Sunday, February 4, 2018

Black holes

Black holes are renowned for their infinite gravitational pull. Gravity itself is renowned for compressing matter into spheres and black holes should be no exception. Some of us are reminded right in the center (the singularity) of a time before the big bang that has supposed to have created our universe. The border where light disappears into the black voids is called the event horizon.

Some us believe if a black hole spin at the speed of light there should be enough centrifugal force to create a ringed hole. The finite speed should neutralize the infinite gravitational inward pull for ships to safely travel though. Zero gravity is unheard of for a black hole.

It was once believed the combined gravitational field of the universe kept the universe from expanding until, the total was finally measured. To cosmologists shock and surprise there was not enough. There was missing gravity. It takes the mass of stars and galaxies to create gravity. It is thought their is some sort of dark matter making up the short fall.

A feature of the universe galaxies are moving away from one another. Theoretically the gravitational field of dark matter should be slowing down the expansion keeping the galaxies from expanding. Today there evidence of the universe is actually not slowed by dark matter but accelerating. What was expanding the universe against dark matter? So what ever is accelerating the galaxies was coined as some sort of dark energy they don't know anything about.

The a law of the universe says there is a maximum speed limit to all things. Specks of dust to stars travel the universes at constant velocities way way slower than light speed. Light speed itself coasts in the zero resistance of space at a maximum speed of 186 thousand miles per second. It just doesn't go any faster than a terminal velocity. It seems the terminal velocity of the universe is decreasing.

According to Isaac Newton the mass of bodies is supposed to attract each other the foundation of gravity until a German science magazine in world war 1 Annalen der Physik published Albert Einstein's sequel to the special theory of relativity called the General Theory. In the special theory it was predicted everything on a light speed scale distorts time. Distorting time distorts space. Space is flexible and rubbery. The General theory takes this one step further. The mass of body's bend space. From specks of dust to massive stars a curved space surrounds the entire circumferences like plastic shrink rap round an apple.

We can understand how mass works when feel the weight of a1kg pack of butter resting in our hands. We feel the earth's mass pulling on it technically a potential energy. Similarity we feel the earth's mass pull on it suspended over the ledge on the roof of a tall sky scrapper. If we let go the earth's mass snatches accelerating it to a meter in a second.

Despite the air resistance the falling mass has become a constant 1 meter per second free fall missile. The constant velocity is known as a terminal velocity what I call a terminal acceleration point. At the constant velocity destructive energy is store in called kinetic energy. At this point the earth's mass can't accelerate it any faster. It is at it's maximum momentum free fall tumbling headlong down the side of the building impacting with the street below. Like any free falling mass the 1kg overcomes the air resistance plowing straight though it like a bulldozer.

Mathematics projects the missile has become a 1kg a meter per second pans out to 3.6kmph impacting force. Kinetic energy is that force stored in the free fall during it's decent down the side of the building. In the instant stop with the immovable mass of the earth the becomes a gravity stronger than the earth dissipating though it to normal rest mass in a second. 

On the way down there is sufficient force to plough though anything that was in it's free falling path smashing though to the to the street bellow. A 1kg of soft butter free falling at 3.6kmph is not much force. Concrete filed basket balls have enough energy to absorb the impact. Bouncing and the destructive energy of kinetic energy depends on the density of the falling body.

If it wasn't for the earth atmosphere a single feather would drop at the same rate as the 1kg mass. What will fall faster the density of a bag stuffed full of feathers weighing the same as a 1kg steel block. Despite the different densities they both weigh the same the same free fall mass the same velocity, with the same kinetic energy impact force. The sudden stop of the impact behaves differently.

The idea the universe created by a big bang contradicts the conservation of energy law we're all taught at school. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Not to the big bang it wasn't. It implies the energy of the detonation was created where time matter and energy didn't exit.

That doesn't sound right to any of us let alone cosmologists. There are those who ignored the fact for the sake of their belief so made up an idea before the explosion there had to be a store of energy. So if matter didn't exist, nor atoms and energy shouldn't exist. Despite this there was an assistance It had to be a zone of pure energy no bigger than a particle of the atom called a singularity in the center of black holes some of us recognize as strikingly similar before the big bang.

If a Planck constant is anything to go by should represent the perimeters of this single volume of energy. A Planck constant is 1 divided by 6262 followed by 29 zeros. Scientific notation is a bit of a mouth full based on 1 divided by 10 thirty-four  times, times 6.6262 expressed as  6.26 times 10 to the minus 34. It is recognized as the smallest amount of a second a meter, and the mass of matter.

The length is indeed smaller than an atom. Common school rulers measure the thickness of a typical page of a book a micrometer thick. By comparison only to a Planck constant only 0.0000001 of a meter or 0.001 of a millimeter.

If we transpose the 6262  to the left of the same number of the 29 zeros becomes a positive number 1 multiplied by 10, thirty-four times times 6.26262. The scientific mouthful is 6.2626 times10 to the 34. The positive value is a Planck frequency because 1 Plank time being 6.26262 times 10 to the minus 34 of a second means there is a frequency of 6.6262 times 10 to the 34 Plank times per second of time.

There is nothing infinite about the Planck constant, including light speed let a lone  temperature. How cold do a black holes get? If a black hole is infinite then we'd expect black holes to be infinitely cold. Who ever heard of infinite coldness?

The nature of water freezes sold at 0 degrees Celsius. It is a point of maximum solidness water gets. Temperature keeps plummeting well bellow that. Physicists have frozen atoms to where all energy of the atom cases at a maximum of minus 273 degrees bellow zero. It doesn't get any colder than that. They discovered the quantum physics nature of atoms taken on a different dimension.

So where does this leave black holes? Is the gravitational inward pull a point it compacts the energy out of atoms? To some of us the singularity might be nothing more than a time before the big bang. What kind of temperature before in that time?

If a Planck constant is anything to go by a singularity may be on a Planck scale. Think of a class sphere for a moment. Imagine a straight line from the center to the edge as the radius. Since the Planck Constant is the smallest length of the universes the radius can't be any shorter than a Planck length. The radius is clearly half the diameter. Theoretically the diameter of a singularity would be 2 h. (h the symbol of a Planck Constant) in this case twice the Planck length. If this isn't true then the singularity is indeed zero volume and infinite density way-way infinitely beyond a Planck constant.

To demonstrate how impossible infinite can not be imagined, imagine we start with writing a 1 and keep writing following zeros indefinitely. Every zero we add represents 10 times greater in magnitude. Lets every km for kilometers in your word processor.

Type in 1Km. Insert the cursor between the 1 and km and enter a zero every second.

By the time you reached 9 zero km we would have accelerated to the outer limits of the solar system in 9 seconds flat. Starting from the last 3 zeros insert a comma back every 3 to the 1. I'm sure anybody into challenging mathematics can figure out how many millimeters in that distance.

By the time we reached a quarter minute we would have accelerated a distance of 15 zero km in 15 seconds. Insert a comma back every 3 zeros. It's an acceleration of 10 to the 15 Kilometers in quarter minuet. This kind of acceleration in every second is always 10 times the distance. By half a minute 30 zero km in 30 seconds (an acceleration of 10 to the 30 kilometers in half a minute, (30 seconds) respectively. Likewise insert a comma back every 3 zeros.

Where does that leave the Planck constant? After all it is an acceleration of 6262 twenty-nine zero kilometers across the universe or 6.262 times 10 to the 34km in 34 seconds.

By three-quarter minute we would be beyond the Planck constant 45 zero km (10 to the 45km) across the universe in 45 seconds. By a whole minute we would be a distance of 60 zero km. (An acceleration of 10 to the 60 kilometers by every minute).

The biggest search engine of the internet is Google named after a 100 digit number. In a minute 40 seconds (60 plus 40) we would be 100 zero km across the universe. (an acceleration of 10 to the 100 kilometers in a minute and 40 seconds).

If we keep adding a zero every second for an hour we would be 3 thousand 600 zero km across the universe. (10 to the 3 thousand 400Km or 10 to the, 10 to the 1.6 to the 3km). In 24 hours we would be 8 thousand 400 zero km (10 to the 8 thousand 400km or 10 times 8.4 times 10 to the 5km across the universe) in that time clearly no where near infinite let alone indefinite amount of time.

If we multiply google by itself (squared) pans out to 10,000 zero km in 2 hours and an nearly a quarter hour (10 to the 10 thousand kilometers in that time) still no where near infinite. Theoretically we could keep adding a zero every second indefinitely and never reach infinite.

If a Planck constant is anything to go by the gravitational inward pull of black holes would be the 6.262 times 10 to the 34 Newtown's (over 6 times 10 to the 33 kilograms or 6.262 times 10 to the 30 tones) per cubic radius of a singularity.

It is renowned gravity slows time. For a black holes they are supposed to stop time. When we observe images of black holes we are observing them from our point of view. In reality we can't see them because they are hidden by the same blackness of out of space.

If we observe the universe from the inside looking out of a black to the universe we mostly likely be blinded by the incoming light falling into the black void from the outside. It is said we observe astronauts suspended in the at event horizon for ever. But what is the time for astronaut's point of view looking out to the universe?

If the Planck frequency is anything to go by the astronaut would observe time on earth as fast as a Planck frequency every second. What this means for every second of his time 6.262 times 10 to the 34 years pass on earth.

From our point of view the astronaut would be suspended there for 6.626 times 10 the 34 years. From our point of view 1 second in a black hole is stretched 6.262 times 10 to the 34 years. I sure anybody into challenging mathematics how many centuries in 6.262 times 10 to the 34 years.

The math's points out light in miles is a only a slow 186 thousand miles per second. (1.86 times 10 to the 3). In kilometer terms every mile is 1.609km. It is only a mater of multiplying a 186 thousand by 1.609.

From our point of view the speed of light is a 186 thousand times as fast as every second. If we could view time on earth from a light speed point of view every second on earth we would view stretched by every 186 thousand seconds of our time.

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