Friday, December 15, 2017

Time traviler's story

The 1960 movie starred the Australian actor Rod  Taylor playing the part of the time traveler named George Wells spin off of the 1894 navel the Time machine H. G.Wells. Wells was a avid time travel theorist standing before a select group of three university professor friends David Filby, professor Philip Hillyer and Walter Kempinvited gathered together on New Years eve 1899 for an important scientific announcement on time.
Rod Taylor's athletic build, brunette and intelligent blue eyes, and deep Victorian London accent made him look strikingly handsome. People who don't know Gorge tended underestimate him as eccentric obsessed with the possibilities of nature of time travel.
Here he was selling what he thought the secrete of time travel to his friends. For the first time in history mankind could travel though time. After a good dinner everybody was assembled in sofas and couches in the main lounge elegy awaiting what was supposed to be the most import scientific announcement of all time.
"We are all here because I'm introducing to the concept of time travel." The guests look at each other dubiously. "That's right gentlemen. Time travel. In a word  a break thought in traveling though time"
Filby  braking into a laughing smile. "I knew it was something to do with time but I didn't think you would expect to ask us to believe in time travel.
Gorge ignoring the sarcassiaum "I don't have to remind you we live in a physical three dimensional world of width, height. and length forming a volume of a cub even a sphere when it comes to that is the key.
Every body looks on patiently waiting.
"Get to the point George"
"The point is gentlemen'" said George cupping his fingers to illustrate a sphere  "The dimensions of a sphere has direction of depth according to the dimensions within we move though in time."
"Are you saying there is a fourth dimension"?
"Exactly. That's the point. It means every brief moment we move inside these dimensions we move in an infinite depth of direction left, right, back and forth and up and down inside these three dimensions though time. We walk from this house to the post office down the road though the three dimensions of our environment. But what if this just part of the story."
Gesturing to the dial of the cockoclock behind to him  "We observe the minute and hour hands of our clocks frozen in time every moment of time yet we know they are moving every division we don't see moving. It's steering us right in our faces  gentlemen. From our point of view the minute hand is frozen in time minute, let a lone the hour hand. But what if we could observe our environment from those hands point of view? When a minute passes the minute and hour hands are moving even though we don't see the minute hand move a divsion let a lone the hour hand. How come we don't see them moving?
The guessed looked at the clock.
Very astute of you to notice Gorge. I would have never though of it quite like that. Obviously they are moving to slow for us to see moving"
Fishing out his watch from his 19th century breast pocket "For us Gentlemen  our pocket watches measure the present and past seconds tick by a full circle every minute. Right?" He held it up to them.
Everybody checked theirs looking at a separate circle with a ticking second hand
"It it's interesting you pointed out we don't see the minute moving yet I can't argue with that. But when you put it like that. Extraordiny"
"I can't argue with that either."
"Come to the point George?"
"Theoretically every minute is a now time. The next minute doesn't exist to us, at lest not yet until a minute latter every minute. What if every minute is a now moment of time? Hypothetically speaking of course according to the clock here. What if the clock had an extra hand moving the whole sixty divisions the same time the minute hand moves only one division instead of a separate circle?
Everybody looked at each other as if a major breakthrough
"It'll be pretty short amount of time George"
Seeing them look at each other "Exactly. You know what that means? Every minute division will represent a minute divided up to a total of 60 short increments. That extra hand narrows down every moment of now time gentlemen. In other words an extra hand would be measuring every division in short increments every division of any clock a now moment of time. What if the time as we know it is fixed and we can travel independently. Observing the extra hand would do just that allowing us to measure every now time in every minute as 60th units of every minute. My theory is what if we can travel independently fast or slower than the extra hand can move every division."
"You can prove this of course George"?
Smiling mischievously "I have a machine that can do exactly that."
A machine that can travel faster or slower then time? Ach. Preposterous!
Fillby leaning forward "If you say what is true, that means going faster than this extra hand of yours would be be measuring time. Are you talking time travel?"
"Absurd. How on earth can we do that. There is only one time. Impossible!"
"Look. What if the time we live in is fixed while a machine could slow down or speed up independently"
"That's quite a trick. How could you do that?"
"Just how does a machine do such a trick?"
By moving faster or slower than the environment's time"
"Impossible? Not physically by you and me of course. But what if a machine can travel independently of the time itself? What if there are separate times to ours that do exist and we can travel them in a independent state?"
Just then the lounge clock chimed quarter to 12 midnight. It signaled everybody had an appointment duty to new years eve. Everybody rose making excuses they'll have to catch up on this fascinating view of time some anther time. In the meantime they had more important matters to attend to.
Struggling on coats and donning  traditional 19th century bola hats the guests departed rounding off the party to turn their attention to the celebration. As they departed George heard them walking down the path asking what they think of this new idea. A gig trotted by with early half drunk revivers with cries of happy new year.
A little early isn't he"?
One by one the guests walked the path out into the street. The last to leave was his friend David sitting Gorges obsession in a few words of frank words of wisdom. "If your machine can do the things you say it can, destroy it now it before it destroys you!"
David checked his packet watch.
"Five to 12." biding his by's he left.
Closing the door George bid the maid good evening and headed to his laboratory where the full-size machine awaits. It was tucked away in a corner looking everything like a horse drawn sleigh with the large circler disc towering behind the passenger seat. The rains panel was a control panel twenty-five centimeter tall, green, orange and red cage light beckon control panel. A mechanical counter read 00:00:00 no hours, no minutes and no extra times units, to you and me seconds.
Then he went over the to a work bench scratching a match lighting a candle stick. He noted the time of the clock. Both arms where vertical at 12 O'clock with a second hand ticking away next it. He fished into his 19th century breast jacket checking his pocket watch.
 He went over to a work bench where he picked up a stick with what looked like a diamond like handle. He then buffed the head with a electric buffer. Then he went to his machine placing it in place in the control panel.
George could hear the distance sound of singing of the old langsyne and cries of Happy New Guy Falwks and the flicker of light.
"Happy, happy new year"
He drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He then gingerly moved the lever forward.
The Great disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view of George and his the machine seemed morph into slow motion. The counter was frozen at 00:00:01.The second hand of the clock ticked by as normal. From Gorges point of view the second hand was moving rapidly passing 3 O'clock where the minute hand had had had already moved a division. The second hand of the control panel counter was spinning twice as fast as it should passing 45 second already towards one minute.
He pulled back on the lever. From the environment's point of view he and the machine sped up from slow motion back to normal. The clock and counter seconds went backwards towards 12 midnight where they stopped and resumed the forward direction again from the beginning
George could hear the distance sound of singing of the old langsyne and cries of Happy New Guy Falwks and the flicker of light.
"Happy, happy new year"
He drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He then gingerly moved the lever forward.
The Great disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view of George and his the machine seemed morph into slow motion. The counter was frozen at 00:00:01.The second hand of the clock ticked by as normal. From Gorges point of view the second hand was moving rapidly passing 3 O'clock where the minute hand had had had already moved a division. The second hand of the control panel counter was spinning twice as fast as it should passing 45 already towards one minute.
He looked at the clock. The extra hand was moving slowly a few divisions past 12 0'clock. The other two hands were still frozen at 12 midnight. He heard the outside distant sounds of partying and the period brass band music, fireworks and cries of happy new Year.
He looked up to the glass pane skylight. Everything was normal. Though the frosty corner panes an overcast cloud cover of early morning. From the environment's point of view George sat in his machine as normal. Looking round puzzled nothing seemed to have happened. The extra hand of the clock was showing moving slowly beyond 25 units after 12 midnight New morning. Looking to the counter confirmed it 00:00: clicking into 26 then pausing before  clicking into 27 and so on. The counter was counting the 60 units of time it should.
Looking to the candle it was still flickering in an island of light in the the dark night just as he left it. He fished into his breast pocket checking his pocket watch. Both hands were pointing to 12 o'clock. The extra column of the counter had just  clicked in 38 pausing before  clicking 39 pausing before clicking into 40. -41, -42 and so o.  By the environment clock the second hand was now approaching 9 o'clock. Looking about the environment it was clear by the sight sand sounds George hadn't gone anywhere.
He had actually traveled forward in time a half hour in a few seconds. But it was when he come to a stop time when into reverse and slowing down toward present time bringing him back to present time. From the environment's point of view frozen in time he never left.
George drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He gingerly moved the lever forward.
The Great disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view of George and his machine began sinister appearance as if turning into frozen in time. Then the disc slowed down to a slow motion. The the seconds column begin counting twice as fast or normal. The extra second was moving rapidly past 6 o'clock. From the environment's point of view reality the extra hand was actually moving slowly past 1 o'clock
From Gorges pint of view reality he and his machine was frozen in the present time except the spinning disc behind in in slow motion slow. The environment's time was in two realities at the same time. From gorges point of view time was sped up, and from the environment point of view reality gorge and his machine was frozen isolid in normal running time at the same time. The extra column of the counter was racing in a bluer.
From Gorges point of view the candle flame trickled down the stick at speed. In  glass panes of the main front window at the dress shop outside in the street in a cool winters morning and the shed environment was sped up. From the environment's point of view reality George and his machine had slowed down to a point frozen in time never leaving the present. The clock was reading half past one in the morning.
Despite frozen in time from the environment's point of view of George and his machine reality the disk was spinning slow motion. Two dimensions was observing time move from the environment's point of view of Gorge and his machine reality and from Gorges point of view of the environment reality at the same time. Georges point of view reality the seconds of the timer was a racing bluer. From the environment's point view reality of George the timer was ticking away as normal while George was frozen in time. So two the clock hands. Gorges machine had never left present time.
From George's point of the environment's reality nature outside the shed window was a fast forward video. The thing with observing sped up environments if fast enough colors tend turn slightly off like a transience overlays adding color cast effects like Photoshop does to photos.
The columns of the counter was a mad bluer in the forward direction. From the environment's point of view of Gorge reality George and his machine was frozen in time except for the disc spin in slow in slow motion. From Georges point of view of the environment reality the outside garden flowers budded, apples of the apple tree grew and ripened like a fast forward.
When George pulled back on the lever to the stop position the counter begin slowing down going backwards at the same time. The environment clock second hand was slowing down going anticlockwise.
The slowing down backwards moving environment moving was getting slower and slower moving inexpiably towards present time again. So too the clock. The candle had snuffed back into life and trickled back up the candle stick to merge at the top. The violet color cast disappeared and the  clock return to normal back to the precise time Gorge left off. So to the counter stopped going backwards at 00:00:00 clicking into 1 in the forward direction again.
George could hear the distance sound of singing of the old langsyne and cries of Happy New Guy Falwks and the flicker of light filtering though main window.
"Happy, happy new year"
He drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He gingerly moved the lever forward.
The Great disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view reality George and his machine began to slow down turning into frozen in time capsule as the great disc slowed down to a slow motion in present time. The counter columns moves twice as fast. The extra second of the clock was moving rapidly past 6 o'clock. From the environment's point of view reality the clock was moving slowly past 1 o'clock
From the environment's reality George had never left present time. had never left present time traveling so slow he was as still as a mannequin sitting in the machine at some museum. As far as we know park statues see their park the same way. From our point of view reality of statues never leave present time yet may see centuries of the park in less than a second of their time reality.
During this time the environment radiated heat like an electric heater. If we had inferred camera we would see George and his machine glowing spooky intense colors of the rainbow most of us known as the colors of invisible inferred what could only be described as the central heat source. Our eyes doesn't normally respond to inferred why it's always invisible as the heat we radiate from our bodies all our lives in our present time. Often inferred is called a black body radiation. In effect George and his machine was a black body if you could call them that.
The counter second was counting every minute of the environment's future. The second had of the clock is racing bluer. It's second hand was a crazy full circle every second of his Georges time. From the environment's point of view reality moving every second was moving normally.
From Georges point of view of his reality was what time would be like to a Park statue seeing time. Every second of George's time was every 60th of every environment second. He was traveling a minute into the facture every second. From the environment's point of view reality Georges machine was was every bit 60 times as as slow as every second. The faster we observe the environment's time the slower we are traveling present time like a park statue. The slower we go the slower the faster we observe the environment's time goes.
The hour hand of the clock was stationary even though the minuet hand was moving 60 times as fast as every environment second. The hour hand was still not fast enough to observe moving. Not yet anyway. The counter confirmed George was traveling an hour of the environment's future every minute of his his time.
Though the skylight above the sun arched across the sky during the days and the moon phases during the nights. Each down and dusk was a a shadow across the sky followed buy a regular wave of light. The sun arched across the sky followed by clusters of puffy cotton wool clouds racing like mad things in a sped up video. Night and day phased in and a regular shadow rhythm like a fast forward video. From the environment's point of reality George was frozen in time never leaving a second from present time.
As George traveled though the environment's time he was gaining experienced mastery of his machine. He did some tests he could slow down or move on faster at will.
Doing the math's on this it was clear this pans out to 3 thousand 600 times as slow as every environment second yet it wasn't from the opposite point of view at the same time. His machine was traveling the present time Park statue don't leave present time. From Georges reality the environment time was traveling fast while from the environment's reality his machine machine was traveling equally as slow in proportion. It is a matter of point of view reality.
That's not all. The environment's was stretched longer like a stretched video. From the environment's point of reality was normal proportions. It was also getting strangely warm smelling of something's burring  like he was weighed down by thick heavy coat beyond 4 times his own body weight.
George was experiencing traveling though time equalivalent to stress of high speed motion. The heat you feel pumping up a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It is compressed hot air in the pump from you're compression strokes compressing air into the tire. If you compress something hard enough heats up. In the case of George and his machine compressing his time frame he was heating up.
From Georges reality the environment was starting to turn into streaks like we have viewing from inside star wars Han Solo's Millennium Falcon going into hyperspace from the cockpit view point. Reds and yellow traces of the environment had disappeared. The intense heat was like experiencing a hot sun. It was ultra violet radiation several times more intense we normally get in a hour in seconds. His fear complexion was turning sunburn in seconds.
All that is left are deep greens and blue streaks changing into a purple blue finally fading away to a total black void of infinite depth of nothingness. It was like all the stars had vanished just the black space. George and his machine was starting to be compressed from all directions like deep sea water pressure round submarine hauls. The wieght of the compression as if a car compactor compacting a vehicle. It was as if on a guiant plant gravity getting stronger every minute.
Suddenly the disk made a metallic screech of the moving parts of his machine seizing. The black void instantly cleared back into colorful streaks. The machine was whine winding down winding time backwards.
From the environment's point of view the damage done to Georges machine was reversing. All round George the environment was rapidly winding down the speed of the backwards going counter and clock back towards present time. The clock hands were rapidly slowing down anticlockwise. The machine was speeding up in time from Georges point of view time was going backwards slowing down faster and faster towards present time.
Within seconds the environment morphed back into the present time returning to normal. From the environment's reality  point of view George and his machine morphed back into life in seconds into normal proportions. The machine had reset itself back to life from frozen in time time.
Inside the shed flickered with fireworks flicker though the window. From outside he heard the distant fireworks chatter and explosions and the sound of a period band playing. He heard a "Happy New Year and a crowed break of singing old Auld Lang syne .
He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat. He seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the clock. The second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight, outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations flicker and sound of pyrotechnics. George drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He gingerly moved the lever forward.
The Great disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view of George and his machine began sinister appearance as if turning into frozen in time. Then the disc slowed down to a slow motion. The counter froze at 00:00:01.The extra second was moving rapidly past 6 o'clock. From the environment's point of view the extra hand was actually moving slowly past 1 o'clock
Inside the shed flickered with pyrotechnics flicker though the window. From outside he heard the distant chatter and explosions and the sound of a period band playing. He heard a "Happy New Year and a crowed breaking out into old Auld Lang syne.
 He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat he seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the clock. The second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations.
George drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He considered his experiment was a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. A growing nagging feeling something had  happened. He was sure something had. The signing group signing of old enzyme was so familiar. Shaking off his strange feeling he gingerly moved the lever forward.
The Great disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view of George and his machine began sinister appearance as if turning into frozen in time. Then the disc slowed down to a slow motion. From Georges point of view of realty the counter froze at 00:00:01.The extra second of the clock rapidly moved past 6 o'clock. From the environment's point of view the extra hand was actually moving slowly past 1 o'clock
Gorge frowned frowned on hearing the distant flickering and sound of pyrotechnics and the period band playing. He heard an occasional "Happy New Year and and a crowed break out in old emsyzime song. He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat he seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the clock. The second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations.
George drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He considered his experiment was a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. A growing nagging feeling something was wrong as if everything was repeating. It was a strange feeling he had been at this moment of time before. Shaking off his strange feeling he gingerly moved the lever forward.
The Great disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view of George and his machine began sinister appearance as if turning into frozen in time. Then the disc slowed down to a slow motion. From Georges point of view of realty the counter froze at 00:00:01.The extra second of the clock rapidly moved past 6 o'clock. From the environment's point of view the extra hand was actually moving slowly past 1 o'clock
Gorge frowned
Gorge frowned frowned on hearing the distant flickering and sound of pyrotechnics and the period band playing. He heard an occasional "Happy New Year as if repeated and and a crowed break out in old emsyzime song as if on cue. He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat he seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the clock. The second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations.
 He thought he was just experiencing daysharvue trick on him. He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat. He seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the clock. The second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations.
George drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He considered his experiment was a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. A strong nagging feeling something had happened but he couldn't remember. It was a strange gut feeling he had been here before. Shaking off his strange feeling he gingerly moved the lever forward.
The Great disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view of George and his machine began sinister appearance as if turning into frozen in time. Then the disc slowed down to a slow motion. From Georges point of view of realty the counter froze at 00:00:01.The extra second of the clock rapidly moved past 6 o'clock. From the environment's point of view the extra hand was actually moving slowly past 1 o'clock
Gorge frowned at hearing the distant flickering and sound of pyrotechnics and the period band playing as if it was a repeat. He heard a "Happy New Year as if repeated and and a crowed break out in old emsyzime song as if on cue. He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat he seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the clock. The second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations.
He drew a deep sigh laying back into his seat he seemed to have gone nowhere. He looked to the clock. The second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of the light show and the pyrotechnic show celebrations in the background.
Shaking his head as if to throw off this repeated sensation he drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He spotted the lever off position. He frowned.
"That's strange. I thought I'd moved the lever"
The strange thing he couldn't remember.
"Maybe my mind is playing ticks on me"
He considered his experiment a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. The nagging feeling something of the strange sensation of repeating had was strong he couldn't shake off. It was a strange gut feeling he'd been here before.
"Talk about dejavu"
Shaking off this strange feeling he couldn't quite do he gingerly moved the lever forward.
The Great disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view of George and his machine began sinister appearance as if turning into frozen in time. Then the disc slowed down to a slow motion. From Georges point of view of realty the counter froze at 00:00:01.The extra second of the clock rapidly moved past 6 o'clock. From the environment's point of view the extra hand was actually moving slowly past 1 o'clock
George frowned waiting for something to happen. He frowned at the flickering light and sound of pyrotechnics a repeated. When he heard "Happy New Year" he frowned even heavier. The period band played and the familiar breaking crowed singing Auld Lang syne as if a repeat.
"Have I been here before?"
He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat he seemed to have gone nowhere. The guy folks flickering and the sound of the pyrotechnics sounded strangely like a replete. He looked to the clock with the strange feeling he had done this before. Frowning the second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations in the background.
Shaking his head as if to throw off this sensation he drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He spotted the lever off position. He frowned.
"That's strange. I thought I'd moved the lever."
The strange thing was he was starting to remember fragments of the current moment of time.
"Maybe my mind is playing ticks on me"
He considered his experiment a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. The nagging feeling something had happened was strong he couldn't shake off. It was a strange gut feeling.
"Talk about dejavu "
Shaking off this strange feeling he couldn't quite do he gingerly moved the lever forward.
The Great disk began moving rotating a few slow revolutions. From the environment's point of view of George and his machine began sinister appearance as if turning into frozen in time. Then the disc slowed down to a slow motion. From Georges point of view of realty the counter froze at 00:00:01.The extra second of the clock rapidly moved past 6 o'clock. From the environment's point of view the extra hand was actually moving slowly past 1 o'clock
George frowned waiting for something to happen. He frowned at the pyrotechnic light and sound show even harder when he heard "Happy New Year" as if on a cue a crowed breaking out into old Auld Lang Syne as if on a repeate. Frowning heavily as if he heard it all before to the occasional "Happy New Year". He drew a deep breath laying back into his seat resigned he seemed to have gone nowhere.
Frowning "Why does the outside seem like it's a repeat?"
He looked to the clock frowning. The second hand was moving 5 seconds past 12 midnight outside the revelry of New years morning celebrations in the background as if he'd been here before.
Shaking his head as if to throw off this strong sensation he drew a deep breath anticipating what he was going to do next. He spotted the lever in the off position frowning.
"That's strange. I thought I'd moved it"
George was beginning to remember fragments of the current moment of time.
"Maybe my mind is playing ticks on me"
He considered his experiment was a familiar that maybe time travel was impossible after all. The nagging feeling something had happened was so strong he couldn't shake off. It was a strange gut feeling he'd been here before.
"Talk about Dejavu"
Shaking off this strange feeling he couldn't quite do he reached out to gingerly moved the lever forward then hesitated frowning.
Talking to himself looking round "I'm sure I've been here before"
He was staring to feel a little angry he couldn't remember anything beyond present time. He leaned back looking round frowning specially hearing the new years eve celebrations filtering in the background as if a repeated. He was strangely disturb with the feeling why he was disturb as if he was repeating he'd been here before he couldn't shake off. It compelled him to get out of his machine. He stood looking back scratching his head wondering what he was missing.
"Should I give it a go"?
Something told him he would be wasting his time. He pondered on why he was getting this strange feeling as if he couldn't remember anything beyond this moment of time. He looked at the clock.
"Five past 12"
The distant light show and partying continued in the background. A though struck him we never remember the future beyond present time. Then another like a thunderbolt. It is the way we all see the future. Another thought immediately followed. Nobody never rearly remembers anything beyond present time because what ever was going to happen has never happened to our memory beyond every present time anyway.
Scratching his head "Did I or did I not travel though time that is the question." Feeling a bit angry " How can I ever be sure with out memory of it"? Dam it! I wish I could remember.
The thought we never normally remember the future beyond present time and the seemingly repetition cues invoked thought experiments of what could have happened was occurring to him. He was feeling annoyed he could never know for sure because of no memory of the whole event. He was feeling angry he couldn't complete his hypotheses for sure with out the memory.
Shacking his head with a counter intuitive thought "If we don't remember any future beyond present time did I ever leave it?"
George was beginning to feel a bit angry at the frustration he could only postulate he may have never left present time but can't be sure with no memory of the trip. But it still left a question of the persistent repeating of present time he was currently experiencing making his frustration worse. Another though struck him. If he did travel on to the future was it unconscious? He felt a annoyed he couldn't answer that question either. The though of no memory of the trip into the future was all of a mystery as to everybody under normal circumstances.
Waves of thought kept crossing his mind. To George there was a important remaining unanswered question was the machine at some point constantly returning to present time? How? And why no memory of the rip. Was it something to do with the way we never remember the future beyond present time?
If the machine was traveling into the future at some point had to have return back to present time. If it was, there is some mysterious point the machine started going backwards taking his memory with it at the same time eventually retiring to present time. Because of no memory of the future beyond present time he could never be sure of the truth. All he could do is guess.
Another thought cross his mind. The machine was taking him into the future artificially. Does no memory apply to normal and arterial means? Once again George was frustrated of no memory to confirm his hypotheses except for the fact we never have any memory of the future beyond present time.
George's no memory of anything beyond present time could only speculate how the machine constantly brought himself back to present time. The only logical answer he could think of he may have never left present time at all. Then why the repeated feeling as if the present time kept repeating? If so did he or did he not leave present time. Once again with no memory beyond present time he could never be sure of the truth.

George was elated at his new incite the one particular fact about time that had been steering him in the face all this time he added to what he related to his friends earlier we can never know anything about the future beyond present time because there is no memory of any truth about the future until present time anyway.
He was elated further with the additional thought every future second becomes the present second and every present second becoming the past second every environment second. He was ecstatic he found times arrow even though it is a speculative theory. Never the less he was jubilant he was the one to discover it. It was a pity he could never remember to be sure of the truth. But it was a jubilant discovery.
Thoughts were flowing thick and fast. He was also jubilant at the though we must never leave present time every second of the environments time. It was a clear the discovery of times arrow direction.  Then immediately another idea crossed his mind about how park statues must see the parks environment. From their point of view they must observe centuries in seconds. Yet from our point of view they never leave present time. He wondered if that applied to his machine.
What he though was another brilliant observation if park statues are anything to go by the slower we go the faster time appears to go. He wondered if in truth also applied to his machine. Thoughts were rearly flying now. He wondered if he was as from our point of view park statue never never leave present time. Surly they must see centuries of the park pass in every present moment we see them. It was a pity he couldn't remember any of the trip for the truth.
One final question remained. What will he do now? The one thing he knew going by observation so far it would be pointless to explore further. If he never leaves present time as a frozen in time statue he would only be left in present time with no memory of the trip.
The only unanswered question at which point did the machine return to normal and how? The only thing he thought of for the time being was to pack it for the might containing developing his theories from what he just learnt in an organized way. He started planning starting a note book on what he leant. It was a pity he had no memory to learn the truth how his machine if id did or ever left present time returned to normal time or if he was returned back to present time? That was his only remaining mystery.
Despite everything else seems to fit explaining the nature of time travel to others we can never remember the future is going to sound bit a convenient stretch to be believed despite never remembering the the future beyond present time is true. Not remembering if his machine had worked or not the seemly first time seemed more and more as if present time was somehow repeating. He suspected he may have been though time several times despite the fact from his point of view every time felt like the first time.
The main mystery he focused on now if tried for the first time would he never leave present time or at some point in the future he inadvertently brings himself or the machine automatically brings him back with no memory of the trip again always a feeling as if first time yet seemed repeated. With no memories. From his point of view it was always going to be his first time. The remaining question is now despite evidence he had traveled to the future several times is his first time should he have a go?
George felt a dilemma either time travel can't work or the repeating present time over and over feeling is evdience it is but never remember always back in present time was always his first time. Under the circumstances he decided to delay until he could figure this dilemma out.
He checked round his lab seeing everything was neat a tidy before departing. He considered removing the lever to pack away but decided to leave it in place. If what was happening to him was true the machine wasn't going anywhere. Coming out of the adjoining shed door linking into the lounge the flickering of the outside light and sound of pyrotechnics filled the lounge atmosphere. He considered joining his friends aware of the skepticism he will get when he meat up with them in this present time.
He smiled to himself realizing for the first time in his life he never rearly thought of before he was never remembering anything beyond every current second every second. It is exactly how his machine worked on his memory.
"I'll remember that when writing a paper"
He went to his study desk and organized some writing material intending to return to after a he had joined his friends  He decided to keep a low key on his experiment for the time being in the face of so much information to explain all at one them.
"It'll probably be to much for them to take in as it would for me. There is so much to explain. It'll be easier creating a paper this way"
He decided if there was questions asked he would keep a low key distance away from the subject as possible untill he created his papper. He was looking forward to writing it down.

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