Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Our amazing brian

Our brain is more than a living self aware computer. It is aware of being alive and of it's surroundings. It does intuitions and hunches. It has the ability to feel for others and appreciate other points of view. It has the ability to follow games and quiz shows effortlessly.

It has the ability to recognize right from wrong and justice. Pacifists and conscientious objectors ( individuals with a strong sense of objecting to wars and killing ) and philanthropists, ( driven by a strong sense of shearing their wealth helping others ) are examples of a strong sense in this area. Most of the time our brain can recognize used by free loading takers.

Psychological study of criminals is beginning to question if this area is underdeveloped. Ask a thief why they are driven to thieving will excuse poverty. Often hesitate in thinking what to reply  a bit. They might as well say "I'll get back to you on that one". Our brain can recognise silent brooding replies. They might as well own up and say "I'm not telling"

A good example of how our brain works when we search our brain for key search words that might be helpful in search engines, researching data, assignments, entertainment or social media. It is a capable being an artist at it, and painting and music and sales.

It is divided symmetrically clean in half, giving right and left side hemisphere mirror images of each other. The right and left sides have been mapped into different functions, one side often domineering than the other giving a left and right sided individuals.

The right side controls the left side of you body, and vice versa the left side controls the right side. So if your right handed will be the left hemisphere controlling your right hand and vice versa. Both sides cross working as a coordinated team with each other playing games, typing, key board instruments, and athletics.

There are plenty of goggle images of the maps of our hemispheres. Observing what you are good at and not good at can be a rough rule of thumb our most strong and week sides.

There is 3 main centers, the stem in the back of our necks, under the rankled area we see in images, the cerebrum, underneath and back of our skull and the rankled cerebellum. It is believe the forehead area ( the wrinkled cerebrum ) where our conscious mind resides. When this area is effected by a trauma effects people mentally. Individuals are left different than what friends and family use to know them.

Our thoughts run on complex chemical to and throw series of relays in our brain. Our limbic system buses and routes our thoughts to the to the different parts.

Think of a public transport system route map. There is lots of alternative bus routes passing though relative districts. A couple of branches cuts though here, branches though there, and routes though here, and though there respectively.

The limbic system is similar. Our computer mother board bus our keyboard key hits, mouse, to touch screen. Like our limbic system our computer copper tracks pass in and out though different microchips signals bused on to others all over the mother board.

For example the limbic system buses our thought's to the Thalamus where it picks our thoughts. The Limbic system picks up the reply busing on to our memories where file clicks pick up the instructions checking relative memories.

The limbic system picks up the results routing back to the Thalamus. The Thalamus replies according to the memories supplied by the limbic system. It picks up the reply routing the instructions to hippocampus and amygdala.

The amygdala is a small part of our brain that is hard wired with 3 alternative actions to take.1, attack and destroy the threat 2, run like hell and 3 freeze choices. It is just blind options. Our amygdala is the crudest part of our brain.

Messages are bused from Thalamus by our limbic system picked up by the amygdala. The reply is picked up by by the Limbic system bused on to our analytical part of the brain who receives, processes, analysis and evaluates the amygdala's choices.

All the while the limbic system had also bused a second signal direct to our analytical part of the brain all the while limbic system bused the file clerk memories to the amygdala as well. If it the anygdala recognizes associated memories to the threats from the hippocampus triggers the amygdala's 3 options picked up by the limbic system bused back to the analytical part of the brain.

At the same time triggers what is called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The Limbic system picks up the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis signal routing it straight to the analytical part of our brain.

The analytical brain picks up the associated memories and the 3 option demands from the limbic system weighing up the options. The limbic system picks up the reply busing it to the other parts of the brain responsible for our hormones according to the analytical brain directive.

If, the amygdala doesn't detect any associated memories, the limbic system picks up a muted response ( not responding ). The not responding message is routed back to the analytical brain.

In effect there is only a clear cool, calm and collected directive thinking option left to the analytical brain. In effect the response of the analytical brain depends on the response of the anygdala which depends on the associated memories picked up from the Limbic system.

When it does recognize an associated memory to the treat, the limbic system picks up the the 3 coded options routed to the analytical brain who amylases which one to is best for the situation. The limbic system picks up "This is what you are to do." Signal rerouted by the Limbic system though the various parts of the brain all reacting to the instruction according of the analytical brain according to any one of the chosen anygdala 3 option directive.

The memory results from our memory file clerk memories issued to the Limbic system picked up by the analytical brain determines the decisions made by the analytical brain rerouted by the Limbic system picked up by the anygdala.  It has been clocked all the parts of our brain communicate in a team work fusion at 270mph velocity. From our point of view an instant.

Our conscious mind ( an alternative name analytical mind ) is our intuitive and hunch thinking center. In other words our analytical part of our brain. It doesn't know anything about a fight or flight response other than the amygdala 3 option  message picked up from the limbic transport system. It is a pure computer where we have our intellectual rational thoughts. It is the source of our magical inspirations and our intellect "I've got an idea" and "Of course, why didn't I think of that before" The analytical mind can register other peoples communication and ideas " It's what he said that helped give me the idea" and so on.

The analytical mind is an analytical computer that processes our thoughts, hunches and intuitions. It supplies information and advice we use to judge to follow though. It doesn't know anything about any emotions. just an analytical analysis of our thoughts picked up by and routed by our limbic system detected by our memory clerks.

The memory file clerks pick up directives from the Limbic system from the analytical mind who search the data banks and issues a response back to the limbic system. The limbic system buses the memories back to the analytical mind ( or the analytical part of our brain if you like ) who picks up the memories and makes an analytical call.  Our intuition, instinct and hunches is nothing more than this processes.

The hippocampus is deep under the cerebrum that controls awareness and memory formation. Damage to the hippocampus can impair it's processing and memory recall and limbic processing speed and the formation of new memory.

Our analytical mind is an intellectual computer in coordination with our transporting and routing limbic system. Things we done in the past is in the form of memory files. The limbic system transports to and throw the analytical mind and the file clerk memory signals. If we did somthing once a long time ago the memory files tell us we always be able to do it. Memory recall is an instinctive asking ourselves "Now, how did I do that before".

It is similar to using  your computer operating system search system typing keywords in the find field bar request picked up by the analytical mind. The limbic system picks up the message transported to memory file clerk who picks up the message issuing memories of time, place, when and where we did it.

The limbic system picks up the results found routed to the parts of the brain picked by the analytical mind who evaluates the results. Evaluation of the analytical mind can often prompt further investigation. Every time we refresh our memory we get more and more detailed information.

Our analytical mind senses time. It knows seconds, minutes, hours days, month's and years. Our memory files do not have that capability. Past memories are the same time as the present. What we did years a go is the same as the present to our memory.

What makes our personality? What makes us individuals. What makes us moody, depressed. What makes others do injustice to others, involved in antisocial behavior, robbery, murder, muggings sexual assaults, to purse snatching. What makes business people rip off peoples life savings with no remorse.

Nero-scientists have recently questioned if the natural feeling for others is underdeveloped or even missing? The analytical mind is only an intellectual computer. It doesn't know anything else.

In the world of hypnotherapy it's widely believed our brain is made up of two  parts we are familiar as our subconscious and conscious minds. A lot of us believe in the mind's control over our destiny while others are very skeptical. Hypnotherapy believes the key to our, moods, failure, success positive and negative thinking comes straight from our subconscious mind.

The analytical mind is hard wired as cool calm and collected intellectual computer. The limbic system picks up the strong self control message relayed back to the amygdala "OK. I except" relayed back to the analylitical mind who picks up and evaluates the anygdala acknowledgment.

All the amygdala knows is reaction. In a sense a reactive mind. ( Or our subconscious mind if you like ). It knows nothing else but blind reaction.

The analytical mind interaction is a kind of  "No! Wait, Wait, wait! Listen to me! Cam down, calm down, all right!" like a rational person trying to calm down an angry hot head bent on a show down.

Nero-scientists have seen evidence of processing speed a factor. The anygdalla signals the limbic system it's need to act. If the analytical mind can't keep up with the processing speed of the limbic system the amygdala can have dire implications of the resulting direction of the analytical mind.

Correspondingly if the amygdala can't keep up with the limbic system the analytical mind is quickly able to evaluate and dispatch a denial action before the amygdala can react. Tne limbic system routes the the amygdala's "OK I except" signal picked up by the other parts of the brain and analytical mind..

The processing speed of our our brain are on the par with the electric current speeds in our computers and phones close to light speed, equal to terms of kmph, jumping neuron cell gaps just under 1,080,000,000kmph.

What else to our brain? There is two states we experiences conciseness and unconsciousness. What is unconsciousness? It is when our brain processing our body functions keeping our body alive when we are unconscious. We are effectively alive controlled by our brain's automatic body functions.

What if we are constantly unconscious, only for the fact our analytical mind aware of being aware we are conscious. Fully coconscious we are at our most alert and conscious state. When we feel not so bright intellectually  we are at lowered state consciences. ( Day dreaming if you like ). Day dreaming we are not aware of our surroundings.

One part of us that is the most neglected is us. We are connected to the outside world by the  biological chemistry reactions of our analytical and anygdala function communicating though our a  body senses though the limbic system processing speed.

Our two brain have been constructed from cells growing in our mother's womb, several areas of our brain programmed specific jobs using both our parents DNA profile program files from the sperm and egg.

Our mother constructed the anygdala  alongside our analytical mind and important brain functions. We are all born unconscious alongside our anygdala and analytical mind part of our brain. Our unconscious part has been operating in the background of our analytical mind since the day were were born.

In a sense we live by our analytical mind like an isolated person with the only communication to the outside world, just like an audio and visual mentoring equipment connected to the internet. The mechanism of our two minds is like the audio controls monitoring the but our electrical chemistry activity.

During sleep it would seem we are on the same wavelength as our unconsciousness ( or subconscious min if you like ). With out us fully awake our brain is just a lump of living flesh. Money means as much to our unconsciousness as a string of purls to an ape. Though the processing speeds our anyltical mind and the subconscious part ( the amygdalal if you like ) of our brain are in constant communication with each other chatting happily away like we do in a busy music filled foyer of a fast-food restaurant with friends.

Rapid eye movement, ( REM ), is the interaction chemistry of our brains processing speed  following the story line ofour dreams. Dreams do seem so real don't they.

Most of us dismiss our dreams when we wake up. Our dreams often have story lines and plots. No doubt our anygdalla ( reactive, or subconscious mind ) is telling us something though their stories and plots. It's often helpful to us when we rehearse what we remember of the plot when we wake up.

We often stereotype our analytical mind as the intelligence just because we are aware of being aware. With out an intelligence somewhere monitoring it is on the same level as our subconscious. We are all born with a mechanism that renders us unconscious.

We're aware of being aware and living, though our biological connection to the outside world though our analytical mind processing speed our body senses. The rest of the brain is virtually unconscious.

Unconscious and concussion experiences when badly hurt we all understand involved in motor smashes. It is merely the lowering of the analytical mind leaving the rest of the brain keeping us alive.

When unconscious, our brain is still functioning. Imagine what it would be like to go though an operation conscious, testimony of a  genetic blue print characteristic born with in all animal life forms including us.

As we are permanently unconscious, our consciences, ( or analytical mind ) is operating in the foreground just as the desk top of your PC is behind this web page right now. Our unconsciousness is on fixed level, where's our analytical mind is variable. We are fully alert at maximum consciousness, our unconsciousness operating as ever in the background, and minimum conscious when concussed or shacking uncontrollably in shock close to unconscious proportionately.

To our unconsciousness time is meaningless. Imagine crossing the road between a couple of parked cars. You see a  bus approaching. Then you wake up in hospital. In reality was a replay of the last thing you memory clerks played back to you from the memory files just before you awake. You don't remember the accident details, the trip in the ambulance and how long you where out to it.

Brought up to speed we are often astonished to learn we've been in a coma for several years. To the analytical mind all the history of the last years was speeded up in it's last time the memory files replayed the last few seconds hit by the bus.

Those years of history of your family and friends is a conscious blank. Depending on how long, friends and family have moved on, and had kids, from your point of view all in the time you last time you remember being conscious.

During comas our brain still functions keeping us alive. Every second of ten years say, is just a recorded memory the whole history of your experiences, compressed in a mere moment of the last time you remembered being conscious. It was as if time sped up ten years in that time. The replay of the bus heading towards you in your brain just before you can to was ten years ago.

Unlike the files of our computer the ability of our memory is in a biochemistry of electrical activity communication between our brain cells will depend on how badly the processing speed is effected.

Like we don't want  slow internet, high speed memory recall performance is the key to business success. Fast and accurate memory recalls allow us rapid response with clients names, dates, numbers facts and figures and phone number recalls in an instant. It is an impressing reputation in business wheeling and dealing.

Efficient communication with our memory is vital. Sluggish recall  in business is as annoying to clients as a slow internet connection to all of us. How many times has it annoyed us having keep repeating our names and constantly refreshing, dates and numbers for our staff. How good it feels when we only need to say our name only once, and the other person has instant recall ever time there after.

Leading hypnotherapist and memory gurus believe poor memory response may be just a mater of a habit we've gotten into. They believe with a bit of training filled with memory recall techniques we can reverse our trend though the habit of training.

Nero-scientists are now suspecting the anygdalal is the source of our subconscious. We get habits by program our it with self talk. The mechanism works when ever we make conscious mental notes our analytical mind communicating though the processing speed to the amygdalla. Mental notes processing speed are typically less than a second electrical  firing of the memory bank cells, leaving imprecision's of our thoughts in the chemical make up of each cell.

 In other words saved in our memory banks in this case both conscious and unconscious levels.

Our memory is learning. When we learn something we program both our conscious and unconsciousness with memory about the subject. Learning the skills of mathematics for example we program ourselves how it works and we have the memory files for the rest of our lives.

Having to recall how a mathematical formulae we created years ago was done we often express with the cliché' expression  It's like riding a bike. you never forget"           and also when we quote the cliché'       "I haven't done this in a while. I'm a bit rusty"       We're consulting our memory banks on how we created the formulae all those years ago. As soon as we start, all comes flooding back.

Word association plays a big part in our memories. Psychologists test us asking to say the first thing that comes to our mind when they say a word, testimony to the efficiency of the electrical firing of our brain activity directed at our memory bank area of the brian.

Just one word will evoke a whole stream of thoughts and ideas. Microsoft  operating system Windows explorers  with all those folders and sub folder directories is an extremely crude example of what just one word can do to us.

One word can bring up thousands of associations in less than a second.           "Oh! That reminds me!"       and       "Thanks for reminding me"                   and son on respectively.

Our two minds rely on habits. Us human's have a superior impression on our brain's memory bank cells than animals. It takes lot more effort to teach animals tricks than us. Athletes training are fine tuning their memory banks to be familiar with all the moves. Memory is strongly ingrained. Training develops experience. Something we've done hundreds and thousands of times before for a long time defines experience.

Instead of saying at a job interview we have experience, we can say we've done it thousands of times before. Note. Others are not stupid. We can all tell when someone saying something like that with confidence or not. If we haven't the experience it shows in the amount of confidence that comes out of our mouths, eyes and general shifty behavior lies tend to give us away what a lot of us would say a part of body language signals in human behavior.

Our unconscious and conscious minds parts of our brains are fill with a hundred percent of our life's memories from the very second of conception in our mothers wombs  to the the very second we die. A great deal of practice with word association is the key to awaking our past memories that begin to evoke lots of interesting thought patens amazed how we'd though theoretically we should have never be been able to member including every second of the day we were born to the present.

What causes bad memory ?

Hypnotheorpists and memory gurus believe  the bad habit of talking to ourselves we have poor memory recall becomes a habit of having poor memory recall. They believe we program our unconsciousness responding by reducing the efficiency of the electrical firing activity directed at our memory bank area to reinforce the belief to have bad memory recall.

Our unconsciousness is a devil. With so much conscious experience at not being able to recall  things no wonder we fall into our unconscious trap we have poor memory.

Ironically we occasionally surprise ourselves with a moment of superb memory recall. Most of us dismiss the unusual event as a one off and revert back to their bad habit. Some of us though are captivated by the extraordinary moment that makes them think in wonder.

Encouraged by experience is a useful recall technique changing our mind sets we will never be able to remember things in our past. With several experiences we become encouraged enough programming our two minds there's nothing wrong with our memory after all. The bad habit of talking ourselves into having bad memory is inverted to the positive opposite.

Most of the problem of mislaying things is not paying conscious attention when putting the object down. Our unconscious knows exactly where were we put thins down.

Both parts of our brain are constantly working as a team in memory in our normal every day lives. Not paying conscious attention our unconsciousness part knows where we left the object. It knows where to pick up the object when you walk off from it but not to our consciousness level it's not until we need it later.

Our unconsciousness being the unconscious part of our brain hasn't the ability to communicate on our consciousness level. When searching our unconscious knows exactly the last time we had it. But our consciousness can only tell us roughly the last time we should have had it. Ninety percent of the time guided by our conciseness we're looking in the wrong place. Our unconsciousness knows exactly what happened to it.

Hypnotheory teaches us training ourselves the conscious habit of consciously paying attention when ever putting things down is breaking ourselves of the habit of mislaying things. The theory teaches us it takes time to get into the habit, roughly about 21 days, give or take several days either way for each individual.

Thought is not enough in training because being instructed by a friend is actually doing the same as the later to us. We become consciously aware of where we put things down.

Operating on the some principle instructing ourselves out loud as if instructing a friend next to us, we've got to do this and that and at any associated times as well as about insuring we know where we put things down works magic. We don't have to make excuses things just slipped our minds.

As we train consciously train ourselves over the next few weeks, we get the habit of knowing automatically what we've got to do and know consciously exactly were we leave things.

It's just a habit of convincing our unconsciousness we have a bad memory and a jinx at mislaying things though the self talk habit. Our unconsciousness excepts blindly anything as fact.

Like a computer program, there's  no grey areas the way we see things, just black and white. To our unconsciousness it's true and makes sure it's true, so it can be true to satisfy the program demand set out for it though long time repeated habit. It becomes an unconscious mind set habit,  we have a bad memory or good memory and the difference between  knowing exactly and not knowing where we put things down last.

For students one of the most frustrating things about paying attention in class is the demands of teaches for us to pay attention to subjects we're not interested in. We always feel rebellious about having to pay attention to something we are not into. Our sense our frustration and in symphony our consciousness wonders off to other thoughts. But not to our unconsciousness it doesn't.

Consciously we've not remembered a word. But our unconscious has recorded every word.

Operating on the principle but reversing the latter, if we are into the subject we're curious to want to know more all the time. In our curiosity our two parts of our brain work as a team cooperating in every way they know how. Curiosity tends to developed intelligent brain storms discovering new frontiers about ourselves in the research we do. Our unconsciousness zeros in our attention span influencing our conciseness.

Curiosity is never satisfied. It carries us students into research for ourselves, asking curious questions about the subject in a constant development life long obsession study of the subject. Curious about a subject we tend to become talented at academic achievement recognized by other academics  who notice the enthusiastic curiosity endeavor at the subject  we're into.

The latter doesn't work if we're not into any subject that doesn't appeal to us. Consequently we're not curious. Our minds rebel by niggly annoyance having to be forced to pay attention about it teaches often expect from us. 

Memory gurus have developed memory techniques teaching others how to use to  improve memories including the habit as I've outlined. Believing one has a good memory comes from the satisfaction memoring very quickly. Some of us a very slow, and some are very fast. Slow response is often seen as a poor memory which doesn't help our cause to believe we have a good memory.

One of the great things about the attitude philosophy excepting to learn to live with some of the negative things we have a tendency do, because of our conscious thoughts of developing ways to cope is influencing our unconsciousness to developed unconscious techniques to make our thoughts become true. Unconsciously our negative traits over time are unconsciously controlled because of our conscious repeated thoughts instructed to our unconscious.

This is the way nature intended it to be, because on the potential problem us spoiling and interfering with the process defeating the whole purpose. We often generate our own anxiety because some of us things take to long for our tastes. Taking to long for our tastes serves no purpose but to make things worse for ourselves. Thoughts like that influences our unconsciousness in the same thinking. Ourselves can be our own worst enemy at times.

Never the less, if we develop the philosophical habit of excepting we have to learn to live with as long as it takes, letting nature takes it's coarse we can avoid all that self generated anxiety spoiling things. To work effectively we should learn to live with the fact it'll seem like taking for ever to improve.

Thinking along the latter lines influences our two minds with no pressure to rebel against allowing them to do their magic work efficiently. No self generated anxiety pressure, our minds tend to solve things sooner than we realize.

Ever second of our lives is there, but slow to respond the is a root case of a mind set about having a poor memory. Just because it it's slow to respond. Memory response is like our PC operating system programs not responding. We know all the data in the program we're trying to access is there, but annoyed by the program not responding to open or frozen at some point.

Those skilled in frozen program handling know the several steps to take to unlock the frozen PC. Memory blocks are only slow responding often from our unconscious mind set we have bad memories as a conscious face value dismissing with resignation it's because we have a bad memory why we can't remember as a normal part of our lives just because it's slow.

The secrete to the skill is a habit of regular practice of reflection using word association as a tool. It is our unconsciousness that controls habits while the job of our consciousness is to keep in touch physically with the outside world though our five body senses the sixth  being us.

We as the sixth sense tend to spoil habits by being analytical and judgmental making mind sets instead of just excepting a habit without question. Because of our two unanalytical minds we easily  program them our own mind sets.

To us as valued personal opinions, our two minds don't recognize  opinions but as programs as our PC operating system doesn't recognize our preference settings but just as a program set from the default. Our operating system's don't even recognize that.

Hypnotherapists  believe our unconsciousness is largely responsible for a lot of both our positive and negative attitudes and mind set behavior.

Our two minds don't recognize emotion as we know them only, recorded file memories. Emotions don't come into it when we are concussed or unconscious unless by an automatic program response from our unconscious part of our brain. To these two parts there is no such thing as emotions. We don't experience emotion from our brains. We are the emotions.

We're often program our conscious and unconsciousness. A good example stuck on  mind sets. Another is push buttons we don't recognize we have, others often see in us. We've often been amazed how another person changes personality very quickly round one person to the next we don't recognize doing the same thing ourselves with different people we meet.

Mind sets and personality changing is a schizophrenia characteristic. The characteristic can be extreme from one opposite to another. Meeting a stranger that appeals us at first and later we often find ourselves horrified, confused suppressed and often even embarrassed by their behavior going off at us but done nothing wrong wondering what's going on as a completely different person to us then yesterday.

Schizophrenia's like that, normal to us  one minute and going off at us for imaginary wrongs we'd done to them the  next. Many a stranger has been put off business deals, by embarrassing change of hearts by schizophrenia characteristics going off back on them.    The characteristic of mind set, ( specially when a schizophrenia episodes gets going  ), is notoriously impossible to live with.

Schizophrenia characteristic research has looked at the possibility of a chemical imbalance development of the brain during conception growth in the womb consequence. Like a PC program refusing to start, open or frozen for some reason our brain cells are not responding they way they should properly.

Unorthodox emotional mind set though ideas are programmed in the cells about themselves, others and the world round them. Brian cells may also not process the physical body senses properly. As a consequence the information the person brain is processing is often a distorted philosophy of life and physical feelings from the body senses.

 When our brain is feeling cool calm and collected we are cool, calm and collected. It is when our brain is free from panicky and anxious thoughts racing round our heads.

If our brain can Keep a cool head with an alcohol fueled trouble maker we can establish a rapport with any one.  Free from the distractions of fear, confusion, anxiety and bias thoughts racing round our heads, our brain is capable of recognizing when some one is just upset. Our brain can recognize alcohol, drug and mental illness difference. It is capable of computing many solutions on the spot.

Police are instructed by police psychologists the benefit of keeping cool, calm and collected with in your face alcohol fueled aggressiveness. If we feel Cool, calm and collected with trouble in our face it's because our brain is. This state of mind is the maximum benefit of our computer, capable of popping into our heads whole range of intuition and hunch solutions flooding into our head all by itself. If we are free from interfering fear and anxiety racing around our heads we don't panic, we can achieve anything.

Personal officers at work with a cool, calm and collected domineer tend to be more successful with staff. It has a calming influence, a reflection of rapport has on all of us.

The most successful sales are clients on the same wavelength as the service or product offered. They tend to be  on the same page as the salesman. Both can practically get right down to businesses straight away. On the same wavelength as the service or product establishes an immediate rapport on both sides.

Singles bars is a place where individuals, usually experienced at hand to hand flirting combat with others. It is discrete. As soon as they enter the door they study the crowed looking for tell tail signs.

Men keep an eye out for clues. Women keep on eye on the men looking for the clues. Men look for opportunities to catch the eye of a woman. Woman give the clues. The experienced recognize when their is no opportunity. They concentrate looking out for woman on the look out for men looking out for woman signals. Everything is done discretely When a man spots a woman observing others round him the flirting game begins.

The man passes close by. If she observes him less than a couple of seconds non verbal hello established on both sides. No more than a couple of extra seconds eye contact with a friendly smile moving on establishes a couple has noticed each other's presence.

To the experienced blank empty imprecision replies recognizes inexperience and does not necessary mean the person is a moody snob.

Eager to get down to business straight away can by unsettling. Discretion is the important part of the game. Catching the eye with a simple smile is a non verbal acknowledgement is a flirting start.

If anxious to get on with it, shows. We tend to give ourselves away with all sorts of non verbal body language and eye contact clues resulting in a potential bad first impression. After acknowledgment some space is provided. Men move on promising to pass by again.

If a woman is experienced usually on the same wavelength shopping. It shows with a few extra seconds of non verbal flirting return cues as the man moves on. A few seconds of non verbal flirting is all it takes to establish they noticed each other. A non verbal "I'll get back to you in a minute" from the man and "I'll be waiting" acknowledgment from the woman.

Inexperience shows in some sense by overdoing it a bit. Experienced woman will notice it keenly resulting in a unwelcoming response. One of the key features of failure is a well of excitement bubbling to the surface seen in the eyes. This is because excitement tends to focus attention. It tends to look steering right though other people. It also potently wide eyes tending to look like crazy eyes. Quite scary. By the end of the day excitement to get on with it tends to promote over doing things the key to failure.

This is why is cool, calm and collected men do well in singles bars or appropriate gatherings.

Men that have non verbally acknowledged several woman in a crowed has increased their chances of establishing verbal conservation opener when they pass by again. This depends on how cool, calm and collected we feel. When we are cool, calm and collected our brain is cool calm and collected showing in the body language.

The first thing we all look at is the face. So the first thing a woman see is the cool, calm and collectiveness in the man in the eyes. It's a reassuring feeling leaving wide open to trust.

When the human brain feels cool, calm and collected, it is a supper computer that doesn't need rehearsed ice breaker props and rehearsed pick up lines. Free from excitement, and anxiety thoughts racing round in our heads, our brain is capable of computing it's own ice breaker suggestions based on observations, intuitions and hunches. Being able to feels from other point of view computer, It knows what not to say, just as well it knows what to say.

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