Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A tiny number in quantum physics, discovered by a German physics Max Planck called a Planck constant over a century ago, revolutionized they way cosmologists measure the universe.

A tiny number in quantum physics, discovered by a German physics max Planck over a century ago, revolutionized they way cosmologists measure the universe.

What makes the Planck constant so special mathematics express common camp fires should produce an infinite amount of radiation. Infinite is way beyond even supernovas could put out. The math's told physics even something as hot as lava. Despite what the math's said it doesn't get any hotter than a few thousand digress. According to ,the arthritic small fires let a lone volcanoes would have incinerated the earth a long time ago. Never the less, it was what the math's said. what irked physicists mathematics can't lie you know.

In 1898 Planck took up the challenge solving the riddle of the theory of the ultra violet light catastrophe problem. Using conventional math's wouldn't cut it. In desperation he turned to looking outside the black box.

By December 1900 he finally announced he'd found a solution to the ultra violet light catastrophe problem. To do it he had to look at nature as discreet units of time and energy he called quota representing the smallest amount of time, mass and energy. It was like in modern terms everybody looking at nature as smooth analogue system someone announcing had reoriented nature is digital.

His math's came up with a finite unit, six point, two, six divided by ten forty three times, forty zeros followed by six, two, six, a total of a forty three decimal fraction representing a quota.

The scientific notation, is six point two, six, times ten to the minus forty three written down with a little razed minus sign and forty three just to the right of the ten. Mathematics tells us the reciprocal is six, point, two, six followed by forty zeros. It is the same notation, without the minus sign marking it a positive value. ( Six, point two, six, times ten to the forty three respectively )

Because Planck's number was constant physicists, were captivated because constants are rational numbers that avoid the infant properties of irrational numbers. Planck's constant put an end to the ultra violet light catastrophe theory why the idea of Quota was so readily excepted and popular idea from day one.

Planck's constant was able to express the smallest discrete unit of length, and time, and everything else in the universe including matter, mass and energy on the Planck constant scale so efficiently.

Before Albert Einstein's special theory of reality was published Einstein published a paper embracing Planck's quota as a particle of light today whey know as Photons. Perhaps the best description of his paper describing how modern solar cell technology works converting light to useful electrical energy called the photo electric effect.

Classical physics tell us light travels in waves like a pendulum swing. Plank's Quota tells us as individual light particles, photons. They accelerate past the rest position slowing down to a stop at a maximum distance. Then reversing direction accelerates past the rest position slowing down to a stop the opposite equal distance to reverse direction repeating the cycle many times a second.

The maximum peak to peak distance is the wavelength. Mathematics says the frequency of a low frequency ( or long wavelength ) and the high frequency ( or short wavelength ) can be any where to infinitely short or infinitely long. In other words light is analogue. However Planck's Quota tells us a rather digital like representation.

Planck's math's show his constant to be the maximum value. In other words a maximum low frequency of  a cycle takes six point two, six times ten to the forty three seconds to complete. The maximum high frequency is same positive value per second.

Einstein pointed out high frequency has the potential efficient energy to knock electrons out of orbits and low frequency hasn't. For example low heat at high frequency has more photo electric effect than high heat at low frequency. It is the frequency ( or wavelength ) that is the key to photo electric effect physics, not heat.

The light we see is too low frequency. It is the high frequency of the UV rays ( Ultra Violet light ) we can't see that tan us at beaches is the source of photo electric effect in modern solar panels.

After world war one, quantum physics in Europe took off at an cracking pace. From the 1920's onwards a Danish Physicist Niles Bore embraced Planck's quota idea as part of atomic structure.

Throughout his career he promoted Planck's quota in atomic theory. The standard idea atoms are made of a cloud of orbiting particles called electrons racing round a core of particles called neutron and Protons. Planck's constant was ideal way to represent the space between every particle.

Bore proposed the electron orbits were fixed. They share each others orbits by disappearing and reappearing again in another orbit at a Planck second at the Planck constant in positive value in a second. They cannot jump past the first orbit into the nucleus.

Cosmology tells us the universe is made up of strings, rather like vibrating rubber bands on a Planck constant scale. They believe they make up membranes called M theory. library books on atoms, the universe and quantum physics have published captured snap shot of the giant particle accelerator at Cern Switzerland tracing, Quarks, neutrinos, Boson  and a whole zoo of other particles that make up the neutrons and Protons that make up the center of atoms.

The photos are the traces of debris from crashed together close to a light speed scale the core ( nucleus ) of the atom. Think of the energy released by a pair of cars colliding together at a combined 220kmph on impact.

The images are traces the explosive kinetic energy of the particles. In terms of kmph close to a 1,080,000,000kmph ( or less than 300,000km/s if you like ) crash. It is only the violence of the collisions that produce the tiniest of particles.

These particles appear and disappear less than a second.

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