Saturday, July 2, 2016

Isaac Newtown and Albert Einstein bought us the laws of gravity and motion. Legend has it, When Newtown noticed an apple fall from a tree that got him thinking. Why the sun and moon didn't fall to earth like an aple. The drop to ground has become known as mass of earth and apple attracted to each other. The velocity had become the laws of Newtonian motion.

The next time you are at a supermarket weigh anything a kilogram packet in your hand. According to Newtown you are feeling the attractive force of both the packet and earth's mass attracting each other.

If you let drop from the top floor of a tall sky scrapper, both the 1kg and earth's mass, snatches it accelerating a meter in a second, 0 to a meter in second. Newtown's second law of motion says where there is a force ( pull of earth's mass in this example ) there is an equal and opposite force telling us accelerating bodies resist acceleration called inertia. It pulls them back as if an invisible hand holding it back against a hand pulling it down, today we express as G's.

Whether vertical free fall or propelled in a sideways plane, is weighed down till the acceleration is terminated to a maximum constant speed in a second. The earth's mass cannot accelerate our free falling kg faster than a meter per second.

Sky divers leaping from planes take about a 150 meters of free fall acceleration to terminate the acceleration. Terminal acceleration is a constant maximum constant of about 320kmph ( 200mph ).

Even throwing a1Kg down the side of a sky scraper with all your might, will only accelerate to a meter in a second terminating to the constant maximum speed. It tumbles down impacting with the immovable earth of the street bellow.

Impact is testimony of an illusion of weightless. The initial acceleration charges anything falling with a pulling back sensation. Any moving body during motion is weighed down by the constant velocity. Impacts tell us this weight is an energy stored in moving bodies called kinetic energy.

If a our 1kg is a steel bar, bounces as it hits the street. Bounce is defined by Newtown's second law of the earth's mass kicking back on the falling mass. In this case, where bodies collide there is kick back force. A packet of grain absorbs it's Kinetic energy flattening it.

Basic arithmetic tells us there is 3,600 seconds in an hour. The standard metric system tells us k for kilo , ( prounced key low ). 1kg traveling a meter per second down the side of the building pans out in terms of kmph, a 1kg/3.6kmph kinetic energy.

In the zero resistance of out of space the earth orbits the sun, spinning on it's axis faster than bullet speeds. It is tilted about 30 degrees from vertical ( 11 to 7 o'clock angle ). And it is not a perfect sphere caused by gravity of artic circle and Antarctica compressing inwards the equator.

Two astronomers studying the night sky one from the middle of the Artic circle of the North pole and the other from the middle of Antarctica in the south pole. Both will perceive looking up at the constellations above them. Looking up while the other looks doesn't exist with any sphere. Both astronomers see the light of the stars coming towards them the same direction.

All over the world we observe light coming to our eyes in every position on earth. We can step left and right, forward and back, move up and down no matter what direction in any and every direction and see the visible radiation no matter what direction. Light travels from all round us from every direction. It has been traveling just under 300,000km/s in out of space since the first light of the first stars soon after the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe.

An average walking pace is a meter per second velocity, in terms of kmph pans out to the same velocity as our free falling 1kg. From our point of view of light speed light travels a distance of 300,000km by time we walk just 1 meter. Or by the time 1kg terminal acceleration. It is the same amount of time the second hands moves a division. Mathematics tells us there is 300,000,000 meters in 300,000km. To the British 6 zeros is a thousand, thousand and Americans a million.

From our point of view we observe light travels 300,000km/s. But if we view from light speed's point of view sees the universe move 3km/s. It's all in the math's. From light speeds point of view the universe travels 300,000 seconds of time to travel 300,000km. If we do the math's on this equal to just under 3 and a 1/2 days.

Different points of view tells us time doesn't stop at light speed. If we observe time from a light speed point of view we observe the illusion of light speed to fast to observe time moving anymore. Every second on earth that passes is as slow as 3 and a 1/2 days to light speed. From our point of view time is moving normally. Time can't go any slower than light speed can't go any faster.

According to Newton's definition of gravity both the masses of the Artic circle of the north pole and Antarctica in the south pole is an attractive inward direction. In fact the entire circumference of earth. The inward pulls of both poles end up squeezing a budge at the equator.

Albert Einstein's General theory of relativity says the mass of the earth is pulling in on a rubbery and flexible space to the surface of the entire circumference. The earth's mass shrink raps a rubbery and flexible properties like plastic shrink rap squeezing tightly round the whole planet. A distortion of space surrounds the earth's circumference from all directions. In fact every piece of matter from a speck of dust to every star in entire galaxies distort the rubbery properties in this way.

According to the General theory the mass of the artic circle of the north pole for example, is bending space in a inward direction towards the surface as much as Antarctica of the south pole is. In fact, the mass of the streets of your neighborhood as much as the streets of the other side of the world is.

It is the heavy mass of earth shrinking space tightly compressing the oceans of the world and the air we breath round the entire circumference. Think of the shape and mass of a moving submarine or a sperm whale under water displacing water. Water pressure compresses submarine hulls and sperm whale bodies inward from all directions, depending on how deep very tightly. The deeper the more tighter.

The same with the stretched inward curves of space round the circumference of earth. The moon followers this inward curve round the slightly egg shape distorted space giving the various lunar moth's of the calendar.

If we pay more attention to mathematics than we should here, with enough information, it can project the inward crushing pressure of water on a submarine hull. The common measurement is a System International ( SI ) ponds per square inch ( PSI ) term, we commonly reference to car and bicycle tire pressures in an outward expansion. The metric equivalent is kilograms per square centimeter ( Kg/c2 ). In the case of deep sea water pressure in tones of inward per square inch pressure.

The deepest trench in the world the Marians trench can crush deep sea submersibles inward in every direction like a car compactor on a car in the time of less than a second. This is the compression force of the earth's mass shrink rapping space tightly.

Albert Einstein special theory of relativity defines Newtown's law of force and motion as the pull back force of inertia as a the equivalence. We commonly view motion on a side ways plane expressed as G-forces or G's. It works equally well in vertical free.

The scientific unit specific of the earth mass pull 9.8 Newton's. It is the unit of the compression force of 1 kilogram per cubic meter ( 1kg/m3 ) of the pressure of space. The earth's total mass is about 18 trillion tones per cubic kilometer.

Accelerated fast enough in a side ways planes we feel the weight of being pulled back by the inertia pulling back such such as feeling the power of the weight of Roller coaster accelerations pulling us back into our seats. If we feel double our body weight, is 2G's. 3 times 3G's and 4 times and so no. Free fall of the earth's mass is still 9.8N no matter how heavy a body is ,is falling.

Heavy bodies appear the illusion of falling faster. It is all in the acceleration. Heavy bodies reach terminal acceleration in longer distances in the same 1 second than lighter bodies do.

Any acceleration above 4G's is a very uncomfortable weighed down sensation to say the lest. The weight of any high speed acceleration terminated to a constant velocity will strain all our organs.

Double our body weight is enough to stop bad hearts. Our lungs and the air molecules are so heavy we struggle to breath because they are heavier for the body to move let a lone to move our heavy limbs. It is the equivalent experiencing a larger mass than the earth.

From specks of dust to large galaxies in the zero resistance of out of space coast faster than bullet speeds. But never any faster. They all coast way-way below light speed. Motion is a different story on the surface of earth.

Mass distorting flexible space dampens velocity. A walking pace for example is felt as 3.6kmph movement on the surface of earth. Compared to orbiting earth we coast no slower than above a bullet speed velocity we feel no motion at all. We experience a stationary sensation.

Einstein would agree with the analogy If we took away all the light of the universe all that would be left is the black void of space. We would feel a stationary sensation even when know we are traveling faster than a bullet. It takes a velocity close to the speed of light to start to notice any resemblance of any motion

Clock second hands and digital time piece seconds represent measuring our environment time on the surface of earth. Every second doesn't go any faster or slower. They are constant. By the time you finish this sentence the future second has become the present and now the passed second every second.

Quantum physics tells us time is quantified. Every second is divided into a fixed quantum leap  of a Planck second.

 More to follow. I'll keep in touch

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