Thursday, June 4, 2015

Short tem menory

Today psychologists call short term memory working memory. But for now we'll stick to what's familiar.

An Instructor writes on a blackboard to a child 3 plus 7 equals 10, instructing the child to concentrate on the numbers letting the information sink in for a minute then erasing the 10.

A few minutes latter asks what does 3 plus 7 equal? Average working memory will immediately remember the 10. Obviously a sign of average short term memory working as it should.

However confused waiting for the answer "EH" look on their face is a obvious sign of below average short term memory problem.

Ignoring the confusion the instructor patiently tells the child the answer. A few minutes latter asks if they remember what 3 plus 7 equals was.

Once again the child will seem confused but this time they pucker their lips to think a bit. Some how knows they have been told. Their Brian is asking for confirmation. Ignoring this the instructor calmly tells the child the answer again.

After a minute the instructor repeats the question

This time the child expresses some facial and uncomfortable and frustrated body language signs they remembered something but can't quite remember the details feeling a bit sheepish they had been be told a couple of times. Ignoring this the instructor patiently and calmly tells the child the answer again.

The child's body language expresses they ought to have known the answer not underrating why they couldn't remember.

Ignoring this a few minutes latter the instructor calming and penitently asks the question again.

The child squirms in frustration in trying to think because they know they should know the answer. Remerging already told a couple times they feel they ought to know better not know the answer but still can't remember.

Ignoring this the instructor patiently tellsthe child the answer again.

The child reacts with body language frustration as if recognition "OHHH! That's right! Tisck! I remember now! How stupid can I get!" with a touch of embarrassment.

Ignoring this a few minutes latter the instructor ask calmly again what 3 plus 7 equals again.

This time the child squirms and puckers their lips in trying to remember thinking hard knowing they ought to know the answer but can't remember.

Cool calm and collected as ever the instructor ignoring this calmly tells the child the answer again

The child's body language is really expressing embarrassment frustration at not being able to remember.

Ignoring this a few minutes latter the instructor calmly asks what 3 plus 7 equals.

This time the child is in a bit of a panic they should know the answer by now but for the life of the child still can't remember.

The instructor still cool calm and collected as ever about it calmly tells the child 10.

The child's body language and facial expression  says it all, "OHHHH! Tisck! That's right, I remember now! Of course I've already told a few times already. How stupid can I get! Tisk, I don't know!" Explaining to the instructor I forget again or I don't know.

A few minutes latter  the instructor simply as a mater of fact way calmly ask what is 3 plus 7.

This time the panic is obvious. The body language tells the instructor the child knows they have been told more than once already. In a panic tries to remember the answer but for the life of them they can't remember

Ignoring this the instructor calmly tells the child in a mater of fact tone the answer again

This time the Childs whole body language expresses so much frustration.  "Of course it does! How stupid of me to not being able to member"  beating themselves up about it how they are so stupid they should remember.

Ignoring this a few minutes latter the instructor just calmly ask the child what 3 plus 7 equal again.

This time the child is in a real panic trying to remember. Remember they have been told time and time again already they panic ally tells the instructor "No don't tell I know this one I know it" Trying desperately thinking hard to remember but can't.

Ignoring the child's plea tells the child repeats the answer.

By now the child's facial reaction and body language is obvious awkwardness, uncomfortable, embarrassed, frustrated and disappointed in having to be told. Again!

Again the instructor ignores this a few minuets latter still asking calmly and patiently what does 3 plus 7 equal?

This time the child is in a real panic they know they know the answer struggling to think. "Think! Think! Think!"

Ignoring the reaction again just calmly tells the child again.

This time the child is annoyed at the instructor telling the answer.

 Ignoring this a few minutes latter once again calmly asks what is 3 plus 10.

This time the child is in a real panic trying to think struggling to remember knowing they should but is struggling to. Finally the child blurts out loud at the top of their voice 10! That's right it's10! 10! 10! Now I know" in relief delight

The body language expressing frustration and embarrassment beating them selves up how could they not remember in the first place. "How stupid of me"

The instructor happily congregates and supports the child in a effort well done.

In reality under normal circumstances the child would have been treated like from some other planet at the first or the second attempt. This is what bellow average short term working memory children must learn to live with all their lives.

The psychologist keeping cool calm and collected supporting the child at the end of the session had gained a rapport gaining valuable data of what's going on in the child's life gaining insight into designing an effective treatment program.

Children with average short term working memory tend to be treated with fair reverence by adults and their pair groups alike. Above average are treated as cool and intelligent. Below average are often ignored by adults and treated as two bit under achieving loser gaining the attention of buying pair croups because they are so slow.

We all do it. It seems to be a part of the human psyche. The next time you see a picture of a face reflect the person's face is below average short term memory. Then compare your reaction that to the same parson's face as average and compare your reaction to above average. 

Below average often gets the silent treatment not to mention bullied. No support a child can easily grow up feeling very inferior and resentful at the reverence showed by others towards average let a lone to above average pairs, At times I bet they feel as if rubbing their noses in it if done in their company. Feelings of resentment must well up can lead to all sorts of heated conflicts.

If we study successful entrepreneur and marketing guru business people we may find they may have been successful because using a  remarkable short term working memory. We only need to reflect what happens to individuals with below average short term memory skills let a lone below average to understand that.

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