in Front page on my windows 8 laptop. I was relying on front page because the spell checker system helped me a lot. I once  made inquires if I upgraded to windows 10 would these programs be compatible with it. I found the answer was no. It is easy to take people's word for it which I did.

After several months I upgraded to a windows 10 laptop figuring I had to learn not to depend on front page spell correcting ability anymore. I soon leant it is a myth windows 8 the last Microsoft operating system compatible with these programs.

I was curious what would kind of error I would get if I attempted to install Microsoft Front Page 2000 with the instillation disc. To my surprise I was able to initiate instillation though the this PC folder using the CD drive icon. The proper protocols sequences seemed to run smoothly until an error massage.

I thought that was the end of that the error response I was expecting and clicked cancel. I missed the spell correction ability. I couldn't leave it along. My curiosity got the better of me to try again. 

This time I taped the ignore button with a second of time between each click expecting to waist my time. 

But after three times I was surprise and delighted when front page resumed instillation. When finished there was the confirmation message box Front page 2000 was successfully installed. I  thought according to the error messages might cause front page to be unavailable when I attempt to access it anyway. But latter when I came to right click an internet explorer icon file on my desk top I instinctively clicked edit thinking nothing of it. I don't expect what happed next.

To my surprised and delight the Microsoft Front page opening screen flashed on and opened the page in the normal page ending mode. I was delighted all the familiar interface tool bar functions I knew well including the spell checking system worked so used to with my older windows 98, XP, 7 and 8 computers. So that busted the myth Microsoft Front page 2000 isn't compatible with windows 10.

The following tips is my experience using Front page  for all theses years I was using it. If the edit button is missing  you may need to finalize manually to turn it on. Edit will be in the 'open with' menu. Right clicking web page icons opens it. If the edit button is missing click ''Open with'' and internet explorer. The page will open in the browser. Close it. 

When you right click the icon again the edit button will be in the open with menu. Clicking edit opens front page 2000.

Files need to be in a folder for this tip. if not transfer into a new one. When you open the folder turning your attention to the tool bar click view. Click options that opens folder options. Click the view tab. Click ''Apply to all folders''. Widows will ask if you want to save. Click OK. If you don't click the folder OK in the folder box windows won't apply the setting. The next time you right click a web page icon the open with menu edit Front page 2000 opens.

If the spelling doesn't work the <meta http-equiv=''Content-language'' content=en-us''> in the html is missing in the meter. Use another web page that opens in Front 2000 edit. 

Click the html tab. Using windows cut, copy and past system make a copy of the attribute or directly from here.  Open the web page with the missing attribute.  Past in the top line of meter and save. When you open the web page the spelling will work.

If the edit button opens the web page icon in another word program it will be due to the html. Clicking the html tab and delete all reference of that html and save. 

Using anther page that opens in Front page go into the html and make a html copy. Reopen the web page that has the blank html and past the copy and save. The edit button will open will be in the open with menu allowing you to edit in Front page 2000.

The next day it struck me for curiosity to try the Photodraw. Everything went well except for the familiar monitor box wasn't responding. I was tempted to stop there because I figured photodraw mustn't be compatible after all. But I decided to wait. I waited a long serial minutes. Then the CD drive started whirring and clicking. (The whirring and clicking is a sign the laser is struggling read though finger print marks). 

After another long minute the monitor box  suddenly responded installing the software as it always did. Then came a couple of instillation error messages. Learning from installing Front page I clicked ignore with a second pause between each click three times.

Then another error message. I repeated tapping ignore three times with a second's pause between. Then instillation resumed as normal.

When I checked out Photodraw I was delighted it was indeed installed successfully even listed in the quick access menu. The results had busted the myth Photodraw 2000 isn't compatible with windows 10. I wonder if this will still work with future generations of windows. We can only see.

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