Monday, June 1, 2015

Electric bicycle batteries

Macho cowboy cyclists are not really impressed with Electric Powered Assisted bikes ( EPA ). However EPA bikes are a god sent to us commuters specially the habit of cargo carrying. Electric assisted bikes have been experimented with ever since the battery was been invented.

The very first battery was a crude set of electrically charged pile of metal plates storing static electricity demonstrated to Napoleon Bonaparte by the German inventor Alexandria Volta. There has been a extensive experimentation and commercial production that continues to this day.

An off shoot of battery design can be attributed to Particle physicists smashing particles of the atom together close to light speed scales in their particle accelerators verifying the nature of quantum physics potential for quantum batteries. The strange behaviour of the particle of the atom will almost certainly provide technology on a quantum level to all batteries from pen light double A touch cells ( or batteries if you like ) to big-rig truck batteries.

Partial physicists should be able to provide enough data  for experimental electric formula one racing car rivalling the power and performance endurance of current chemical combustion engine models.

When buying a electric bike the law won't allow electric bikes to be any more powerful that standard peddling power as mobility scooter stands on pedestrian walk ways. This means the maximum speed limits are restricted to normal cycling speeds. Pushing unassisted limits is up to a max of about 35kmph. Unassisted record breaking maximums have been record in the genus book of records.

Normal unassisted cycling speed is a good rule of thump how fast electric bikes will be allowed to go. The law only recognizes peddling up hill assistance. The power out put won't allow you to go any faster than normal cycling speeds in any form whether down hill or flat runs. Electric motors make excellent braking systems that automatically control how fast you can coast freely down a steep hill coincidently an ideal safety breaking or speed limiting feature.

Knowledge of how batteries in general work goes along way in understanding how to choose, care, maintenance and getting the maximum life out of the battery before needing replacement.

The power of electric cars, mobility scooters to electric wheel chairs just like electric powered bicycle motors specially cargo bike designs have their mobile power drain on the battery considerations in mind. Batteries like combustion engine power is determined by power of bearing a heavy load under accelerating conditions called torque. It is basically the power of 0 to a certain speeds and hill climbing power ability. The better the power to handle head on strong winds at that too the better the torque power.

Maximum for electric bikes defined by the power of pulling a heavy a heavy cargo bike frame carrying a heavy person carrying a heavy load into heavy head on wind up a long steep hill from zero to a standing start to 20kmph in several seconds to the constant velocity for kilometers before needing to be recharged with ease. The chose of electric bike depends on what you are thinking you want one for your agenda.

The power of the battery depends on how much your are prepared for the frequency of recharging whether to just to ease the weigh of your peddling in a hilly neighborhood to dedicated cargo bike enthusiast. The most powerful batteries we can ever get are those deigned to make up huge big-rig and electric fork lift battery packs. The smallest are electric bicycle batteries. The torque power requirements range for general purpose commuter to load bearing cargo bike loads.

The unit of all batteries from electric cars, mobility scooters,  laptop and mini note books your phone to common touch cells ( batteries if you like ) is voltage. By definition the unit of the live energy that doesn't flow because it only alive at the terminals of every battery.

The only flow is a load of any circuit always in parallel with the total ( across every voltage ) drawing a current made up of the negative particle of the atom about several trillion every second a current unit of 1 amp (amperage ) at any voltage. The standard metric system ( mill lee ) designates a thousandth of an amp for the tiny double A penlight batteries. 250mA is 1/4 of several trillion electrons flowing at light speed every second.  500mA is 1/2,  750mA is 3/4 respectively.

Budget triple A's is only capable of supplying a maximum current of a few milliamps.  Drawing current more than that the voltage drops drastically loosing power is just a dead short to them. The bigger ones up to a 250mA. Expensive rechargeable ones as much as a few amps. The torque current drain on bike batteries is expected to be up to 10A. Mobility scooters and wheel chairs up to as much as 500.

The torque demanded assisting your peddling uses a little less power than mobility scooter batteries. Mobility scooters draw up to 500A or so at maximum power drain draining the battery flat in an hour. Maximum torque for bike batteries is expected to be as much as 50A maximum power drain output.

Called an amp hour rating careful saving on a battery limiting current to only an amp a modern bike battery should last up to 50 hours at a time. At maximum current drain of 50 should only an hour. The more you rely on the electric motor to assist your peddling the more power drawn from the battery the faster it runs low. This means the higher the amp our ratting the more longer lasting power.

Amp hour ratting means what you are thinking of the need for. The higher the amp hour power output the more load carrying torque capacity for the periods of time before needing recharge. High amp hour capacities are ideal for reliving peddling strain living in hilly neighborhoods.

The actual power ratting is multiplying the  current ( considering the amp hour ratting specified ) by the voltage. Typical bike batteries are about 36V. They will last an hour at a current drain of 10A assisting your peddling up steep hills equal to a power output of 360 electrical Watts lasting hour at a time before recharge.

Voltage, amp, and wattage ratting is often given in all specifications whether electric car, big-rig, your laptop mobility scooter to powerful long lasting laptops batteries. These specifications can be inspected on the batteries themselves

It is important to note all batteries illustrate electric power is made up of positive and negative properties. Looking at a common touch battery one terminal is not marked or has a black dash sign for the negative terminal and a red plus sign for the positive conclusively telling us of the properties, including the connection terminals of bike batteries. We connect batteries according to the polarity fitting the device.

The negative terminal of all batteries is a store of domineeringly negative atoms and the positive terminal domineeringly positive atoms. When a load is connected in parallel ( across ) any battery the excess electrons in the negative atoms are attracted away by the positive voltage repelled by the negative voltage in a direct current stream of an electron current flow direction. ( The resulting amperage ). Only if for a example 10A equal to 10 trillion electrons flowing on alight speed scale in the electrical device every second.

Recharging bike batteries the mains is a live with alternating positive and negative voltages. The positive voltage attracts electrons accelerating ( the amperage) one way. When the the voltage changes to negative repels accelerating the electrons back the opposite direction. The electron current is accelerated back and forth in a reparative cycle. In most countries the frequency is 60 times a second and in others 50.

The current is accelerated to maximum and slows down to a minimum before accelerated again in reverse direction again. This makes the peak to peak of all Alternating Current not effective at lest only 70.7%. Mathematics projects the usable peak to peak is multiplied by 0.707 expressed as the Root of the Mean Squared ( RMS ) value. The out put part of chargers is RMS.

Recharging whether a car to laptops mobility scooter laptop or phones all charging systems drop the mains voltage to a match that of the battery. You cannot recharge batteries direct from this dropped output. Charging systems redirect one of the voltages in the same direction the same as the other. You end up with an alternating voltages at the output both going the same direction at the same frequency as the mains.

It is very unstable and ineffective under load. In other words still a RMS even though DC. Charging systems smoothes out the alternating pulses so it is a smooth DC and electronic circuitry stabilizes it resulting in a perfect DC. That's how mobility scooter, bike, phone and laptop battery chargers converting AC mains to a perfectly smooth DC to charge the battery.

Expensive electric bikes use advanced smart charging systems that are digital modules that monitors and can tell when fully charged and switch off completely automatically. They are a state of the art digital microchip computer brains controlling the conversion from the dropped down voltage to the stabilized charging output. These are either built in the battery or a separately mounted somewhere in the bike frame. These take out the worry of over charging.

Connection is determined whether the manufacture earthed the whole system to the frame negative or positive. Smart systems have polarity protection to protect incorrect connections either electronically or like connecting USB flash drive ( memory sticks ) than can only go one way depending on how much the bike costs both.

The built in digital chip sets ( or a microcomputer module ) are the most expensive electric bikes simply because they are smart battery rechargeable. Budget bikes are dumb. Bike manufacture design their electric bikes according their style and models and economy offered. Budget models are offered to keep cost down for the consumer.

Opting for a budget model a third party smart timers from any hardware or electrical store connected to the wall and bike lead should be a useful supplement help preventing overcharging problems associated with budget electric bikes.

Expensive bikes have whether protection consideration built into the whole electrical system to protect from adverse weather riding habits of owners.

When shopping for an electric bicycle concentrate on  the battery specifications if they can come with electronic smart charge built into the battery or a separate computer module mounted somewhere on the fame. If a sales personal is worth his weight in gold should be able to sell the right electric bike bike that suits your needs. If a budget model is fitted with a smart charging computer module is often of inferior design or omitted completely.

Computerized smart charging ( Computer CPU modules ) whether in bike or a external hardware store timer you can forget you are recharging a flat battery and leave over night like owners of electric wheel chairs and mobility scooter owners will tell you because of the little computer controlling the charging rate for them. 

The next morning the battery is fully charged ready to go. The most expensive bikes cover all bases thou rally that give you good value for money under normal running conditions trouble free maintenance for years. Budget models have a high maintenance low life expectancy and expensive ones low maintenance and long life expectancy.  

Shopping round a careful inspection of the battery specifications can revel the effectiveness of torque of the battery and charging systems that depend on how much the bike costs. Expensive bikes are best known for their value for money and maintenance free ability this way.

Fully charged batteries don't like being stored without use for long periods of time. When storing an electric bike the battery should be flat. And like us they don't like their environment to hot or cold. As a rule of thumb they operate effectively the same comfortable temperature as us.

Even good ones become tricky to know if the acting up is because they are close to their useful life only a sign they are overheating or to cold. Make sure you understand the weather condition issues you are going be in when buying a electric bike.

Car batteries don't like being run flat and recharged from flat. They like trickle charges from their alternating topping them up once and a wheel. Laptop batteries on the other hand don't like trickle charging topping up. They like to be drain flat till their is no more power left to run the computer. The Laptop method is called deep cycling. It is the number of time a battery will last before needing replacement.

Operating on the principle shopping for a electric bike make sure you are aware of the cycling rate of the battery is before it needs to be replaced. The recycling rate tells how long the bike battery will last before needing to be replace. Take the recycling cycle rate at the maximum power drain every day every night recharging from flat. As a rule of thumb 365 cycles equates to a years worth of deep cycling. 

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