Thursday, December 10, 2015

The healing power.

Our body is made up of organs, made of molecules, made up of atoms the stuff the universe is made of. Chemistry text books snow a periodic table of the elements listing every atom known to man including we are made of. Universe books describing how stars work tell us all the elements  was created in the heart of stares.

Studying chemistry specially human biology we discover how our metabolism works. The study of the physical structure of the atom is a major key to our understanding of our health. There is many books and web pages including, auto electrical, basic electricity, and electronics, physics including  universe, chemistry, biology, and quantum physics, all describing the basic structure of the atom we are made of. In other words we are basically atoms of the universe.

Auto electricity and chemistry describe how the inner workings of batteries work biology books and web pages describing the chemical processes of our metabolism of our body cells.

They tell us our cells are like a metropolitan city, complete with import and export ports, power stations called mitochondria, factories called ribosomes, a sewage, and rubbish collection system called excretory vacuoles and a city wall, the cell membrane, all floating in mostly water, a salty solution called an electrolyte.

Our cell Ribosome's manufacture from imported raw materials though chemical reaction absorption on a atomic level producing enzymes the key to biochemical health and well being success. Children's science and technology books testify in basic electricity and chemistry books showing how a couple of lemans can run a small light bulb.

Sports drink packet labels describe the purpose of their product is to replace the lost salty solution during ( the electrolyte ) an intense sport activity. A crude source is common baking soda that can often be just as effective after a few minutes.

A chemical break down of the soda by chemistry analysis shows the atomic structure our body cells function. What it doesn't tell us a break down of quantum physics tells us the atoms are quantum mechanics in nature. Studying auto electrical specially how batteries work is the study of how our cells produce our metabolism.

The study of minerals also reveals how they are very important to our health. Chemistry books list every mineral in the periodic table. Almost 99% of our body is made up of six elements, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus.

Less than a per cent is composed of another five elements, potassium, sulphur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All are thought necessary for our cell ribosome factory. The remaining elements are Trace. There is more than a dozen, thought to play a role in good health such as evidence fluorine, hardens the enamel of our teeth for example.

An easy way to remember the six most essential elements of our body is the, acromion  for carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium known as CONCH-P.

Quantum physics tells the atoms of every element of our body are quantum in nature. In studying how the body works the digestive system, the small intestine made up of a mass of tiny finger like pimples the key to absorbing the nutrients. The minerals of our food is broken down in our stomach handed to our small intestine for absorption.

While biology books tell us our salty metabolism is electrical fluid, quantum physics tells us the atoms, made up of are quantum. Automatic maintenance relies on the chemical reaction of the fluid solution made up of the minerals our small intestine had absorbed.

Human biology tells us about bacteria that is actually beneficial to our health. A vast collection of bacteria is liken to a coral reef full of colourful aquatic life called flora that lives off the food we eat. This tends give a negative reputation. It is not what we think as harmful parasites at all. Quite the opposite. Over three quitters of the population provide essential nutrients such as vitamins, particularly victim C, the body isn't designed to manufacture.

The most concentration is in our small intestines, commonly expressed as our gut, the cells of our digestive system our cells live off. Yogurt product labels testify to this the reason why it is considered as a good readily available health food source at any supermarket, diary, mini mart and food stuff at any gas station.

Our bodies made mostly of water. Physics, chemistry and biology books and web pages describe water is a bond between a single hydrogen, and two oxygen atoms. The electrolyte is made of the sodium chloride mineral in the water. The finger like villi in our small intestine captures the mineral passed on by our stomach picked up by our intestine and absorbed by our intestine cells.

Chemistry and human biology tells us the periodic table breaks all atoms down into orbiting particles called electrons, racing round central particles, called protons and neutrons. Quantum physics breaks down the central particles into quarks, bosons and a whole zoo of other particles they are made of. It tells at this level our body is quantum mechanics in nature.

Universe books on stars describe they are the creators of the periodic table we see in chemistry web pages and books. Matter is first pulled together by the weight of their mass crushing particles into each other. They are crushed together like a car crusher crushing a car into a cube of metal.

There is so much compression a vast amount of heat is generated. It is the principle of the earth mass large enough to compress the crust keeping the rock under our feet permanently molten. ( Magma ).

Pressure generates so much heat it fuses electrons in orbit round the proton and neutron creating hydrogen atoms. When temperature is high enough a star is born. During their lives temperature is kept constant by the compression of gravity a processes of an extra electron crushed into hydrogen atom obits creating a helium atom.

This is called nuclear fusion. Fission is the opposite separating the bond between the neutron and proton apart. ( Or splitting the nucleus if you like ). While fusion is the physics how stares create the elements fission is splitting the nucleus in nuclear explosion physics chain reaction.

The fusion of a star will continue to produce helium for millions of years before running out. When this happens the energy of the outer layer of the star pushing expands outwards against the compression of gravity. When run out of hydrogen  the star starts to fuse helium into the elements of the periodic table we see in chemistry books.

Iron, which our veins like a complex bus route system transporting it to our cells, is the last element left to create. By then the energy of the star had expanded outward like a inflating balloon against the gravity trying to crush it inwards keeping it bloated to bursting point.

Processing iron is a horrific energy drain in the core. When it becomes overwhelming the core has no more inflation resistance left to support the star anymore. It's all gone. The stars gravity collapses the core. The energy of the outer regions is free to explode seeding the universe with the elements it had created we see in the periodic table. Thus the elements we are made of.

The subatomic particles of every element we see in the periodic table are the key to our  metabolism and our metabolism the key to our well being. Though the study of auto electricity battery chemistry, chemistry, physics and human biology and quantum theory books and web pages web pages combined is the study of how our cells work in our organs working our metabolism.

Quantum physics tells the behaviour of the subatomic particles of our body metabolism are entangled with other dimensions throughout the universe. Entanglement is a theory of the action at a distance of these particles giving the theory of parallel dimensions to our own including doubles of ourselves living alternate lives on alternate earth's. Most of us are sceptical of this.

Two facts about this is magnets and gravity. Pluto caught by the sun's gravity all that distance away in a instant. The sun's gravity is a action at a distance.

Playing with toy magnets we discover they not only attract each other with out touching but also repel. Monorail trains use the magnetic effect to lift the train floating above the rail without touching. Hovercrafts use air to float above the ground with out actually touching. In all instances with out touching, these are everyday action at a distance effect of the subatomic particles of the atoms that make up our fluid metabolism.

Quantum physics suggests this action at a distance suggests there is an aurora of the action at a distance effect of the subatomic particles radiating from our bodies.

The key to understand the action at a distance is the atom itself. If we enlarge an atom from our fluid metabolism for instance, to scale so the outer electron orbits expanded to the edges of the inside a Cathedral, the central protons and neutrons would be the size of a bumble bee buzzing about the center. In other words despite real life scale, on a subatomic level our cells are atoms that are mostly empty space.

The incredible tiny scale is reflected in a mathematical constant called a Planck constant. It a special unit of the universe, zero point zero 38 zeros 6.2.6. a total of a 43 decimal fraction of a meter. If we take  this as a scientific notation is, 6 point 2.6. times 10 to the minus 43.  A reciprocal is the same number, the equivalent of the positive value, ( 6 point 2.6 times 10 to the 43 ). The only difference is the plus and minus.

It is not an infant number, like pi ( said as pie ) and e, perfect for representing finite smallest, length, mass, and time of the universe including the orbiting electrons round the nucleus particles of the atoms of our body cells that make up our organs.

The Planck constant tells us the centre of a black hole is a Planck point of mass in the minus scale right in the centre called a singularity. The edge of the black void of some of the universe's supper massive black holes called the event horizon, is light years away from it. The Planck constant tells us the bulk of the singularity ( mass if you like ) the radius cannot be smaller than the Planck length.

Think of a transparent glass sphere with a line from the centre to the edge as the radius. Programming data to computer mouldier program, we can create a working 3-D model to scale we can study.

There is no such thing as a two dimensional universe. It extends infinitely away in front and behind us in every direction we turn. The Planck constant represents the singularity in a finite 3-diemsinal sphere occupying the space inside the gravitational field of the event horizon.

If you believe the singularity is a dimensionless point, infinitely dense with zero volume, makes it mathematically impossible. A Planck constant at lest makes it so. Using it ( as a Planck length if you like ) for the singularities radius and the introduction of pi in the math's we can measure it's dimensions in a 3 dimensional sphere of pure gravity the Planck constant.

In the positive value is marked as equivalent to solar masses. One solar mass is the weight of the force of the sun's gravitational pull. It is what it takes to reign in the energy of the star from exploding. A Planck constant should measure a maximum of 6.2.6 times 10 to the 43 times as strong as the sun's gravitational pull.

For such a tiny mass, it fly's against Newtown's law of the size of stars and planets that governs the strength of gravity. Using the Planck constant and pi tools we can study the effect of the singularity in any two dollar let a lone your computer. We can input Isaac Newtown's inverse square law formulae calculating the safest distance before we get trapped by the edge of the black void. ( Event horizon ).

The way particle physics talk of a strong nuclear force, holding the neutrons and protons in the nucleus together we'd think rivals the gravitational pull of black holes including the nucleus of the atoms that make up our body.

Cosmologists believe matter including our bodies is made up of a string like structure composed of membranes called M-theory from string theory. Mathematics has projected it is mathematically symmetrical projecting up to11 immersions. Think of a section of one of your organs magnified well over trillions of times.

It would look like the sold distance of a wire fence. Closer up reveals patens of criss cross wires of empty spaces rodents pass to and trough through. Each empty space a a stringed wire gap.

M-theory is contrary to the traditional atom, everything is made up of looped strings called membranes ( liken to the frequency of a rubber band if you like ) that make up our bodies. Particle physics believe theses membranes vibrate ( oscillate. Think of 10 to the 100, one with a 100 zero, vibrating rubber bands in every cubic millimetre the entire mass of the sun ).

The Planck scale helps us put the frequency in perspective too. One vibration in time is a Planck second. ( 6 point 2.6. times 10 to the "minus" 43 second ) equal to 6 point 2. 6. times10 to the "43" in a second. Hertz is a system international unit used to describe one cycle. In other words, 6.2.6 times 10 to the 43 Hertz.

We are all familiar with the term of our computer processing speed, Gigahertz. Giga from the standard metric system for a thousand million. A simpler bit of mathematics tells a Planck frequency several trillion gigahertz processing power.

Cosmologists  tell us the oscillations is the key to the 11 dimensions of the universe. Mathematicians have determined 11 dimensions. Think of a string instrument. Every instrument including persuasions ) has a basic fundamental sound, made up of 7 sub sounds called harmonics a total of 8 altogether called an octave.

Every span of the 8 frequencies is octave that over lapse every other note. Take the sound of any string instrument. A skilled musician can make the octave entangled in each note sound very pleasant. Cosmologists believe every strings vibrating creates a flurry of a particles of the atom.

There is such much energy dissipating in a high speed vehicle collision they virtually explode on impact. less than a second the forces rip and tear apart the vehicles scattering parts everywhere. This is what happens with vibrating strings.

Studying high speed vehicle impacts is the same as studying how the particles of the atom collide with each other. Such high speed and force is a explosion. High enough can trigger either fission or fusion.

Quantum physics tells us the the characteristic of the sub atomic particles can disappear then reappear. The Planck constant is a ideal measurement.  We use it to scale to measure the frequency. In other words, 6.2.6 times 10 the 43 times in a second. If the Planck constant is anything to goby nothing in the universe is faster.

The magnetic field surrounding earth is a classic example of a magnetized sphere where their are north and south magnetic poles opposite ends. North poles are attracted to the opposite pole, repelled by the same pole giving the magnetic like repel and unlike attract law.

However, particles of the atom are single pole entities where the like repel and unlike law applies. Electrons are have a negative charge ( like a single north magnetic pole if you like ) and the protons in the nucleus the opposite charge, ( a single south pole if you like ).

If we throw in a random mix of electrons and naked nuclei, ( the centre particles locked together with out orbiting electrons ) in a vacuum we'd expect the electrons would collapse into the nuclei. The law of quantum physics tells us the electrons don't, but rather tend to be captured in orbits round them like a star capturing planets.

Text books talk of particle spin including electrons. It is binary. We instinctively think be two directions clockwise or anticlockwise. There is a characteristic of electrons and the nucleus particles sometimes do things only waves can do and other times only what particles can do.

The chances when and where, is like predicting all the numbers the night of a lottery draw. The ability of sub atomic particles to oscillate like waves or spin like tops is expressed as a duality property.

It is believed the sub atomic particles of the atom effect the sub atomic atoms clear across the other side of the universe with out touching less than a second. If spinning like tops, deflect others into the opposite spin or into oscillating waves no matter the distance whether a Planck length or clear across the other side of the universe.

Another way particle physics look at this as if field of a particle is higher than another, the other lower up or down.

Resulting osculating waves and spin deflect other oscillating particles into spinning particles or oscillating waves all at random. Anticlockwise spins are knocked clockwise and clockwise spins are knocked anticlockwise or the spins deflect them into oscillating waves like magnets do with out touching each other.

They will sometimes collide directly, glancing blows or veer away from each other with out touching sending some in opposite spins and others into oscillating waves at a distance. The action on a light speed scale is explosive. The explosive energy spews a mix of spinning clockwise, anticlockwise and vigorously oscillating particles in their wake effecting every other particle in turn in endless chain reaction everywhere in the universe the hear of our biology.

Our brain is chemically alive with our metabolism with electrical activity. On a subatomic level the electrons and particles of the nucleus act out the action at a distance ( with out touching each other ) on a Planck constant scale. Theoretically what ever our body does is an action at a distance of the subatomic particles we are made of effecting the universe at large.

Our brain is a living self aware computer, aware of being alive and it's surroundings all due to the subatomic action at a distance property of the subatomic particle behaviour.

It's capable of intuitions and hunches. It has the ability to feel for others and appreciate other points of view. It has the ability to follow games and quiz shows effortlessly.

The study of chemistry tells us our brain is alive with the chemical action and the subatomic particle action at a distance that make up our bodies. There is a chemical reaction when we think resulting sub atomic action at a distance. In other words what we think is quantum.

It happens internally. When we study chemistry, biology and quantum theory text books we acquire knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes how our body is working. As it turns out this knowledge tends to be medicinal every time we think about it. In other words a healing power just by thought.

It doesn't work if we are ignorant of the chemical and quantum mechanic ability of our body. What ever illness just doing some home it is enough to start the ball rolling is the key to healing. Without knowledge we are faced with negative stress of worry above all panic that creates negative actions in our bodies making things worse.

What makes tings worse is the attempt of mind over matter without the knowledge of what is really going behind the scenes is willing it to go away. It doesn't work like that.

Knowledge what illness we are suffering and the potential causes alone is reassuring enough positive cool, calm and collected relief attitude. When this happens our brain is cool, calm and collected. It is free form the ravages of negative panic of the unknown that makes things worse. The chemistry reaction of our metabolism is calmer adjusting to the cool, calm and collected behaviour of our own attitude.

Thinking once in a while doesn't work, because there is something more powerful, habits. Habitual talking to ourselves we appreciate how marvellous our body is happily working away starts the ball rolling in the healing power of any illness.

Sceptics are hard pressed to explain the millions of document miracles occurring everywhere in the world. Incurable illness are miraculously cured just with the habit of thinking how our body chemistry and the action at a distance of the sub atomic particles we are made of happily working away. Our body can happily handle that, no worries.

If we habitually think our body is happily metabolizing doing it's job the brain appreciates the attitude and loyally adjusts to suite the appreciative thoughts of the individual. The habit of talking to ourselves how marvellously our metabolism is handling our illness we sufferer from under the is the key to good health.

Instead of using will power to drive a disease away just by habitually talk to ourselves the information about our disease making plans on how we can live with it is a healing effect itself. In effect giving it permission to live with us.

Doing our home work on the disease is the key. There is many documented stories of people betting the odds despite what medical science tell us. Habitually talking to ourselves the information of our home work often surprise ourselves we're living past the expiry date doctors tell us often has medical science bluffed.

A DVD documentary by accent, called the living matrix, testifies to this. It illustrates an Iranian boy with cerebral palsy. Home work on the disease reveals an incurable condition that paralyses our limbs. This boy is walking and playing as any normal child testimony how habitually talking to our selves the information we require cures anything.

The healing power only works when we habitually talk to our self's into plans armed with information on how the disease works. We don't need any special diet, just information. Constantly talking to ourselves how our body cells and metabolism work plus a little knowledge of quantum mechanics goes a long.

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