Friday, February 24, 2017

Hollywood and TV science fiction once featured mechanical consoles and time machines. Today it is rather advance technology of glass touch screens swiping file instructions to computers to teleport to a destination or time travel. They make it all seem so routine don't they.

Every second hand of a clock represents a now second that was once a future second. Time  travels abandoned properties and vehicle deterioration arrow of time. In time an abandoned house eventually deteriorate into dumps and cars rot to wrecks called entropy. It is an agonizingly slow processes called low entropy. Rotting fruit don't take long by comparison a high entropy. Our body's follow this entropy rule as we get older every birthday.

To most of us seconds are dismissed as irreverent. We feel sports and science winning and losing our sports hero's by fractions of seconds just unnecessarily nick picking. But in truth, seconds are the building blocks of the present minute.

Every second in the present minute is the building blocks of the present hour. Every second of an hour is  the building blocks of the present day. Every second of every day is the building blocks of each future day of the a week. Every second in those two weeks is the building blocks of a fortnight which every second are the building blocks of every future month. Every second of a month are the building blocks of every future year. 

Every second of a year are the building blocks of every future decade. Every second of a every decade are the building blocks of every century. Every second of a century is the building blocks of every millennia (thousand years or 10 centuries if you like) Every second of every millennia are the building blocks of every million years. Each second of every million years are the building blocks of billions of year and so on. Every second hand movement is  the distance light travels every second no matter how long the time.

A span of time smaller than a regular second of the universe called a Planck time often expressed as a Planck second. It is a Plank constant that is 1 divided by 10 forty-three times multiplied by 6.626. It pans out to thirty-nine zeros on the right of 6262 a total of a 43 decimal fraction of a second. 

Mathematics tells us the reciprocal is 1 multiplied by 10 forty-three times the same 6262 on the left of the same 39 zeros (6.262 times 10 to the 43 and 6.262 times 10 to the minus 43 respectively). In short 6.262 times 10 to the 43 Plank times equals 1 second.

We never observe fallen glasses reassemble back up off the floor at any speed against gravity back onto tables with out a crack mark on them. Yet there are Hollywood and TV wonder adventures into the past.

There is two points of view of traveling though time. One is the view point of the environment's time moving backwards or forwards and the point of view of environment observing the travelers.

Light travels a distance of less than 300 thousand kilometers (299 thousand 972 kilometers and 548 meters or a 186 thousand miles to be exact if you like), by the time the second hand of a clock moves a division. Despite the zero resistance of deep space it doesn't coast any faster. It is at it's maximum coasting speed limit every second hand division movement.

The sunlight we see from the sun takes a little less than 8 minuets to reach our eyes. The sun is the nearest star to earth only 8 light minutes away. In real time we don't see light that just left the sun now until 8 minutes into the future. What we see of the sunlight in real time now on earth is only images of the light as the sun was 8 minuets ago every second.

By the time you are half away thought this sentence light is less than 300 thousand kilometers from the sun and the same distance away from earth every second. 

Time on earth is based on the Gergieon calendar the world uses today based on a date change of every 12 midnight.

Digital time pieces tell us their is no such thing as a 24 hour period. Read outs display a second before the date changes 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds. 24 hours is when the numbers all reset to zero no hours, no minutes and no seconds (00:00:00) of the first second of the new date change.

The first second ends at 00:00:01. Our digital time pieces don't have second columns instead a blinking colon (:). Every blink is a deep space time the distance light travels every second.

The colon blinks 60 times when the time piece reads out 00:01 ending the first minute past 12 midnight. It repeats till 00:02 the distance light traveled in another minute. The sequence repeats until 00:03 and so 00:04 and so on, every blink of the colon equals the distance light travels a second.

The sequence repeats till 00:59 resetting to 01:00 ending the first hour beginning the second hour of the day. The number repeats ending each hour 02:00  two in the morning and so 03:00  three in the morning and so on till 23:59 changing to a new date at 00:00 again.

Teleportation and transported though time the earth is spinning on it's axis about 30 degrees putting the mass of the Artic circle of the North pole about an 11 O'clock angle  and the mass of Antarctica at the south pole at 5 O'clock coordinates. This puts the deep south pacific the first corner of the earth a new 12 midnight date change and the North east Artic circle the previous date at 12 midday. When it is 12 midday south pacific time it is a new date change at 12 midnight North east Atlantic time. Flat maps of the earth show international date lines where every country a deferent time at the same time.

Where ever on earth teleported in real time or time travel one part of the world to the other or to the past or future is always same overlap of international time zone in each date somewhere in the world.

Quantum physics weirdness suggests teleportation real time (to the future or past ) from our intuitive point of view agrees the laws of physics may be different. The two different view points of a travelers point of view observing the environments time during transition and  from the environment obverses point of view observing the traveler durying the same transition

Take teleportation in real time for example.

Imagine 0 to a distance of a 160km (or a 100 miles if you like) in a second. There is always from the teleported view point of the environment's time and the environment observers point of view of the moving traveller. If we could travel a 160 kilometres to a stop in a second  we may observe Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity view point of the environment's time may kick in. 

Our intuitive thinking agrees at take off we should accelerate to a distance of 80km in half second and come to a stop in another 80km in another half second evening total of a distance of 160km to a stop in a second.

From our point of view should observe the environment's time slow down the faster we accelerate the slower the environment's time seems getting slower and slower until which point we apply the breaks at a distance of 80k.

At this point the environment may look sped up again as we slow down getting faster and faster until we reach a point a second into the future we started take off a 160km away.

From our point of view it may take the equivalent of several seconds to be a second into the environment's future 160km away the same amount of time as the environment observer sees us. Time from our point of view and the environment's may be meaningless.

There are two possibilities from an environment observers point of view of our trip. One we may look a star Trek ship warp drive take off where the series showed the front end of ships stretched into the distance followed by the rear snapping in disappearing out of sight. We could look similar stretched for a distance of a 160km snapping in the total distance in a second. Or we could just disappear entirely reappearing a 160km away in a second. What ever the outcome, there will always be the two opposing view points showing completely different experiences at the same time.

Slowing down to a stop showed the slower we go the faster the environment's time appears to go. If we apply this to light speed we would be accelerating and stopping in a distance of 300 thousand kilometers in one second.

Our intuitive nature suggests we'd be applying the brakes at a distance of a 150km in half second and come to a complete stop in another 150km in another half second. It pans out the equivalent of circling the circumference of earth 7 times in the same amount of time a second hand of every clock moves a division. 

It suggests 7 times round the world in one second equals 4 and a half times in half a second of acceleration and another 4 and a half times in anther half second of deceleration to come to a stop to equal the total distance to a stop in a second 7 times round trip.

What would we see of the environment's time. I will use light speed itself because the G's and atmosphere would destroy us to atoms less than 4 and a half times round the earth after take off.

From our point of view we see light speed travel a distance of less than 300 thousand kilometers every time the second hands of clocks move every division. According to Einstein's special theory of relativity if we could observe the environment's time on earth from light speeds point of view we would observe it as slow the reciprocal of the speed we observe it. 

For example we would observe clock second hands frozen in time. In reality it is moving though time equivalent of 300 thousand seconds to travel the same 300 thousand kilometers we see it travel in a second. If do the math's miles applies. (A 186 thousand seconds per 168 thousand miles equals 1.86 miles per second times a 186 thousand miles)

In other words from our point of view we see light travel 300 thousand kilometers per second and light speed's point of view sees time on earth travel 3km per second. Because light speed doesn't go any faster than it's maximum it doesn't see time on earth go any slower than that. It is the maximum slowness. Time may look stopped but is an illusion of going to slow to observe moving anymore. Clock second hands for example. 

Just because we can't observe the second hand of clocks moving anymore don't necessarily mean it isn't moving though time.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Positive and Negative G's

We all experience a pull back torque in every high speed acceleration. We commonly express this as G's of the accelerating body. Rolla Coaster accelerations are an example. We feel the equivalent of being weighed down by several kilograms (or pounds if you like) upon us. The acceleration torque force is in Newtown's.

There is a universe law that tells us everything has a maximum speed limit. Despite the zero resistance of space from a speck of dust to entire galaxies including light, all coast at maximum speed limit. Cosmologies belief the universe is accelerating aside, stars and galaxies don't travel any faster than their constant velocities.

On the surface of earth we feel acceleration as a positive G. An example of negative G when we feel the G's has stopped. What we feel is an uncontrolled weightlessness feeling.

This is because acceleration is terminated where everything just doesn't go any faster. We know this with cars. Despite peddle to the metal no car can go any faster than their maximum speed. They just can't go any faster. Since they can't go any faster terminated acceleration (in negative G) keeps the vehicle uncontrollably light weight. At the maximum speed limit the negative G's makes the vehicle so light it is hard to control.

Albert Einstein was the first person to recognize G in his special theory of relativity. The faster we accelerate the more we are pulled back. The speeding body terminates to a constant velocity of the negative G's.

NSA uses the maximum doping speed of aircraft to generate negative G's to train astronauts in the weightlessness of outer space Albert Einstein's special theory of reality predicted over a 100 years ago.

Once a plane reaches maximum free fall speed it doesn't drop any faster. Trainees lift off the fuselage floor frolicking about enjoying the uncontrollable weightlessness of the negative G fun. Fighter pilots often experience the same thing strapped in their seats. Einstein's special theory predicted this published in 1905. Maximum speed free fall of any plane matches the earth's gravity canceling itself out acting as an antigravity vehicle. When planes slow down to level out gravity returns to normal. Everybody falls to the floor by the return of normal gravity.

A body entering orbit of a planet increasing speed by the planets mass past escape velocity will sling shot away leave the planet in a new continues straight line coordinate for ever. Using this effect a gathering speed speed space craft circling the planet until escape velocity speed just the right place will send the it into any planed projectory we want.

Albert Einstein was the first scientist to describe G's in his special theory traveling on a light speed scale. The special theory predicts the physics of the artificial gravity of doughnut space stations. If spinning fast enough create a continues positive G providing gravity for the inhabitence
Constant velocity has energy. We know this in speeding impact. We feel it in what was stored in the speeding body called kinetic energy felt as negative G. We can take a lesson from the pulling power of the earth's mass on a 1kg mass.

When we hold a 1kg cheese over the ledge of the top floor of a tall of a 100 story sky scrapper we can feel the earths mass pulling on it. We are feeling first hand the force of the earth mass on a 1kg mass called potential energy.

When we let go the earth's mass snatches it accelerating to a meter the initial torque where acceleration is terminated to a constant velocity free fall. The 1kg packet drops all the way down the side of the building at terminal velocity impacting with the immovable body of the earth in the form of the street bellow. The packet has become considerably distorted from the impact of the kinetic energy released though it. Kinetic energy is in Joules.

The famous 16th century British scientist Isaac Newton describes the mass of bodies as attractive force we called gravity. If we do the math's on this the 1 meter per second terminal velocity is equivalent to the potential of 3.6kmph 1kg impact of energy stored in it during free fall. Force is in Newton's where the pulling force of the earth's mass pans out to 9.8N the unit of the pulling power of the earth's gravity.

Mathematics tells us force equals mass times acceleration. The laws of mathematics say the formulae pans out into 3 off shoot variants of the same sum.

One. Force equals acceleration times mass.

Two. Acceleration equals mass over force.

And three. Mass equals force over acceleration respectively.

This can be tested using the same numbers in every formulae
No matter which way we do the sum any 1kg mass is a meter per second fee fall velocity in the earth's gravity. If we do the math's on this in terms of kmph velocity pans out to 3.6kmph of potential kinetic energy impact force of 1 Joule.

If the mass was 2kg the earth mass will accelerate it to 4 meters in the same amount of time of a parallel falling 1kg  terminating to a constant velocity of 4 meters every second. If 3Kg will accelerate to 9 meters in the same second to a terminal acceleration of 9 meters per second. If 4kg will accelerate 16 meters in the same second.

Our mathematical instinct agrees one 1's are 1. Two 2's are 4. Three 3's are 9. Four 4's are 16 and if 5kg, 5 fives are 25, or if 6kg six 6's, and so on. For example a free falling 3Kg mass pans out to 9 Joules or 6kg 36 joules of kinetic energy respectively.

In other words kinetic energy equals the square of the free falling mass. While the initial acceleration torque and impacting forces is in Newtown's the stored kinetic energy is in Joules. The pulling power of the earth's mass pans out to be a force of 9.8 Newtown's the unit of the earth's gravity.

A straight line motion bent into a circle is circular motion. We are all familiar with centrifugal force effects. The rotating forces we experience in merry-go- rounds is a good example.
Merry go round swings on the outer edge have more distance to travel than the inner ones. The force on the outer swings are trying to send them straight ahead force to go round. Because of the distance they have to travel round the circumference of the circle is where most the most force is concentrated.

The inner swings have less distance so there is less force. An experiment can be conducted with a loose object in the center of a spinning disk. Although precariously balance in the center maximum centrifugal force is always concentrated more at the outer edge. Marginal forces are always in the center. A pin pined right in the center will not be circulating but just spins on it's own axis. Some of us forget this when we they think of spinning black holes.

An argument says the center called the singularity has virtual no force were it is needed the most to break open an aperture here. This precedes the argument that reminds us the of force concentrated round the outer limits called the event horizon.

A further argument tells us it may not matter anyway as the centrifugal force stress on the event horizon could be enough to travel through safety skirting pass avoiding the immense gravitational pull of the singularity. Never the less there is still the argument of the limitation of maximum speed of light speed.

Our intuitive thinking tells us while the event horizon is spinning at light speed the singularity should spin faster than light. Never the less as some of us suggest the laws of physics as we know it break down inside black holes.

The hypothesis  suggests if the event horizon is spinning at light speed singularities should be spinning faster than light. Or as quantum physics will agree both a hypnosis of this suggests the singularity and event horizon should spin at the same time either at event horizon speed or singularity speed. The law of physics as we no it braking down will argue there should be no reason why not there is infinite or no such thing as any velocity.

Then there is this intuitive argument if the infinite inward pull of a singularity would need an infinite centrifugal-force just to break it apart the finite value of light speed will not be able to supply.

Light travels in a straight line a constant distance of just under 300 thousand kilometers, (299 thousand 792 and 548 meters or a 186 thousand miles if you wish to be exact) by the time a second hand of clocks move every division. Because of the maximum speed limits of all things universe light doesn't travel the zero resistance of deep space the distance any faster than every tick. If we do the math's on this we can convert the per second term to kmph (or mph if you like) term.

If light accelerated it would be an acceleration of 0 to a distance of just less than 300 thousand kilometers in a second. It is equivalent of 7 times round the earth in that amount of time.  We don't have to be Einstein's to realize the G's and air resistance we'd feel if we accelerated to that velocity in a second on the surface of earth.

Einstein was was inspired by a sudden thought of a person falling doesn't feel their weight. Skydivers leaping from a plane are snatched by the earth mass pulling power (gravity if you like) accelerating to maximum speed where the earth's mass can't pull any faster. Planes remain at a constant free falling weightlessness of negative G's. It is what makes sky diving so much fun. It takes an average person about a 120 meters (several sky scraper stories) in a few seconds of acceleration to reach negative G velocity.

Astronauts feel positive G's in accelerating rocket ship accelerating to the earth's escape velocity. They feel weighed down as if the earth's gravity was stronger. They feel the relief of weightless negative G when the rocket reaches the escape velocity. Both world wars and modern fighter pilots experience a similar effect in their violent combat maneuvers.

They experience changes in positive to negative G's and back in their high speed maneuvers we feel in the twist and turns of Roller coaster rides without slowing down. We all experience the positive G's of the the Rolla Coaster train at  high speed twisting and turning stresses. We experience the negative G weightlessness at the peaks of every loop before switching to positive G's on accent.
World war two German stuka diver bomber crews experienced positive G's during accelerating runs before the plane couldn't accelerate any more. At this point the positive G shifted into the weightlessness of negative G at the moment of the maximum dive bombing speed before pulling out of the dive.

One of Isaac Newton's laws tells us all bodies travel in a straight line forever. Only an external force acting on it can change their direction. A classic example are asteroids. Once anything is lunched in the zero resistance of space they accelerate to a maximum coasting speed in a few seconds and stay at a constant costing speed in a straight line indefinitely. They just don't go an faster. Everything including planets, stars and galaxies are constantly coasting at their maximum velocities. and light is no exception.

We can safely say the maximum coasting speed of light in the zero resistance of any vacuum coasts just under 300 thousand kilometers per second. It just doesn't go an faster than that. It travels the distance ever time the second hand of a clock moves a division across the universe.

In effect Newtown's laws define despite the zero resistance of deep space all bodies obeys the same law coasting at their maximum speeds in a permanent state of a negative G environment. Only a gravitational pull and collision can change their speed and direction shifting into positive G's. Negative G's occur when anybody can't go any faster and light is know exception.

Fighter pilot maneuvers and we feel these same shifts in Rolla coasters hitting curves, twist and turns in the track without slowing down trying pull the train (or plane) straight ahead every twist and turn.
According to Newtown the mass of the Artic circle of the north poll is an attractive inward pulling force as much as the mass of Antarctica at the south pole is equally an inward pulling force.

According to Einstein the earth's mass bends space. If we think in terms of Newton gravity means
both poles are pulling space inwards towards the center of earth form opposite ends of the globe. Space is raped round the entire circumference like plastic shrink rap compressing an apple. 

Einstein's general theory of relativity tells us  as a result of this stretching, is a region of distorted space round the entire earth. According to this earth's atmosphere we breath, the oceans of the world, us and the crust we live on are all pressed hard on molten magma beneath our feet by this distorted space like plastic shrink rap squeezing pressure on a piece of food. The mass of your neighborhood is bending bending space in a inward pull force as much as the neighborhood on the other side of the world is. 

The earth spins on it's axis at about a 30 degree angle. This puts the mass of the mass of the Artic circle at about an 11 o'clock and the mass of Antarctica about a 5 o'clock angle. The mass of both poles compress the earth's crust into a slight egg shape at the equator. Gravity is slightly different at the equator than the poles.

One G is a force of each pole mass pulling us to the surface hypothetically the level we experience our normal body weight. It is roughly the equivalent to a about kilogram of compression per cubic meter at sea level expressed as 9.8 Newtown's of force

Our sun provides the necessity for life on earth. But Hypothetically the earth's orbit round the sun and spin must have some stress on earth as a whole. According to Isaac Newton and Einstein space is pulled in by the mass of the earth compressing the the earth's atmosphere we breath, the oceans of the world and us and the crust compressing magma (the same molten material flowing on the surface we call lava) beneath our feet.

Despite the inward pull pressure of gravity the earth's atmosphere is in constant state of fluid motion. It has high and low pressure regions drifting about all over the world. High pressure is a state when pressure is relatively high tending to be highly stable weather. Wind virtually remain motionless.

The low pressure regions are a state of pressure drops dragging in surrounding moisture. The charging air is sucked in by the low pressure creating relatively unstable weather.
High and low pressure systems often run up against one another. High pressure tend to end up as low pressure blocking highs. Sometimes their is a stabilized blocking high pressure system remaining stationary where the low pressure keeps deepening resulting in a couple of days of lingering bad weather. High pressure regions move when low pressure boundaries erode the high pressure boundaries changing the high pressure. Humidity of the atmosphere is the result of heat from the sun.

A law of thermal dynamics tells us the heat we feel pumping up a tire that is already tight with a pump is not from friction you know. It is heat produced when we compress something already compressed. The more pressure squeezing an already compact material the hotter it becomes. Active volcanic crater lakes where Melton lave sloshes and boils are evidence magma is constantly boiling. Temperatures are comparable with the sun millions of degrees Fahrenheit hot enough for rock to be fluid enough to slosh about in waves. 

According thermal dynamics tells us billons of tones per cubic kilometer of the earth's crust pressure keeps the magma constantly boiling. The earth is the only widely known planet in the solar system with a an extensive broken up crust floating like rafts on this boiling material.

Billons of tones of overriding plates push down on other plates into the magma in some places of the world. In other places grind past each other.  Other parts of the world pull apart opposite directions.
Billions of tones of slowly overriding pressure boundary plates re-melt sold rock a couple of kilometers further down.

The boiling material is squeezed up by pressure of the relentlessly moving solid rock up fractures in the solid mantle. Under  boiling pressure and the relentless squeezing pressure on the magma has nowhere else to to go is pushed up ascending like an elevator up the fissure exploding into various types of volcanic eruptions. These range from supper heated lava less gas explosions to fluid lava outburst.

Earthquakes can also occur when these boundaries slip, jerking forward and upwards over the overridden plate several meters. We feel a rippling of the solid crust and fluid magma like colliding railway box car ripples traveling though the media popping the surface as earthquakes. Under sea  continental rises raze traveling water in the form of tidal wave avalanches inundating the coast.

Friday, February 10, 2017

The inverse suqare law

To most of us the term inverse square law sounds like a strange mouth full. Inverse is term for opposite. When a plane fly's upside down it is said to be is inverted. When you look at yourself in a mirror your left becomes your right and your right becomes your left. From your point of view everything about your face is inverted. From a persons point of view of your face is opposite to your point of view of the point of view of our face.

Another example of inverse is fond in image editor programs where the inverse menu inverts images into negatives. Black and white line drawings white become black the black lines become white. Colour images too. The opposite to green is red and the opposite to red is green and the opposite to brown is blue and the opposite to blue is brown respectively.

In mathematical terms a square is when a number is multiplied by itself. Our mathematical instinct agrees as there is 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minuets in an hour is only a matter of 60 sixties. 60 multiplied by 60 pans out to a total of all the seconds that go into a one hour long TV program. 

An hour long TV program equals 60 squared. Squares are is written with a little razed 2 just to the right of any number. All that is needed for this is a symbol for seconds of an hour equals 60 squared.

Our mathematical instant agrees If we do the reverse (invert) 3 thousand 600 divided by 60 brings us back to the root of the square in this case a minute (in seconds) to an hour long TV program called a square root. The symbol is a tick like symbol over any number. Thus the square root of an hour long TV program is the square root of 3 thousand 600. Mathematics can't lie you know.

A minute in seconds entered into any 2 dollar calculator 60 times 60 equals 3 thousand 600 is a square of an hour. Divided by 60 seconds (or a minute) equals 60 seconds is an inverse. The total sequence for a hour long TV program is an example of a inverse square law.

Isaac Newton used the inverse square law to describe gravity. Take any two bodies a distance apart in meters (or yards apart if you like) body 1 and body 2. (or G1 and G2 if you like)

Our mathematical instinct agrees If the distance between the 2 bodies is 1 meter, and we square it pans out to 2 ones are 2. If we square 2  (2 two's are 4) the distance is stretched 4 meters. If we square 4 meters is a distance is stretched 4 fours are 16 meters. If we square 16 is a distance is shifted 16 sixteens' equal the distance stretched  256 and if we square 256 and so on.

If we invert the sequence the inverse of 256 is 16 meters apart. If we invert 16 meters becomes 4 meters apart If we invert 4 meters apart is 2 meters and if we invert 2 meters is one meter. 256, 16, 4, 2 and one meter apart increments is  inversely proportional to the square of the distance square.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Albert Einstein's time travel Special realitity point of view

We take it for granted Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity makes time travel possible. Science fiction novels TV and Hollywood time travelers just routinely set off and go. They visit the past and future like we walk into next rooms.

How does it happen? What makes our environment's time so special we can travel at will back and forth through it? Here I will attempt to break down time from the point of view every movement of clock second hand moves though our environment's time.

If we pay attention more to the time flow of our clocks and watches more closely we would realize every movement of the second hand  is a present moment of time.

Every second seems to come from a future second and passes into the past second every second. Ever division movement is the time light in the zero resistance of out of space coasts a maximum speed limit  of a 186 thousand miles, (or less than 300, thousand kilometers 299 thousand, 792 kilometers and 548 meters term if you like to be exact) every time the second hand of clocks move every division.

If we pay more attention to mathematics and our clocks we would realize light speed and our time pieces are perfect constants. We know there is 60 seconds in every minute and 60 minutes in every hour constant. Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of 60 sixties adds up the seconds in an hour. We have a grand total of 3 thousand 600 in a one hour long TV program.

A comfortable walk is a meter per second. In other words the amount of time the second hand moves every division. By that time light had traveled 300 thousand kilometres. Adding up the seconds of an hour pans out we walk 3 thousand 600 meters at a 3.6kmph velocity. The distance light travels in an hour comes to all the seconds multiplied by light speed kilometer or mile terms. (Distance in an hour equals 60 squared times c).

From our point of view of light speed is that fast. Mathematics tells us the reciprocal tells us from light speeds point of view of every second on earth is stretched longer equivalent of 299 thousand 792 point 548 seconds (or 300 thousand if you don't like to be that exact). Paying more attention to the reciprocal of light speed we realize light speed's point of view of time on earth doesn't see it travel any slower than our point of view light speed is as fast to us.

The math’s tells us time on earth is not stopped at light speed. If we view the second hand of a clock from a light speeds point of view will be frozen in time illusion to slow to observe moving any more. The movement of clock arms are a prime example of the illusion of time.

If we pay closer attention the motion of time by our clocks we realize we observe the second hand move every division per second. By the time the second hand makes a full circle the seemly frozen in time minute hand had moved a division.

Things are even more dramatic with the hour hand. We don't observe the minute hand move a full circle. But know it has to to be moving. By that time the frozen hour hand had moved a division the frozen in time minute hand had moved a full circle. The minute and hour hands are too slow for us to see moving. It is an example of how we see time in the universe point of view and the universes point of view of time on earth

Paying closer attention to the the clock hands tell us every environment hour is 3 thousand 600 times as slow as every second. Every minute is 60. Remember, from our point of view of light speed, time on earth is moving according to the distance it travels every time second hands moves a division to us.

If we do the math's on this mathematics projects from light speeds point of view our environment second is the length of time of just under a long weekend a person takes to walk a meter.

If we view from light speeds point of view the person would look frozen in time while from the person's point of view would be moving though our environments a time brisk meter per second walk. It all depends on the point of view between our point of view of light speed and light speeds point of view of us on earth.

Our mathematical instinct agrees multiplied by 24 of the hours of a day pans out to 86 thousand 400 seconds every day. Mathematics tells us the reciprocal tells us every second hand division movement is 86 thousand 400th of a day

Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity agrees with time travel books, TV and Hollywood time travel heroes experience the visual star wars hyperspace (or star trek warp drive) in normal time frame of reference while traveling though time. Time on earth the Gregorian calendar we use today every day is a date change every12 midnight. Every date is a 24 hour period. Lines that dived each number is every 12 midnight.

We hardly pay any attention to digital time pieces and our computer clocks set in the military mode. If we did we would realize tell us there no such thing as a 24 read out. Digital time pieces display no seconds. The only indication is the blinking colon (:) at the end of the numbers. Paying closer attention to digital watch read out is 23:59: the colon blinking 59 times before the numbers rest 00:00: changing the date. There are no hours no minutes and no seconds for a second of time the colon blinks once.

The colon counts down the first minute to 00:00: to 59. When the numbers reset to 00:01: the blinking colon recounts 60 seconds of the second minute.

The numbers count down 00:59: ending the first hour switching to 01:00: The numbers repeat at 02:00: 03:00: and 04:00: and so on to a total of 23 hours 59 minutes and the colon 59 blinks. Resting to all 0's the next new date. This repeats indefinitely every day for months and years at a time.

Time is not the same everywhere in the world. The earth's tilt puts the middle of the Arctic circle of the North pole at 11 O'clock and the middle of Antarctica at a 5 o'clock angle. The earth's clockwise spin puts the south west Pacific the first new date of every day. The North east Atlantic is 12 midday the previous date behind. The east Atlantic is always a whole date change behind the south Pacific. International date lines tell us this. What would be a date and time one part of the map a different time another part of the world.

Every time the second hand of a clock moves a division light travels 300 thousand kilometres (299 thousand 792 km and 548 meters to be exact or a 186 thousand miles if you like). The simple constants calculate every second from 12 midnight date change (00:00 :) were ever 12 midnight on the International Date Line. This pans out to 60 squared (60 x 60) times 24 times light speed (c for constant) projecting the distance in every second in terms of km (or mile terms) across the universe in a whole day.

Operating on the principle we can calculate the 12 midnight Monday morning to12 midnight Sunday night 7 days of the week, for month and years at a time. Taking into account of the extra day at the end of every 3rd February leap year the distance light travels every decade.

This allows us to mathematically track every second for centuries, millennia (a thousand years or 10 centuries if you like) a million a billion even trillions of centuries pass on earth. If we multiplied by c the distance light travelled clear across the universe. The distance light travels in several trillions of centuries pass on earth tracks how big the universe can be.

The closest star to earth is our sun. We don't observe the sunlight that just left it now until a little less than 8 minutes into the future. By the time, you're half way through this sentence it is less than 300 thousand kilometres above the sun’s surface.

Real time on earth sunlight we see now had left the sun 8 minutes ago every second. We see it now as an image of the sun as it was then every 8 minutes ago every second. Every time the second hand of a clock moves a division is less than 300 thousand kilometres away from the surface of earth. We feel heat and light from all that distance every second on earth.

Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity projects motion is relative between opposing points of view what would happen if we travel though time slower than a second?

If we travel forward in time slowed down by a minute our mathematical instinct agrees 60 seconds in a minute every environment second means slowed down by 60 times. It will agree we would observe from our point of view environment clock hands speed up 60 times. The second hand would be observed spinning in a bluer. Every division seem sped equivalent to 60th second. Every full circle appears to be every second and the hour hand move the same speed as a minute normally would all proportionately. The slower we travel though our environment's time the faster it appears to be for us. In other words the slower we go the faster time goes.

From an environment observer's point of view we would be 60 times as slow as a every second. From their point of view observe every second of us stretched into minute. From our point of view of the environment's time we would observe sped up a minute into the future every second,

The electric lighting is an alternating current frequency. (Or an electromagnetic wavelength if you like). We would observe the wavelength of the electrical lamp lighting change from a yellow/white tinge to a blue colour cast because we are observing the frequency of the radiation radiating from the bulb increase from the normal 60Hz (the frequency of the AC mains) by 60 times.  Simple arithmetic tells us we will see the AC mains 60 times as fast panning out to a equivalent 3.6Khz (3,600Hz frequency.

Not only that, but natures electromagnetic radiation frequencies increased proportionately as well. Mathematics tells us we would be receiving 60 times shorter wavelength (or frequency) of the normal UV rays (ultra violet light) from the sun proportionately every second of our time we'd normally would in a normal minute of the environment time.

We can calculate the effects if we were to slow down by an hour. Our mathematical instinct agrees everything would be sped up 3 thousand 600 times as fast. From environment observers point of view every second of our time would be stretched into an hour of their time while from our point of view we would feel the increase of nature’s radiation proportionately while observing an hour into the future every second.

If we pay more attention to relative points of view we can imagine observing a day into the future every second worth of nature’s radiation from the sun (86 thousand 400 times the frequency) every second. This is what be the point of view of park statues would probably observe time of a park. What appears to be stopped in time is not necessarily frozen time. A century can be easily being less than a second of time let alone million year old fossil.

Most of us believe the stereo typing story of observing light as a Star wars hyperspace or Star trek warp drive effect in TV and the movies. Our mathematical instinct agrees doing our arithmetic homework traveling as slow as an environment second in a year we may experience the environment going so fast as if traveling in a tunnel of streaking light racing from a horizon point in the distance towards us in proportional to all the seconds in a year. The arithmetic tells us traveling well over 31 million times as slow the environment's second we would observe the environment's second proportionately 31 million times as fast. If we look behind we may look the same coming towards us from behind as well.

Mathematics projects taking into account of light speed's velocity we can calculate how fast we would be slow to observe the environment proportionately as fast. In a symmetrical sense can work out how slow we travel when we worked out how fast we observe the environment's second.

What happens if we travel the environment's time a minute as slow every second?

It is the same as the latter only the roll of the observers and us is reversed. While we observe the environment's time slow down observers will observe us travel proportionally into the future every their second. Traveling 60 times as fast as a second we'd observe the environment's time slowed down 60 times as slow proportionately.

A pattern is emerging traveling fast or slow independently of a fixed environment's time we observe the opposite effect sped up or slowed down depending on which we travel the a fixed environment's time. If the environment's time is fixed the slower we go the faster the environment's time appears to be. And the faster we go the slower the it's time appears to be.

Hollywood making a time travel movie using these facts would find it hard pressed to include swapping from both points of view from time to time in the plot. In motion in relation to a fixed point of view time traveling is all in the point of view.