Saturday, December 21, 2013

Transient Ischaemic Attack ( TIA )

Besides a decent wrack to our heads brain injury can occur when it's cut off from glucose and oxygen rich blood supply. With out a constant supply starts to suffocate. A transient Ischaemic ( trans see int is cheem. ic ) Attack ( TIA ) often expressed as a mini stroke will do it. It is a low level stroke the brain's placidity ( recovery ability ) can repair damage in a matter of a day. There is a minimal effect to our body functions and personality change.
TIA's are blockages of the blood supply arteries caused by the bodies ability to heal wounds called clotting. A cut to any part of our body our blood is hard wired to form a kind of biological emergency band aid where blood attempts to clog up the cut to stop bleeding. Scabs form. Our arteries are only less than a few millimeters thin vulnerable. Blood clots and a fatty substance called plaque collect in the thing parts acting as a band aid for the veins in routine maintenance repair often going on to blocking arteries called thrombosis.
If a particle brakes away from a clot or plaque blocking the vein further along is called an embolism. Debris potentially float in the blood stream though out our system randomly clogging entrances to many tributary veins from head to toe. In this way the heart arteries can be potentially blocked causing heart attacks that will inevitably drop blood supply to the brain arteries. The third way blood gets denied to our brain when veins shrink squeezing out blood flow called hypoperfusion ( High pop per fusion ).
TIA's  happen any time awake or asleep suffering from temporally physical stroke and personality change symptoms. There are several signs of TIA attacks. One of these when one of our limbs has gone to sleep or experiencing pins and needles exercising the effected limb in an attempt to wake it up called Hypoxia, a diminished availability of brain control blood supply to the limb. An odd sensation of weakness in facial muscles is a sign. Patients of strokes often described a shutter sensation coming down over one or both eyes in the case a TIA attack a fogy cloud spot they can't see though. Other signs when the bran fails to recognize dim and bright change where one or both eyes seems to butter fly for a few minutes. The brain can't seem to find the balance switching back and forth trying to determine the difference in light adjustment many times per second.
An onset of drowsiness called hypoglycemia ( High pog gles seem e a ) when the brain is denied a proper glucose level a warring in the next couple of days we will be hospitalized for the extreme drowsiness diagnosed as an onset of the fist signs of diabetes. Other signs clumsy with a instrument our friends affectionately laugh us off as "Butter fingers " and clumsy walking, veering to one side for a moment. Dizziness and fainting spells is a sign a flood of to much oxygen called anoxia.( An ox see a ).
Other signs when it takes us a second or two longer than normally recognize a familiar face we wish could have instantly. A sign of confusion when we know the face from somewhere taking us a couple of seconds to remember. "Oh that's right I remember you now. Of course"  It often equally true when when we observe someone else struggling for a few seconds to recognize us. Either they will be struggling to see us though a fogy veneer trying use our voices to help recognize us or confusion trying to recognize us from being a stranger.  If we recognize a person is trying wing it covering up they are struggling with poor eye sight or not remembering us for a few seconds we invariably do to others too under the influence of recovering from a TIA attack our own brain recognizes that odd confused stare at us. Wee may be compelled to ask "Is something wrong?"
Observing confused frown steering look is a sign of confusion trying to recognize us. With TIA this can happen in less than a few seconds before they recognize or understand us completely. Another sign of confusion is that not with it glassy eyed hypnotic stare as if they look shocked with a frown staring straight ahead or if directly at us during any communication. The person is experiencing trying understand there surroundings properly. With TIA's only lasts for a couple of seconds and back to normal. But can be long enough or if getting into a habit to be slow on the uptake. It is often a tool observed by paramedics in determining concision head whacks or the severity of a stroke victim.
Our brains will recognize that puzzled stare most of us have seen by friends to relations after they had a bad stroke. We are strangers until they begin to remember us properly. If we are slow on the uptake ourselves we do the same scary thing to others. TIA's can change what used to be a bright out going alive and energetic person into a withdrawn quiet and lazy demeanor change often displaying that scary can't make us out stare at us for a second or two back to normal when we talk to them a sign of slow response of the brain to recognize us and the surround environment. This is not to be confused with trying to make us out though blurry eyes. They are struggling to focus on us and the environment properly. Their brain tries to make out the environment though a out of focus hazy fog.
TIA's can effect a change in personality effecting our attitudes without out us knowing it. The only symptoms is feedback comment observation from friends and relations. Since we don't recognize any change we tend to be in constant conflict with others about our attitude habits. We tend argue and dismiss concerns and scoff at advice attitude. Recent resource of teenagers is a consequence of their brains going though a natural rewiring sequence now recognized as a normal human development.
Brian injury by a lack of small dose of a lack of oxygen and glucose levels can have a consequence of not recognizing our own behavior is somewhat strange to others. It is often by chance the brain can still recognize being a victim of intolerance bullying attitude towards us but the part effected doesn't recognize anything is wrong with our own attitude. One part not recognizing there is something wrong while the other part recognizing we are being buried we tend to take bullying attitudes towards us personally stuck in a mind set judgment some people can be assholes to us. This can flip side were our reactions towards others equally due to not recognizing a lack tolerance control attitude in ourselves. How a lack of sleep effects our ability in sorting out any dramas properly s a classic example of the symptoms.
TIA's are very subtle. One of these is a lack of response such as the quite treatment to others or noticing it from others towards us. The silent treatment we receive, we may not recognize they are weary of our odd ball attention or lack of communication withdraw response we don't recognize in our selves. Normally our brain recognizes receiving a quiet treatment from others as something we must have done. Our brain recognize when someone is not talking to us attitude of not enjoying our company for some reason. Our brain is capable of making a judgment and apply appropriately what to do next and how to react behavior. TIA's potentially, even if only temporarily can impair this judgment processes and not notice a thing not respond appropriately to the other's quiet treatment of us. We simply don't recognize the quiet treatment from the other person. There is also a potential of not recognizing we do the same to others.
The quiet treatment towards others including others towards us is usually the result of the Brian to fatigued after a TIA attack. It cannot cope with anything lively. We don't recognize it as others see us habitually lazy. The brain craves piece and quiet to recover from the small stroke. TIA's can damage the area of the brain that enables us to plan for the future or think about goals that is not responding. Our Brian craves rest and doing nothing because it is either permanently not responding in that area or trying to recover. TIA's potentially cause depression where our motivation center of the brain is totally fatigued and not responding. We experience  numbness of the mind. The lucky ones the brain doesn't recognize it's own depression so we don't experience the sensation literally enjoying the piece and quiet withdraw to life.
Our unconsciousness ( we express as our unconscious mind ) is a storehouse of our unconscious life time of trauma and drama events. It is a primitive part that doesn't know anything about control. We have another part which equally has no control of emotionless robot computer logic and reason imposing itself on the uncontrolled emotion logic of our unconsciousness. Our reasoning part of the brain puts the brakes on other uncontrolled emotions welling up from  our unconsciousness. And vice versa our unconscious tries to put the brakes on to much unemotional logic and reason. Well balanced we can think before we display anger and frustration approximately. There is a consequence if one or the other is lacking or not responding properly due to an TIA attack.
Selfishness and self centeredness is usually the result of the empathy control part of our rational part of the brain not responding properly due to an attack. We don't recognize we are selfish self centered assholes. We are often astonished and suppressed when accused of it. If the other way round were the unconsciousness part effected and not our empathy part there may be an unconscious overdose of to much empathy not recognizing to such a extent the meek and mild attitude can be annoying some people or take advantage of it. Either way a TIA effect can potentially produce not enough or to much emotion effecting our wisdom judgment ability attitude inappreciably when dealing with dramas in our lives. As I said before a TIA attack is analogous of the typical reaction when trying to sort out a drama when we are dog tired.
We don't recognize we are a bullying asshole making us even more explosive reaction when some try's stand up to us. When stood up too we thro a childish temper tantrum. It is the typical reaction of the brain of teenagers brain rewiring themselves. The brain is trying to cope with communication often failing to understand the reaction to others throwing a tempter tamper tantrum to get itself be heard the way it wants.

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