Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Bicycle rear derailleur, gear changer fix

The biggest challenge for us commuter is living in a hilly neighbourhood. Some of us have learnt to get the most from the gearing range instead of getting up off the seat for every grade. These days although no budget bike, Electric Power Assisted ( EPA ) bikes are now becoming common.

Personal transport every day becomes a lot of ware and tear. Building up a lot of kilometres commuting hilly religions gear changers get a lot of use. There comes a time the mechanism starts the habit of poor shifting response. It can be a sign of cable sticking problem developing. Before you read on cable sticking should be first ruled out.

Other than that, commonly budget types, become well worn. Large sprockets tend to stretch the derailleur to maximum twisting particularly the rear derailleur jockey wheel cage and hangers parts.

Bicycle manufactures stress their case in point as far as standard budget gear changers are concerned anyway, not recommending the use of the maximum large front and rear sprocket combination. The derailleur parts and chain are set at maximum stress twist, stretch and chain angle.

Minor chain link distortions start caused by a gradually twisting derailleur parts. Twisting jockey wheel cages  chains rub on the misaligned angle. Another source of chain link distortion is clunking gears specially moving upward from moving upwards from the smallest sprockets. It should not be ignored for to long. A sign is scared teeth marks on the tip of the teethes. Time to inspect the chain for signs of distorted chain inks before they get so bad will come apart. A slight twist will get worse in time.

A simple experiment with a brand new bike is a reasonable facsimile of what a any system should be.

The chain engaged with the largest front chain wheel and the largest rear sprocket. When the peddles are spun rapidly backwards in the freewheeling direction there will be no resistance. You should be able to spin freely quite a rapid spin with out jamming. Operating on the principle of a new bike action it's a reasonable guide of what we'd expect any system should be.

Gear change mechanism designs are influenced by the rear wheel drop outs, from competition racing and  mountain bikes to standard budget commuter to the non standard long stretched frame designs of tandem and cargo carrying capability bikes.

Competition race bikes tend to have small rear sprockets and very large front chain wheel designs. Standard budget commuter mountain bike tend to have a fairly large rear sprocket and front chain wheels. Competition models quite small front chain wheels.

Off the shelf stock budget defaulters are not really interchangeable. They certainly won't work on tandem and cargo carrying capacity bikes. Long tail cargo carrying capacity bikes need tandem derailleurs. Fitting standard budget types just won't work properly if not at all. Any brand will do so long as it compensate for the extra long frame. Searching the web or visiting shops for rear gear changers for the extra long tail cargo carrying capacity bikes be sure to use the search word term Tandem.

There is two types referred to the way they are mounted each one with their unique way of doing this. Common on budget bikes, hangers are built on the derailleur itself. They are typical budget changers mounted on the open C shape of the rear wheel drop out of budget bikes hanger and all. Standard budget bikes are standard enough the gear changers easy to get.

Alternatively hangers are often found built in as part of the rear drop out in the frame itself. Fasteners are built in the derailleur. Budget bikes tend to be fixed and irremovable interchangeable with off the shelf budget derailleur  while expensive bikes tend to readily removed for any need of replacement. Both are fairly common.

Standard budget derailleurs fitted to quietly bikes tend to be the wrong types specially tandem and long tail cargo fames causing gear changing inefficiency. Even only just working puts stress on the derailleur reverts in budget types holding the body together can be a significant cause of gear change inefficiency. The first signs of a twisting out of alignment is the habit of constantly adjusting the stop screws to stop chains from derailing at the extreme ends of the gear cluster. It also happens when the gear changing is constant copy with hill tertian cities and neighbourhoods

For the the screw on derailleur threaded hangers weakening threads will twist the derailleurs out of alignment. This is common with long tailed cargo bikes designs. Standard budget derailleurs won't work properly. Aluminum hangers are used in the event of a crash acting as a safety feature breaking away. Aluminum is always dodgy disadvantage. Just looking at aluminum threads side ways they cross thread.

The constant use of the gearing range keeps an on going weakening already weekend threads and twisting the hanger. Theoretically high tensile Iron and steel threads specially carbon fibber frames should cure the problem. But for preferred safety reasons aluminium is preferred.

Even occasional crashing of the rear gearing shouldn't be overlooked in the first place. Guided by the efficiency of back peddling freewheel new bike behaviour. The gear jockey wheel chain route condition is a reasonable derailleur and hanger guide condition. We should aim our repairs to close as possible to new bikes do.

Inspecting the tread of screw on changers don't over look dodgy looking threads when reassembling it because you will only make things worse in cross threading trying not to cross thread it when attempting to reassemble it. If you do with out new parts to get yourself up and running quickly again on hand you'll only regret it making things worse. Off the shelf standard budget spare derailleurs are not interchangeable to most bike certainly not the extra long length of cargo bike fames.

Trying to careful reassemble back on into a dodgy thread you will only have everything falling apart faster than you can put it back to getter again. If it doesn't matter to get going quickly again with new parts on hand you can't get yourself going again when ever you want. On gear cluster side of the drop there will be some form of unscrewing element provided where the hanger can be replaced with the new one.

All bikes except for some macho sprint and mountain  bikes have a spoke guard behind the rear gear cluster. Riding all the time in the largest rear sprocket large front chain wheel combination is the biggest contributor to the twisting gear derailleur twisting the hanger and damaging thread problem. Well warn changers  tend to catch the chain derailing off between the spokes and the largest gear sprocket.

Budget bikes tend to be clip on spokes plastic clip on's. In cold whether conditions they tend to get a bit fatigued brittleness. A twisted and well worn changer jockey wheel cages tend to clip the ridge of the guard chipping at it. In bad case ripping great chunks out of it. Any sign should be headed as a sign of worn derailleur and dodgy threads that soon going to let you down. If you won't to get up and running don't touch a thing treating it as inevitable you will be ending up having to by a new derailleur and hanger parts anyway.

When plastic bike guards get fatigued it's possible to break to peace's getting it out from behind the gear cluster. This is a sign of cold wet whether fatigue. Eventually the derailleur cadge dragging on the guard chips pieces off. The derailleur cadge is starting the habit of chipping off and eventual the risk of getting entangled in the spokes. If there is a persistent problem it should not be ignored when attempting to fix though adjustment. Time to replace the gear changer or hanger or both before they become a state everything made worse faster than you can fix it.

The following is assuming a brand new bike. It also an ideal case the deadlier should be the correct derailur for the bike. Don't ignore the signs of a sign of a warped warn out changer or and an on going cross threading in the gear changer threaded and the signs of the wrong type for the design of the frame

For both the front and rear changers adjust the smallest sprocket stop screw moving the derailleur inwards the chain just rubbing the derailleur cadge. Undo the inner cable fastener enough you can pull on the inner wire tail and retighten. As you readjust the stop screw back the slack will pull the cadge away from the chain.

The stop screws are like door stops preventing the chain from riding off the cogs into the spokes and the or jamming in the drop out stay. Changing different speed derailleur have a certain amount of  tolerance but most of the time not enough to prevent the derailleur to operate properly specially if modifying a10 speed frame to a 21 speed bike. The stop screw lengths can be effected where you may need longer or shorter screws. If you ride your bike in winter as much as you do summer odds are the wet weather has clogged stiff the changer

Not only in the changer mechanism but the inner wire cable sliding both ends of the outer cable. Neglected specially weather related a complete overhaul of the inner wire cable inside the outer to free the corrosion can often be necessary. Before you remove a derailleur set the handlebar changer engaging the largest sprocket, turn your bike upside down resting on the seat and handle bars and observe the "S" route though the jockey wheel cadge.

That is how you reassemble the chain route though the derailleur when you reassemble it. The most important observation the chain route should wrap well forward on the sprocket. It should not be straight. If it is the teeth of the sprocket can't engage the chain and you have extreme gear changing difficulties. When reassembling the derailleur you must make sure the stop screws are adjusted allowing the derailleur to run the chain well forward on the sprocket. Exchanging derailleur can off set this resulting in not pulling the chain forward on the sprocket resulting in a straight chain. A good dose of CRC spray concentrating on each end of the outer cable will free up the corrosion.

CRC won't immediately fix your problem but will in time free the inner cable. Spraying the derailleur with CRC often cures stiff nut and bolt anchoring the inner cable problems. A too oily derailleur attracts to much road dirt clogging the spring mechanism gumming up the efficiency of the spring function.

In the wet the oil is washed off leaving the grit behind. The changer needs to be taken off and the excess cleaned off ideally with petrol like motor mechanics clean excess oil from parts.  The springs need to be free to pull the derailleur pulling the chain off the largest sprocket to the smaller ones smoothly. There is also a back lateral movement. If it is the derailleur doesn't come forward the jockey wheel To avid grit clogging up the derailleur again lubricate with CRC spray instead keeping dirt from sticking to it. The same applies to the inner wire cables at both ends of the outer cable.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Calculus is a form of the laws of mathematics calculating movement and constant change. Curved lines are mathematically plotted.

The mathematics  was used by Albert Einstein to figure out the General theory of relativity ideal for plotting 3-D curvatures of his theory. Today it is the primary math's in animated computer software

The math's was invention stimulatingly by a British scientist Isaac Newton and a German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz working on the same lines. Throughout their careers they argued bitterly accusing each other of stealing their ideas. ( Paganism )

If it was up to Leinbniz the math's would have been known as Fluxions. Newton named it Calculus credited to him because of the of mathematical formulae solutions he invented to describe the motion of the curving orbits of the planets of our solar system.

Both Newton and Leibniz independently discovered they could twist the law of mathematics successfully exploring formulas, Leibniz into deducing formulas for projecting canon ball motions. Newton was inspired on similar lines bodies in motion falling to the ground. Why do apples drop to the ground the way they do? A flash of insight  Things are attracted to it followed the inspiration they are in motion in doing so. To Newton's mind as Leibniz would have agreed needed mathematical proof's.

Here is a example of how the law of mathematics works in projecting motion in the physics of a free falling body by the earth's gravity.

Newtown would agree with my example holding a kilogram ( or equivalent in pounds if you like ) block of iron over the ledge of the roof of a tall sky scraper where  we feel the force of the earth's mass pulling on it.

When we let go the earth's mass snatches it accelerating to a meter in a second and stops accelerating to a constant velocity familiar to most of us as terminal velocity.

Terminal velocity is caused by the force of the acceleration pulling back on it we express as G-forces. It is known as the inertia of a moving body. The G's ( or inertia if you like ) gets stronger in proportion the faster a it falls until the body gets so heavy with weighed down the earth's mass can't accelerate it any faster. It has reach a maximum free fall costing speed.

The resulting constant is a terminal acceleration point where free the falling kilogram can't coast down the side of the building any faster. The body impacts the immovable body of the mass of the earth with a force on the foot path of the street bellow. Newtown thought a lot about the the similar effects of the fall of apples doping from apple trees. He observed apples tended to bounces slightly.

Leibniz was inspired by the change of velocity once a body was set in motion. For example a cannon ball ejected in motion from standing start to rest. Newtown on the other hand was inspired by his though apples falling was in motion regular math's couldn't account for. So both Newton and Leibniz turned their attention to manipulating of the laws of mathematics to suit the needs.

The principles of the law of mathematics was idea. It effectively converts the1kg meter per second terminal velocity to kmph terms witch pans out to be 3.6kmph. It happens to say the same thing as a meter per second. Their math's uncovered mathematical proofs that free fall costing would cover a distance of 3.6km in by time of an one hour TV program. In other words, 3.6kmph equals a distance of 3.6km coasting a 1m/s.

Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of multiplying sixty seconds in a minute and sixty minutes in an hour adds up to 3,600 seconds.

Those into challenging mathematics Newtown's calculus ( Or Leibniz's fluxions ) uncovers how many floors our coasting body would travel in the first second, and how many floors per second after that during constant decent.

q`The knowledge of the standard metric system telling us there is a thousand meters in a km projects the the 1m/s velocity equals 3.kmph velocity. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter adding up all the seconds of an hour panning out to 60 seconds in a minute multiplied by the same 60 ( expressed as sixty squared ) because there is 60 minutes in an hour pans out to 3,600 seconds.

In other words a simple calculus formula says 3,600 seconds equals 60 squared. As Newtown and Leibniz would say because there is a constant 60 seconds in a minute and a constant 60 minutes in an hour, 3,600 seconds equals 60 squared is a math's constant. A letter from the Greek or our own alphabet chosen to stand as a reminder applied to any calculus formula.

C is not a good choice because it is already taken for the constant speed of light. Somthing else is needed to prevent confusion.

That immediately sounds about right to you mathematical instinct. Your instinct immediately agrees of course there is a meter every second that must equal to 3,600 meters in an hour of motion. In other words 3,6kmph velocity. This is an example of a caucus calculation. The calculation shows a 1kg block falling from a height of 3.6km up in the earth's atmosphere takes and hour to hit the ground. Mathematics can't lie you know.

Our immediate thought is all this sounds about right to us because our mathematical instinct recognizes dividing 3,600 by a thousand gives us 3.6 every 1m/s the k for a thousand. This is a calculus number crunching at work. To Newton and Lebiniz 3.6kmph is a mathematical function of 1kg free falling motion in 1m/s.

The laws of mathematics proves it. In other words any number crunching is a mathematical function of velocity. In this way Newton and Leizbin discovered a collection of formulas are just a rearmament of numbers saying the same thing.

For example if we look to a common child's time table chart checking out 3 times table  3  5's are 15 we find the same sum is found in the 5 times as 5  3's is the same 15.  That is only half the story.

If we dived 15 in the times 5 table by 3, we find 5 because 5,   3's are 15. If we check out the the times we find dividing 15 by 5 we get 3 because 5,  3's is 15 respectively.

This means 5 x 3 = 15,   3 x 5 = 15,  15 divide ( over if you like ) 3 is 5 and 15 divide 5 is 3 because 3,  5's are 15. The 4 formulas we fond in 2 different places in the whole table say the same thing. In other words they are the functions of 15. This is the law of mathematics doing in calculus.

Our mathematical is instinct agrees 5 and 3 is the function of 15. Such as the function law of calculus. Operating on the principle f for function any number for x and some times n for numbers describes a function in operation in a calculus formula. In this case describing the function of the free falling 1kg in the earth's gravity. 1m/s is a function of 3.6kmph. 1m/s = 3.6kmph = fx. ( or fn ).

In other words every answer in each sum of every sum all the other numbers are just functions of each answer. Recognizing the pattern in the entire table range your are well on the way in recognizing how calculus works.

As it turns out the 1kg at terminal velocity is 9.8 Newton's the unit of the the earth's gravity. If supermarket weighing scales are celebrated with Newton's, 9.8N would read 1kg of a stationary force of the 1kg at rest mass.

Newton and Leibniz math's describes 80kmph represents moving a distance of 80km into the future. Their math's projects the future hour is going to be the present hour the past hour, Calculus number crunching converts 80kmph into meters per second velocity respectively.

Lets mark the distance of 80km in 10km increments. We can be perfectionists like Newton and Leibniz to mark out the whole 50k in millimeters if you like. These into challenging mathematics will be doing the same challengers working out how many millimeters goes into 50km. Newton and Leibniz would have been interested in applying their new invention on the time of every millimeter in the whole distance traveled. They wouldn't hesitated in the challenge working out in millimeters per second.

The way they looked at the math's also proved it takes into account of a cross town variables of a say 5km trip. Newton and Leibniz would agree It would be the equivalent to opening out the cross town route to the same distance into a straight line. It projects the difference between a 5km highway equivalent.

With a bit of liner math's we can project how long at a constant speed on a state highway ( say 80kmph headed in what every direction the time to cover the distance. 80kmph and the distance of 5km is the data required.

Now lets say at the end of the straight line trip we turned round and headed to we we started.

Newtown and Leibniz  would have seen the change of direction coming back the other way changes things because we are going in another direction namely the reverse direction.

If we where originally North going we are now south going. Newtown and Leibinz would have looked at directions going one way adding up the kilometers. The reverse direction meant their math's was compelled to say returning back to the start takes away meaning back at the beginning is zero kilometers. The two different directions is the key. Even though in reality the speedometer says different mathematically the return journey took away the kilometers were we started.

Lets have a look at a pendulum swing. Calculus tells us the pendulum cycle would begin at stationary position moving though the motion. Passing the vertical hanging position it slowing approaching to a stop at the peak distance. Calculus is interested in how long it takes and the angle of the string to reach maximum distance.

Calculus is the kind of math's interested in the inertial forces generated at the change of direction. Here returning the opposite direction is a change of direction reaccelerating back towards the vertical position.

Passing the vertical position it is slowing down again to come to a stop to reverse direction to speed back up passed the vertical position to decelerate to a stop at the opposite extreme to return repeating the cycle. The 2 change of directions is the total length of the wavelength.

Calculus is the kind of math's that plots the stationary vertical point not the wavelength because any vertical hang is a zero motion position. If the motion of the swing takes a second from the vertical hang position to maximum peak the deceleration and reaccelerating is a 1/2 second passing though in motion though the vertical hang position.

The cycle takes a half second to accelerate from a peak passing back thought the vertical hang point slowing down to returning to the opposite. When the pendulum stops to reverse direction it recalculates passing though the vertical hang point slowing down again to the opposite maximum distance repeating the cycle.

Calculus is the kind of math's that plots the motion though the vertical rest position. The wavelength is the maximum distance of the peak to peak of the cycle in the example I've been giving you in a total of 4 seconds. In other words the total wavelength is 4 seconds per cycle frequency. If twice as fast 2 seconds and twice as fast 1 cycle per second.

Calculus is the kind of math's that projects the acceleration and deceleration passing though the vertical hang point at a cycle of a second per velocity is 1/4 second ( or 250mS ).

The frequency is called Hertz ( Hz ). The standard metric system prefix system for electromagnetic radio and television transition signals kilo ( key low ) for a thousand, Mega for a million and Giga for a thousand million times per second. ( Kilohertz, Megahertz and Gigahertz, KHz, MHz and GHz respectively ).

The wavelengths using the standard metric system prefixes milli ( mill lee ) for a thousandth, micro ( or micron if you like ) for a millionth, and Nano for a thousand millionth of a meter. ( mili- micro- and Nano meters, mm, Um, and Nm wavelengths respectively ).

We can easily appreciate how tiny the wavelength's are observing millimeter scales in common school rulers. Calculus rules tell us millimeter wavelengths are just the inverse of KHz frequencies. 1mm wavelength is a 1KHz frequency.

Micrometers can be barely seen in engineering rules 10 times smaller than mm an  inverse of  Megahertz frequencies. A micrometer wavelength is a 1MHz frequency.

Nanometers is our body cell scale. A 1 Nanohertz wavelength is a 1GHz frequency. It is the wavelength that fits across any cell width.

Today everything is digitized. The latter described is analogue. There is a minimum and maximum peak to peak and in between.

Also imagine switching your room switch off and on. You should manage a off/on frequency of about a Hertz. Every time you switch off there is still a residue of current in motion.

When you switch back on the residue current from switched off is still reseeding but now becomes entangled with the current surge when you switch back on.

The entanglement of the on/of surges is what causes a lot of interference properties, the old snowing and conducting the signal bouncing off buildings the old ghosting effect we don't see now.

Going back to the light switch when you switch on imagine this time there is no residue current. The power is completely fixed level off. When you switch back on there is no residue either. The power is completley fixed level on. The important thing to remember there is no between distinction. Either the light bulb is drawing power on or not drawing power when off.

There is no residue inference nor can it pick up any bouncing signal effect. However we do see interference  effect on television occasionally caused by a sudden drain of power dropping the fixed current level below power to maintain the signal. So apart from that digital tends to be impervious to interference.

Not only that TV's are really your commuters multimedia circuit offering the same high rich resolution definition quality your multimedia in your computer is capable of. The laws of calculus allows mathematicians to be TV engineers from the data supplied by TV engineers from the makers.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Short tem menory

Today psychologists call short term memory working memory. But for now we'll stick to what's familiar.

An Instructor writes on a blackboard to a child 3 plus 7 equals 10, instructing the child to concentrate on the numbers letting the information sink in for a minute then erasing the 10.

A few minutes latter asks what does 3 plus 7 equal? Average working memory will immediately remember the 10. Obviously a sign of average short term memory working as it should.

However confused waiting for the answer "EH" look on their face is a obvious sign of below average short term memory problem.

Ignoring the confusion the instructor patiently tells the child the answer. A few minutes latter asks if they remember what 3 plus 7 equals was.

Once again the child will seem confused but this time they pucker their lips to think a bit. Some how knows they have been told. Their Brian is asking for confirmation. Ignoring this the instructor calmly tells the child the answer again.

After a minute the instructor repeats the question

This time the child expresses some facial and uncomfortable and frustrated body language signs they remembered something but can't quite remember the details feeling a bit sheepish they had been be told a couple of times. Ignoring this the instructor patiently and calmly tells the child the answer again.

The child's body language expresses they ought to have known the answer not underrating why they couldn't remember.

Ignoring this a few minutes latter the instructor calming and penitently asks the question again.

The child squirms in frustration in trying to think because they know they should know the answer. Remerging already told a couple times they feel they ought to know better not know the answer but still can't remember.

Ignoring this the instructor patiently tellsthe child the answer again.

The child reacts with body language frustration as if recognition "OHHH! That's right! Tisck! I remember now! How stupid can I get!" with a touch of embarrassment.

Ignoring this a few minutes latter the instructor ask calmly again what 3 plus 7 equals again.

This time the child squirms and puckers their lips in trying to remember thinking hard knowing they ought to know the answer but can't remember.

Cool calm and collected as ever the instructor ignoring this calmly tells the child the answer again

The child's body language is really expressing embarrassment frustration at not being able to remember.

Ignoring this a few minutes latter the instructor calmly asks what 3 plus 7 equals.

This time the child is in a bit of a panic they should know the answer by now but for the life of the child still can't remember.

The instructor still cool calm and collected as ever about it calmly tells the child 10.

The child's body language and facial expression  says it all, "OHHHH! Tisck! That's right, I remember now! Of course I've already told a few times already. How stupid can I get! Tisk, I don't know!" Explaining to the instructor I forget again or I don't know.

A few minutes latter  the instructor simply as a mater of fact way calmly ask what is 3 plus 7.

This time the panic is obvious. The body language tells the instructor the child knows they have been told more than once already. In a panic tries to remember the answer but for the life of them they can't remember

Ignoring this the instructor calmly tells the child in a mater of fact tone the answer again

This time the Childs whole body language expresses so much frustration.  "Of course it does! How stupid of me to not being able to member"  beating themselves up about it how they are so stupid they should remember.

Ignoring this a few minutes latter the instructor just calmly ask the child what 3 plus 7 equal again.

This time the child is in a real panic trying to remember. Remember they have been told time and time again already they panic ally tells the instructor "No don't tell I know this one I know it" Trying desperately thinking hard to remember but can't.

Ignoring the child's plea tells the child repeats the answer.

By now the child's facial reaction and body language is obvious awkwardness, uncomfortable, embarrassed, frustrated and disappointed in having to be told. Again!

Again the instructor ignores this a few minuets latter still asking calmly and patiently what does 3 plus 7 equal?

This time the child is in a real panic they know they know the answer struggling to think. "Think! Think! Think!"

Ignoring the reaction again just calmly tells the child again.

This time the child is annoyed at the instructor telling the answer.

 Ignoring this a few minutes latter once again calmly asks what is 3 plus 10.

This time the child is in a real panic trying to think struggling to remember knowing they should but is struggling to. Finally the child blurts out loud at the top of their voice 10! That's right it's10! 10! 10! Now I know" in relief delight

The body language expressing frustration and embarrassment beating them selves up how could they not remember in the first place. "How stupid of me"

The instructor happily congregates and supports the child in a effort well done.

In reality under normal circumstances the child would have been treated like from some other planet at the first or the second attempt. This is what bellow average short term working memory children must learn to live with all their lives.

The psychologist keeping cool calm and collected supporting the child at the end of the session had gained a rapport gaining valuable data of what's going on in the child's life gaining insight into designing an effective treatment program.

Children with average short term working memory tend to be treated with fair reverence by adults and their pair groups alike. Above average are treated as cool and intelligent. Below average are often ignored by adults and treated as two bit under achieving loser gaining the attention of buying pair croups because they are so slow.

We all do it. It seems to be a part of the human psyche. The next time you see a picture of a face reflect the person's face is below average short term memory. Then compare your reaction that to the same parson's face as average and compare your reaction to above average. 

Below average often gets the silent treatment not to mention bullied. No support a child can easily grow up feeling very inferior and resentful at the reverence showed by others towards average let a lone to above average pairs, At times I bet they feel as if rubbing their noses in it if done in their company. Feelings of resentment must well up can lead to all sorts of heated conflicts.

If we study successful entrepreneur and marketing guru business people we may find they may have been successful because using a  remarkable short term working memory. We only need to reflect what happens to individuals with below average short term memory skills let a lone below average to understand that.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

String Thoery

String theory is heart of the atom. Nature makes up mater everything out of molecule building blocks made up of the building blocks of cells in turn made up of the building blocks of the atom. Even a microscope worth a lot of money is like trying to observe marbles with powerful binoculars 1000's of km's away.

Even smaller are orbiting negative particles called electrons orbiting a central core ( or nucleus if you like ) is made up of  bigger positively charged particles called protons and neutrally charged particles called neutrons called the nucleus itself the heart of string theory itself.

String theory was developed from accelerating atoms on light a speed scale. Enormous amount G-forces ( G's if you like ) produced is so powerful experience close to Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity effects. G's is the property of the pull back force on accelerating.

We this force in accelerating roller coaster rides as a if a heavy weight of a couple kilograms pulling us back into our seats. It is expressed as the property of matter in motion called inertia. Inertia at light speed generate G's traveling a distance of just under 300,000km in one second flat.

This is accentually one of Isaac Newton's force and motion laws on a light speed scale where there is a force ( the acceleration )  there is an equal and opposite force ( the inertia or G's if you like ) at work. Inertia slows down acceleration to a constant velocity. At maximum speed limit if you like.

A body accelerated can't be accelerated any further. The maximum speed velocity of the particles accelerated by particle accelerators is just under light speed itself. It is as fast as they can go. Light speed itself is a velocity they it doesn't go any faster either.

The G's is so great it strips electrons from off the atom leaving only the bare nucleus. The velocity of the particles is enough to resist the inertia at the cost of getting heaver and heavier in equal proportion the faster the nucleus goes. Eventually inertia becomes irresistible where the nucleus can't travel any faster.

They reach a maximum speed limit expressed as a terminal velocity point or as I put it acceleration is terminated where it is a terminal acceleration point. Terminal acceleration is reached less than a second as soon as the particles are kicked into motion.

The nucleus is collided head on with other nucleus heading the opposite direction at the same velocity. The combined velocity is strong enough to split the nucleus scattering debris like the combined force of 160kmp ( or a 100mph if you like ) car smash. Instruments record the scattering of all sorts of particles.

The inertia of the collision causes some particles to come into existence. But they disappear less than a second. There is a whole zoo found quarks for one. The collusions have shown they only originate near light collisions splitting up the protons and neutrons.

There are other particles like the newly observed Higgs Boson believed to be responsible for the inertia of in the mass of the nucleus particles.

Physics have discovered a theory quarks inside the protons and neutrons are made of strings. The are so tiny like trying to observe a shoe string clear across the other side of the universe.

Physicist believe they are vibrating like string instrument strings. Just one pluck of a single guitar string generates a sound wave we recognize as single guitar note. Lets take a punk rock concert in action.

The dynamic energy of the voices, guitarist and drummer produces a entertaining  harmony punk rock fans enjoy produced by the coordinated skill of the musicians to work together the many notes of the electric guitar and percussion instruments of the drums can produce multitasking all at the same time. Partial physics believe is the way the strings inside protons and neutrons work.

One of the main things that confirms string existence is mathematics. Number crunching done by computers adds up. Commuters project just one pluck of a string instrument representing a vibrating string produces one type of particle. A single string pluck of another string produces a different particle. In other words each string of a string instrument produces individual particles in a rock concert.

The skill of the musician to coordinate a song played on a guitar or violin produces a pleasing harmony depending on our personal taste of the type of music we enjoy.

Physicist believe the number of cords that can be played on all musical instruments represents an analogy of different dimensions believed to be 10 in fact. Inside the core of the nucleus particles we can never hope to detect the dimensions. 

The many styles of musical taste played and the billions of songs in the world every instrument can play is enough to believe there is a equal number of dimensions to the nucleus particle string vibrate at.
Each note of every song in the whole world put together is a universe in it's own right.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Electric bicycle batteries

Macho cowboy cyclists are not really impressed with Electric Powered Assisted bikes ( EPA ). However EPA bikes are a god sent to us commuters specially the habit of cargo carrying. Electric assisted bikes have been experimented with ever since the battery was been invented.

The very first battery was a crude set of electrically charged pile of metal plates storing static electricity demonstrated to Napoleon Bonaparte by the German inventor Alexandria Volta. There has been a extensive experimentation and commercial production that continues to this day.

An off shoot of battery design can be attributed to Particle physicists smashing particles of the atom together close to light speed scales in their particle accelerators verifying the nature of quantum physics potential for quantum batteries. The strange behaviour of the particle of the atom will almost certainly provide technology on a quantum level to all batteries from pen light double A touch cells ( or batteries if you like ) to big-rig truck batteries.

Partial physicists should be able to provide enough data  for experimental electric formula one racing car rivalling the power and performance endurance of current chemical combustion engine models.

When buying a electric bike the law won't allow electric bikes to be any more powerful that standard peddling power as mobility scooter stands on pedestrian walk ways. This means the maximum speed limits are restricted to normal cycling speeds. Pushing unassisted limits is up to a max of about 35kmph. Unassisted record breaking maximums have been record in the genus book of records.

Normal unassisted cycling speed is a good rule of thump how fast electric bikes will be allowed to go. The law only recognizes peddling up hill assistance. The power out put won't allow you to go any faster than normal cycling speeds in any form whether down hill or flat runs. Electric motors make excellent braking systems that automatically control how fast you can coast freely down a steep hill coincidently an ideal safety breaking or speed limiting feature.

Knowledge of how batteries in general work goes along way in understanding how to choose, care, maintenance and getting the maximum life out of the battery before needing replacement.

The power of electric cars, mobility scooters to electric wheel chairs just like electric powered bicycle motors specially cargo bike designs have their mobile power drain on the battery considerations in mind. Batteries like combustion engine power is determined by power of bearing a heavy load under accelerating conditions called torque. It is basically the power of 0 to a certain speeds and hill climbing power ability. The better the power to handle head on strong winds at that too the better the torque power.

Maximum for electric bikes defined by the power of pulling a heavy a heavy cargo bike frame carrying a heavy person carrying a heavy load into heavy head on wind up a long steep hill from zero to a standing start to 20kmph in several seconds to the constant velocity for kilometers before needing to be recharged with ease. The chose of electric bike depends on what you are thinking you want one for your agenda.

The power of the battery depends on how much your are prepared for the frequency of recharging whether to just to ease the weigh of your peddling in a hilly neighborhood to dedicated cargo bike enthusiast. The most powerful batteries we can ever get are those deigned to make up huge big-rig and electric fork lift battery packs. The smallest are electric bicycle batteries. The torque power requirements range for general purpose commuter to load bearing cargo bike loads.

The unit of all batteries from electric cars, mobility scooters,  laptop and mini note books your phone to common touch cells ( batteries if you like ) is voltage. By definition the unit of the live energy that doesn't flow because it only alive at the terminals of every battery.

The only flow is a load of any circuit always in parallel with the total ( across every voltage ) drawing a current made up of the negative particle of the atom about several trillion every second a current unit of 1 amp (amperage ) at any voltage. The standard metric system ( mill lee ) designates a thousandth of an amp for the tiny double A penlight batteries. 250mA is 1/4 of several trillion electrons flowing at light speed every second.  500mA is 1/2,  750mA is 3/4 respectively.

Budget triple A's is only capable of supplying a maximum current of a few milliamps.  Drawing current more than that the voltage drops drastically loosing power is just a dead short to them. The bigger ones up to a 250mA. Expensive rechargeable ones as much as a few amps. The torque current drain on bike batteries is expected to be up to 10A. Mobility scooters and wheel chairs up to as much as 500.

The torque demanded assisting your peddling uses a little less power than mobility scooter batteries. Mobility scooters draw up to 500A or so at maximum power drain draining the battery flat in an hour. Maximum torque for bike batteries is expected to be as much as 50A maximum power drain output.

Called an amp hour rating careful saving on a battery limiting current to only an amp a modern bike battery should last up to 50 hours at a time. At maximum current drain of 50 should only an hour. The more you rely on the electric motor to assist your peddling the more power drawn from the battery the faster it runs low. This means the higher the amp our ratting the more longer lasting power.

Amp hour ratting means what you are thinking of the need for. The higher the amp hour power output the more load carrying torque capacity for the periods of time before needing recharge. High amp hour capacities are ideal for reliving peddling strain living in hilly neighborhoods.

The actual power ratting is multiplying the  current ( considering the amp hour ratting specified ) by the voltage. Typical bike batteries are about 36V. They will last an hour at a current drain of 10A assisting your peddling up steep hills equal to a power output of 360 electrical Watts lasting hour at a time before recharge.

Voltage, amp, and wattage ratting is often given in all specifications whether electric car, big-rig, your laptop mobility scooter to powerful long lasting laptops batteries. These specifications can be inspected on the batteries themselves

It is important to note all batteries illustrate electric power is made up of positive and negative properties. Looking at a common touch battery one terminal is not marked or has a black dash sign for the negative terminal and a red plus sign for the positive conclusively telling us of the properties, including the connection terminals of bike batteries. We connect batteries according to the polarity fitting the device.

The negative terminal of all batteries is a store of domineeringly negative atoms and the positive terminal domineeringly positive atoms. When a load is connected in parallel ( across ) any battery the excess electrons in the negative atoms are attracted away by the positive voltage repelled by the negative voltage in a direct current stream of an electron current flow direction. ( The resulting amperage ). Only if for a example 10A equal to 10 trillion electrons flowing on alight speed scale in the electrical device every second.

Recharging bike batteries the mains is a live with alternating positive and negative voltages. The positive voltage attracts electrons accelerating ( the amperage) one way. When the the voltage changes to negative repels accelerating the electrons back the opposite direction. The electron current is accelerated back and forth in a reparative cycle. In most countries the frequency is 60 times a second and in others 50.

The current is accelerated to maximum and slows down to a minimum before accelerated again in reverse direction again. This makes the peak to peak of all Alternating Current not effective at lest only 70.7%. Mathematics projects the usable peak to peak is multiplied by 0.707 expressed as the Root of the Mean Squared ( RMS ) value. The out put part of chargers is RMS.

Recharging whether a car to laptops mobility scooter laptop or phones all charging systems drop the mains voltage to a match that of the battery. You cannot recharge batteries direct from this dropped output. Charging systems redirect one of the voltages in the same direction the same as the other. You end up with an alternating voltages at the output both going the same direction at the same frequency as the mains.

It is very unstable and ineffective under load. In other words still a RMS even though DC. Charging systems smoothes out the alternating pulses so it is a smooth DC and electronic circuitry stabilizes it resulting in a perfect DC. That's how mobility scooter, bike, phone and laptop battery chargers converting AC mains to a perfectly smooth DC to charge the battery.

Expensive electric bikes use advanced smart charging systems that are digital modules that monitors and can tell when fully charged and switch off completely automatically. They are a state of the art digital microchip computer brains controlling the conversion from the dropped down voltage to the stabilized charging output. These are either built in the battery or a separately mounted somewhere in the bike frame. These take out the worry of over charging.

Connection is determined whether the manufacture earthed the whole system to the frame negative or positive. Smart systems have polarity protection to protect incorrect connections either electronically or like connecting USB flash drive ( memory sticks ) than can only go one way depending on how much the bike costs both.

The built in digital chip sets ( or a microcomputer module ) are the most expensive electric bikes simply because they are smart battery rechargeable. Budget bikes are dumb. Bike manufacture design their electric bikes according their style and models and economy offered. Budget models are offered to keep cost down for the consumer.

Opting for a budget model a third party smart timers from any hardware or electrical store connected to the wall and bike lead should be a useful supplement help preventing overcharging problems associated with budget electric bikes.

Expensive bikes have whether protection consideration built into the whole electrical system to protect from adverse weather riding habits of owners.

When shopping for an electric bicycle concentrate on  the battery specifications if they can come with electronic smart charge built into the battery or a separate computer module mounted somewhere on the fame. If a sales personal is worth his weight in gold should be able to sell the right electric bike bike that suits your needs. If a budget model is fitted with a smart charging computer module is often of inferior design or omitted completely.

Computerized smart charging ( Computer CPU modules ) whether in bike or a external hardware store timer you can forget you are recharging a flat battery and leave over night like owners of electric wheel chairs and mobility scooter owners will tell you because of the little computer controlling the charging rate for them. 

The next morning the battery is fully charged ready to go. The most expensive bikes cover all bases thou rally that give you good value for money under normal running conditions trouble free maintenance for years. Budget models have a high maintenance low life expectancy and expensive ones low maintenance and long life expectancy.  

Shopping round a careful inspection of the battery specifications can revel the effectiveness of torque of the battery and charging systems that depend on how much the bike costs. Expensive bikes are best known for their value for money and maintenance free ability this way.

Fully charged batteries don't like being stored without use for long periods of time. When storing an electric bike the battery should be flat. And like us they don't like their environment to hot or cold. As a rule of thumb they operate effectively the same comfortable temperature as us.

Even good ones become tricky to know if the acting up is because they are close to their useful life only a sign they are overheating or to cold. Make sure you understand the weather condition issues you are going be in when buying a electric bike.

Car batteries don't like being run flat and recharged from flat. They like trickle charges from their alternating topping them up once and a wheel. Laptop batteries on the other hand don't like trickle charging topping up. They like to be drain flat till their is no more power left to run the computer. The Laptop method is called deep cycling. It is the number of time a battery will last before needing replacement.

Operating on the principle shopping for a electric bike make sure you are aware of the cycling rate of the battery is before it needs to be replaced. The recycling rate tells how long the bike battery will last before needing to be replace. Take the recycling cycle rate at the maximum power drain every day every night recharging from flat. As a rule of thumb 365 cycles equates to a years worth of deep cycling.