Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How does light travel? It is a visible electromagnetic radiation every direction we look. It travels to us from all directions. Despite the zero resistance of space all bodies coast at maximum speed limits and light is no exception. What we see is a coaster just under 300,000km per second ( or a 186,000 miles per second if you like ). Everything else several times faster than bullets. Everything just doesn't go any faster including light.

Mathematics is always been the corner stone of science. By following a simple formulae we can convert given meters per second into kilometers per hour terms. We all know there is 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. So adding up all the seconds pans out to 60 squared giving us 3,600 seconds in an hour. ( sh = 602 ) perfect constant we can use to measure the speed of light though math's.

We can all be pretty good at judging how fast we walk one meter, about a stride and a half by the time we say one thousand and one. It is the same amount of time the second hand of clocks move a division, any digital time piece second, and the distance light travels just short of 300,000km in the same amount of time.

According to the standard metric system a thousand meters is a kilometer. If we ignore the zeros we can use K for kilometers. We can simply multiply c ( light speed constant ) by 3.6 gives us a 10,080,000,000kmph term.

Walking a distance of a meter every second for an hour the total distance of 3,600 meters. 1m/s steady walking pace is a 3.6kmph velocity. We can use math's to project the contrast light travels the same distance in time.

Our mathematical instinct agrees it is only a matter of asking ourselves how many meters go into 300,000km. By multiplying 300,000 by a 1,000 works out to adding three zeros. To the British 6 zeroes is a thousand thousand. To the Americans a million. Math's projects light travels 300,000,000 times faster we walk a single meter.

Math's tells us the reciprocal of 300,000m/s is 300 thousandth second. It is essentially 1 dived 300,000 light travels a kilometer. For a meter the reciprocal of 300,000,000. ( 1 dived 300,000,000 ) gives us meter in 1/300,000,000th of a second. The standard metric system prefix, micro ( 1 dived 1,000,000 ) tells us 300 microseconds ( 300μs/m ).

Light slows down in the earth's atmosphere. Less than a second it accelerates back into space. Classical physics tells us It should be stopping dead in it's tracks to reverse direction. Once it clears the atmosphere it accelerates back to it's maximum speed. In other words acceleration is terminated to it's maximum coasting velocity in the emptiness of out of space. it just doesn't go any faster.

Albert Einstein's 1905 special theory was founded on Newtown's second law of motion. When we accelerate hard we feel the resistant property of our mass weighing us down. Our mass also resists slowing down when we have brake hard. The harder we accelerate the heavier we feel the more feel a puling forward against the resistance of braking hard. A classic example of a sudden braking we feel in crowed standing only room subway railway car.

When Einstein made new discoveries he updated his earlier theory laying down the foundation of the General theory. Math's has always been his Conner stone. He discovered evidence space is rubbery, elastic and flexible. Einstein predicted mass of stars and planets distorted the elastic space.

Their masses shrink rap it tightly round their entire circumferences. The earth orbits the sue spinning on it's axis at 11 to 7 O'clock angle ( 30θ ) the Artic circle of the north pole and Antarctica of the south distort space just as you and your neighborhood is, as the other side of the world is. How tightly the earth shrink raps space round the circumference of masses is the essence of Einstein's foundation of gravity.

Note, it is recently discovered rippling waves in the universe caused by the traveling masses of black holes that seems to support this theory.

The shrink rap compression of flexible space slows has a damping poetry. The damping property  in out of space is creator than on the surface of earth. Austronuaghts can step out of a space station hatch for a space walk unaffected traveling faster than a bullet. In contrast try stepping out of moving vehicle traveling less than a kmph on the earth's surface.

We immediately experience Newton's second law first hand telling us we feel the mass of our bodies trying to keep moving us forward. The resisting forces of both acceleration and deceleration is the property of all mass including those in out of space called inertia.

We feel the the equivalent of a few kilograms in loaded Rolla Coaster trucks weighing us back into our seats in high speed accelerations. Einstein expressed this as the equivalent of gravity we express as the Rolla Coaster motion pulls in G's. It is the expression petrol heads express the power of their muscle cars pull, so many G's or pulls the tone.

The mass of the earth's pull pulls space inward every comer of it's circumference. This pulling inward power at sea level is equivalent to a compression of a kilogram per cubic meter. It accelerates everything to the ground in a mater of a few seconds.

The next time you are at a supermarket weigh a 1kg packet in you hand. You will be feeling the shrink rapping force of space trying to pull it to the ground. When drop it the earth's mass snatches it to the floor at your feet.

Dropped from the top floor of a tall sky scraper the earth's mass snatches it accelerating it to a meter in a second. the Inertia of any accelerating body eventually weighs it down so much it terminates to a constant velocity in the case the kilogram a meter in a second. The earth's mass cannot accelerate it any faster. It's acceleration is terminated to a coasting free fall kilogram tumbling straight down the side of the sky scraper at 3.6kmph slamming into the immovable street of the earth's masses bellow. The impact is a 1kg, 3.6kmph sudden stop.

Just before sky divers lunch themselves out of the door they are not accelerating. The second they jump, the earth's mass snatches them accelerating serial hundred meters in several seconds. It takes about a 125 meters of acceleration to terminate it. Once reached it is the maximum speed limit the diver can free fall to earth. Sky divers own inertia is the properties of Newton's law resisting acceleration.

To Einstein the insight into the link of terminal acceleration free fall we feel weightless was overwhelmed him. It is an illusion though, as they are very heavy with what is called Kinetic energy stored in the falling motion. We feel it in the initial acceleration but in the constant velocity.

Without a Para shoot, the force of the kinetic energy dissipates though their body, at 200kmph instant stop impact with the ground. For a brief second the equivalent of a much stronger gravitational force.

The force of the earth's mass pulling space tightly round it is our normal body weight holding us to the surface expressed as 1G. The scientific term is 9.8 Newtown's specific the earth's mass. It is the same value whether the mass of a spec of dust to a mountain of a incoming meteor. It's just the difference in mass.

Einstein realized the same force on a sideways plane in motion. We can easily see this in Rolla Caster examples. When we feel twice our body weight weighing us back into our seats is 2G's. Three times, is 3 and 4 times is 4G's respectively. Exactly the process in the weight of the twist and turns weighing us back and the pulling up to a stop power we experience, sky divers also experience in the first several seconds when leaping out of plane hatches.

For our entertainment Rolla Coasters are not meant to slow down hitting those tight twist and bends. Otherwise it wouldn't be much fun. They obey Newtown's first law of traveling in a straight line. We feel the mass of the cars trying to go straight ahead in a straight line when they hit those tight bends with out slowing down forced to curve at speed.

This is what happens to motor vehicles that hit tight bends at to high speed to handle the kenotic energy of the G-forces. The force of the uncontrollable velocity carries the car straight ahead with disastrous results.

Motor magazines and Car TV shows  describe motor vehicle accelerations 0 to 60 ( in mph ) in a few seconds. A new term since the 21st century has been in Newton's.

Imagine the G's, 0 to a 160kmph ( or a 100mph if you like ) straight line acceleration in a second. Mathematics tells us equal to 0 to 44 meters in the first second. It is terminated to a constant 44m/s. Proof of this 44 times 3.6 equals a 160.kmph respectively. And a 160kmph over 3.6 pans out to 44 meters per second. I don't have to remind you math's can't lie you know.

If we accelerate to a distance a160km in the same amount of time math's projects 160km/s multiplied by 3.6 gives us a total of 576kmph take off in a second. It is equal to a 160km in the first second and 160km constant velocity every second after that.

Einstein predicted near light speed velocities bodies becomes compressed. Due to the weight of the inertia ( G's at light speed if you like ) like a car compactor. On a light speed scale the time it takes to crush the mass of a big SUV to the size of a human cell in less than a second. It is all in the inertia at light speed.

Thermal dynamics tells us compaction generates tremendous heat. The heat we feel from a bicycle pump pumping up an already tight tire is not from friction you know. It is the heated compressed air into in tire. Compresses anything already tightly compressed drives up temperature.  Even in the zero resistance of a vacuum to light speed in a second acceleration the G's will rival being in the center of the heat and pressure of a nuclear explosion.

Fifty years ago the CBS  American television studio under the direction of Gene Rowanberry created the science fiction TV series called Star Trek. Science advisers came up with a novel solution using antimatter for the purpose of exceeding light speed for the series. The plan was to utilize a forward going inertia back on the resisting inertia on the forward going Enterprise. The forward going inertia effectively cancels the inertia's force on the forward going Enterprise.

The mass of the enterprise has no inertia. It is free to accelerate to light speed. The forward going inertia effectively carries the enterprise to light speed in a second with no crushing and incineration. How it is done was the use of antimatter mix with matter. What is antimatter We begin with a review of matter to see how this works.

Matter is made up of atoms, that are made up of particles called electrons orbiting central particles called neutrons and protons. The orbiting electrons have a negative electrical charge while the  central protons a positive charge with respect to neutral particles called neutrons, that make up the nucleus.

Positive and negative charges attract each other just like magnets. Like charges ( positive and positive and negative and negative ) repel each other with equal force. The law tells us like charges repel and unlike charge attract. In antimatter electrons are positive, and protons negative. like matter the unlike attract and like repel law applies.

When we introduce matter to antimatter, all the like charges occupy the same spaces so repel each other. The repelling forces react instantly on a light speed scale exploding of all atoms, both antimatter and matter. Matter is dangerous stuff to antimatter as equally as antimatter is dangerous stuff to matter.

Theoretically mater and antimatter canceling each other in and explosive energy. This was hoped should neutralize the reversing inertia on a forward going ship. Exploding mix, should aid the forward accelerating ship like a forward going inertia pulling the ship forward.

In 1994 a Mexican physicist Veil Alcarvier worked out the math's of warping space. His math's created a bubble round a hypothetical ship expanding space behind it and contracting space in front of it. The math's showed the displacement round the ship carried the ship faster than light.

To travel light speed we accelerate from sub light speed. Light is always just under 300,000km ahead of it. From light speeds point of view, sub light speed, travels 300,000 seconds per 300,000km. If we do the math's on this 300,000 seconds is equivalent to just under a long week end. If we view the universe from a light speed point of view the universe would be as slow, we observe light travel the same distance in a second.

As light doesn't travel any faster, from light speed point of view the universe doesn't travel any slower. Time is not stopped. It is only to slow to observe moving an illusion of stopped. Clocks are a good example of this.

Our environment's time is based on clocks set to the rotation of the earth every 12 midnight a calendar date change. We observe the second hand tick every division a second round the entire circumference in a minute. The minute hand at any given moment of time look frozen in time. We don't observe the movement move a division even when the second hand completes a circle. Things are even more radical with the hour hand.

We see the hour hand frozen in time every moment as it moves round the clock face. We can't observe it move a complete circle twice in a day. The hour hand completes two circles to every twelve midnight. Digital time pieces trace 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds exactly where the numbers reset to 00:00:00 at every date change. The numbers reveal no hours, no minutes and no seconds of the new day for a second where the countdown repeats the new day.

The minute and hour hands are an example of time slowed down to slow to observe moving the illusion the hands frozen in time.

Mathematics tells us, every date change is 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds as slow as a second panning out to 86,400 times as slow. Every second works out the reciprocal.( 86,400th ). An hour works out to 59 minutes and 59 seconds, that equally pans out to 3,600 times as slow as every second and every minute 59 seconds as slow respectively.

Mathematics projects if we open out the circumference into a straight line multiplied by 7 pans out the distance light travels in a straight line. Rapping the light speed straight line round the circumference in a second light travels the circumference of earth. In other words the distance light travels in a second equals the circumference of earth times  7 times.

Light speed is always ahead of sub light speed by a distance of 300,000km. Accelerating to light speed from sub light speed we close the distance until we are or traveling in parallel with it because it isn't going any faster. In other words at light speed we travel zero kilometers with respect to it's speed. With respect to sub light speed becomes zero time.

It is a misconception time stops at light speed. If we take the our sub light speed environment second, as we approach light speed we close distance shorter and shorter. Going faster and faster towards light speed we would observe the sub light speed second getting slower and slower. We observe every second stretch longer and longer until we observe the universe slowed down 300,000 seconds to travel 300,000km. If we do the math's on this  see's the universes just short of three days every 300,000km.

Time is not stopped. Traveling the speed of light faster than sub light speed, time doesn't go any slower than we see light speed go as fast when traveling at sub light speed.

It is the principle of the illusion of the minute and hour hands of clocks frozen in time at any given moment of time measuring the minutes and hours moving of the day.

We observe the second hand measure sub light speed ( our environment second ) completing a whole circle in a minute. By the time the second hand makes a full circle we don't see the minute hand move a division. Despite the minute hand frozen in time every minute is moving 60 times as slow as every environment second.

Things are even more dramatic with the environment hour in relation to every second. By the time the second hand makes 60 full circles and the minute hand one circle, both the hour and minute hands are frozen at any given moment of time. We never observe the hour hand move a division.

Note twelve midnight is a date change. Digital time pieces tell us a second to 12 midnight is 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds. There is no such thing as 24. The next second the numbers reset to 00:00:00, changing the date, telling us no hours, no minutes, and no seconds for a second of time. The next second is a second after midnight ( 00:00:01 ) counting down to a minute after ( 00:00:59  to  00:01:00 ).

The numbers repeat every every second till 00:59:59. The next second is one in the morning. ( 01:00:00 ). The seconds repeat as with the minutes to 02:00:00 in the morning respectively. The system repeats  -3, -4, -5, -6, -7 and so on to 12 midday. 12:00:00.

Twelve hour digital clocks repeat in the afternoon 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on till a second before the next date changes repeating the cycle.

A 24 hour digital clock known as military time 1 in the afternoon is 13:00:00. Two is 14:00:00, three is 15:00;00 and so on 16, 17, 18, 19:00:00 seven o'clock in the evening and so on till a second before the date changes 23:59:59 a second before 12 midnight resetting to 00:00:00 instantly changing the date again. Every date change is every 24 hours at every 12 midnight.

This doesn't mean the same time everywhere in the world. The earth's tilt has a dramatic effect on the worlds time. The tilt at 11 to 7 O'clock ( a 30θ ) angle puts the Chatman Island land mass just south west of New Zealand 12 midnight a date change.

For argument sake when 12 midnight changes to 23rd day at the Chatham islands, the tip of Scotland changes to the 22nd there. It takes 24 hours for the shadow of the sun to pass over every land mass the entire circumference of earth. The tip of Scotland is always 24 hours ( or a day if you like ) behind the Chatman Islands. !2 midday 23rd Chatham Islands the tip of Scotland will be 12 midday 22nd.

What is one time were you are many kilometers away is a different time. The seconds and minuets make it very accurate from state to state inside each country. Neighboring states can be close as a few seconds ahead or behind.

If we take the circumference of a circle opened out to a straight line is a reflection all straight lines rolled into a circle are the circumferences of circles.

We can measure the straight line across the circle once, twice, three times and a little bit more about a 7th. This pans out to 1 divide 7 plus 3 accurate only to two decimal places called ( pie ) pi. The symbol is the Greet capital letter pi π. Scientific calculators have pi keys that show pi correctly up to 30 decimal places. Mathematicians have been trying to find the end of the fraction for centuries. It appears to have no end. It doesn't repeat in any regular pattern and being infinite has every phone number in the world.

It also applies to spheres. We can measure the circumference of a sphere with a piece of string cut to length and opened out to a straight line and measure it with a ruler. Rolled into a circle the sphere will fit neatly in it. There are mathematical formulas based on π. we can this with math's There are endless possibilities.

Operating on the principle all pi formulae is applicable to all spheres including planets and stars. Pi only needs the diameter across them to calculate the circumference, volume and mass. We can calculate how many times light travels round their circumferences.

If we take the circumference of earth opened out to a straight line multiplied by 7 equals the distance light speed travels round the circumference of in a second. In other words light travels round the earth 7 times a second if you like, mathematically equal to the distance light speed travels in a straight line.

Distance distorts time. We can see this clearly outside a fast railway train. The immediate rail side flashes by. By contrast the distance of as country scene travel very slowly. It is as if the distance is traveling independently. Between the slow moving distance and the immediate rail side the country side seems to visually stretch to accommodate the difference as we go. Dispute traveling a 160kmph we observe high up and at a distance aircraft look suspended in mid air.

Cosmologists are familiar with black holes and time. It is a common misconception time is stopped inside black holes. Mathematics tells us time is only slowed to a point we we can't see moving anymore. Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity tells us observing a 1,000 years ( a millennia ) sped up as fast as every second point of view, from the opposite point of view see's every second slowed down a 1,000 years respectively.

The faster we observe time go from the opposite point of view see's us the slower point of view of us proportionately. Like I said, time is not stopped. Only the relative illusion of to slow top observe moving

The second hand of analogue clocks move a division every second as digital seconds. It is the time we say one thousand and one, the time a couple of strides in a every meter and and light speed.

Public transport time tables tell us there is a Monday to Friday and a Saturday and Sunday schedule ending the week. Our mathematical instinct agrees the week begins 12 midnight date change Monday morning a total of 7 days ending a second before the date changes 12 midnight Sunday night repeating the cycle.

The Gregorian calendar we use today has different number of days in each month. They range from 29 to 31 in a regular year, A leap year has an extra day at the end of February every 3rd year in every decade.

Mathematics adds up the total seconds in a year 60 squared times 24, times 365 a normal year and in every third year 366. All said and done, light travels a distance of over 31 million times ( 31,536,000, seconds multiplied by 299.797km and 458 meters to be exact or calculated in miles if you like ) in a year.

Operating on the principle taking into account of every 3rd leap year in every decade we can add up the total distance light had traveled in every decade. The same principle applied to a century, a millennia, a million and a billion years.

Mathematics can take all the seconds into the future trillions of centuries passed on earth light travels across the universe way-way beyond the time of the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe.

Some of us believe when our sun dies as a star could produce black hole. It's current size won't cut it. It's to to small blow away it's core when it goes. The explosive force is enough the outer layers to have the escape velocity. The sun's mass is barely enough to dampen the explosion to a fizzer collapse of the star's core. The force of the gravity compacts the core to the size of earth called a white dwarf.

Thye shrink rapping of space on the surface of the sun is believed to be a 100,000 times as strong. as earth mass can achieve. Doing the math's standing on the surface you will weigh a 100,000 times you body weight as you would on earth. You would weigh as much more than a supertanker.

Albert Einstein's general theory of reality tells us white dwarfs shrink raps space. The pressure would be equivalent to the entire earth in a large luxury car crusher crushed up into a sphere the size of a pin head, in less than a second.

It takes stars10 times and more the size of our sun for escape velocity of the outer regions. The core still remains producing a reasonable supernovae into a white dwarf. It takes 100's of times more then the sun's size to blast away even the core.

White dwarfs are created by small to medium size stars gone supernovae. The resulting mass the size of earth has enough inward shrink rap pull to rival black holes. Mathematics indicate the strength dampens time but we can say can never able to stop it.

From the surface point of view, a captured body orbits millions of times before being crashed by it's own weight in seconds. From that point of view several millennia passes on earth in the same amount of time. From our view point observing from earth, a second on the surface of a white dwarf is several millennia long.

It takes stars100's of times bigger for enough escape velocity to blow away the core There will be no matter left to form anything leaving a black void of a corps of the stare.

The black void left can be many light years  across. The edge where light disappears is called the event horizon. The center of the black void the center of of shrunk raped space called a singularity no bigger than an atom.

To most of us black holes are infinite mass with zero volume. Infinite is bigger in the order of scale the internet search engine Goggle name after, a 100 digit number, 1 with 99 zeros. It is even bigger than the square of Goggle, a 10,000 digit number called a Googleplex. It is even bigger than Gooleplex squared. ( A 1,000,00,000 digit number ). In other words in terms of an order of scale number, an infinite number of zeros.

Quoting time in the universe is meaningless without the reference to the time earth makes a complete orbit round the sun. It is the same amount of time light travels the universe, all the seconds, over 31 million and all, a 7 digit number, multiplied by c projects the distance light travels in one orbit.

Before the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe is less than 14 with15 zeros earth obits since it's birth. Not until the earth there was no order of scale reference expect for perhaps the orbits of a planet orbiting it's parent star before earth. With no reference to our environment second, time in the universe can easily be infinite. It is the state inside the black void of black holes.

It is the time park statues see part environment times. What we see as a statue in a generation many millions of centuries pass in less an environment second. It is true with the Geology of the earth. When a Dina saw died less than a second the skeletal remains is dug up billions of year later.

If black holes are infinite we'd expect them to be infinitely cold. Using the Cecieus scale water freezes sold as steel 0θC. It is a temperature it can't freeze any father despite temperature plummeting bellow the maximum freezing point. 20θC below is a hostile environment enterable to life extinguished in minutes. Minus 50 extinguishes life entirely.

Minus C is finite. There is a limit it goes  -273θC. It is a point where all activity of the atom ceases. It just doesn't get any colder. Without the electromagnetic radiation radiating from the sun and all the stars of the universe, the can reach 100's of millions of θC hot, would be the temperature of space just as it is deep inside a black hole.

This appears to make black holes finite. In other words black hole gravity stops activity of the atom. It is the maximum coldness. If black holes are infinite who ever heard of infinite coldness?

Over 30 years ago Steffen Hawking reasoned temperature inside black holes may even be a few digress above -273θC. This minuscule bit of radiation is expressed as Hawking radiation ever since. In essence black holes in terms of coldness may not be infinite as we suppose.

So how much does black how slow time? There is a scale called a Planck constant. It is a 43 digit number 38 decimal zeros (minus) 6262 better known by the scientific notation of 6.2626 X 10-43. Discovered by a German Physicist at the turn of the last century that represents a moment in time, (a Planck second or time)  mass (a Planck mass) and length. (A Planck length) expressed as quanta. that revolutionized physics.

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