Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Paralelle universe, time travel

We have our memories right up to the last few seconds. There is no memory of the coming seconds. Some of us believe there is no distention between the past present and future. If this is true, it makes sense the present is what we are going to do yesterday and what we did tomorrow.

The second hand of clocks measure time on earth as a steady flow we say one thousand and one the time light travels a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers ( or a hundred and eighty six thousand miles if you like ) in every second. Our brain records the past second as memory forming a new memory in the present second with no memory of the next second every second.

If the former is true lets assume we are all free to travel back and forth the past and future and change what ever we like at any time we like.  So, let's assume for a movement we have just been to the future in your uncles time machine. There was heart ach because the stranger you meet you cared about cared about someone else already.

No matter, all you will do is jump into your time machine back to the time you left. Knowing who to look for in the present you can prevent the person you care about from meeting the person, steeling away for yourself because you knew everything that was about to happen in the present..

Returning to the time you left you arrange it. Then unexpectedly your driving caused the death of the said person. It didn't matter anyway because your memories dictated you knew what you was about to do already because you have been to the future to know that was going to happen anyway.

No matter, you'll just jump on your uncles time machine and go back to a few hours and start over. That will be the third time you changed the last few hours of you life from going into the future with no care in the world adventure to a heart ach to make things better for yourself.

Then there there was a situation were you have to save someone else. No matter, you'll just use your uncles time machine again. But changing things the second time inevitable going to disrupted your plans to meet the person over again by the distraction weather a priority to do first that may cost you the person you care about or the person you are trying to save. Time lines often force a plans.

Traveling back and forth the present, past and future changing things here and there to suit ourselves is our own isolated time line we don't know is going happen to us yet, weather we are destined for the past present or future. Otherwise we would experience the problem a cop had in a recent movie I saw on TV called frequency.

It is about a thirty-six year old cop accidentally contacting his fireman father at the same age via a time traveling Citizen Band radio transmission drying an aurora storm. He was talking with his father before he died in a fire expanding a a few decades between1969 and 1999.

At first the cop was naive until he finally leant the reality of what had happed. Once the cop realized the truth he shared his feelings with his father and going to die in a up coming fire and sharing with his father if he had only gone the other direction.

The plot of the story the cops father in the fire carrying someone over his shoulder. The last minute decided to take the strangers advice saving himself as well as the life of the civilian.

Frequency takes on the fashioner of two memories at the same time, one retaining the memories of his father's and the life without him memories, and a new parallel alternate reality time line memory of his father didn't die growing up with him.

The plot of the story continues the cop enlisting the help of his father involving him in a current serial killer spree in his father's time, in the cops time unsolved, to save the lives of the girls murdered at the same time to catch the killer responsible.

In doing so both got deeper and deeper in changing the course of the investigation history into several different alternate outcomes. The cop's mother got caught up in it ending up as a victom. Things changed again. He had a new parallel alternate memory time of his mother not around in his life razed by his father added in parallel to all the other alternate time line memories he created. In desperation the cop enlisted the help of his father to prevent her turn.

Every day for the next several days new parallel time lines was added in parallel with his original memory time line. He'd mass quite a few. In the end the movie ended with all the family happily playing baseball together in their family park in the cops current time line.

I can't help but stop and think of another example comes to mind. Adolph Hitler was a corporal in world war one. Lets ask ourselves the odds of life expectancy in four years of front line battles of the war.

If the there is no distention between past present and future is true a person from the future can easily travel back in time to make sure Hitler is just another battle causality to save all these millions of lives lost in the up coming future. A new alternate history time line is created Adult Hitler was killed in the war.

If the movie Frequency is anything to go by, the time traveler will have parallel historic time line memories of the current history and it never happing at the same time. Will he remember he was responsible for the death of Hitler?

A little known true story involving a Australian sniper doesn't have to rely on that scenario. The Australian had Hiller dead to right in his scope. If the sniper was a killer, history of the 20th century would have been different.

If the movie frequency is anything to go by how many times can we travel back in time to change events, only once? Twice? An infinite number of times? Do we retain our memories of every time line change we make?

A case in point with a TV series True calling. It is about a female morgue attended who the dead can ask for their help. In doing so she was transported back twenty-four hours of time before their death. She had full memory of the day. She could change the course of the time line to save the persons life.

In doing so did the cop in Frequency and True Davies in True Calling create parallel universes?

A TV series called the sliders introduced the concept of parallel universes discovered by a university student Quinn Mallory experimenting with antigravity in his basement in an attempt to revolutionize heavy lifting.

Instead he got more than he bargained for. His experiment produced somthing else. It had managed to reproduce the holey grail of cosmology an artificial wormhole. A wormhole is a theoretical gravitational pull right in the center of a black hole ( called a singularity ) shrinking space into a deep well. The vertical well links with another black hole across the other side of the universe creating a space tunnel.

In the case of the sliders the experiment created a portal to different dimension earth's. They were the same earth's same times only alternate time line differences. Each earth was ninety percent identical, the reaming ten percent was what made each dimension different.

The British TV series Doctor Who got in on the act is an example of the concept. Several episodes played it out with a double of himself and one of his assistance's double from a parallel universe reminds us the world of sci-fi is full of parallel universe stories.

When Germany was busy fighting the British at the Somme in world war one of this world. Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity was published. It projects the the mass of stars and planets bend space. Space is curved round the circumference of stares and planets. It compress the earth keeping us on the surface directly form of the mass of the earth shrinking space round it.

Gravity in other words is a distortion of space by mass. This distortion distorts space time. The distortion of space at sea level on the surface of earth is measured by our clocks and watches to the second. In high orbit time is a few microseconds faster than the top floor of city sky scrapper in turn and a few microseconds faster than ground level. The pulling power of the mass of the earth time near the core is a few microseconds few longer than the surface.

Operating on the principle the gravitational pull right in the center ( called the singularity ) is enough mass to shirk space creating the huge black void of no light we express as a black hole well known for slowing time.

From our point of view we observe an astronaut spaghettified into the event horizon for a million years, while from the astronaut's point of view in an instant.

Einstein's 1905 special theory of relativity tells us when it comes to light speed and the vast distances of the stars, a moment in time for one view point is equivalent to a few million years passing on earth from the opposite view point.

From our point of view from the surface of earth, we see light travel a distance of just under three hundred thousand kilometers in a second. From light speeds point of view see's a second on the earth's surface travel three hundred thousand seconds per kilometer. That's equivalent to traveling a kilometer just under a long weekend. I'm sure anybody into challenging mathematics can work out exactly to the second.

Mathematics projects light speed traveling in a straight line is equivalent to the distance bent into a circle raped round the concurrence of earth seven times in a second. From our point of view we walk a meter in that time.

Light see's us walk a meter the equivalent of three hundred thousand thousand seconds Time is not stopped. It is only to slow to observe moving. It cannot see our world any slower than we see moving as fast. I'm sure anybody good at math's can work out how long three how many days three hundred thousand thousand seconds is.

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