Saturday, January 9, 2016

We observe our the second hand of any analogue clock and watch second hands measure time moving a division every second as we do digital time piece seconds.

It is the amount of time we say one thousand and one. We do a single stride the length of a meter in the same amount of time. And light in the zero resistance of out of space travels a distance of just under 300,000km, ( 299,797km and 458 meters to be exact or a186,000 miles if you like ) in the same time.

Dispute observing the second hand move every division, the minute and hour hands remain stationary. When the second hand sweeps a full circle the minute hand is observed appears stationary despite moving a division. The minute hand measures a minute of time is 60 times as slow as a second.

It is even more dramatic with the hour hand. We don't observe the minuet hand move a full circle let a lone the hour hand move a division. The hands projects an hour is 3,600 times as slow as a second and 60 times as slow as a minute.

A date change occurs every 12 midnight to represent a day. Meanwhile the minute and hour hands are always stationary. If we observe military time in digital time pieces, there is no such thing as a 24:00:00 display.

A second before the date changes displays a time of 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. ( 23:59:59 ). The read out resets to 00:00:00 simultaneously the date changes. Mathematics tells us no hours, no minuets and no seconds for a second of time. Light in out of space had traveled the distance of 300,00km every second of that time.

The next second is 00:00:01 and so on till 00:01:00, one minute past midnight. Light had traveled the universe. The seconds recount till 01:00:00 one in the morning the distance light had traveled 300.000km every second. The seconds recount one in the morning. ( 01:00:00). The second and minute digits repeat two, three, four in the morning and so on the distance light traveled the universe.

Both analog and digital tell us there is 86,400 seconds every 300,000km light had traveled in that time. Thus light travels the universe every date change equals 60 squared, ( 60 x 60) times 24.

A date change is 86,400 times as slow as every second. If we do the math' son this equals every second is 86,400th of a day. Translated means every minute 240th and every hour 24th.

Public transport time tables tell us there is a Monday to Friday and a Saturday and Sunday schedule ending the week. Our mathematical instinct agrees the week begins 12 midnight date change Monday morning a total of 7, ending a second before the date changes 12 midnight Sunday night repeating the cycle.

Mathematics tells us by the time light in the zero resistance of out a space hand traveled a distance of 60 squared times 24 hours, times 7 days of the week a total of 604,800km respectively.

The Gregorian calendar we use today has different number of days in each month. They range from 29 to 31 in a regular year, A leap has an extra day at the end of February every 3rd year in every decade.

Mathematics adds up the total seconds in a year 60 squared times 24, times 365 for a normal year and in every third year 366. All said and done, pans out to 31,536,000, seconds multiplied by 299.797km and 458 meters to be exact or calculated in miles if you like in a year.

Operating on the principle taking into account of every 3rd leap year in every decade we can add up the total distance light had traveled in every decade. The same principle applied to a century, a millennia, a million and a billion years.

Mathematics can take all the seconds into the future trillions of centuries passed on earth light travels across the universe way-way beyond the time of the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe.

Some of us believe when our sun dies as a star could produce black hole. It's current size won't cut it. It's to to small blow away the core when it goes. The explosive force is enough the outer layers to have the escape velocity. The sun's mass is barely enough to dampen the explosion to a fizzer collapse of the star's core. The force of the gravity compacts the core to the size of earth called a white dwarf.

Gravity on the surface is believed to be a 100,000 times as strong. Doing the math's standing on the surface you will weigh a 100,000 times you body weight on earth. You would weigh as much more than a supertanker.

Albert Einstein's general theory of reality tells us white dwarfs bends space and time. They don't bend it the way we think a bowling ball on a flexible trampoline, but their mass compresses space inward round the entire circumference from every direction. The pressure would be equivalent to a large luxury car crushed by a car crusher pressing it into a sphere the the size of a pin head the gravitational pressure the entire mass of the earth, in less than a second.

It takes stars10 times and more the size of our sun for escape velocity of the outer regions producing a reasonable supernovae into a white dwarf. It takes 100's of times more then the sun's size to blast away the core.

White dwarfs are created by small to medium size stars gone supernovae. The resulting mass the size of earth has enough gravitational pull to rival black holes. Mathematics indicate the strength of their gravity dampens time but never able to stop it.

From the surface point of view, if a captured body orbits millions of times before crashing into the surface in less than a few seconds. But from our view point observing from earth, distance and the white dwarf's gravity dampens time so much the body is observed orbiting the white dwarf slowed down agonizingly slow a millennia and more for example before crashing into it.

It takes stars100's of times bigger for enough escape velocity to blow away the core called a hypernovae. There will be no matter left to form anything leaving a black void of a corps of the stare.

The black void left can be many light years ( the distance light speed travels in a year ), across. The edge where light disappears is called the event horizon. The center of the black void the center of gravity called a singularity no bigger than an atom.

This singularity is on a Planck constant scale. A Planck constant is a 44 decimal number, 0 point forty 0's, 6262. Scientific notation expresses it as 6 point 2, 6, 2, times 10 to the minus 44. It represents the measure of the singularity the smallest amount of time, mass, and length of the universe. This value is a Planck time.

Mathematics says the same number in the positive value ( 626 forty 0's ) is one divided by the same number in the minus value equals 1 second of time. It is the number of Planck times in a second.

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