Saturday, December 23, 2017

Switzchild radius, Einstein's thoery of realitity particle physics, epr experiment

While the Germans were occupied fighting it out with the British during the battle of the Somme in 1916 a German science magazine publisher Annalen der Physik published Albert Einstein's squeal to the special theory we know today as the general theory of relativity. 

According to Isaac Newton gravity is the effect of bodies attracted to each other. The earth and moon masses is a good example of the interlocking forces of this. A person standing in the middle of the land mass of Antarctica south pole looks upwards to the sky as much as a person looks upwards standing in the middle of the land mass the opposite end of the earth the Artic circle of the North pole. In fact we all look up to the sky no matter were we are on the earth's surface.

According to Einstein space is bent by mass. This means the land mass of the Artic circle pulls space inward as equally as the land mass of Antarctica the other end of the globe. Space is pulled inwards both ends of the earth. In fact the entire circumference of the whole earth shrinks space round the circumference of earth  like plastic shrink rapt pulled tightly round an apple. Think of deep sea water pressure has on the mass of deep sea submersibles crushing them inwards from every direction.

The center of shrunk space is the earth where there is a steep depression surrounding the entire circumference of earth. If the System Internal (SI) units are anything to go by the surface the earth's crust experiences about a 2.202 pounds of force for every 1.281 yards (3.281 cubic feet if you like or 1kg per cubic meter) of compression force throughout the entire surface. The compression is recognized in honor of Isaac Newton 9.8 Newtown's as the total inward pull of the earth's mass on space. The bigger a planet the more mass there is the tighter space is squeezed round their circumferences.

A German astronomer serving as a field gunner on leave one day called Switzchild came across Annalen der Physik. Taking an interest in Einstein's paper he used some math's of his own to determine what happens if the earth and sun's mass was strong enough to absorb a 100% of light.

His math's projected if the earth's absorbed a 100% of light the current size would be heavy enough it's own mass would compacted by space down to the size of a pea. The compressed mass is said to be the center of gravity Switzchild described as a singularity. He based his calculations from the center of the earth to the edge called the radius of any circle know as the Switzchild radius.

In the 1920's quantum physics predicted hints of the particles of the atom in all of the universe is entangled with each other. This means the atoms in this part of the universe is directly entangled with the atoms clear across the other side of the universe called entanglement.

In 1935 Albert Einstein, and a couple of colleges  Boris Pulaski and Nathan Rosen teamed up to challenge the validity of a crowing branch of physics called quantum physics specially entanglement once and for all. They were not happy with the contention particles of the atom exist two places at the same time, span clockwise and anticlockwise at the same time and influence each other several million light years across the universe in an instant entanglement.

The trio's review concluded quantum physics was incomplete. However they did identified a startling revelation about Einstein's general theory. Is their stars out there strong enough to absorb a hundred percent of light? This was a dark star theory what we expresses as black holes today.

The general theory tells us if a mass is heavy enough wells would be shrunk space so deep and the powerful gravitational pull singularity will capture light not being able to reflect back. It's a bit light shinning a touch down a deep black void. The beam only disappears a short distance. The bottom is so deep there is no light reflecting back to our to our eyes. No detail of the button can be seen only a depth of the black void.

Cosmologists believe the mass of a singularity right in the center of every black hole is smaller than a particle of the atom, weighing well over several hundreds of thousands of trillions of tones and more. The well itself is thought to be as narrow as the singularity. The border where light disappears is called the event horizon.

With the help of some kitchen funnels gives us some idea of Einstein and his colleagues principle. If one end of the narrow funnel is connected into another shows one part of the universe sinking a deep well in one corner of the universes with and another doing the same linked by the two narrow funnels. The linking of back to back black holes demonstrated what had become the EPR bridge what we call to day a wormhole.

Cosmologist believe their particle physicists collages are probably on the right track with string theory applied to the universe as a whole. Think of vibrating rubber bands. String theory says particles of the atom are made of these membranes that exist on a Planck scale. Think of 1 divided by a number 6262 and 40 zeros a total of a 43 digit number gives you some idea how small these membranes are. Scientific notation is 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43 that pans out to 1 divided by 10 43 times multiplied by 6.262.

Particle physicists believe the frequency of these vibrating membranes is as much as a Planck frequency (6.262 times 10 to the power of 43 per second in 10 dimensions. String theory lead to the postulation of many worlds theory lead by the entanglement theory.

Fast forward to the mid nineties. NBC TV studios inspired by the many worlds theory string theory  involved in Quantum entanglement many worlds theory created a science fiction series about parallel earth worlds called the sliders. The pilot premiered in 1995 about a university graduate student experimenting with the possibilities an antigravity device that could revolutionize heavy lifting.

Instead of an antigravity grab device Mallory got more than he bargained for. The machine open up the holly grail of cosmology a wormhole entrance right before his eyes. The writers created a plot in the pilot he unwittingly discovered some exotic way of creating a wormhole. Haven to Betsy if only physicist knew what he'd done! He had created a gate way to parallel universes!

To create such a gate way would have to break most of the laws of physics as we know it. Youtube currently has video clips of places were gravity doesn't work just like Mallory's antigravity experiment. If the sliders is anything to go by sign of a the remains of a closed off gateway to a parallel universe.

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