Friday, December 18, 2015

Atoms used to be seen as the smallest particle of matter. Still seen as the building blocks today but made up of particles. Elements ( iron, oxygen, Zinc, copper and so on ) make up invisibly tiny molecules. How tiny? The smallest division is a millimeter the edge of a piece of paper fits inside. It is the distance we get when a meter is divided by a thousand.

A toy magnifying glass shows us the edges of the paper not as smooth as the naked eye observes. A powerful microscope is needed to zoom in further. It is the size we get when we dived a millimeter by a thousand equals to a millionth of a meter called a micrometer. The edge of the paper looks like a mountain range than a smooth surface. At this zoom, we barely observe red blood cells. We need to get closer.

Closer we observe a whole zoo of life forms swimming in a liquid with the red cells. What we are looking at is bacteria flora of life in all of us. At this tiny scale is what we get when we dived a micrometer by a thousand, or better known what we get dividing a meter by a thousand thousand called a nanometer.

As we zoom in further the cells and bacteria get as big a cattle. As we continue zooming they disappear into molecule building blocks including the bacteria. We observe the vein walls is now molecules. At this level is the size of a nanometer divided by a thousand equal to a meter divided by a million called a picometer.

Zooming in further we see the elements we are made of. We observe an abundance of Rubidium, iron, calcium, and oxygen elements riding on red blood cells like passengers in buses. We count carbon, nitrogen, zinc, magnesium, fluoride,  sulphur, sodium, and traces of copper, lead and vanadium molecules are identified.

We need a microscope worth a lot of money to zoom in further. At this point we are zooming beyond a trillionth of a meter.

When we take a closer look at molecule of our fluid we identify the element of hydrogen bonded with two oxygen atoms. This scale is a thousand times smaller than a picometer.

As we zoom in closer on a oxygen element it disappears into fuzzy vigorously vibrating ball of energy. Continuing to zoom in further we find it turns into a cloud of individual orbiting energies. Theses are called electrons.

Zooming in for a closer look they are big shimmering and shaking vigorously spots of energy. Spaces between them open out wider and wider. We pass an outer orbit, passing inner orbits in a vast emptiness of open space. In the far distance we can just make out another larger cloud.

What we are observing in the vast emptiness of open space is the nucleus of the oxygen atom. All elements are the same particles. The empty space is so vast it takes time to travel in for a closer look. The center soon becomes larger dots of energy that seem to be stuck together called protons and neutrons what is the nucleus of the oxygen atom.

When we zoom in for a closer look the nucleus particles disappear into a whole zoo of particles, a verity of quarks, gluons, to bosons to name a few.

When we zoom in on a quark, it disappears into what looks like a dozens of vigorously vibrating rubber bands. When we look round we find all round us these vigorous vibrating rubber band like entities in a vast emptiness of space of the quark the make. The vigorous vibrating rubber band like energy is what can be described as string theory described as a membrane theory called M-theory.

Every element is made up of atoms, made up of different bonds of particles, made up of the same strings.

Every rubber band entity ( or string if you like ) is in a constant state of vibrating motion that look remarkably as if alive.

A light particle called a photon is no exception including made up of strings. Mathematics says there no resistance in a vacuum so theoretically the particle should travel infinitely fast. Despite this, it doesn't go any faster than just under 300,000km/s. ( Or a 186,000m/s if you like )

Despite no resistance, it is at it's maximum momentum velocity. It just doesn't cruse any faster. The particle's speed is finite. The tiny units for the particles of the atom is called a Planck constant scale 40 decimal  0's,  6, 2, 6 of a meter or a 43 decimal number. 

Time, length, mass, and energy  are all seen on a Planck scale. Both light speed and Planck constants tells us there should be no infinity. Both are finite constants.

If we would view the universe at light speed it should look slowed 300,000km in 300,000 seconds. If we do the math's on this, from light speeds point of view the universe would appear to take a long weekend to travel 300,000km. ( Or a 186.000 miles if you like ) The universe would seem to be as slow 300,000 times as slow as we see light speed in a second.

As light doesn't travel any faster than 300,000km/s time in the universe can't travel any slower that it's maximum speed limit.

Theoretically the very center of a black hole ( called a singularity ) should be no smaller than a Planck length. If a Planck mass is anything to go by, the maximum mass of a singularity should be 6, 2, 6,  forty,  0 solar masses, a six two six 43 number. ( or as scientific notion puts it, 6 pint 2, 6 times 10 to the 43 ). It shouldn't be not be any heavier. Like wise the gravitational pull. A Planck constant also revels the density of a white dwarf.

According to classical physics the sub-particles of the atom tend to move back and forth in the case of a light speed scale. They accelerate, then decelerate to a stop, reaccelerate back the opposite direction to a stop to reaccelerate back the direction came, repeating the cycle.

The frequency constitutes to the what is known as an electromagnetic radiation of stings of the universe ranging in wavelength's as long as a kilometer to as short as thousands of times across the width of a human hair.

A big confusion about the subatomic particles they often do things waves cannot do and do things particles cannot do. This has questioned if they exist as particles or waves. The only solution was to guess they could be both characteristic.

In 1984 three particle physicists discovered a chemical made up of the same hexagon and pentagon shape round a soccer ball. The spherical  cadge like structure went a long way towards string theory. It tells us particles of the atom could well be this cages structure like vibrating rubber bands.

Out of all the elements in the universe every atom is an identical clone of each other. So to, the subatomic particles everything in the universe is made of right down to the strings that make the cadge spheres. The air we breath is made up of the same atomic stuff as a car door.

The study of the debris smashing the nucleus of the atom together close to light speed velocities in the vacuum rings of particle accelerators, have uncovered what appears to be extraordinary quantum mechanics magic behavior. For instance it is a belief particles of the atom occupy two places at once physics believing expanding the whole universe at the same time. To do this these physics have to believe can communicate other particles millions of light years distance in less than a second.

They seem to poses the extraordinary ability to disappear and reaper as by if magic. To us particles operating on a on a Planck scale velocity will seem to tunnel though empty space of a vacuum. If we slowed down in time to a Planck second we may observe each particle move a Planck length. In other words a quantum leap, a Planck length in a Planck second. As a Planck scale is a constant light light speed will be the absolute fasted time they can travel same distance. It is finite not infinite.

If we take the reciprocal of a Planck length all the particles of the atom are quantum jumping 40 decimal 0's  6, 2, 6  of a meter  6, 2, 6  40,  0's  per second every second every fixed place in the universe.

Electrons are identical clones of each we would never be a tell each one apart like trying to pick out a single basket ball from millions identical copies of each other. Every electron is quantum jumping. We would never be able to tell which one had tunneled where. Electrons are said to be two places in the universe at at the same time. A way of looking at this the whole universe is alive with this quantum jumping of electrons in fixed places that appear as the illusion of a action at a distance.

Never the less, what a subatomic particle does this part of the universe is a clear message what to do clear across the other side of the universe in a Planck second. It is clear infinitely fast the photons of light can travel.

The whole universe is in this state of action this part of the universe as much as clear across the other side is, every cubic Planck dimension of it.

The forces of the subatomic particles of the atom is similar to the basic law of magnets like repel and unlike tract the key to how an electric current flows. For example north and north or south and south seeking poles of a magnets coming together repel each other because they are same poles Electrons are like that except they are a single negative charge, so electrons repel electrons.

North and south seeking poles attract each other because they are not the same poles. So too, Protons in the core of atoms are unlike electrons in the opposite electrical charge positive where electrons are attracted to the core.

The opposite electrical charges electrons are negative while the protons positive. The outer electron orbits are weekly held to as neutral atom. They are potentially attracted way by a domineeringly positive atom creating a lack of electrons where the atoms become some what domineering positive. An equal amount of lack of electron orbits is crowed on to neutral atoms where these atoms are some what domineeringly negative. These exist as a static charge.

Common touch cells and batteries identifies each terminal with a plus sign for positive ( + ) and a minus sign for negative ( - ). Each torch cell ( or battery if you like ) is alive with this force at each terminal called Voltage that does not flow. The flow of current when an excess electrons in a nearest negative voltage see's a positive voltage attracted away and repelling themselves in one steady direct direction known as a direct current.

An alternating current is the result of alternating North and south magnetic fields from a spinning magnet in a coil winding or a coil winding spinning in a magnetic field. It doesn't matter which way it's still a alternating north and south seeking poles each one magnetizing each turn inducing a corresponding live and static alternating voltage opposite voltages each end of the winding. The frequency of the magnetic poles is in Hertz the number of time per second.

An open live mains cable the two opposing voltages are alternating 60 times a second in the pair of live wires. Connected to a appliance the electron current flow alternates back and forth 60 times per second each peak doing work. Thus the like repel and unlike attract is the heart of electronics like your computer for example.

The strong force of the atom is in the nucleus. This is where only colliding the nucleus close to light speed can separate the nucleus. It is like tiny magnet that needs a few trillion tones of pull force  to pull apart. Colliding head just short 10,80,000,000kmph to a instant stop is enough energy to smash apart the nucleus.

A study of the periodic table in chemistry, the number of protons, neutrons including the number of electrons and electron orbits of the elements are an example of stable nuclei. There are many children's science and technology books on nuclear physics that go into more detail.

The periodic table tells us each element is has a set number of electrons in a set number of orbits, assigned a number of  of protons and neutrons. It is school boy knowledge a water atom is a hydrogen  atom entangled with 2 oxygen atoms.

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