Thursday, June 11, 2015

Calculus is a form of the laws of mathematics calculating movement and constant change. Curved lines are mathematically plotted.

The mathematics  was used by Albert Einstein to figure out the General theory of relativity ideal for plotting 3-D curvatures of his theory. Today it is the primary math's in animated computer software

The math's was invention stimulatingly by a British scientist Isaac Newton and a German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz working on the same lines. Throughout their careers they argued bitterly accusing each other of stealing their ideas. ( Paganism )

If it was up to Leinbniz the math's would have been known as Fluxions. Newton named it Calculus credited to him because of the of mathematical formulae solutions he invented to describe the motion of the curving orbits of the planets of our solar system.

Both Newton and Leibniz independently discovered they could twist the law of mathematics successfully exploring formulas, Leibniz into deducing formulas for projecting canon ball motions. Newton was inspired on similar lines bodies in motion falling to the ground. Why do apples drop to the ground the way they do? A flash of insight  Things are attracted to it followed the inspiration they are in motion in doing so. To Newton's mind as Leibniz would have agreed needed mathematical proof's.

Here is a example of how the law of mathematics works in projecting motion in the physics of a free falling body by the earth's gravity.

Newtown would agree with my example holding a kilogram ( or equivalent in pounds if you like ) block of iron over the ledge of the roof of a tall sky scraper where  we feel the force of the earth's mass pulling on it.

When we let go the earth's mass snatches it accelerating to a meter in a second and stops accelerating to a constant velocity familiar to most of us as terminal velocity.

Terminal velocity is caused by the force of the acceleration pulling back on it we express as G-forces. It is known as the inertia of a moving body. The G's ( or inertia if you like ) gets stronger in proportion the faster a it falls until the body gets so heavy with weighed down the earth's mass can't accelerate it any faster. It has reach a maximum free fall costing speed.

The resulting constant is a terminal acceleration point where free the falling kilogram can't coast down the side of the building any faster. The body impacts the immovable body of the mass of the earth with a force on the foot path of the street bellow. Newtown thought a lot about the the similar effects of the fall of apples doping from apple trees. He observed apples tended to bounces slightly.

Leibniz was inspired by the change of velocity once a body was set in motion. For example a cannon ball ejected in motion from standing start to rest. Newtown on the other hand was inspired by his though apples falling was in motion regular math's couldn't account for. So both Newton and Leibniz turned their attention to manipulating of the laws of mathematics to suit the needs.

The principles of the law of mathematics was idea. It effectively converts the1kg meter per second terminal velocity to kmph terms witch pans out to be 3.6kmph. It happens to say the same thing as a meter per second. Their math's uncovered mathematical proofs that free fall costing would cover a distance of 3.6km in by time of an one hour TV program. In other words, 3.6kmph equals a distance of 3.6km coasting a 1m/s.

Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of multiplying sixty seconds in a minute and sixty minutes in an hour adds up to 3,600 seconds.

Those into challenging mathematics Newtown's calculus ( Or Leibniz's fluxions ) uncovers how many floors our coasting body would travel in the first second, and how many floors per second after that during constant decent.

q`The knowledge of the standard metric system telling us there is a thousand meters in a km projects the the 1m/s velocity equals 3.kmph velocity. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter adding up all the seconds of an hour panning out to 60 seconds in a minute multiplied by the same 60 ( expressed as sixty squared ) because there is 60 minutes in an hour pans out to 3,600 seconds.

In other words a simple calculus formula says 3,600 seconds equals 60 squared. As Newtown and Leibniz would say because there is a constant 60 seconds in a minute and a constant 60 minutes in an hour, 3,600 seconds equals 60 squared is a math's constant. A letter from the Greek or our own alphabet chosen to stand as a reminder applied to any calculus formula.

C is not a good choice because it is already taken for the constant speed of light. Somthing else is needed to prevent confusion.

That immediately sounds about right to you mathematical instinct. Your instinct immediately agrees of course there is a meter every second that must equal to 3,600 meters in an hour of motion. In other words 3,6kmph velocity. This is an example of a caucus calculation. The calculation shows a 1kg block falling from a height of 3.6km up in the earth's atmosphere takes and hour to hit the ground. Mathematics can't lie you know.

Our immediate thought is all this sounds about right to us because our mathematical instinct recognizes dividing 3,600 by a thousand gives us 3.6 every 1m/s the k for a thousand. This is a calculus number crunching at work. To Newton and Lebiniz 3.6kmph is a mathematical function of 1kg free falling motion in 1m/s.

The laws of mathematics proves it. In other words any number crunching is a mathematical function of velocity. In this way Newton and Leizbin discovered a collection of formulas are just a rearmament of numbers saying the same thing.

For example if we look to a common child's time table chart checking out 3 times table  3  5's are 15 we find the same sum is found in the 5 times as 5  3's is the same 15.  That is only half the story.

If we dived 15 in the times 5 table by 3, we find 5 because 5,   3's are 15. If we check out the the times we find dividing 15 by 5 we get 3 because 5,  3's is 15 respectively.

This means 5 x 3 = 15,   3 x 5 = 15,  15 divide ( over if you like ) 3 is 5 and 15 divide 5 is 3 because 3,  5's are 15. The 4 formulas we fond in 2 different places in the whole table say the same thing. In other words they are the functions of 15. This is the law of mathematics doing in calculus.

Our mathematical is instinct agrees 5 and 3 is the function of 15. Such as the function law of calculus. Operating on the principle f for function any number for x and some times n for numbers describes a function in operation in a calculus formula. In this case describing the function of the free falling 1kg in the earth's gravity. 1m/s is a function of 3.6kmph. 1m/s = 3.6kmph = fx. ( or fn ).

In other words every answer in each sum of every sum all the other numbers are just functions of each answer. Recognizing the pattern in the entire table range your are well on the way in recognizing how calculus works.

As it turns out the 1kg at terminal velocity is 9.8 Newton's the unit of the the earth's gravity. If supermarket weighing scales are celebrated with Newton's, 9.8N would read 1kg of a stationary force of the 1kg at rest mass.

Newton and Leibniz math's describes 80kmph represents moving a distance of 80km into the future. Their math's projects the future hour is going to be the present hour the past hour, Calculus number crunching converts 80kmph into meters per second velocity respectively.

Lets mark the distance of 80km in 10km increments. We can be perfectionists like Newton and Leibniz to mark out the whole 50k in millimeters if you like. These into challenging mathematics will be doing the same challengers working out how many millimeters goes into 50km. Newton and Leibniz would have been interested in applying their new invention on the time of every millimeter in the whole distance traveled. They wouldn't hesitated in the challenge working out in millimeters per second.

The way they looked at the math's also proved it takes into account of a cross town variables of a say 5km trip. Newton and Leibniz would agree It would be the equivalent to opening out the cross town route to the same distance into a straight line. It projects the difference between a 5km highway equivalent.

With a bit of liner math's we can project how long at a constant speed on a state highway ( say 80kmph headed in what every direction the time to cover the distance. 80kmph and the distance of 5km is the data required.

Now lets say at the end of the straight line trip we turned round and headed to we we started.

Newtown and Leibniz  would have seen the change of direction coming back the other way changes things because we are going in another direction namely the reverse direction.

If we where originally North going we are now south going. Newtown and Leibinz would have looked at directions going one way adding up the kilometers. The reverse direction meant their math's was compelled to say returning back to the start takes away meaning back at the beginning is zero kilometers. The two different directions is the key. Even though in reality the speedometer says different mathematically the return journey took away the kilometers were we started.

Lets have a look at a pendulum swing. Calculus tells us the pendulum cycle would begin at stationary position moving though the motion. Passing the vertical hanging position it slowing approaching to a stop at the peak distance. Calculus is interested in how long it takes and the angle of the string to reach maximum distance.

Calculus is the kind of math's interested in the inertial forces generated at the change of direction. Here returning the opposite direction is a change of direction reaccelerating back towards the vertical position.

Passing the vertical position it is slowing down again to come to a stop to reverse direction to speed back up passed the vertical position to decelerate to a stop at the opposite extreme to return repeating the cycle. The 2 change of directions is the total length of the wavelength.

Calculus is the kind of math's that plots the stationary vertical point not the wavelength because any vertical hang is a zero motion position. If the motion of the swing takes a second from the vertical hang position to maximum peak the deceleration and reaccelerating is a 1/2 second passing though in motion though the vertical hang position.

The cycle takes a half second to accelerate from a peak passing back thought the vertical hang point slowing down to returning to the opposite. When the pendulum stops to reverse direction it recalculates passing though the vertical hang point slowing down again to the opposite maximum distance repeating the cycle.

Calculus is the kind of math's that plots the motion though the vertical rest position. The wavelength is the maximum distance of the peak to peak of the cycle in the example I've been giving you in a total of 4 seconds. In other words the total wavelength is 4 seconds per cycle frequency. If twice as fast 2 seconds and twice as fast 1 cycle per second.

Calculus is the kind of math's that projects the acceleration and deceleration passing though the vertical hang point at a cycle of a second per velocity is 1/4 second ( or 250mS ).

The frequency is called Hertz ( Hz ). The standard metric system prefix system for electromagnetic radio and television transition signals kilo ( key low ) for a thousand, Mega for a million and Giga for a thousand million times per second. ( Kilohertz, Megahertz and Gigahertz, KHz, MHz and GHz respectively ).

The wavelengths using the standard metric system prefixes milli ( mill lee ) for a thousandth, micro ( or micron if you like ) for a millionth, and Nano for a thousand millionth of a meter. ( mili- micro- and Nano meters, mm, Um, and Nm wavelengths respectively ).

We can easily appreciate how tiny the wavelength's are observing millimeter scales in common school rulers. Calculus rules tell us millimeter wavelengths are just the inverse of KHz frequencies. 1mm wavelength is a 1KHz frequency.

Micrometers can be barely seen in engineering rules 10 times smaller than mm an  inverse of  Megahertz frequencies. A micrometer wavelength is a 1MHz frequency.

Nanometers is our body cell scale. A 1 Nanohertz wavelength is a 1GHz frequency. It is the wavelength that fits across any cell width.

Today everything is digitized. The latter described is analogue. There is a minimum and maximum peak to peak and in between.

Also imagine switching your room switch off and on. You should manage a off/on frequency of about a Hertz. Every time you switch off there is still a residue of current in motion.

When you switch back on the residue current from switched off is still reseeding but now becomes entangled with the current surge when you switch back on.

The entanglement of the on/of surges is what causes a lot of interference properties, the old snowing and conducting the signal bouncing off buildings the old ghosting effect we don't see now.

Going back to the light switch when you switch on imagine this time there is no residue current. The power is completely fixed level off. When you switch back on there is no residue either. The power is completley fixed level on. The important thing to remember there is no between distinction. Either the light bulb is drawing power on or not drawing power when off.

There is no residue inference nor can it pick up any bouncing signal effect. However we do see interference  effect on television occasionally caused by a sudden drain of power dropping the fixed current level below power to maintain the signal. So apart from that digital tends to be impervious to interference.

Not only that TV's are really your commuters multimedia circuit offering the same high rich resolution definition quality your multimedia in your computer is capable of. The laws of calculus allows mathematicians to be TV engineers from the data supplied by TV engineers from the makers.

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