Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Star Wars fans were treated to a panama view of the Millennium Falcon space ship cockpit as Hans Solo engaged hyperspace. In seconds a kaleidoscope of white light streaks appearing from a black void vanishing point heading headlong past the cockpit screen.

According to British students at the University of Leicester, doing the math's on this, found Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia would have been accelerating towards the light of the universe. The math's told them they couldn't have seen light like that because light is one big sheet in the universe anyway and most important the  Doppler Effect.

The Doppler effect is best describe In sound waves. The air we breath travels in a shunted back and forth motion traveling in waves to our ears like the wave that travel though a in a line of shunted railway cars. From there it is up to our brain to interoperate the sounds our ears resonate to.

The best of human hearing base drum booms is the longest wavelength and sports whistles the shortest our brain can detect. The rest the wavelengths are either far to short or far to long vibrating our eardrums for our brain to register. They remain silent to our brains hearing system.

At distances sounds sounds muffled. Coming towards us sound clearer and clearer in pitch passing us and pulling away back to muffled tones. A classic example of a emergency vehicle siren pitch or a locomotive horn changing pitch as it comes towards us we hear the most, passing directly by and traveling away from us.

Our ears detect the long wavelengths compressed together and stretched again as the locomotive passes on. At the same loudness long waves sound muffled and short waves clear high pitch.

Light too is much the same except we see visually in color. Red is the longest wavelength and blue is the shortest our brain can recognize. The rest of the light spectrum range is either far to short or far to long to register. They remain invisible to our brain's sight system.

An example of invisible long wavelengths is inferred only inferred cameras can see and ultra short wavelengths of violet light ( UV and UVA  a purple blue color ) only UV cameras can see. The shortest wavelength in the universe is what is called Gamma ray radiation and the longest the left over remains of the big bang that has supposed to have created the universe called a Microwave Background Radiation.

In reality, the crew of the Millennium Flacon shouldn't have see the stars as streaks of white lights but a rainbow of colors constantly in one bright sheet caused by the Doppler effect.

The student's found their math's projected the immediate ultra short-wave of waves and UV light would have shifted into the even shorter wavelengths of gamma wavelengths. The Millennium Falcon would have been heading headlong on a light speed scale into light traveling headlong towards them on a equal light speed scale slamming into each other. The ship had to be well protected and sturdy to with stand that.

The math's showed long wavelengths of the MBR would stretch into ever shorting wavelength. The crew would see the MBR and inferred sheet of the universe no longer invisible but as the visible color spectrum.

As Han Solo's ship headed headlong into the on coming light, the crew would have observed the changing wavelengths of the hot and warm colors of the approaching single sheet of light fading into the cooler and colder colors the closer the light got. The cold blues, and greens would be the first to appear and the last colors the oranges, yellows and finally red and disappear into the ultra short wavelength's our brain can't recognize.

The invisible MVB and inferred is constantly changing into the visible color spectrum. As it continues to shorten disappearing from the crews brains can detect into the ultra short wavelengths of UV and and gamma ray range. What they will immediately observe is blinding rainbow of colors constantly changing.

The student math's indicated the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon would have probably received a day's worth of UV light radiation espouser every second.

If there was a tail video monitoring behind, the crew would have observe the opposite effect as the sheet of light changes from the cold colors of the short wavelengths back into the warm colors of the ever increasingly long wavelength disappearing out of site into inferred and MBR radiation.

What ever the outcome the Millennium Falcon and light colliding headlong into each other would have a devastating effect on the crew.

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