Tuesday, February 23, 2016

In the beginning was the big bang

We have all heard of the big bang that's supposed to have created the universe. What most of us find dubious about cosmologists having us believe the universe was created form nothing. We are suppose to believe it created itself. The big bang is really all about energy to be able to create energy.

If we are to understand anything of the cosmos today, if the characteristic of the of space and time inside black holes Black holes, called a singularity, is anything to go by, is the closest to what what we can imagine what it would have been like before the eruption.

So much for the rule matter and energy that cannot be created from nothing or destroyed we were all taught at elementary school. Cosmologists have us believe not from black holes and the big bang it's not. Even to the big bang creating itself and deep inside black holes is one of the biggest mysteries of the universe.

Gravity it seems, is the key player in creation. According to Isaac Newtown for gravity to be present there must be mass. After Isaac Newton, if the center of black hole is anything to go by the gravity  was speculated to be infinitely dense with zero volume which suggests the equivalent of a mass of a supper massive star with enough gravity to capture all it's light light called dark stars.

Cosmologists speculate the big bang was faster than than the speed of light. Remember the moment of creation there was no such thing as light so no light light speed limit.

It is believed a particle called the Higgs Boson is responsible for mass. If there was nothing before the big bang there was no Higgs Boson, open to speculation to a  zero resistance to infinite acceleration accelerating an infinitely hot explosion.

Time in the early universe, and deep inside black holes is meaningless. For example equivalent of several hundred thousand trillion centuries pass on earth less than a cosmic second.
From our point of view of time it took the equivalent of a few hundreds of thousands years for enough for the first particles of matter appear, vigorously vibrating rubber band like enmities called strings.

The relative size are on a Planck scale. This scale is six, point, two, six, divided by ten forty-three three times, a forty zero and six, two, six fraction. The scientific notation is expressed as six, point, two, six, times ten to the minus forty-three

Mathematics tells us the reciprocal is the same number with no minus sign in the positive value. For example, six point, two, six multiplied by ten forty-three times a forty-three digit number ( six hundred and twenty six followed by forty zeros. ( Or six, point, two, six, times ten to the forty-three )
In time the Higgs Boson was formed giving the universe gravity like as dark matter.

The compression forces of the Higgs Boson dampened the energy of the strings. As the universe continued slowing down the strings collapsed into solid form of quarks and a whole zoo of particles collapsing together forming the first protons and neutron particles.

As The Higgs Boson plummeted energy further, protons and neutrons captured each others in orbits.

As the velocity slowed down further electrons appeared. And as the acceleration continued to drop away the proton and neutron cluster captured an electron in orbit round them creating the first hydrogen atoms.

Protons had a positive electrical charge where neutrons had no electrical charge. Protons repel protons. Electrons had a negative electrical charge which repel electrons. Protons attract electron like nails to a magnet. Thus the like repel and unlike law of electrons and protons.
It is believed there was a time of opposite electrically charged particles were created. These where negatively charged protons and positively charged electrons expressed as antimatter the same charges occupying the same space as the positive protons and negative electrons of matter.

There was a Planck positive scale explosion of the like charges repelling each other in a second. The first atoms of mater including antimatter annihilated each other. However there was a marginal winner. For every million antimatter particle there was a mater survivor.
In time there was enough hydrogen atoms in mass to form thick clouds to build the first stars.

A important thermal dynamic law of the universe that is the heart of star building. We experience bicycle pumps start to heat up when we force air in an already tight tire. The more we compact somthing that is already compacted the hotter it gets.

Operating on the principle enough Higgs Boson gravitational compaction on the hydrogen atoms heated up. With enough heat bombardments of the nucleus was enough for thermal nuclear eruptions could take place where the first stars born.

Their own gravity keeps compacting hydrogen atoms compressing electrons into the neighboring atoms. Heat expansion dueled with gravity trying to expand, gravity trying to crush the first stars out.
In time, hydrogen is used up. Gravity and heat is the strongest in the core. The Higgs Boson crushing inwards and the energy of the expanding heat, heats up the outer layers. It is the core that is the heart of the next processes.

The crushing core and expanding heat is heat energy and the energy of the stars from Higgs Bosons ( or gravity if you like ) compacting the outer electron orbits of the helium atoms into the neighboring outer obits creating the common atoms we see in the parabolic table of the elements.

The star's gravity crushing the first star and the expanding heat one by one the common atoms in of the parabolic table of the elements in each layer is created. The expanding heat expands the outer layers into the first red giants.

Iron is the most absorbent of energy of all the elements of the table. It drains the core of energy. Heat expansion pressure is reduced. The more iron processed the less core pressure. The expansion pressure of the outer layers are winning the battle with gravity swelling the star like a over inflated balloon.

Finally when there is not enough core pressure, the expanding outer core is free to burst into the first supernovas. The energy expels the outer layers on a light speed scale seeding the the universe with the parabolic table of the elements. Only supernovas are powerful enough to create the rare elements. The common elements are created during the stars life and the rare elements when stares go supernova.

While the expanding heat of the outer layers wins the war with gravity, gravity wins the war over the core crushing it inwards. The outer layers were free to detonate in the mother of all cosmic explosions

The volume of the core is reduced to a planet weighing the equivalent of the Planck constant in the positive value given in tones per cubic area in the mucus scale in the minus value of a second.
There is so much power to the gravitational collapse protons are fused into neutrons the mass ending up in what is called the first white neutron star dwarf stars. Only Hugh stars much bigger had the gravitational force to create the first black holes.

In time, the gravitational fields captured stars in orbit forming the first galaxies. From the universe point of only takes a short period of time to form millions of fully formed galaxies .From our point of view the equivalent of a few trillion years passing on earth.

If we compare in years the Planck constant in the positive scale and minus scales, for every second on earth, time was then, as it is now is meaningless to the universe.
If we calculate the number of zeros to a Planck constant in the years is way-way beyond the age of the current universe let a lone when our sun dies.

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