Wednesday, March 9, 2016

the laws of thermal dynamics

Albert Einstein's General theory of relativity applies to the law of thermal dynamics, how stars and volcanoes work.

The first law of thermal dynamics tells us an energy source doing work on a source. Cosmologists have us believe as far as the big ban theory that suppose to have created the universe is concerned is not necessary true.

The second law tells and the most important tells us compression heats how stars and volcanoes work. When we pump air into an already tight tire with a bicycle pump we fell the pump gets hot. Pumps demonstrated the second law of thermal dynamics in action that says compressing something already compressed generates a lot of head. In other words compression is work and energy of the first law. It is how stars are born and live and volcanoes work.

Our sun is an example of all stars. It started life from the work and energy of the mass of orbiting dust and gas. Every particle was attracted together like nails to a magnet building mass. According the Einstein's general theory the orbiting mass shrunk rapped space creating a distorted curve round the entire circumference of the growing mass. All the while the shrink rap compression of distorted space heated it.

The more mass, the more more it pulled in space compressing tighter and tighter round it. Debris followed the distorted curve surrounding the growing mass collapsing building more mass. Like a runaway snow ball the more mass the more space shrink raps tighter and tighter round the mass According the second law of thermal dynamics the hotter and hotter the mass got.

The work and energy of the shrink rap of space heated the already compressed mass tighter and  tighter increasing the work and heat energy of the heat. The more mass the inward shrink pull of space compressing the already compressed dust and gas the more it got hotter and hotter.

The tight compression of the shrink rap of space generate enough heat for thermal nuclear reactions to start.  A star is born. The entire process takes the equivalent of a few million years on earth to pass, but to space time only a short period.

Studying fluid dynamics is the study of heat moment including stars the atmosphere of the earth we breathe every day, stars, thermal nuclear explosions and volcanic eruptions.

The earth's mass is shrink raped tightly by distorted space round the entire circumference compressing the air we breath and oceans to the surface. The rotation laws in classical physics dragging the atmosphere round the earth apply to some degree. The sun plays a major roll in creating high and low depressions in the earth atmosphere.

The air in the low pressure systems drag air from the high pressure systems towards them causing hurricanes trying to balance out.

The study of how steam train, ship boilers including diesel engines is the study of fluid dynamics. Diesel is squirted into the cylinder and the up coming position compresses it hot enough to ignite. The detonation is the work and energy power driving the piston back down.

The law of thermal dynamics tells us heat can only go one direction from cold to hot. If neglected entropy will get cold from hot. This law tells us a cup of coffee never gets hot from cold on it's on. An external heat source is required heating it. In effect heat transfer effecting a cup of Coffey wormed up again from cold. Our atmosphere is fluid in the same way as the molten magma ( lava ) under our feet is as heat is in a warming cup of Coffey.

The magma under our feet is kept molten by the compression of the the plates that make up the earth's crust. The crust is pulled inward by force of the earth's mass shrink rapping space right round the circumference of earth.

In effect the crust ends up as a heavy weight compressing the already hot magma. The iron in it moving round the iron core generates a magnetic field round the earth. The earth is like a magnetized ball bearing. The fluid pressure of the magma carries the plates of the crust responsible for earthquake and volcanic outbursts.

An overheating hot car radiator is an example of a pocket of boiling water flow. Fluid is heated by the compression to boiling point magma filling in fissures in the earth's crust filling a chamber. When  fill and if boiling enough continues to increase will boil it's way up the crack bursting under pressure on the surface.

Seismologists have set up earth tremor monitors round the world. They have learnt seismic readings  are a sign of boiling motion of the magma more than normal as waves a sign close to the surface.

The cause of the boil up is our old friend compression of the earth's mass shrink rapping space the circumference of earth. The boiling magma is under the equivalent pressure of kilograms per cubic meter per with a temperature hot enough to boil it crowing every second from the weight of the compression of the moving crust.

As the pressure of the moving magma keeps moving it carries a plate up against another immovable plate either grinding sideways past each other or forcing over the top of another. Riding over the top often squeezes boiling magma up a fissure in a volcanic eruption.

When the magma continues to move a plate up against or over the top of a immovable continent plate the plates log jamb stick, the magma doesn't care about that never letting up. Millions of tones per day builds until they can't hold on any longer and slip.

Sliding past each other slip is called a strike slip and overriding slippage is called seduction earthquakes where volcanic outburst often occurs.

In terms of measurement the magma is under the pressure of the force of the shrink raping of space billions of tones per cupid meter forces building temperatures to a boil. Scenic motors on the suffice detect this boiling as fluid waves.

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