Thursday, January 25, 2018

Time travel ridles

The TV series Star Trek was not afraid of some time travel stories. So far Star Wars hasn't gone there. The thing about time we do not remember anything of the future beyond present time. We have no memory the future. It is always a blank. Obviously because it hasn't happened yet.

This makes  the second hand of any stop watch, wrist watch to clock second hand moving every division including digital seconds every second a now moment of time for everybody in present time. Every present second passes into the past seconds of the past minute. It holds true a time traveler in the past or future will have no memory of their own future fate every second from when they arrived their.

They will never know what is about to happen to them personally. In the past or future every future second is still a blank in that time just as it was in his present. This means arriving on the spot the future or past time of his life the memory of things he is going to do in the next few seconds, minutes and hours in the past or future isn't in his memory for him yet. To him every future second is a blank mystery of what he is going to do.

Our clocks traveling clockwise tell us time is every second traveling second by second direction every second. The same with every future, present and past minute. The same with every future, present and past hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century every millennia (thousand years) million, a billion even a trillion centuries passing on earth. They all have a future, present and past direction flow.

A word that not many are familiar called entropy describes the passing of time. In simple terms nothing lasts for ever. Entropy means everything neglected to time falls to pieces. In time an abandoned home turns into a haunted house finally turning to a open air property. To us the time of entropy is agonizingly slow. Imagine an abandoned house would last neglected for a 100 years.

Now, here is a time travel code or a riddle that talks gibberish if you like. What we did tomorrow is going to have consequences for yesterday. Deciphering  the code means when a time traveler from yesterday arrives in the past tomorrow has skipped the present had changed our history starting from yesterday. For us in present time the changes don't take effect until tomorrow.

Here is another code. That is equally as wired to take in. Operating on the latter principle in a couple of years time the death of lady Diana is no longer going to have happened any more. Deciphering this code with the break though in time in the future a well meaning traveler was successful in making sure the car crash never happened. For us in present time this effect is not going to take effect until a couple of years into our future.

We all know the mystery of another car involved somehow. In a couple of years time a well meaning time traveler successfully restored the damage his collage had done. That's twice history has been altered we haven't realized. God knows how many times. It is an endless loop. A endless loop of 30 years of history. 

Some of will remind us of the many world theory of parallel universe at play here. Others may take that as an excuse life is only an illusion. If it is then it is only a figment of our imagination someone we care about is neglecting us for someone we specially don't like. Imagine the excitement of challenge junkies doing dangerous stunts getting way with the added dimension of doing it the dangerous way.

In another time travel riddle Adolph Hitler was a dispatch runner in world war 1 in the thick of many battles. What is the odds of any German solder surviving every battle pretty well unscathed the whole war he did? How easy was it for Hitler to have been a causality.

Imagine a well meaning time traveler on a mission to prevent the up and coming Jewish holocaust. What if he made sure Hillier was just another German causality? And imagine another time traveler policing time lines making sure that does not happen to keep preserving the present time line. What if a time traveler made sure all the events that would have saved the Titanic was made sure was present.

What if the crows nest sailor was made sure he had binoculars. What if a time traveler mad sure the aversive maneuvers was the correct one?

Another riddle. Do you remember when you was little a grown adult befriended you? What would you say if you just found out it was you as the adult from the future? What would you do if you found out just after the breakthrough of time travel? And that's assuming if you were the privileged few who have access to the technology.

You tube mystery clips claim proof of time travel to justify the scenario for a logical answer. We'd think there was no randomness of our present history but planed out by visitors from the future making sure the present time line is always as we know it.

Anybody from the future the would have confidently advised us before 1st December 1012 (the famous end of the world date that has come and gone) wasn't going to happen. They could predict accurately to the very second a disaster for the world coming. Youtube has a clip of Nastridamus predictions for 2018  Mt Vesuveus reviling the eruption of 79AD that destroyed the city of Pompeii.

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