Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Looking back in time when we look at the sun

Our mathematical instinct agrees the sunlight we observe now was eight minuets in the past because light takes eight minutes to reach our eyes. In the zero resistance of out of space light coasts just under 300,000km/s ( or a 186,000m/s if you like ). It's at it's maximum speed limit. It just doesn't coast any faster.

It costs a distance of just under 300,000km the same amount of time we observe the second hand of clocks move a division, a digital time piece second, the time we say one thousand and one and we walk a meter. a light second. The distance light in the zero resistance of out of space travels in a second called c. Scientific notation tells us 3 multiplied by 10 five times, said 3 times 10 to the 5.

It is a perfect mathematical constant. We know there is 60 seconds in a minute. Distance equals c times 60, that pans out to 18,000,000 ( or 1.8 times 10 to the 7 ) km light travels in a minute.

If we multiply 60 seconds by 8 minutes gives us a total 480 seconds light takes to reach earth. If we multiply by c pans out the distance of the sun of just under 144,000,000km from earth. Our mathematical instinct agrees the sun is the nearest star to earth 8 light minutes away.

By the time you finish this sentence light is just under 3 times 10 to the 5 ( 300,000km ) above the sun's surface. We don't see this light until eight minutes into the future. What we see now is an image of the sun as it was 8 minuets ago every second. By the time you finish this sentence the light that's arriving now, is now 300,000 ( 3 times 10 to the 5km ) away from earth.

As for an hour turns out to be 3,600 ( 3.6 times 10 to the 3 ) seconds. In other words seconds in an hour equals 60 squared. Multiplied by c, comes to a distance of 1,080,000,000. ( 1.08 times 10 to the 9kmph ).

For a day. A day is a date change every 12 midnight. Digital time pieces set in military time tell us there is no seconds no minutes and no hours for a second. Then a second after 12 midnight ( 00:00:01 followed by two seconds ( 00:00:02 ) and so on. Then a minute. ( 00:01:00 ). Then and hour. ( 01:00:00 ) and so on.

To digital clocks there is no such thing as a 2400 display. A second before 12 midnight is 23:59:59. ( 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds ). When the date changes all the numbers reset to zero ( 00:00:00 and the sequence stars all over again with a new date. Turning 12 midnight the 23rd one side of the world is still hours to go in the 22nd the other side.

Any body curious enough will ask how fast dose light travel a 1km. The answer is the reciprocal of 3 times 10 to the 5 which is 3 times 10 to the minus 5 ( decimal 0.000333333  e- for an infinite repeat of 3's, 300,000th second ). Proof  of this when we muiltiply 3 times 10 to the minus 5 by 3 times 10 to the 5, pans out to1 second. light travels  1km 300,000th second.

How fast in a meter?. The standard metric system tells us there is a 1,000 ( 1 times 10 to the 3 meters ) in a km. It is just a simple matter of adding 3 decimal places ( in zeros )  giving us the answer. When we walk a meter in a second, light travels 3 times 10 to the 8 ( 300,000,000 meters ) the same amount of time. The reciprocal, 3 times 10 to the minis 8 ( 0.00000003e- 300,000,000th second ) is the time light travels a meter.

Knowing the circumference of the earth opened out to a straight line multiplied by 7 pans out the distance light travels in the that straight line. This is because all straight lines rolled circles and the same circle opened out into straight line is one and the same distance.

Straight  lines are a direct consequence of all circles. And so too, all circumferences a direct consequence of straight lines. If we roll 3 times 10 to the 5 km into a circle wrapped round earth goes 7 times light travels in a second. When line opens out to a straight line equals c.

How would we see the world traveling round the earth 7 times in a second.

3 times 10 to the 8m/s is faster than a second. From light speeds point of view a second on earth is 3 times 10 to the 8 seconds. In other words light see's us the equivalent of 300,000,000 seconds per meter. The curious would ask long is that in years?

It is only a matter of adding up all the second's of a year pans out to 60 squared, times 24 hours, times 365 ( days on a year ), just over 3 million seconds. We ask ourselves how many 10 to the 8 seconds of those go into 3 million seconds. It pans out to just over 9 and a half. From light speeds point of view the equivalent of 9 and a half years we take to walk a meter.

Most of us believe, time stops at light speed. Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity tells us the faster we go the slower time goes. If light doesn't travel any faster than 3 times 10 to the 5km/s. Our mathematical instinct would expect from light speed point of view the universe wouldn't travel any slower than 3 times 10 to the 5 as slow.

By our theoretical calculations, at light speed we should view a second of the world's time slowed down 9 and a half years of time. Our math's has told us time doesn't stop only moves so slow we can't observe moving. If from our point of view light doesn't travel any faster than 3 times 10 to the minus 8km/s, from light speeds point of view we can't travel any slower than, 3 times 10 to the minus 8 as slow as a second. ( Or as 9 and a half years ).

Time isn't going any slower than light is traveling as fast. Our math's suggest it is not stopped only at it's maximum slowness. It is still moving. At maximum light speed the environment second is stretched equal to the same amount of time of 9 and a half years longer. Obviously we would observe the environment frozen in time.

Einstein's special theory tells us from our point of view we should observe the environment get shorter and shorter as we approach light speed. Our environment is 3 dimensional so we should observe whole environment compacted in on itself from every direction.

This is due to what is called inertia, Isaac Newtown's law of force and motion bodies resisting acceleration. We feel it in high speed Rolla Coasters pulling us back into our sets we express as G's. One G is our normal body weight when at rest. Two G's when we feel double our weight, 3 G's, 3 times and 4 G's, four times as heavy and so on.

Einstein's theory tells us we cannot travel at light speed because the inertia at that velocity is so great we would be compacted by the weight, like a car crusher compacts vehicles down to the size of a cubic meter block. It would be what light speed would do to any vehicle approaching light speed. Also, when you pump up a tire with a bicycle pump the heat you feel is not from friction you know.

It is the air heated by the compression of every stroke you make. Compress anything hard enough drives the temperature up. Inertia ( or G's if you like )  on a light speed scale is so great can reach temperatures comparable to the core of the sun.

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