Friday, February 24, 2017

Hollywood and TV science fiction once featured mechanical consoles and time machines. Today it is rather advance technology of glass touch screens swiping file instructions to computers to teleport to a destination or time travel. They make it all seem so routine don't they.

Every second hand of a clock represents a now second that was once a future second. Time  travels abandoned properties and vehicle deterioration arrow of time. In time an abandoned house eventually deteriorate into dumps and cars rot to wrecks called entropy. It is an agonizingly slow processes called low entropy. Rotting fruit don't take long by comparison a high entropy. Our body's follow this entropy rule as we get older every birthday.

To most of us seconds are dismissed as irreverent. We feel sports and science winning and losing our sports hero's by fractions of seconds just unnecessarily nick picking. But in truth, seconds are the building blocks of the present minute.

Every second in the present minute is the building blocks of the present hour. Every second of an hour is  the building blocks of the present day. Every second of every day is the building blocks of each future day of the a week. Every second in those two weeks is the building blocks of a fortnight which every second are the building blocks of every future month. Every second of a month are the building blocks of every future year. 

Every second of a year are the building blocks of every future decade. Every second of a every decade are the building blocks of every century. Every second of a century is the building blocks of every millennia (thousand years or 10 centuries if you like) Every second of every millennia are the building blocks of every million years. Each second of every million years are the building blocks of billions of year and so on. Every second hand movement is  the distance light travels every second no matter how long the time.

A span of time smaller than a regular second of the universe called a Planck time often expressed as a Planck second. It is a Plank constant that is 1 divided by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.626. It pans out to thirty-nine zeros on the right of 6262 a total of a 43 decimal fraction of a second. 

Mathematics tells us the reciprocal is 1 multiplied by 10 forty-three times the same 6262 on the left of the same 39 zeros (6.262 times 10 to the 43 and 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43 respectively). In short 6.262 times 10 to the 43 Plank times equals 1 second.

We never observe fallen glasses reassemble back up off the floor at any speed against gravity back onto tables with out a crack mark on them. Yet there are Hollywood and TV wonder adventures into the past.

There is two points of view of traveling though time. One is the view point of the environment's time moving backwards or forwards and the point of view of environment observing the travelers.

Light travels a distance of less than 300 thousand kilometers (299 thousand 972 kilometers and 548 meters or a 186 thousand miles to be exact if you like), by the time the second hand of a clock moves a division. Despite the zero resistance of deep space it doesn't coast any faster. It is at it's maximum coasting speed limit every second hand division movement.

The sunlight we see from the sun takes a little less than 8 minuets to reach our eyes. The sun is the nearest star to earth only 8 light minutes away. In real time we don't see light that just left the sun now until 8 minutes into the future. What we see of the sunlight in real time now on earth is only images of the light as the sun was 8 minuets ago every second.

By the time you are half away thought this sentence light is less than 300 thousand kilometers from the sun and the same distance away from earth every second. 

Time on earth is based on the Gergieon calendar the world uses today based on a date change of every 12 midnight.

Digital time pieces tell us their is no such thing as a 24 hour period. Read outs display a second before the date changes 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds. 24 hours is when the numbers all reset to zero no hours, no minutes and no seconds (00:00:00) of the first second of the new date change.

The first second ends at 00:00:01. Our digital time pieces don't have second columns instead a blinking colon (:). Every blink is a deep space time the distance light travels every second.

The colon blinks 60 times when the time piece reads out 00:01 ending the first minute past 12 midnight. It repeats till 00:02 the distance light traveled in another minute. The sequence repeats until 00:03 and so 00:04 and so on, every blink of the colon equals the distance light travels a second.

The sequence repeats till 00:59 resetting to 01:00 ending the first hour beginning the second hour of the day. The number repeats ending each hour 02:00  two in the morning and so 03:00  three in the morning and so on till 23:59 changing to a new date at 00:00 again.

Teleportation and transported though time the earth is spinning on it's axis about 30 degrees putting the mass of the Artic circle of the North pole about an 11 O'clock angle  and the mass of Antarctica at the south pole at 5 O'clock coordinates. This puts the deep south pacific the first corner of the earth a new 12 midnight date change and the North east Artic circle the previous date at 12 midday. When it is 12 midday south pacific time it is a new date change at 12 midnight North east Atlantic time. Flat maps of the earth show international date lines where every country a deferent time at the same time.

Where ever on earth teleported in real time or time travel one part of the world to the other or to the past or future is always same overlap of international time zone in each date somewhere in the world.

Quantum physics weirdness suggests teleportation real time (to the future or past ) from our intuitive point of view agrees the laws of physics may be different. The two different view points of a travelers point of view observing the environments time during transition and  from the environment obverses point of view observing the traveler durying the same transition

Take teleportation in real time for example.

Imagine 0 to a distance of a 160km (or a 100 miles if you like) in a second. There is always from the teleported view point of the environment's time and the environment observers point of view of the moving traveller. If we could travel a 160 kilometres to a stop in a second  we may observe Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity view point of the environment's time may kick in. 

Our intuitive thinking agrees at take off we should accelerate to a distance of 80km in half second and come to a stop in another 80km in another half second evening total of a distance of 160km to a stop in a second.

From our point of view should observe the environment's time slow down the faster we accelerate the slower the environment's time seems getting slower and slower until which point we apply the breaks at a distance of 80k.

At this point the environment may look sped up again as we slow down getting faster and faster until we reach a point a second into the future we started take off a 160km away.

From our point of view it may take the equivalent of several seconds to be a second into the environment's future 160km away the same amount of time as the environment observer sees us. Time from our point of view and the environment's may be meaningless.

There are two possibilities from an environment observers point of view of our trip. One we may look a star Trek ship warp drive take off where the series showed the front end of ships stretched into the distance followed by the rear snapping in disappearing out of sight. We could look similar stretched for a distance of a 160km snapping in the total distance in a second. Or we could just disappear entirely reappearing a 160km away in a second. What ever the outcome, there will always be the two opposing view points showing completely different experiences at the same time.

Slowing down to a stop showed the slower we go the faster the environment's time appears to go. If we apply this to light speed we would be accelerating and stopping in a distance of 300 thousand kilometers in one second.

Our intuitive nature suggests we'd be applying the brakes at a distance of a 150km in half second and come to a complete stop in another 150km in another half second. It pans out the equivalent of circling the circumference of earth 7 times in the same amount of time a second hand of every clock moves a division. 

It suggests 7 times round the world in one second equals 4 and a half times in half a second of acceleration and another 4 and a half times in anther half second of deceleration to come to a stop to equal the total distance to a stop in a second 7 times round trip.

What would we see of the environment's time. I will use light speed itself because the G's and atmosphere would destroy us to atoms less than 4 and a half times round the earth after take off.

From our point of view we see light speed travel a distance of less than 300 thousand kilometers every time the second hands of clocks move every division. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity if we could observe the environment's time on earth from light speeds point of view we would observe it as slow the reciprocal of the speed we observe it. 

For example we would observe clock second hands frozen in time. In reality it is moving though time equivalent of 300 thousand seconds to travel the same 300 thousand kilometers we see it travel in a second. If do the math's miles applies. (A 186 thousand seconds per 168 thousand miles equals 1.86 miles per second times a 186 thousand miles)

In other words from our point of view we see light travel 300 thousand kilometers per second and light speed's point of view sees time on earth travel 3km per second. Because light speed doesn't go any faster than it's maximum it doesn't see time on earth go any slower than that. It is the maximum slowness. Time may look stopped but is an illusion of going to slow to observe moving anymore. Clock second hands for example. 

Just because we can't observe the second hand of clocks moving anymore don't necessarily mean it isn't moving though time.

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