Saturday, November 28, 2015

Warp drive, hyperspace, hyperdrive

Despite the zero resistance of space light coasts at a maximum speed of just under 300,000km/s ( 299,792km and 458 meters per second to be exact, or a 186,000m/s if you like ).

Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity tells us light speed is not relative. It is absolute. If we travel a 160kmph for example ( a 100mph if you like  ), the speed of light is the speed of light. It travels no more and no less. But from our point of view bodies traveling near that speed look compacted and in slow motion.

Newtown's second law bodies resisting acceleration is a part Albert Einstein's 1905 special theory of reality. Einstein insisted at light speed it is so great it is infinite. We need energy greater than infinite energy to overcome the infinite inertia.

Inertia is the product of a body in motion reinstating acceleration and deceleration. When we accelerate forward the property weighs the body down. When we brake bodies resist the deceleration. The harder we accelerate the heavier the body becomes. The faster it goes the more braking power needed.

Near light speed velocities bodies becomes compressed by the weight of the inertia all directions like a car compactor. On a light speed scale the time it takes to crush a huge mass is off the charts, less than a second.

Compaction generates tremendous heat. The heat we feel from a bicycle pump pumping up a tire is not from friction you know. It is the air heated compressed into the tire by our vigorous pumping. Acceleration equal to zero to light speed in a second on any mass can rival room temperature to the core of the sun and crushed by the compaction of a black hole, in that time.

Fifty years ago the CBS  American television studio under the direction of Gene Rowanberry created the science fiction TV series Star Trek. Science advisers came up with a novel solution using antimatter for the purpose of exceeding light speed for the series. It tricks physics into reversing the resisting inertia back on the forward forward going Enterprise into the same forward going direction aiding acceleration.

We begin with a review of matter to see how this works. Matter is made up of atoms, that are made up of particles called electrons orbiting central particles called neutrons and protons. The orbiting electrons have a negative electrical charge while the  central protons a positive charge with neutral particles called neutrons, the nucleus.

Positive and negative charges attract each other like they were magnetic. Just like magnets, like charges ( positive and positive and negative and negative ) repel each other with equal force. The law tells us like charges repel and unlike charge attract.

In antimatter, unlike matter, electrons are positive, and protons negative. like matter the unlike attract and like repel law applies. When we introduce matter to antimatter, all the like charges occupy the same spaces so repel each other. The repelling forces react instantly on a light speed scale annihilation of all atoms, both antimatter and matter. Matter is dangerous stuff to antimatter as equally as antimatter is dangerous stuff to matter.

Theoretically mater and antimatter canceling each other like that, the explosive energy should neutralize the reversing inertia on a forward going ship. With no reversing inertia the exploding mix, should aid the forward accelerating ship like a forward going inertia pulling the ship forward.

In 1994 a Mexican physicist Veil Alcarvier worked out the math's of warping space. His math's created a bubble round a hypothetical ship expanding space behind it and contracting space in front of it. The math's showed the displacement round the ship carried the ship faster than light.

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