Wednesday, June 3, 2015

String Thoery

String theory is heart of the atom. Nature makes up mater everything out of molecule building blocks made up of the building blocks of cells in turn made up of the building blocks of the atom. Even a microscope worth a lot of money is like trying to observe marbles with powerful binoculars 1000's of km's away.

Even smaller are orbiting negative particles called electrons orbiting a central core ( or nucleus if you like ) is made up of  bigger positively charged particles called protons and neutrally charged particles called neutrons called the nucleus itself the heart of string theory itself.

String theory was developed from accelerating atoms on light a speed scale. Enormous amount G-forces ( G's if you like ) produced is so powerful experience close to Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity effects. G's is the property of the pull back force on accelerating.

We this force in accelerating roller coaster rides as a if a heavy weight of a couple kilograms pulling us back into our seats. It is expressed as the property of matter in motion called inertia. Inertia at light speed generate G's traveling a distance of just under 300,000km in one second flat.

This is accentually one of Isaac Newton's force and motion laws on a light speed scale where there is a force ( the acceleration )  there is an equal and opposite force ( the inertia or G's if you like ) at work. Inertia slows down acceleration to a constant velocity. At maximum speed limit if you like.

A body accelerated can't be accelerated any further. The maximum speed velocity of the particles accelerated by particle accelerators is just under light speed itself. It is as fast as they can go. Light speed itself is a velocity they it doesn't go any faster either.

The G's is so great it strips electrons from off the atom leaving only the bare nucleus. The velocity of the particles is enough to resist the inertia at the cost of getting heaver and heavier in equal proportion the faster the nucleus goes. Eventually inertia becomes irresistible where the nucleus can't travel any faster.

They reach a maximum speed limit expressed as a terminal velocity point or as I put it acceleration is terminated where it is a terminal acceleration point. Terminal acceleration is reached less than a second as soon as the particles are kicked into motion.

The nucleus is collided head on with other nucleus heading the opposite direction at the same velocity. The combined velocity is strong enough to split the nucleus scattering debris like the combined force of 160kmp ( or a 100mph if you like ) car smash. Instruments record the scattering of all sorts of particles.

The inertia of the collision causes some particles to come into existence. But they disappear less than a second. There is a whole zoo found quarks for one. The collusions have shown they only originate near light collisions splitting up the protons and neutrons.

There are other particles like the newly observed Higgs Boson believed to be responsible for the inertia of in the mass of the nucleus particles.

Physics have discovered a theory quarks inside the protons and neutrons are made of strings. The are so tiny like trying to observe a shoe string clear across the other side of the universe.

Physicist believe they are vibrating like string instrument strings. Just one pluck of a single guitar string generates a sound wave we recognize as single guitar note. Lets take a punk rock concert in action.

The dynamic energy of the voices, guitarist and drummer produces a entertaining  harmony punk rock fans enjoy produced by the coordinated skill of the musicians to work together the many notes of the electric guitar and percussion instruments of the drums can produce multitasking all at the same time. Partial physics believe is the way the strings inside protons and neutrons work.

One of the main things that confirms string existence is mathematics. Number crunching done by computers adds up. Commuters project just one pluck of a string instrument representing a vibrating string produces one type of particle. A single string pluck of another string produces a different particle. In other words each string of a string instrument produces individual particles in a rock concert.

The skill of the musician to coordinate a song played on a guitar or violin produces a pleasing harmony depending on our personal taste of the type of music we enjoy.

Physicist believe the number of cords that can be played on all musical instruments represents an analogy of different dimensions believed to be 10 in fact. Inside the core of the nucleus particles we can never hope to detect the dimensions. 

The many styles of musical taste played and the billions of songs in the world every instrument can play is enough to believe there is a equal number of dimensions to the nucleus particle string vibrate at.
Each note of every song in the whole world put together is a universe in it's own right.

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