Monday, January 16, 2017

In 1898 Jules Vern wrote a science fiction novel titled round the world in 80 days. This post is about what happens round the world on a light speed scale.

In the zero resistance of out of space light coasts a maximum distance in a straight line of just under 300,000km, (299 thousand 792 and 548 meters or a 186,000 miles to be exact if you like ) every time the second hand of a clock moves a division. It just doesn't coast any faster than that. It is equivalent to round the circumference of earth times in a  second.

Our mathematic instinct aggress if we do the math's on this works out in terms of kmph equal to a distance of 10 thousand and 80 million kilometres by an one hour long TV program. it is only a mater of adding 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour that comes to 86 thousand 400. Every time a second of a clock moves a division in words exactly a distance of 25 billion 902 million 76 thousand 147 and 20 meters if  you with to be that  exact to avoid errors

Light speed is a constant every time a second hand of a clock moves a division called c. Our mathematical instinct agrees a light year is only a matter of adding up all the seconds of a year. Every time a clock hand second moves light travels in that time is always added. The constant doesn't come any better than that at adding up the total distance light travels across the universe in that time..

Everything has a maximum costing speed limit including light, galaxies, stars, planets asteroids to specks of dust are no exception. Their velocities are considerably faster than the top speed of a bullets can ever travel on the surface of earth. This means a law of the universe tells us there is no such thing as stationary. The seemingly stationary imitational space station orbiting earth and a stationary space ship is an illusion because they are still in motion faster than bullet can travel at sea level on the surface of earth.

Shooting stars are merely tiny specks of dust accelerated by the earth's mass ( or gravity if you like ). Even then, there is a maximum velocity where it doesn't accelerate any faster incinerated by the friction of the atmosphere. Stones the size of apples create the familiar shooting per sight at night. They hit the ground with all the power of a bullet strike sticking a fence post.

The assume power of just a neighbourhood sized asteroid that is supposed to have wiped out the dinosaurs the sari velocity amplified the asteroid's mass even heavier with G-forces. The asteroid zeroed in striking ground zero with as much g-force carried by it's own weight equivalent to thousands of nuclear blasts going off simultaneously in one hit.

All impacts velocities obey Newton's inertia law making them heavier than their rest mass.
Light made up of individual particles ( photons ) believed to be weightless. Albert Einstein showed in his General theory of relativity published the second year of world war one, photons do indeed weigh in a gravitational filed. Light travels in a sheet in the entire universe. It bends in an arch in all gravitational fields. It was proved as a fact by a British astronomer taking photos of a eclipse of the sun comparing a few time laps shot differences in light a year after the war.

Even in an airless vacuum there is always G's that curb a bodies accelerating out of control into infinite acceleration. A law of thermal dynamics the compression from the G-forces of motion produces heat. The heat we feel pumping air into a tire with a bicycle pump is not from friction you know. It's what we feel compressing air into the tire. Compress something either from motion or pumping we drive the temperature up. Without it diesel engines won't work.

Gravity is the universe source of heating stars. Equivalent of well over trillions of tones per cubic centimeter of the stars mass pulls it all inward from every direction into a sphere against the expanding heat energy the key that keeps stars shinning

Albert Einstein beloved the compression of motion has a similar profound effect on space. His general theory of relativity the mass of bodies bending it showing it to be elastic and flexible. There is enough G's pulling traveling bodies back ending up terminating the acceleration to a constant velocity. With out it there is nothing to stop them from accelerating non stop for ever.

By the time light in the zero resistance of deep space travels a distance of just under 300 thousand km (or a 186 thousand miles if you) like we casually walk a 1 meter. Our mathematical curiosity and instinct aggress if we do the math's on this in terms of kmph is only a matter of 60 seconds in a minute multiplied by 60 minutes (In other words 60 squared) multiplied by 299 thousand 792 point 548 (or in a 186 thousand miles term if you like) giving us a grand total of 3 thousand 600 meters (or in feet) in an hour long TV program. In other wards 3.6kmph velocity

Operating on the principle our mathematical instinct agrees we can all work out how much time light travels the same amount of time we walk a meter. The standard metric system tells us there is a thousand meters in a kilometer. It pans out light in the zero resistance of open space travels just under 300 thousand, thousand meters we walk 1 meter, a 300,000,000 to 1 ratio. A ratio distance of 299 thousand 792 and 548 meters if you wish to be exact to avoid errors in your calculations.

The standard metric system micro for a thousand thousand tells us light travels a meter in 300 thousand thousandth of a second we travel the same distance 1 meter in a second. Nobody can disprove it because math's can't lie you know.

What the math's is saying light is 300 thousand thousand times faster than our environment second on earth. In other words from light speeds point of view every second of the environment is 300 thousand thousand times as slow as we see it as fast.

Because light seed is a perfect mathematical constant mathematics can easily project from light speeds point of view point of view of our environment second the second hand of clocks doesn't move any slower than the equivalent of 300 thousand thousand times we normally observe them.

Light speed sees time on earth maxed out slowness. It doesn't see our environment second any slower than we see light speed in a second. This is equivalent of a person move every 1 meter the same time we race round the entire circumference of earth every 7 times.

Mathematics projects time on the surface of earth at sea level is as flexible as space itself. Think of accelerating a distance of a 160km ( or a 100 miles if ou like) to a stop in a second. Our mathematical instinct predicts when we accelerate we take off to a distance of 80km in half second. When we apply the brakes to come to a complete stop again in another 80km in another half second.

A stationary observers point of view could observe two things. Either we disappear point A and reappear point at point B a 160km away in a second, or stretch like a rubber band all that distance snapping back to normal in the total distance away in a second. An observer will step a meter in the same amount of time we covered a 160km.

What would we observe of the environment's time? Most probably we'd observe the environment's second slow down or stretch longer every our second. The environment second would appear to get longer and longer in time the faster we go until the time we reach a distance of 80km.

When we hit the brakes at this point we would observe the environment's time compressed shorter and shorter slowly at first getting faster and faster until we find ourselves stopped a second into the future we left a160km away. We'd travelled a distance of a 16km the time the observer had only step1 meter.

In other words the faster we go the faster time slows down and the faster we slow down the faster time speeds up again. This would probably also happen when we slow down to a stop from traveling round the surface of earth at sea level from on a light speed scale speed. In other words once we slow down time environment's speeds up getting faster and faster until we find ourselves a second in the future where we started.

The inward pull of mass slows time we speculate from the mass of black holes. The inward pull of the earth's mass is no exception.

If we go up a tall sky scrapper we are leaving the strongest gravitation pull at the bottom at sea level. In this instance we only age a few microseconds slower on the roof than the ground as long as we stay there.

When we ascend back down again we are returning back down to the strongest gravitational pull at the bottom again were the earth's mass retards our cosmic aging. By the time we reach the bottom the difference may be less than a picosecond ( Pico from the standard metric system for a billionth of a second ) than we where at the top.

The same applies to passengers in aircraft travel. While they are aloft higher than record breaking man made structure, they are younger than everybody else at see level.

landing on the tarmac of an air port their age is retarded as they return back to sea level because of the earth's mass inward pull is stronger. The same applies to astronaut orbiting the earth. When they return back to sea level they are returning back to the strongest gravitational pull of the mass of earth again. The only difference would probably be less than a picosecond younger because where the gravity is strongest than aloft orbiting the earth.

My guess is the same effect returning back into the strong gravitational field of the solar system from a adventure far outside it. A twin may return no older than his twin because coming back to the stronger mass pull of the earth retarding his age. They arrive on the surface of earth no older than everybody else.

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