Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Plate tectonics, earth science, Geology, equakes and volcanoes

There's a link between Albert Einstein's theory or general relativity earth science, geology, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Recent cosmological discovery of gravity waves proved Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity right. The theory published the second year of world war one proposed the mass of stars and planets bend space. Space is not flat as flat as every body thinks. It is pot holed by the presence of mass.

The mass of a body in space shrink raps the round the entire circumference of every star, planet, asteroid comet to specks of dust including earth. The entire circumference of the earth's crust is under enormous compression of distorted space.

It this shrink raped space by the mass of the earth that holds the earth's oceans and the atmosphere to the surface. The earth is calculated to be the equivalent of about 18 trillion metric tones of weight of distorted space compressing  the entire circumference of the planet.

Every body in the universe including the sun and earth, distorts the rubbery texture of space in a thee dimensional pressure round them. The earth's mass pulls space inward on the Antarctic circle in the North as much as a inward pull on Antarctica in the south.

The general theory was the result of the original1905 special theory about what happens to mass traveling on a light speed scale. High speed Rolla Coasters producing the equivalent of a pull back force reminiscent to gravity expresses the idea.

Connell John Paul Stapp was an American air force officer who pioneered the study of the effects of acceleration and deceleration forces predicted in the special theory of relativity, on humans. A colleague of Chuck Yeager he became known as "the fastest man on earth" He once accelerated on a rocket sled 0 to 421kmph to a stop in less than a quarter minute.

We normally experience the equivalent of a few kilograms of weight pulling us back into our seats we have been expressing as G's. When Rolla Coasters at rest is one G equivalent to a kilogram per cubic meter of the earth's mass compressing space. Mathematics has calculated out 9.8 Newtown's of gravitational force

Experiencing twice our body weight is equivalent of experiencing 2G's of force, equivalent of feeling like several kilograms weighing us back into our seats, three times, three G's and four times four G's and so on. Stapp experienced acceleration then the deceleration at black out levels

Unless the moon not spinning is the exception to the rule, rules out the spin of a mass creates gravity. But, the earth is not a perfect sphere due to the centrifugal forces though. The earth coasts round the sun in the zero resistance of space, while spinning on it's axis close to 12 O'clock angle faster than a bullet. The centrifugal forces compress each pole inwards distorting a bulge at the equator. There is a little less force at the poles.

The earth's spin drags, the fluid nature of Magma ( The same stuff that flows on the surface of erupting volcanoes ) around.

Magma is exceeding rich in iron moving round the iron core plays a key roll in generating the earth's magnetic field. The earth is essentially a magnetized ball bearing the Artic circle's magnetic field in the North and Antarctica's magnetic field in the south. Opposite magnet fields of magnets attract each other and the same fields repel with the same strength applies to the earth's magnetic field.

The air we breath and the oceans of the world is held to the surface of the by the enormous shrink rap distortion of space surrounding the earth. Studying fluid motion ( the earth's atmosphere if you kike ) is very fluid. Like magma it is dragged about all over the world by the momentum forces of the earth's spin.

The earth atmosphere is littered with pot marks of highly mobile high and low pressure spots caused by the sun evaporating water and dragged round by the pressure of the spinning earth.

High pressure zones are maxed out high air pressure. They just don't get any more higher thasn they do. Low pressure spots suck in air like black holes sucking in matter in a spiral generating high winds and bad weather often blocked by the maxed out high pressure systems.

The high pressure atmosphere has a certain psychological spirit lifting appeal while the psychological depression feeling we get from drab and gaudy days of low pressure systems has on us. We can all feel the dampness in the air and the psychological blues of the gaudy day of a low pressure system.

Thermal dynamics tell us compression produces heat. An example, the heat we feel from a bicycle pump, that begins to heat up when pumping air into a already tight tire. The more pressure we add to the hotter the pump feels.

Compress somthing that is already tightly compressed drives the temperature up. The mass of stars shrink wrapping space compressing stars is what drives their temperature. The same warped space surrounding earth is the drive that generates the earth's geology, earthquake and volcanic outbursts.

Geology tells us the earth's crust is made up of plates. Video and earth science library books show images of the earth like a cracked egg shell.

The force of the shrink raped space is equivalent to an enormous weight of the plates compressing magma. It has been calculated to be the mass of the earth equivalent of about 18 trillion tones of warping space.

In orbit round the earth time is a few milliseconds ( the standard metric system prefix mill lee for a thousandth ) of a second faster than at sea level. It is a little slower on the top floor of a tall sky scrappers but still faster than than the street bellow.

The shrink rap of space slows time and the earth's is no exception. Deep under our feet time is much slower. The more we approach the core the stronger the gravitational pull. Time for the core is a lot slower than on the surface. Down there is a second or two slower than than a few hundred kilometers above the surface in space.

The forces of the earth's mass collapsing space round the crust and spin is the key the movement  magma. The magma is highly fluid and mobile. The magma is under the enormous heavy weight of the crust of the continental plates  keeping it molten.

The shrink rap compression of space drives the temperature of the magma up. It's literally boiling like boiling water pressure. Added to that the plates are billions of tones of heavy weight. The boiling nature of the magma is crushed and squeezed from the immense forces under the weight of the earth's crust.

The plates are transported like rafts on the fluid magma like water currents on a quiet lake currying colliding rafts together. Magma convention currents pull some plate overriding each on top of same and pressed hard in parallel while moving sideways alongside each other. The overdoing mechanism of locking is called sudation.

It is here where volcanic outbursts occur.

Pressure of the circulating magma currents locking up the plates sold grows in enormous pressure. The magma is squeezed under millions of tones force to boil under the extreme heat adding pressure.

Under billions of tones per kilometer of force is squeezed up fissures in the seduction zone in the earth's crust. The fissure itself is squeezed often squeezed narrow. Enough pressure forces and squeezes magma up the fissure out let the peak of a mountain like tooth paste out of a tooth past tube we call a volcano. The pressure from behind is relentless until it balance out in the shutting down of the eruption.

The same pressure can cause an earthquake. The overriding plate builds up a heavy pressure trying to move over the other but can't move because it is jammed in position. This is the a fault lines under seas as well as inland of cotenants.

Seismologists haven't yet been able to pin point the exact location under pressure to take measurements. All they can do is measure the stress where ever they can found on the surface of the studied fault line to the nearest.

It is only after the fault gives way Seismological instruments read outs give clues to the location of the original stress point. Sections of the fault line deep under ground suddenly un stick from the pressure slipping down or upward a few meters felt as an earthquake.

Plate boundaries sliding in opposite parallel directions are called strike slips. Overriding each are expressed a sudation slips. Millions of years of uplift earthquakes is mountain building.

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