Saturday, December 16, 2017

Lorentz transformations.Time on earth from light speeds point of view

Points of view of reality thought out by a Dutch Physics Hedrick Lorentz kown as Lorentz transformations. In 1860 a Scottish mathematician James Clark Maxwell published a set of mathematical projections that describe the nature of electricity, magnetic fields, light and comsic radiation essentially the same thing. Our modern world is full of invisible transitional radio in circular waves like a peddle makes drooped into a still pond called electromagnetic radiation.

Think of a the characteristics of a grandfather clock. They accelerate past vertical rest slowing down to a peak distance to a stop. At this point they reverse direction accelerating past the rest position slowing down to a stop opposite peak. Then they accelerate back to where they came from repeating in endless cycles. In the case of a pebble dropped into a pond the water waves spread out in dips and peak circles every direction.

The peak to peaks of the traveling transitional wave is the amplitude and the distances apart in time is the frequency of each wavelength short or long wavelength's.

The typically velocity of grandfather clock standing waves are 2 to 3 seconds per cycle. The frequency is called hertz. (Hz). 1Hz is a whole cycle and the maximum peak to peak distance is the amplitude. The alternating quick succession of low and high pressure of the earth's atmosphere molecules we breath we hear as sound such as music radiating from a loud speakers.

The speaker is vibrating in and out standing waves reproducing a faithful low and high air molecule pressure copy radiating away in circular waves from the speaker to our ears we pick up as music.

Light is atomic particles called photons from the sun as from all stars vibrating in waves many times per second to fast for our eyes to see the frequency. What we see is a steady clear light of our environment. Isaac Newton discovered this clear light we see is made up of the colors of the rainbow.
The only part of s comsic spectrum our eyes can respond to. The many different tones is only different hues of the same the one color.

Lorentz realized what if we sped up as fast as the pendulum. Lets say the amplitude of the total sing is in a second of time. What would we see of the environment if we sped up to that of the cycle?
From this new view of reality the environment's time is not a universal concept anymore. If there was a clock with a second hand it would appear move twice as slow as normal. We would observe every environment second as 2 seconds. We would observe the environment slowed down proportionately.

From an environment observer point of view we would be sped up the same velocity as the pendulum swing. They would observe us sped up twice as fast with out leaving present time.

The alternating current of our mains electric power supply in some countries is 50Hz while in others 60. Mathematics projects 1 divided by any number. Thus the reciprocal of 60Hz for example is 1 divided by 60, 1 cycle every sixtieth second or decimal 0.016666666...........of a second or 16.6666666..........Cm every 60th second. Proof of this 60th second times 60 is 1 second.

From the cycle's point of view the environment's time is transformed 60 times slower than we observe the cycle. We would observe every 60th environment second every second of our time.

Since there is 60 seconds in a minute in terms of a minute we would observe every environment environment second as every minute of our time. The reality of our point of view is transformed traveling in time parallel with every 60th environment second.

This is what we would experience if we speed up 60 times as fast as every environment's second. We are traveling in parallel with the mains wavelength if you like. From the environment observers view point of reality we would be 60 times as fast as their every second. Our velocity would be to fast to see us moving in present time. We are only viewed as fast as we see electric fan blades circling at speed. The fan blades are spinning in present time.

Radio, TV the internet, cell phone communication systems including radar signals are all invisible radio signals in time even more dramatic. We use the standard metric prefix system kilo for a thousand, mega for a million, kHz and MHz frequencies respectively.

The reciprocal of a kilo is 1 divided by a 1,000 and the reciprocal of a Mega is 1 divided by a million (1,000,000) the metric prefix mili (mill-lee) for a thousandth, and micro for a millionth of a meter and in time in seconds.

Theses wavelength's don't leave present time. Only the frequencies are to fast for our eyes to respond to. Our radio TV and radar radio and telecommunication world exist in real time phone towers transiting invisible pebble drop like waves radiating from it. What would it be like to speed up to in parallel with a MHz radio signal.

We would be seen by environment observers transformed into invisible million of times as fast than every environment second in present time. From our point of view of reality we will see the transformation of the environments time as a million times as slow. We observe the environment frozen in time every million seconds of time.

There is cosmic wavelengths in out of space radiating from every star of the universe including our sun (comsic radiation) our eyes can't respond to, such as inferred inferred cameras can only see, (which is heat radiation everything warm living thing radiates). We also protect our skin from the invisible harmful Ultra violet light (UV rays) with sun tan lotion.

The wavelength of theses frequencies are in micro (1 divide a million 1 and 6 zeros) and nano- (1 divide a thousand million 1 and 9 zeros. Note from the British point of view is a thousand million and the American point of view a Billion) of a meter short. If we speed up in time to these frequencies we would view the environment's time transformed slowed down proportionately.

Out of all the electromagnetic radiation our eyes can only respond to the colors of the rainbow. Maxwell realized including light and all the colors of the rainbow is electromagnetic radiation energy. Paint absorbs every wavelength except the one that is reflected to our ours. In effect every paint and color dots and pixels of every image act as a filter to all radiation except reflecting just that one color.

If we where to speed up in time to the radio wave wavelength's we would be traveling in parallel with each cycle in time. We would observe the environment's time slowed down the reciprocal of the frequency.

If we sped up to a radio transition signal of a MHz for example we would view every environment second as every million seconds of our time. (I sure anybody into challenging mathematics can figure a million seconds would be in days, hours, minutes to the very second). The faster we would go the slower the environment's time appears to be.

Electro magnetic radiation travels close to the speed of light. In the zero resistance of out of space coasts indefinitely at a maximum coasting speed limit of a 186,000 miles per second. (Note every 1.609 kilometers equals a mile. Our mathematical instinct agrees immediately it it is only a matter of multiplying a 186,000 by 1.609 to give the kilometers version.)

What ever in miles of kilometers light doesn't coast any faster than that. In a planetary atmosphere the velocity is slowed down considerably. Solid objects stops it dead in it's tracks. It then reverses direction speeding back up though the atmosphere.

Once cleared into open space it accelerates to it's maximum coasting speed limit. Everything expect black holes reflect it back into space. But at the end of the day once it reaches it's maximum coasting speed limit it stops accelerating. Even in the zero resistance of space it doesn't coast any faster.

In the depth of space everything including light has a maximum coasting speed limit way-way slower than light. In comparison way-way faster than the maximum speed of shells and bullets fly on earth. We never feel the earth orbit the sun at a velocity of a 1,000mph nor the earth's spin velocity

If we were to view the world from light speed's reality point of view environment observers would observe us traveling round the circumference of earth 7 times every second in present time. But viewing the environment from light speeds point of view every second on earth would be be slowed down to every 186,000 seconds of our time whether in kilometers or miles terms.

Country to this we are influenced by physics telling us we view time as we see Star wars Hans Solo Millennium falcon accreting into hyperspace from the cockpit pint of view of the outside universe.

Do we believe that as true with first hand experience as the truth? It goes without saying if we do the math's right we can project 186,000 seconds converted to days, hours minutes and to seconds term every second of the environment's second.

Observing time on earth from light speeds point of view doesn't stop anymore than light speed doesn't travel any faster than it does from our reality point of view of every environment  second. Viewing the world from light speed's point of view reality doesn't go any slower than every 186,000 seconds of our view point of every environment second. From both points of view time isn't stopped. Every 186,000 seconds of our time is only the illusion of time going to slow to observe moving anymore.

When we accelerate to light speed the environment's time constantly slows down till it can't go any slower anymore. So long as we remain at light speed this arrangement would remain indefinitely As soon as we decelerate from light speed we are slowing down slower than light speed.

As a result the environment's time would speed because we are traveling slower and backwards . As it slows down backwards is is traveling back towards present time. The backwards flowing environment would be counting back to words present time getting faster and faster as it goes finally back to present time again.

If the faster we go the slower time goes is anything to go if we are at a velocity the second hand of a clock has become frozen in time as we slow down in time we would observe the second hand not only start to go anticlockwise accelerating at the same time the minute and hour hands also anticlockwise moving back towards present time. We may be traveling faster than present time but we also travele slower.

The slower we travel in time the faster the environment's time travel's backwards towards present time.

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