Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How we sell. How men and woman pick each other up.

Feeling cool calm and collected our brain is cool, calm and collected. It is when our brain is free from panicky and anxious thoughts racing round our heads. It is a self aware computer with the ability to be aware of other points of view. It is a capable of computing and recognizing intuitions and hunches.

The key to finding solutions from mechanical problems to meeting new friends is the brains ability to keep coo, calm and collected frame of mind. Importantly, meeting new friends to sales technique depends is how much it means to each individual. Psychologists and sales all agree success depends on how much of a desire. It is a key ingredient. One of the basic principles starts with establishing a rapport. It is the ability to establish a liking trust from strangers.

If our brain can Keep a cool head with an alcohol fueled trouble maker we can establish a rapport with any one.  Free from the distractions of fear, confusion, anxiety and bias thoughts racing round our heads, our brain is capable of recognizing when some one is just upset. Our brain can recognize alcohol, drug and mental illness difference. It is capable of computing many solutions on the spot.

Police are instructed by police psychologists the benefit of keeping cool, calm and collected with in your face alcohol fueled aggressiveness. If we feel Cool, calm and collected with trouble in our face it's because our brain is. This state of mind is the maximum benefit of our computer, capable of popping into our heads whole range of intuition and hunch solutions flooding into our head all by itself. If we are free from interfering fear and anxiety racing around our heads we don't panic, we can achieve anything.

Personal officers at work with a cool, calm and collected domineer tend to be more successful with staff. It has a calming influence, a reflection of rapport has on all of us.

The most successful sales are clients on the same wavelength as the service or product offered. They tend to be  on the same page as the salesman. Both can practically get right down to businesses straight away. On the same wavelength as the service or product establishes an immediate rapport on both sides.

Singles bars is a place where individuals, usually experienced at hand to hand flirting combat with others. It is discrete. As soon as they enter the door they study the crowed looking for tell tail signs.

Men keep an eye out for clues. Women keep on eye on the men looking for the clues. Men look for opportunities to catch the eye of a woman. Woman give the clues. The experienced recognize when their is no opportunity. They concentrate looking out for woman on the look out for men looking out for woman signals. Everything is done discretely When a man spots a woman observing others round him the flirting game begins.

The man passes close by. If she observes him less than a couple of seconds non verbal hello established on both sides. No more than a couple of extra seconds eye contact with a friendly smile moving on establishes a couple has noticed each other's presence.

To the experienced blank empty imprecision replies recognizes inexperience and does not necessary mean the person is a moody snob.

Eager to get down to business straight away can by unsettling. Discretion is the important part of the game. Catching the eye with a simple smile is a non verbal acknowledgement is a flirting start.

If anxious to get on with it, shows. We tend to give ourselves away with all sorts of non verbal body language and eye contact clues resulting in a potential bad first impression. After acknowledgment some space is provided. Men move on promising to pass by again.

If a woman is experienced usually on the same wavelength shopping. It shows with a few extra seconds of non verbal flirting return cues as the man moves on. A few seconds of non verbal flirting is all it takes to establish they noticed each other. A non verbal "I'll get back to you in a minute" from the man and "I'll be waiting" acknowledgment from the woman.

Inexperience shows in some sense by overdoing it a bit. Experienced woman will notice it keenly resulting in a unwelcoming response. One of the key features of failure is a well of excitement bubbling to the surface seen in the eyes. This is because excitement tends to focus attention. It tends to look steering right though other people. It also potently wide eyes tending to look like crazy eyes. Quite scary. By the end of the day excitement to get on with it tends to promote over doing things the key to failure.

This is why is cool, calm and collected men do well in singles bars or appropriate gatherings.

Men that have non verbally acknowledged several woman in a crowed has increased their chances of establishing verbal conservation opener when they pass by again. This depends on how cool, calm and collected we feel. When we are cool, calm and collected our brain is cool calm and collected showing in the body language.

The first thing we all look at is the face. So the first thing a woman see is the cool, calm and collectiveness in the man in the eyes. It's a reassuring feeling leaving wide open to trust.

When the human brain feels cool, calm and collected, it is a supper computer that doesn't need rehearsed ice breaker props and rehearsed pick up lines. Free from excitement, and anxiety thoughts racing round in our heads, our brain is capable of computing it's own ice breaker suggestions based on observations, intuitions and hunches. Being able to feels from other point of view computer, It knows what not to say, just as well it knows what to say.

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