Thursday, October 8, 2015

The time travel atempt

New years eve 1899. Three friends waited in the lounge of the home of an inventor friend. Annoyed at being late every so often they checked the time.

"Dinners ready gentlemen" said the maid placing meals on the dinning room table. "I'll just check to see what's keeping him".

The guests sat down round the table. Suddenly the maid screeched stepping back. A try crashed to the floor. She was shocked at what she saw. Steadying himself on the doorway post was George. He looked like he had been fighting for his life tired and scruffy. His cloths looked roughed up.  Everybody at the table jumped to their feet as one.

The guests were shocked at George's sunburn face and hands. He stumbled into the lounge into a stream of questions. The most asked was his face and hands.

"Sorry I'm late".

He slumps into a chair. He asked for a brief refreshment. He promised all would be revealed as soon as he had something to eat. He gulps down a glass of wine. Feeling exhausted plonks the empty class heavily on the table.

"I had intended to be on time but got caught up by it. literally". I originally intended to announce I had discovered the forth dimension to time earlier. I thought it appreciate on the eve of a new century".

"What do you mean a forth dimension? There's only three you know"

"What is this fourth dimension"

"I've travelled it"

George takes the glass. Turning to the maid he held it to her." Get me another would you please".

"You travelled a forth dimension?"

Gorge takes the refill gulping another down. "Yes"

"The last I remember there is only three. We move forward and back in one straight line that's one. When we move left and right that's two and three when we move up and down. What other dimension is there?"

"What about turning round in a circle. Is that what you mean George"

"No, no. That's not it at all. It's just a one dimension circle."


"If you have travelled the fourth dimension is that why you look like this"

For the first time George notices his sunburn." I suppose so"

"How did you get that sunburn? Its 'in the middle of winter!"

"I don't know. Look. Do you want to know what happened to me?

"Course we do."

"Earlier today I told Judy here I would be in the adjoining shed if she needed me".

There looking like a sleigh with a large disc towering behind the passenger seat was George's invention. Where the rains would be a barrel control panel. There was tall green, orange and red lights.

He went over to a bench striking a match, lighting a candle. He turned to a clock next to it checking the time. Then he checked his pocket watch. He the took from a cupboard what looked like a rattle with a demand head going over to a metal polisher polishing the handle tip.

He took it to the machine and places in a slot beside the three lights seating himself in scanning the control panel. After a here we go, he moved the lever forward. The giant disk slowly rotated. Looking from the environment's point of view George seemed frozen in time. After a few seconds he pulled the lever back. The wound to a stop.

From Georges point of view nothing seemed to have happened. Through window panes a dress shop mannequin. on display in a dress shop window across the road. From the shed's perspective George looked like he come back to life.

George looked up to the skylight. Though glass panes an overcast cloud of early morning above him. Scanning the rest of the environment he was expecting a change but there was none. Looking round puzzled his eyes fell on the clock. It showed a half hour had gone by in the last couple of seconds.

He spots the candle. It was a few centimetres shorter. George's face lit up. He reached into his pocket checking his watch. It confirmed only few seconds had pasted. From the shed point of view saw George hadn't done anything either.

George's attention turned to the control panel counter then the clock. They showed he'd jumped a half hour forward in time in a few seconds. The shed environment saw gorge as statue.

Encouraged our traveller forward the liver. The disc rotated. He kept on eye on the candle flame trickling down to the base stick in seconds. Then it snuffed out. The shed's environment saw George as a statue. The candle flame and the hands of the clock were normal. The shed's time was as constant as it always was. From Georges point of view the minute hand of the clock was moving as fast as a second. That confirmed he was observing a minute into the future every second.

Gorge concluded he was traveling a minute per second. The machine was traveling a second per minute. He thought he  he was right about the existence of a fourth dimension.

He never observed how the shed's environment saw him. The shed's time hadn't change. George in the machine looked as still a a photograph. The shed environment saw him 60 times as slow. George saw the shed's time 60 times as slow fast.

The shed's time was overtaking the slowed down machine's time. In other words the slower the machine went the faster time sped up.

When the minute had moved full circle George was observing an hour of the sheds time in a minute of his time. The shed's environment saw George his machine as still as a photograph. The slower the machine travels the faster George would observe time go. From the shed's point of view the more George slowed down would look frozen in time.

George noticed how the environment round him had changed into a purple blue colour. The sun's rays streaming though the skylight and main window was changing colour. All the red's, yellows and orange colours had changed into a violet colour. It was as if the colours had disappeared. The slower George travels the more the shed environment become this purple blue.

George suddenly flinch. He was starting to feel the heat on face and hands just as we experience hot summers days at the beach. But this was new years eve in the middle of winter. George wondered what it was. The UV ( Ultra violet ) and UVA rays straight from the sun streamed though the skylight and main window. In effect he was being quickly tanned.

The UV rays normally harmless to us in normal time was now burning Georges face and hands very fast. In just a couple of minutes he was expose to UV light though the skylight above him we normally get in a minute in seconds. If George travelled any slower the UV rays from the sun was likely to cook George Fatally. But there was something else's had happened well before then that ultimately saved his life.

George squinted in puzzlement something rather odd about the shed's environment. It was starting to look as if being distorted inwards in all directions. He begin feel as if he was being squeezed by a pressure of the confined space of being in a bottle. Everything was starting to look and feel heavy feeling squashed and caved in.

Little did George know was a prediction of a Albert Einstein within the next five years from the year he started out will state objects get shorter in the direction of travel the closer we get to light speed.

The future special theory of reality was going to predict the faster we travel the more a body will shorten in the direction of travel. In this case George was feeling the consequence of this in every direction. He was beginning to feel he was squeezed into a box far to small for him. The future Einstein was going to expressed this as a gravitational equivalence velocity produces we express as G-force. ( Coming we express as G's ). It the properties of motion expressed as inertia.

The machine comprising time was creating so much of so fast George could feel  he weight was crushing him. He was starting to feel very uncomfortably heavy by now.

Very quickly our traveller noticed it was getting strangely warm sniffing smelling something's burring. He tried with some difficulty to look round and behind. He was too heavy. He was starting to feel several G's pressing on him in all directions. One G is the weight of our normal body weight. His face was looking distorted like riding a rocket sled at 500kmph.

In front of him the red light was flashing. His wonder soon turned to the panic realizing it was his machine that was doing this.

Little did George know the heat he was experiencing was another natural consequence of physics of time travel. The heat you feel pumping up a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It is compressed hot air from you're compression strokes. If you compress something hard enough heats up.

In Georges case the consequence of compressing time shrinking bodies as heat cooks them. The changing air molecules was beginning to suffocate him too. His cloths were starting to tear due to the increased weight of the material to heavy to sustain itself squeezing in on his body.

He was feeling desperately weighed down by the time he got round to acting. Sweating hard he desperately tried to pull back on the lever. Every limb of his body was far to heavy to lift. It was as hot as an oven. He felt waves of closest phobia panic in confined space squeezing the life out of him. It was as hot as an oven. His heart and lungs protesting his brain only registering couldn't function in a box to small for him. He was gaping for air struggling to breath close to loosing conscious.

From the shed point of view the machine looked as if inside an invisible car crusher was crushing it.

All of a sudden there was a release in pressure the heat starting to dispute. The giant wheel made a grinding metal noise and sparks flew about. Suddenly it stopped stiffly as if it caught a peace of cloth jamming it to a sudden stop. The environment's time suddenly slowed it's velocity the image quickly expanding outwards like a fast inflating rubber raft to normal size. The weight and heat was suddenly gone from his body.

From the sheds perspective the machine stopped folding in on itself. Georges body was able to push against the normal air pressure of the environment the stress of the squeezing weight gone. From environment's perspective the machine was some what the worse for ware looking as if a car crusher tried to have a go at it.

George rested in the battered wreck of the back seat swab all sweaty painting for breath heart pending like a hammer in his chest all wild eyed and lungs still protesting choking and sputtering for breath. Some blood oozed from each nostril. But at lest quickly retiring to normal. George had experience the equivalent pressure of a gravity several times his normal body weigh the same forces we feel riding a 500kmph rocket sled take off.

He reached for his tie ripping it off undoing his top buttons for air. Still panting he looked exhausted to the main window. The dress shop was quiet. The 19th century mannequin display across the road looked reassuring everything was back was to normal.

George sat there his body shaking all over feeling to week to move. He let himself calm down for a moment till he could finally step out. Calming down quickly he examined his surroundings. He could see the machine was in a damaged state. The control panel looked partially distorted like air sucked out of a can bent towards his knees the lights broken and cracked looking partially crushed. He feared he may be trapped in the seat.

He weekly check each side finding to his relief he could just barely negotiate his knees from under the drooping control panel,

He managed to weekly to drag his shins under the control panel stepping out. Out on the floor he felt very week balancing himself on the machine from collapsing to the floor. The machine was still lightly warm. The frame of the machine looked bent inward all directions as if a car crusher had started on it and decided to stop almost immediately.

He felt his cloths all damp and sticky. Unsteady on his feet he flopped to his knees waiting for his heavy breathing to subside.

George thought to himself "Good god it nearly killed me."

Then all of a sudden he felt his sunburn hands and face

Looking at his hands he frowned in puzzlement feeling his face. His first thoughts were "Where's a mirror."

Nursing his sunburns he went weekly to the adjoining door swinging it open and staggered on into the hallway to the lounge.

Steadying himself on the dinning room entrance post he'd interrupted the guests dinner. To the screeching of the maid less than a second everybody jump to there feet as one. George staggered on into the dinner room to a barrage of inquisitive questioning. The first thing they noticed was his red sunburn hands and face.

Overwhelmed he flops into a chair asking for a brief refreshment promising all would be revealed in good time as soon as he had something to eat. They gave him a glass wine gulping it down in one go. Still recovering from his ordeal places the empty class heavily on the table begging his story

The guests didn't know what to make out it.

"I've never heard a tallest tail like in my life. Being able to watch the street like in fast motion. Ridicules"

"Never the less it's true"

"Nobody's going to believe this George"

"Explain my face and hands Have a look at my machine"

"What do you think caused what looks like tome you've been in the sun to long. And the machine to crash stop like that?"

"I don't know"

"What now?"

"The way I feel about it at monument I can't help thinking of the irony what you said to me the other day about destroying the machine before it destroys me"

David looked at gorge as if to say "you think"?\

"The machine's badly damaged. Really distorted. As if some one squashed it from all sides, side to side, long ways top to bottom, you name it. See for yourself The whole framework's badly buckled to say the lest."

Excursing his tender shoulder muscles George was feeling the effects of his ordeal.

"You look exhausted George. You OK?. Maybe you should retire for the night"


"You should see a doctor about your red face and hands"

Feeling the effects of tender muscle all over his body he weekly stood up. The guests offered support. He said he was OK he'll manage

Pointing to his face "It'll be hard to explain all this to a doctor. Judy will see you out. Good night"

He turned weekly setting off to his bedroom flopping on his bed. Just when he was starting to reflect on his ordeal he suddenly feel asleep.

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