Friday, February 2, 2018

The distortion of time

We observe the second hand of stop watches, wrist watches and clocks including digital seconds move every division every second. every now moment of time. Sports coaches win and loose our sports heroes less than a second. The standard metric prefix system (mill-lee) milli for 1 dived a thousand. 250 is quarter second (0.25) 500 a half (0.5) and 750 (0.75) is three quarter second respectively. Our wrist watches and clocks fix time at a constant speed of the present, and past seconds.

We have no memories of every future second comming. They a totaly blank to us. Our time peices tell us times arrow is the future second to come becoming the now second passing into the past second every second.

When our time peices keep good time time don't go any faster or slower than that. For the average  person there no memory beyond every present second. Every time the second hand moves every division is a now time. Every current minute is made of the memories of the past seconds.

In 1900 a German Physicist Max Planck announced he had figured out a mathematical unit of the smallest measure of the universe he called quanta. 1 quanta is defined as 1 dived 6262 followed by 29 zeros a total of a 34 digit number named after Her Planck known as the Plank constant. 6.262 times 10 to the 34 is a Planck frequency meaning 6.262 times 10 to the 34 quota by the time our wrist watch or clock second hand (including any digital seconds) moves every division.

Albert Einstein has been a popular reference to time travel ever since the introduction of the special theory of relativity. It started when he was 16 riding his bicycled deep in thought. A thought occurred to him.

"I wonder what would it be like to ride a beam of light"?

7 years latter in 1905 working as a patent examiner in Cern Switzerland he answered his own question. He was inspired to write a paper originally entitled the dynamics of moving bodies known today as the special theory. He sent a copy of his work to the German science magazine at the time called Annalen der Physik who published it in one of their issues. The paper dealt with a number issues of relativity but most famous for inspiring time travel theory.

The key to Einstein's theory is the fact that light is at it's maximum speed limit in a zero resistance of space of a 186 thousand miles per second. Despite no resistance it just doesn't coast any faster than that. It is a maximum distance of 1 second of time, By that time the second hand of wrist watch and clocks move every division including digital seconds every second.

Einstein was the first theoretical physics to realize high speed acceleration is what we commonly express today in G's. It is a pull back force we all experience pinning us back into our seats in ultra high speed take off's speically in a ultra short distanc. He realized motion on a light speed scale the horrific G's distorted time itself thus space.

Gravity is renowned for compressing matter into spheres every speck of dust asteroid stars and Planets. Einstein realized motion on a light speed scale 0 to a 186 thousand miles in one second equal to the G's 0 to 669 million 600 thousand mph in a second.

In a sense time in space is every 186 thousand miles of distorted time of the time on earth called space time. In kilometer terms  every mile equals 1.609km. It is only a matter of 186 thousand times1.609.  Light travels a desistance of 299 thousand 274 kilometers by the time every second hand of wrist watches and clocks (including digital seconds) move every division every second.

Arithmetic is an exact science. Rounding off create significant amount of errors when adding up. To keep errors from mounting we should avoid rounding off to the nearest. For example in km terms light travels 299 thousand 274 kilometers per second not 300 thousand.

The distance between the earth and moon light takes less than a couple of seconds to reach our eyes every second. Moonlight we see now is what the moon was in that time ago every second. We all know there's 60 seconds in a minute. Thus light speed multiplied by 60 pans out to the distance light travels every minute.

Light takes 8 to reach our eyes from the sun that works out a total of 8 times 60, times light speed. The sun is only 8 light minutes away from earth. Like moonlight what we see now is what the sun was 8 minutes ago every second. Every second light coasts from the sun right now (real time for the sun) is 186 thousand miles above the sun's surface every second. For the real sun time on earth we don't see this light until every second hand of a clock moves every division in 8 minutes.

We know there's 60 minutes in an hour. It pans out a 1 hour TV program is made up of a 3 thousand 60 of space times a simple formula seconds in an hour equals 60 squared. In mph terms 186 thousand per second multiplied by 3 thousand 600. Multiplied by 1.609 in kmph distance traveled in that time.

Distance in miles equals 60 squared times C and times 1.609 for km. Light travels a distance of 699 million miles and 299 thousand 274 kilometers by the space time a 1 hour long TV program.

The Gregorian  calendar western countries use is an example of time on earth for the western culture. To the west  a date change is every 24 hours at every 12 midnight is but one example. It is only a matter of 24 times 186 thousand giving the distance light travels in that time whether it be miles or kilometers. (m/km 24hd = 60 squared 24 C)

Digital time pieces is an example to there being no such thing as 24 hours. If the seconds column is included a second before the date changes 23:59 p.m. (23 hours, and 59 minutes) a whole minute before the numbers resets to 12 midnight (00:00) a.m. no hours, and no minutes for a whole minute.

Another example of calendar time is the 7 days of a week, 14 for a fortnight. If we add up all the seconds light traveling every 186 thousand miles (or a 186 thousand times 1.609km) every second in that time.

If we take 12 midnight new years morning (00:00 a.m.) to New years eve (23:59 p.m.) in 12 months pans out to well over 31 million seconds in the year. Traditionally news years eve countdown the old year is separated by the new year by a single second. Digital watches that include the seconds column tell us (:55), five....... (:56) four....... (:57) three....... (:58) two....... (:59) one......(00:00). All seconds of a year equals 60 squared times 24 times 365 days.

To calculate all the seconds in a decade we need to take into account of the extra day given at the end of every 3rd February every 10 years. We can calculate all the seconds light travels a distance in a century, in a millennia, (a thousand years) a million a billion even in a trillion centuries pass on earth even eternity. Even then things can have change for the earth's spin and orbit compared to our time.

Currently the earth's orbit throws us a curve ball because 365 and a quarter days in a normal year and the extra day at the end of every 3rd February 366 and quarter for every leap year. Taking into account of every quarter day and every leap year we can project all the seconds in every decade and century. And remember it pays not to keep rounding off to avoid inaccuracy.

International time 12 midnight takes 24 hours to circumnavigate the circumference of the earth's surface though country to country. What is 12 midday one side of the earth is 12 midnight opposite side. Even across borders of each state inside each country are often hours ahead. What would be 12 midnight new years morning in one state would be 11:00 p.m. behind in another state.

With arithmetic skill it's possible to add up all the seconds of a milliner (thousand years), millions and billions or years even trillions of centuries pass on earth the distance light would have coasted  the universe.

If we park statues point of view of their surroundings is example of a meaningless of time. God knows how many centuries pass every second to them. From our point of view they are frozen in present time every second indefinitely. Fossils are an example of millions of years in seconds since the animal died.

Some of us are inspired time travel is possible specially popular Einstein's special theory of relativity. It's not a velocity of the finite speed of light but an observation of the a static faster than the environment second.

In the second year of world war one Einstein sent a copy of a squeal to the special theory we call today the General theory to Annalen der Physik who promptly published it. In it describes the distortion of space time space itself is flexible and rubbery that the mass of matter (Stars and planets) bend space just as equally as the G's of light speed. It was a sensation over turning Isaac Newtown's gravity.

Using the System International (SI) unit Hertz frequency for a normal second of 60 seconds in every minute. Adding up all the seconds in an hour pans out to 3 thousand 600 seconds. Every minute is 60 times as slow as every second and an hour is 3 thousand 600 times as slow as a every second. Every second is 60th of a minute and 3 thousand 600th of an hour

 An example of this the hand movements of our wrist watches and clocks. We view the second hand move every division every second. I second equals 1Hz what we see of the minute and hour hands frozen in time at any given moment of time. By the time the second hand moved a full circle we don't observe the minute hand had been moving a move full division.

Things are even more dramatic with the hour hand. We never observe the minute hand moving the circle let a lone the hour hand. Both hands appear constantly frozen in time. 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour pans out to a total of 3 thousand 600 time as slow as every second. Both hands circle the face to slow to observe moving. They are always frozen in time moving every division.

Imagine we observe the minute hand of a clock sped up as fast as every second. We observe the the second hand as a bluer racing round the face 60 times a second. We would observe the minute hand move every division as fast as we normally view every second. We would be at a frequency of 60Hz.

But from an environment observers perspective we would appear to slowed down proportionately.
Every second of our time would appear to be every minute of their time slow. We would be 60 times as slow as their every second. (Minus 60Hz) Observer perspective would view us frozen in time as slow as minute while we observe the environment at plus 60Hz

If we we observe an hour into the future every second there is 60 seconds in a minute and sixty seconds in an hour which pans out to 3 thousand 600 seconds. We would observe the second hand of the clock race round the face 3 thousand 600 times as fast as as our second and the minute hand 60 times in the same amount of time.

From a environment observer's point of view we would be that times as slow as every their second. They would observe our second in a hour of their time. We would be in present time frozen in time every second 3 thousand 600 times as slow.

The faster we observe an environment's time the slower it appears to be. So what if we were faster than the environment's time? Things are reversed. We see would observe the environment's time slow down proportionately while environment observers see us speed up proportionately. From their point of view if we where 60 times as fast as a second from our point of view the environment is 60 times as slow.

Observers would observe us as we normally observe electric fan blades disappear into a blur perspective. If we were 3 thousand 60 times as fast from their frequency perspective 3.6KHz would be to fast to observe as a solid body in time anymore. Imagine a frequency of 86.4KHz. From our perspective minus 86.4KHz

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