Thursday, October 22, 2015

Creating parallel universes

Creating a parallel universes depends on the time travel effect of what we did tomorrow and what we are going to do yesterday principle.

This is because there of the point of view.  For example a person from the future visiting the past see's the past point of view and from the past point of view see's the visitor from the future point of view. And vice verse.

A person from the past visiting the future point of view and from the future point of view of the visitor from the past respectively. Time travel is visiting the past or future relative point of view of both the visitor and the visited perspective.

What a visitor does changing history in any way is in our yesterday effecting what happens to our present and beyond.

Quantum physics suggests a theory of what is called tunnelling of the particles of the atom we express as quantum leaping. The theory says atomic particles disappear and reappear on a  unpredictable and randomness scale

Our bodies made up of atoms, the particles that make them up is essentially quantum leaping inside us. The unpredictable random disappearing and reappearing act is on a Planck constant scale. A Planck constant is a decimal fraction of a meter 40 zeros 626 a total of a 43 number expressed as a Planck length expressed as a minis scale. It is also a Planck second and a Planck mass ( kg ).

The same decimal zeros relocated to the right of the same number is 626 forty zeros in the positive called a reciprocal. This reciprocal tells us how many times the particle of the atom disappears and reappears in the distance of a Planck length in a second.

Quantum physics describes the action of the disappearing and reappearing act occurs every part of the universe. So what happens in this part also happens clear across the other side. It is expressed as action at a distance in the science of entanglement. It simply means the atomic particles this part of the universe is entangled with the atomic particles clear across the other side.

String theory ( Known by another name M ), tells us there are up to 7 dimensions beyond our recognized 3-dimensional world. We can't hear, see, feel or smell them just as we can't our 3-dimensional radio waves radiating from our mobile phones.

Our mobile phone radio waves expand up and down from our phone, forward away from us and back toward us in every in direction in this dimension. In fact every time you use your mobile you are inside an expanded radio wave bubble radiating from the phone.

I'm proposing a theory the shock and trauma of sudden death triggers throwing us back to a random time in our lives. Our present state didn't exist them so we are in a state we were then. An 80 year old individual killed in a car accident is slammed back in time to he was a teenager.

The action the action at a distance effect that was operating in his body at the time of the crass had be operating all his life from birth. From the randomness effect of the atom is a potential to freely recreate at random another life.

A teenager thrown back to a random part of his past died in this world, but lives at the random point thrown back to staring over. Depending on how far back the random nature of the atomic particles of the atom creates the potential of an alternate life. In effect a double of himself living in a different life. If a few seconds the random nature of the atomic particles could trigger an alternate life saving event in this dimension creating a double lucky top be alive while the other double died.

In other words the action at a distance atomic particles potentially create alternate earth's thought the universe dimensions. When it comes to our doubles You, me and everybody else are effectively alive and dead at the same time in the universe.

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